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Default Value:
Valid Values: stdout Log events are sent to the Standard output (stdout). stderr Log events are sent to the Standard error output (stderr). network Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database. Setting the all log level option to the network output enables an application to send log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels to Message Server. Debug-level log events are neither sent to Message Server nor stored in the Log Database. memory Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance. [filename] Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the outputs to which an application sends all log events. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: all = stdout, logfile


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true Enables buffering. false Disables buffering.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Turns on/off operating system file buffering. The option is applicable only to the stderr and stdout output. Setting this option to true increases the output performance.


Default Value:

Valid Values:

  • stdout - Log events are sent to the Standard output (stdout).
  • stderr - Log events are sent to the Standard error output (stderr).
  • memory - Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance.
  • [filename] - Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Debug level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug levels). The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured-for example: debug = stderr, /usr/local/genesys/logfile Debug-level log events are never sent to Message Server or stored in the Log Database.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false, yes, no
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies whether to enable or disable the logging thread. If set to true (the logging thread is enabled), the logs are stored in an internal queue to be written to the specified output by a dedicated logging thread. This setting also enables the log throttling feature, which allows the verbose level to be dynamically reduced when a logging performance issue is detected. Refer to the Framework 8.5 Management Framework User’s Guide for more information about the log throttling feature. If this option is set to false (the logging thread is disabled), each log is written directly to the outputs by the thread that initiated the log request. This setting also disables the log throttling feature.


Default Value: 10

Valid Values:

  • false - No expiration; all generated segments are stored.
  • <number> file or <number> - Sets the maximum number of log files to store. Specify a number from 1-100.
  • <number> day - Sets the maximum number of days before log files are deleted. Specify a number from 1-100.

If an option's value is set incorrectly-out of the range of valid values- it will be automatically reset to 10.

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Determines whether log files expire. If they do, sets the measurement for determining when they expire, along with the maximum number of files (segments) or days before the files are removed. This option is ignored if log output is not configured to be sent to a log file.


Default Value: interaction_server_proxy.lms
Valid Values: interaction_server_proxy.lms
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Logging message file used by Interaction Server Proxy.


Default Value: false

Valid Values:

  • false - No segmentation is allowed.
  • <number> KB or <number> - Sets the maximum segment size, in kilobytes. The minimum segment size is 100 KB.
  • <number> MB - Sets the maximum segment size, in megabytes.
  • <number> hr - Sets the number of hours for the segment to stay open. The minimum number is 1 hour.

  • Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies whether there is a segmentation limit for a log file. If there is, sets the mode of measurement, along with the maximum size. If the current log segment exceeds the size set by this option, the file is closed and a new one is created. This option is ignored if log output is not configured to be sent to a log file.


    Default Value:
    Valid Values: stdout Log events are sent to the Standard output (stdout). stderr Log events are sent to the Standard error output (stderr). network Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database. memory Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance. [filename] Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Standard level. The log output types must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: standard = stderr, network


    Default Value: 3600
    Valid Values: Any integer from 0 to 3,600
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies, in seconds, how long to keep the throttled verbose level. When this period of time has expired, the original log verbose level will be restored when the log queue size has decreased to less than 50% of the threshold. Note: This option applies only if enable-thread is set to true.


    Default Value: 5000
    Valid Values: Any integer from 0 to 10,000
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the size of the internal log queue at which the verbose level is to be reduced so as to lessen the load generated by logging. If this option is set to 0 (zero), throttling does not occur. For more information about log throttling, refer to the Framework 8.5 Management Layer User’s Guide. Note: This option applies only if enable-thread is set to true.


    Default Value: ISO8601

    Valid Values:

    • time - The time string is formatted according to the HH:MM:SS.sss (hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds) format.
    • locale - The time string is formatted according to the system's locale.
    • ISO8601 - The date in the time string is formatted according to the ISO 8601 format. Fractions of seconds are given in milliseconds.

    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies how to represent, in a log file, the time when an application generates log records.


    Default Value:
    Valid Values: stdout Log events are sent to the Standard output (stdout). stderr Log events are sent to the Standard error output (stderr). network Log events are sent to Message Server, which can reside anywhere on the network. Message Server stores the log events in the Log Database. memory Log events are sent to the memory output on the local disk. This is the safest output in terms of the application performance. [filename] Log events are stored in a file with the specified name. If a path is not specified, the file is created in the application's working directory.
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Specifies the outputs to which an application sends the log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels). The log outputs must be separated by a comma when more than one output is configured. For example: trace = stderr, network


    Default Value: standard
    Valid Values: all All log events (that is, log events of the Standard, Trace, Interaction, and Debug levels) are generated. debug The same as all. trace Log events of the Trace level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels) are generated, but log events of the Debug level are not generated. interaction Log events of the Interaction level and higher (that is, log events of the Standard and Interaction levels) are generated, but log events of the Trace and Debug levels are not generated. standard Log events of the Standard level are generated, but log events of the Interaction, Trace, and Debug levels are not generated. none No output is produced.
    Changes Take Effect: Immediately

    Determines whether a log output is created. If it is, specifies the minimum level of log events generated. The log events levels, starting with the highest priority level, are Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug.

    This page was last edited on May 20, 2016, at 17:22.
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