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A Switch is an aggregate of telephony resources within a Switching Office.

Most enterprise-level configurations have a one-to-one match between switches and switching offices. However, there may be instances when it is desirable to partition an office into more than one switch, perhaps due to CTI–link capacity limitations, or to create a more efficient and secure numbering plan. In that case, you must define these switches within a switching office.

Filter Keys

Filter Name Type Description
tenant_dbid int A unique identifier of a tenant. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the switches that belong to this tenant.
tserver_dbid int A unique identifier of a T-Server. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the switch that is associated with this T-Server.


  • DBID — An identifier of this object in the Configuration Database. Generated by Configuration Server and is unique within an object type. Identifiers of deleted objects are not used again. Read-only.
  • tenantDBID — A unique identifier of the Tenant to which this switch is allocated. Mandatory. Once specified, cannot be changed.
  • physSwitchDBID — A unique identifier of the Physical Switch within which this switch is defined. Mandatory. Once specified, cannot be changed.
  • type — Type of the physical switch to which this switch belongs. Read-only (set automatically according to the current value of type of the physical switch specified in physSwitchDBID). See CfgSwitchType.
  • name — A pointer to the name of the switch. Mandatory. Must be unique within the tenant and the physical switch.
  • TServerDBID — A unique identifier of the T-Server Application through which the telephony objects of this switch are controlled. Parameter tenantDBIDs of the T-Server must be specified and match the setting of tenantDBID of this switch. One T-Server cannot be associated with more than one switch unless the switch is of type CFGMultimediaSwitch. The property is applicable for 5.1 applications only, for compatibility.
    Starting from release 6.0 the association between T-Server and switch have to be configured using CfgApplication (T-Server) object. See flexibleProperties in CfgApplication.
  • linkType — Type of the CTI link of this switch. Optional. See CfgLinkType.
  • switchAccessCodes — A pointer to the list of access codes of the switches that this switch can access (every item of this list is structured as CfgSwitchAccessCode).
    When used as an entry in CfgDeltaSwitch, it is a pointer to a list of switch access codes added to the existing list.
  • DNRange — A pointer to a string that describes the numbering plan of the switch. Use a hyphen to specify a range of numbers; use commas to specify a series of stand-alone numbers or ranges (e.g., 1100-1179, 1190-1195, 1199).
  • state — Current object state. Mandatory. Refer to CfgObjectState.
  • userProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties. Parameter userProperties has the following structure: Each key-value pair of the primary list (TKVList *userProperties) uses the key for the name of a user-defined section, and the value for a secondary list, that also has the TKVList structure and specifies the properties defined within that section.


The current version of Configuration Server does not verify correspondence between the switch numbering plan defined by DNRange and the actual DN numbers defined within this switch by number in CfgDN. Such verification may be implemented in one of the next versions. In versions 5.1.1XX and earlier, it is users' responsibility to make sure the range covers all actual DNs of the switch in question.

Deletion of Switch X will cause the following events set out in the order of arrival:

  • Modification of switchAccessCodes of all switches that were interfaced with Switch X
  • Modification of voice prompt objects which had switchDBID field set to Switch X
  • Modification of accessNumbers of all DNs which were connected with Switch X
  • Modifications of flexibleProperties of all T-Servers which were connected with Switch X
  • Deletion of all DNs of Switch X (see comments to CfgDN for details)
  • Deletion of all agent logins of Switch X (see comments to CfgAgentLogin for details)
  • Deletion of all folders that had Switch X defined as the parent object
  • Deletion of Switch X

XML Representation

This XML was created using the Configuration Server 7.5 schema.
	<DBID value="101" />
	<tenantDBID value="1" />
	<physSwitchDBID value="101" />
	<type value="12" />
	<name value="Switch" />
	<TServerDBID value="0" />
	<linkType value="0" />
	<state value="1" />

See Also




This page was last edited on June 27, 2017, at 20:21.
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