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Skills are qualities or abilities that Agents possess. These Skills affect how Agents are placed in a contact center hierarchy.

Common skills include abilities in different languages, particular categories of product knowledge, or ability in particular types of sales.

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Filter Keys

Filter Name Type Description
tenant_dbid int A unique identifier of a tenant. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the skill(s) that belong to this tenant.
state int Current state of a skill (see CfgObjectState). If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about skills that are currently in this state.
dbid int A unique identifier of a skill. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about this skill.
name string Name of a skill. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the skill(s) with that name.


  • DBID — An identifier of this object in the Configuration Database. Generated by Configuration Server and is unique within an object type. Identifiers of deleted objects are not used again. Read-only.
  • name — A pointer to the name of the skill. Mandatory. Must be unique within the tenant.
  • tenantDBID — A unique identifier of the Tenant that this skill belongs to. Mandatory. Once specified, cannot be changed.
  • state — Current object state. Mandatory. Refer to CfgObjectState.
  • userProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties. Parameter userProperties has the following structure: Each key-value pair of the primary list (TKVList *userProperties) uses the key for the name of a user-defined section, and the value for a secondary list, that also has the TKVList structure and specifies the properties defined within that section.


Deletion of Skill X will cause the following events set out in the order of arrival:

Modification of skillLevels of all agents that were associated with Skill X Deletion of Skill X

XML Representation

This XML was created using the Configuration Server 7.5 schema.
	<DBID value="101" />
	<name value="Skill" />
	<tenantDBID value="1" />
	<state value="1" />

See Also


This page was last edited on June 27, 2017, at 20:20.
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