The changes to make to a CfgApplication object.
- deltaApplication — A pointer to the structure containing information about changes made to this application data. Mandatory.
- deletedAppServerDBIDs — A pointer to the list of identifiers of the servers this application can no longer be a client to.
- deletedTenantDBIDs — A pointer to the list of identifiers of the tenants that are no longer associated with this application. For applications of CFGTServer type, cannot be specified as long as the application is associated with a switch (see CfgSwitch).
- deletedOptions — A pointer to the list of deleted application-specific options. The structure of this parameter is described in the comments to type CfgApplication. An option is deleted by specifying the name of the section that this option belongs to, and the name of the option itself with any value. A whole section is deleted by specifying the name of that section and an empty secondary list.
- changedOptions — A pointer to the list of application-specific options whose values have been changed. The structure of this parameter is described in the comments to type CfgApplication. A value of an option is changed by specifying the name of the section that this option belongs to, the name of the option itself, and the new value of that option.
- deletedUserProperties — A pointer to the list of deleted user-defined properties. Has the same structure as parameter userProperties.
- changedUserProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties whose values have been changed. Has the same structure as parameter userProperties.
- deletedFlexibleProperties — A pointer to the list of deleted options within flexibleProperties property.
- changedFlexibleProperties — Should not be used. The structure of the flexibleProperties implies only add and delete actions.
- changedAppServerDBIDs — A pointer to the list of structures CfgConnInfo type. Each structure contains appServerDBID and the information about connection parameters that have been changed.
- deletedResources — A pointer to the list of deleted resources (every item of this list is structured as CfgID).
- changedResources — A pointer to the list of structures CfgObjectResource type. Each structure contains information about the resource parameters that have been changed.
- deletedPortInfos — A pointer to the list of deleted resources (every item of this list is a pointer to a string containing identifier (id) of the listening port structure.
- changedPortInfos — A pointer to the list of structures CfgPortInfo type. Each structure contains information about the listening port parameters that have been changed.
This page was last edited on June 27, 2017, at 20:20.
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