Mnemonic | ID | Flag | Short Description | Log Name | Long Description |
CFGError | 0 | 0 | 'Error' | Error | The request has not been processed on the server side. See type CfgErrorCode. |
CFGRegistered | 1 | 0 | 'Registered' | Registered | The application has been registered to receive unsolicited events regarding objects of a specified type. This event can be expected only upon request ConfRegisterObjectType. |
CFGUnregistered | 2 | 0 | 'Unregistered' | Unregistered | The application's registration to receive unsolicited events regarding objects of a specified type has been canceled. This event can be expected only upon request ConfUnregisterObjectType. |
CFGObjectAdded | 3 | 0 | 'Object Added' | ObjectAdded | A new object has been added to the Configuration Database. |
CFGObjectDeleted | 4 | 0 | 'Object Deleted' | ObjectDeleted | An object has been deleted from the Configuration Database. |
CFGObjectInfoChanged | 5 | 0 | 'Object Info Changed' | ObjectInfoChanged | Object information has changed. The parameters of the corresponding delta object structure whose values have not changed are set to zero (NULL). If a parameter of an integer type has changed its current value to zero, the current value is specified in delta object. If a parameter of a character type has changed its current value to an empty string, an empty string is specified in delta object. |
CFGObjectInfo | 6 | 0 | 'Object Info' | ObjectInfo | Full information about one of the requested objects has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetObjectInfo. |
CFGObjectCount | 7 | 0 | 'Objects Count' | ObjectCount | Information about the number of objects that satisfy set criteria has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request CongGetObjectCount. |
CFGEndObjectList | 8 | 0 | 'End Of Objects List' | EndObjectList | Full information or brief information about all requested objects have been transmitted. This event can be expected upon requests ConfGetObjectInfo, ConfGetBriefInfo, and ConfGetACLBriefInfo. |
CFGDBDisconnected | 9 | 0 | 'DB Disconnected' | DBDisconnected | Link to the database has failed. |
CFGDBConnected | 10 | 0 | 'DB Connected' | DBConnected | Link to the database has been restored. |
CFGServerDisconnected | 11 | 0 | 'Server Disconnected' | ServerDisconnected | Communication session with the Configuration Server has failed. |
CFGClientRegistered | 12 | 0 | 'Client Registered' | ClientRegistered | The requested communication session with the Configuration Server has been established. This event can be expected only upon successful connection to the Configuration Server. |
CFGUnknownEvent | 13 | 0 | 'Unknown Event' | UnknownEvent | A message received form the Configuration Server cannot be recognized. |
CFGAccessInfo | 14 | 0 | 'Access Info' | AccessInfo | The requested access control list has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetACL. |
CFGAccessChanged | 15 | 0 | 'Access Changed' | AccessChanged | Access control list of an object has been changed. This event can be expected only upon request ConfSetACL. |
CFGBriefInfo | 16 | 0 | 'Brief Info' | BriefInfo | Brief information about one of the requested objects has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetBriefInfo. |
CFGAccountInfo | 17 | 0 | 'Account Info' | AccountInfo | The requested account information has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetAccount. |
CFGAccountChanged | 18 | 0 | 'Account Changed' | AccountChanged | Account of an application has been changed. This event can be expected only upon request ConfSetAccount. |
CFGACLBriefInfo | 19 | 0 | 'ACL Brief Info' | ACLBriefInfo | Brief information about a member of an access control list has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetACLBriefInfo. |
CFGEndHistoryLog | 20 | 0 | 'End HistoryLog' | EndHistoryLog | All logged notifications have been transmitted. This event can be expected upon requests ConfRestoreSession and ConfGetHistoryLog. |
CFGOperationalModeSet | 21 | 0 | 'Operational Mode Set' | OperationalModeSet | The operation mode of Configuration Server has been set according to the client request. |
CFGOperationalMode | 22 | 0 | 'Operational Mode' | OperationalMode | The current operation mode of Configuration Server. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetOperationalMode. |
CFGObjectAddedToFolder | 23 | 0 | 'Object Added To Folder' | ObjectAddedToFolder | Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it. |
CFGObjectPermissions | 24 | 0 | 'Object Permissions' | ObjectPermissions | Requested access rights on a specific object have been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetObjectPermissions. |
CFGExtObjectInfo | 25 | 0 | 'Ext Object Info' | ExtObjectInfo | Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it. |
CFGReadConfigRegistered | 26 | 0 | 'Read Config Registered' | ReadConfigRegistered | The application has been registered to receive unsolicited events regarding global configuration changes. This event can be expected only upon request ConfRegisterReadConfig. |
CFGReadConfigUnregistered | 27 | 0 | 'Read Config Unregistered' | ReadConfigUnregistered | The application's registration to receive unsolicited events regarding global configuration changes has been canceled. This event can be expected only upon request ConfUnregisterReadConfig. |
CFGReadConfig | 28 | 0 | 'Read Config' | ReadConfig | Notification about global configuration change received. Application is supposed to reread its configuration upon receiving of this notification. Starting with 7.0 release, Configuration Server discontinued to send such notifications as a result of change in the permissions processing scheme. |
CFGSchemaInfo | 29 | 0 | 'Schema Info' | SchemaInfo | Server schema information has been delivered. This event is processed within the library registration process and client code is not supposed to receive it. |
CFGFilterResult | 30 | 0 | 'Filter Result' | FilterResult | Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it. |
CFGLocaleInfo | 31 | 0 | 'Locale Info' | LocaleInfo | Locale information has been received from the Configuration Server. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetLocaleInfo. |
For the differences between the content of solicited events (responses) and unsolicited ones (notifications), see CfgEvent.
This page was last edited on June 27, 2017, at 20:21.
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