Mnemonic | ID | Flag | Short Description | Log Name | Long Description |
CFGNoDNGroup | 0 | 0 | 'Unknown Group Type' | Unknown | The value of the corresponding parameter has not changed. |
CFGSinglePorts | 1 | 0 | 'Single Ports' | SinglePorts | Can include DNs of the following types: CFGExtension, CFGACDPosition, CFGEAPort, CFGVoiceMail, CFGCP, CFGMusic, CFGData, CFGFAX, CFGCommDN, CFGEmal, CFGVoIP, CFGVideo, CFGChat, CFGCoBrowse. |
CFGACDQueues | 2 | 0 | 'ACD Queues' | ACDQueues | Can only include DNs of CFGACDQueue, CFGVirtACDQueue, and CFGRoutingQueue type. |
CFGRoutingPoints | 3 | 0 | 'Routing Points' | RoutingPoints | Can include DNs of the following types: CFGRoutingPoint, CFGExtRoutingPoint, CFGVirtRoutingPoint, and CFGRoutingQueue. |
CFGNetworkPorts | 4 | 0 | 'Network Ports' | NetworkPorts | Can only include DNs of CFGDestinationLabel type. |
CFGServiceNumbers | 5 | 0 | 'Service Numbers' | ServiceNumbers | Can only include DNs of CFGServiceNumber type. |
This page was last edited on June 27, 2017, at 20:20.
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