Persons correspond to contact center personnel — including agents — who need access to CTI applications.
The Genesys Framework requires that every person who needs such access be registered in the Configuration Database with an appropriate set of privileges.
Filter Keys
Filter Name | Type | Description |
tenant_dbid | int | A unique identifier of a tenant. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the persons that belong to this tenant. |
is_agent | int | Indicator of whether a person is an agent. If set to CFGTrue, Configuration Server will return information only about the persons who are agents. If set to CFGFalse, Configuration Server will return information only about the persons who are not agents. |
skill_dbid | int | A unique identifier of a skill. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the agents who have this skill. |
group_dbid | int | A unique identifier of an agent group. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the agents who form this group. |
state | int | Current state of a person (see type CfgObjectState). If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about persons that are currently in this state. |
employee_id | string | Employee ID of a person. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the person(s) with this employee ID. |
login_dbid | int | A unique identifier of an agent login. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the agent this login is currently assigned to. |
user_name | string | User name of a person. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the person with this user name. |
dbid | int | A unique identifier of a person. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about this person. |
no_login_dbid | int | Configuration Server will return information only about the agent(s) without login is currently assigned to. |
no_place_dbid | int | Configuration Server will return the information only about the agents that do not have default places associated with. |
first_name | string | The name of a person. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the person with this name. |
last_name | string | The last name of a person. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the person with this last name. |
switch_dbid | int | A unique identifier of a Switch. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the agent(s) that have associated Agent Logins belonged to that Switch. |
- DBID — An identifier of this object in the Configuration Database. Generated by Configuration Server and is unique within an object type. Identifiers of deleted objects are not used again. Read-only.
- tenantDBID — A unique identifier of the Tenant whose employee this person is. Once specified, cannot be changed.
- lastName — A pointer to the person's last name. Max length 64 symbols.
- firstName — A pointer to the person's first name. Max length 64 symbols.
- address — Not in use.
- phones — Not in use.
- birthdate — Not in use.
- comment — Not in use.
- employeeID — A pointer to the code identifying this person within the tenant staff. Mandatory. Must be unique within the tenant. Max length 64 symbols.
- userName — A pointer to the name the person uses to log into a CTI system. Mandatory. Must be unique within the Configuration Database.
- password — A pointer to the password the person uses to log into a CTI system. Max length 64 symbols.
- appRanks — A pointer to the list of the person's ranks with respect to applications (every item of this list is structured as CfgAppRank). When used as an entry in CfgDeltaPerson (see below), it is a pointer to a list of the ranks added to the existing list.
- isAgent — An indicator of whether the person is an agent. Read-only (set automatically according to the current value of agentInfo below). See type CfgFlag.
- agentInfo — A pointer to the structure containing agent-specific information. See structure CfgAgentInfo. Shall be specified if the person is an agent and shall be set to NULL otherwise. Once specified, cannot be set to NULL.
- isAdmin — Not in use.
- assignedTenantDBIDs — Not in use.
- state — Current object state. Mandatory. Refer to CfgObjectState.
- userProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties. Parameter userProperties has the following structure: Each key-value pair of the primary list (TKVList *userProperties) uses the key for the name of a user-defined section, and the value for a secondary list, that also has the TKVList structure and specifies the properties defined within that section.
- emailAddress — A pointer to the email address of this person. Max length 255 symbols.
- externalID — A pointer to the string used to identify this person in the external systems. In particular, this field used to store an identifier processed during the authentication in the LDAP repositories. Max length 255 symbols.
Whether a new person is an agent or not shall be specified at the time when the corresponding CfgPerson object is created. It is not possible to change person's status from a non-agent to an agent (or the other way around) once the CfgPerson object has been created.
Deletion of Person X will cause the following events set out in the order of arrival:
- Modification of agentDBIDs of all agent groups that included Person X as an agent
- Modification of memberIDs of all access groups that included Person X as a member
- Deletion of Person X
A person cannot be deleted as long as it is associated as an account with at least one daemon application (See CfgApplication and ConfSetAccount).
By default, access privileges of a new person will be set according to the following rules:
- Any non-agent of the Service Provider becomes a member of the default access group Administrators of the Service Provider.
- Any agent of the Service Provider becomes a member of the default access group Users of the Service Provider.
- Any non-agent of a particular tenant becomes a member of the default access group Administrators of that tenant.
- Any agent of a particular tenant becomes a member of the default access group Users of that tenant.
- Any person added to the Configuration Database is also considered a member of the access group Everyone, which cannot be changed. For specification of access privileges of the above default groups, refer to comments to object CfgAccessGroup in section Access Control Functions and Data Types.
- Person with DBID = 100 and tenantDBID = 1 shall be pre-defined (scripted) in the Configuration Database before Configuration Server is started for the first time. This person has Full Control permissions with respect to all objects in the Configuration Database, which cannot be changed. The object that represents this person cannot be deleted.
XML Representation
<CfgPerson> <DBID value="125" /> <tenantDBID value="101" /> <lastName value="Name" /> <firstName value="My" /> <employeeID value="001" /> <userName value="001" /> <password value="FFFFFFFF" /> <isAgent value="2" /> <CfgAgentInfo> <placeDBID value="112" /> <agentLogins> <CfgAgentLoginInfo> <agentLoginDBID value="147" /> <wrapupTime value="0" /> </CfgAgentLoginInfo> </agentLogins> <capacityRuleDBID value="0" /> <siteDBID value="0" /> <contractDBID value="0" /> </CfgAgentInfo> <isAdmin value="1" /> <state value="1" /> <emailAddress value="" /> </CfgPerson>