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Procedure: Creating Statistical Day Objects


To create a Statistical Day object, choose one of the following types:

Statistical Day

To create a Statistical Day, perform the following actions:

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click Browse to select a value from a list:
    • Name—The name of the Statistical Day. You must specify a value for this property, and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment) or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
    • Type—Select Default to create a Statistical Day that is not a Day Contract.
    • Day Type—These fields identify the calendar days to which the statistical values of the Statistical Day apply. If Date is selected, you can modify the following fields: Year, Month, Day. If Day of Week is selected, you can modify the Day of Week field.

    • Important
      Do not set any properties in the following section when a Statistical Day object is configured for use in a Statistical Table of the Special Day Table type.

    • Start Time—Start time of the Business Day. The value must be a positive number expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds from 00:00:00 AM/PM.
    • End Time—End time of the Business Day. The value must be a positive number expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds from 00:00:00 AM/PM.
      Do not configure a Business Day that spans midnight as a single day, because it may be misinterpreted by the Routing Solution. If your Business Day starts on one day and ends on the next, you must configure it as two days, as follows:

      The first Business Day starting at the overall start time and ending at 11:59 PM of that day; and
      The second Business Day starting at starting at 00:00 AM of the next calendar day and ending at the overall end time.


      Assume you wish to track activity from Monday at 8:00 PM to Tuesday at 2:00 AM. You must explicitly create two Business Days, as follows:
      The first Business Day on Monday, starting at 8:00 PM and ending at 11:59 PM; and

      The second Business Day on Tuesday, starting at 00:00 AM and ending at 2:00 AM.
    • Min Value—A statistical value that represents the minimum expected workload for the whole day.
    • Max Value—A statistical value that represents the maximum expected workload for the whole day. This value cannot be less than the setting for Statistical Values Minimum.
    • Target Value—A statistical value that represents the target workload for the whole day. The Target Value cannot be less than the setting for the Statistical Values Minimum or greater than the setting for the Statistical Values Maximum. This property is reserved for future use.
    • Interval Length (Min)—The Statistical Interval in minutes. This parameter is used to break up the Statistical Day into smaller time slots that allow a model for load distribution throughout the day. This value must be a multiple of 5. Once you set the value, you cannot change it.
    • Tenant—In a multi-tenant environment, the Tenant to which this object belongs. This value is automatically set to the Tenant that was specified in the Tenant Directory field in the object list.
    • State Enabled—If selected, indicates that the object is in regular operating condition and can be used without any restrictions.
  3. In the Intervals tab, specify the statistical intervals. Refer to the Statistical Intervals tab, above, for more information.
  4. Click Save.

Day Contract

To create a Day Contract, perform the following actions:

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click the Browse button to select a value from a list:
    • Name—The name of the Statistical Day. You must specify a value for this property, and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment) or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
    • Type—Select Day Contract to create a Statistical Day that is a Day Contract.
    • Day Type—These fields identify the calendar days to which the statistical values of the Statistical Day apply. If Date is selected, you can modify the following fields: Year, Month, Day. If Day of Week is selected, you can modify the Day of Week field.
    • Start Time—Start time of the Business Day. The value must be a positive number expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds from 00:00:00 AM/PM.
    • End Time—End time of the Business Day. The value must be a positive number expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds from 00:00:00 AM/PM.
    • Interval Length (Min)—A list of statistical intervals.
    • Forecast Allowance (%)—The percentage of the forecasted volume of routed interactions for this Volume Period that can be over- or underestimated without incurring a penalty. This allowance applies throughout the whole day, including intervals. The value must be a positive value.
    • Under Forecast Allowance (%)—The percentage of the forecasted volume of routed interactions for this Volume Period that must be exceeded to avoid a penalty for forecasting too high.
    • Over Forecast Allowance (%)—The percentage of the forecasted volume of routed interactions for this Volume Period that cannot be exceeded to avoid a penalty for forecasting too low.
    • Flat Rate—If selected, the Flat Rate to be applied during this Volume Period.
  3. In the Volume Period tab, click Add. In the pop-up window, enter the following information:
    • Volume Period—The interval number. The first interval is numbered 1 and is always counted from the start time of the Business Day.
    • Forecasted Volume—The volume of interactions expected within the time period.
    • Base Rate—The total cost of all interactions expected within the time period.
    • Penalty For Interaction For Over Forecast—The additional cost, per interaction, for exceeding the forecasted interaction volume beyond that allowed by the Forecast Allowance Penalty. In effect, this is a penalty for forecasting too low.
    • Penalty For Interaction For Under Forecast—The additional cost, per interaction, for not achieving the forecasted interaction volume beyond that allowed by the Forecast Allowance Penalty. In effect, this is a penalty for forecasting too high.
  4. Important
    Refer to the START_WIDGETe112e11194aefdf3-0END_WIDGET for more information.
  5. Click Save.

Statistical Tables

Statistical Tables are groups of Statistical Days that represent statistically modeled performances of Agent Groups over a calendar period of up to one year. Call-processing applications can use Statistical Tables to provide load balancing between Agent Groups when the real-time statistics for those groups are unavailable.

Display Options

The Statistical Tables list shows the Statistical Tables that are in your environment. It is sorted in a hierarchy by Tenants, configuration units, sites, and folders. To view objects by a particular hierarchy, select the hierarchy type in the drop-down menu above the list.

Statistical Tables that are disabled appear grayed out in the list.

Configuration Manager respects tenancy permission settings. You can access only those objects that you have been granted permissions and privileges to access.

You can filter the contents of this list in two ways:

  • Type the name or partial name of an object in the Quick Filter field.
  • Click the magnifying glass button to open the Tenant Directory filter panel. In this panel, click the Tenant that you want to select. Use the Quick Filter field in this panel to filter the Tenant list.

You can sort the items in the list by clicking a column head. Clicking a column head a second time reverses the sort order. You can add or remove columns by clicking the Select Columns button.

To select or de-select multiple objects at once, click the Select button.

Possible Procedures from this Panel

To create a new Statistical Table object, click the New button. To view or edit details of an existing object, click on the name of the object, or click the check-box beside an object and click the Edit button.

To delete one or more objects, click the check-box beside the object(s) in the list and click the Delete button. You can also delete individual objects by clicking on the object and then clicking the Delete button.

Otherwise, click the More button to perform the following tasks:

  • Clone—Copy a Statistical Table.
  • Move To—Move a Statistical Table to another hierarchical structure.
  • Enable or disable Statistical Tables.
  • Create a folder, configuration unit, or site. See Object Hierarchy for more information.

Click on the name of a Statistical Table to view additional information about the object. You can also set options and permissions, and view dependencies.

Creating Statistical Table Objects

To create a Statistical Table object, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to Configuration > System > Configuration Manager.
  2. Click Statistical Tables. The Statistical Tables list displays.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click the Browse button to select a value from a list:
    • Name—The name of the Statistical Table. You must specify a value for this property, and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment) or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
    • Type—The type of Statistical Table. Once you set the value, you cannot change it. The five types of Statistical Tables are:
      • Capacity Table—The call-processing applications compare the values specified in the Intervals list of the Statistical Days object.
      • Quota Table—The call-processing applications compare the Minimum, Maximum, and Target values specified in the Statistical Days object.
      • Special Day Table—The call-processing applications can identify certain days (for example, holidays).
      • Variable Rate Contract Table—The call-processing applications calculate the interaction cost based on forecasted volume, and a rate for that volume.
      • Volume Contract Table—The call-processing applications calculate the interaction cost based on a predefined call cost or agent cost.
    • Tenant—In a multi-tenant environment, the Tenant to which this object belongs. This value is automatically set to the Tenant that was specified in the Tenant Directory field in the object list.
    • State Enabled—If selected, indicates that the object is in regular operating condition and can be used without any restrictions.
  5. In the Statistical Days tab, click the Add button to add a Statistical Day. In the pop-up window, you can create a new object by clicking the New button.
  6. Click the Save button.

This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 15:59.
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