Procedure: Creating User Objects
- Click New.
- Enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click Browse to select a value from a list:
- Name—The name that this User should use to log into the environment. You must specify a value for this property, and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database.
- Agent—Indicates whether this User is an Agent. If checked, additional fields appear. Once you set this flag, you cannot change it.
- First Name—The first name of this User.
- Last Name—The last name of this User.
- E-mail Address—The e-mail address of this User.
- Employee ID—A code of up to 64-characters that identifies this User within the contact-center staff. You must specify a value for this property and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment), or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
- Password—A password no longer than 64-characters that this User must use to log in to the environment. You cannot view the existing password. When creating a new user, this field is always enabled. When editing an existing user, this field is enabled only if Reset Password is not selected. This field is hidden if you are operating in a Single Sign On (SSO) environment.
- Confirm Password—Confirmation of the password entered. When creating a new user, this field is always enabled. When editing an existing user, this field is enabled only if Force Password Reset on Next Login is not selected. This field is hidden if you are operating in a Single Sign On (SSO) environment.
- Force Password Reset on Next Login—A check-box that, if selected, prompts the user to enter a new password upon the next login. This field is hidden if you are operating in a Single Sign On (SSO) environment.
- External ID—This setting applies only if your environment is using external authentication, either LDAP or RADIUS. This may be the user name in the external authentication system. For LDAP, it might be a whole, or partial, LDAP URL corresponding to RFC 2255. For more information, refer to the START_WIDGETb64eb8c0c701a878-3END_WIDGET.
- Tenant—In a multi-tenant environment, the Tenant to which this object belongs. This value is automatically set to the Tenant that was specified in the Tenant Directory field in the object list.
- State Enabled—If selected, indicates that the object is in regular operating condition and can be used without any restrictions.
ImportantPasswords can be subject to format rules. Refer to the START_WIDGETb64eb8c0c701a878-1END_WIDGET for more information.ImportantDo not copy-and-paste the value from the Password field. You must retype the password.ImportantThe Force Password Reset on Next Login option displays only if Genesys Administrator Extension connects to Management Framework 8.1.1, or higher. See the START_WIDGETb64eb8c0c701a878-2END_WIDGET for more information about resetting passwords. - If Agent is selected, enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click Browse to select a value from the following list:
- Default Place—The Place assigned to this Agent, by default. This optional parameter applies to a limited number of configurations, in particular those where a real-time association between a Place and an Agent cannot be established through a telephony login procedure.
- Capacity Rule—The name of the Script of type Capacity Rule that defines the ability of this Agent to handle multiple interactions. Refer to Reporting documentation for more information.
- Cost Contract—The Cost Contract associated with this Agent.
- Site—The Site containing this Cost Contract.
- In the Member Of tab, click Add to add an Access Group.
- In the Ranks tab, click Add to add a Rank.
- Enter the following information in the pop-up window that displays on your screen:
- Application Type—The type of Application to which a User needs access. Consult the manuals for a GUI application to see if this application is using Ranks to enable or block certain functions. If a manual does not contain any references to Ranks, this application does not use Ranks, and you do not need to specify the Person's Ranks with respect to this application.
- Application rank—The Rank with respect to Applications of the specified type.
- If Agent is selected, click Apply to display the following tabs.
- In the Skills tab, click Add to add a Skill.
- Enter the following information in the pop-up window that displays on your screen:
- Skill—The Skill assigned to this Agent.
- Level—The relative measure of the Agent's proficiency in this Skill.
- In the Agent Logins tab, click Add to add an Agent Login.
- Enter the following information in the pop-up window that displays on your screen:
- Agent Login—The Agent Login code assigned to this Agent. You cannot assign an Agent Login to more than one Agent.
- Wrap-up Time—Some switches do not support transfer of information about an agent's postcall work status through the CTI-link. However, when this operation is supported, consider specifying the wrapup time, in seconds, for the Agent Logins that belong to such switches. This specification must match the corresponding switch setting.
- Click Save.
Access Groups
Access Groups are groups of Users who need to have the same set of permissions for Configuration Database objects.
In many cases, users fall into a small number of categories with similar access needs. A team of agents all performing the same tasks often has identical access needs. Two or three people responsible for maintaining a specific site of the contact center may also have identical access needs. You can greatly simplify access control by adding individuals to Access Groups and then setting permissions for those groups.
- The default user account is not related to Access Groups and, therefore, does not appear as a member of any Access Group.
- For detailed instructions about managing Roles assigned to Access Groups, refer to the Genesys 8.1 Security Deployment Guide.
Display Options
The Access Groups list shows the Access Groups that are in your environment. It is sorted in a hierarchy by Tenants, configuration units, sites, and folders. To view objects by a particular hierarchy, select the hierarchy type in the drop-down menu above the list.
Configuration Manager respects tenancy permission settings. You can access only those objects that you have been granted permissions and privileges to access.
You can filter the contents of this list in two ways:
- Type the name or partial name of an object in the Quick Filter field.
- Click the magnifying glass button to open the Tenant Directory filter panel. In this panel, click the Tenant that you want to select. Use the Quick Filter field in this panel to filter the Tenant list.
To select or de-select multiple objects at once, click the Select button.
Possible Procedures from this Panel
To create a new Access Group object, click the New button. To view or edit details of an existing object, click on the name of the object, or click the check box beside an object and click the Edit button.
To delete one or more objects, click the check box beside the object(s) in the list and click the Delete button. You can also delete individual objects by clicking on the object and then clicking the Delete button.
Otherwise, select the check box beside one or more objects and click the More button to perform the following tasks:
- Clone—Copy an Access Group.
- Move To—Move an Access Group to another hierarchical structure.
- Enable or disable Access Groups
- Create a folder, configuration unit, or site. See Object Hierarchy for more information.
Click on the name of an Access Group to view additional information about the object. You can also set options and permissions, and view dependencies.
Creating Access Group Objects
To create an Access Group object, perform the following actions:
- Go to Configuration > System > Configuration Manager.
- Click Access Groups. The Access Groups list displays.
- Click the New button.
- Enter the following information. For some fields, you can either enter the name of a value or click the
Browse button to select a value from a list:
- Name—The name of the Access Group. You must specify a value for this property, and that value must be unique within the Configuration Database (in an enterprise environment) or within the Tenant (in a multi-tenant environment).
- Tenant—In a multi-tenant environment, the Tenant to which this object belongs. This value is automatically set to the Tenant that was specified in the Tenant Directory field in the object list.
- State Enabled—If selected, indicates that the object is in regular operating condition and can be used without any restrictions.
- Click the Apply button to save the access group. The Members tab appears.
- In the Members tab, click the Add button to add a User. In the pop-up window, you can create a new User object by clicking the New button.
- Perform one of the following actions after you have added a User to the Access Group:
- Click the Save button to accept the changes and return to the object list.
- Click the Apply button to accept the changes and remain in the tab.
- Click the Cancel button to discard the changes.