Recovering Metadata for SpeechMiner
The Recording Processor Script (RPS) installation package provides an additional script to manually post recordings to SpeechMiner by querying metadata from Interaction Recording Web Services (RWS).
Starting with GIR release, GIR implements automated recovery of failed recordings by using the Lost Voice Recording (LVR) Recovery Script. See Automated Recovery of Recordings for details.
Before you start, you must have the following prerequisites:
- Recording Processor Script installed
- Python 2.7 or higher installed
- Admin username and password with read and write permissions on the folder where the script resides
Re-posting the Recordings to SpeechMiner
After you have installed the RPS, you can find the reposting script in the <Installation Directory>/scripts/ directory.
From the command line on the machine where the RPS is installed and running, execute the following command:
C:\<Installation Directory>\scripts>python -startTime 1437057696000 -endTime 1437058696000 -htccUri http://<Web Services URI> -ccid 57c0b771-b57c-4ea8-8655-7ef6d3c58ccc -region us-west-1
To return the details of the parameters used, run the following command: C:\GCTI\gir_rps\scripts>python -h
This command will return the following results:
usage: [-h] -startTime STARTTIME -endTime ENDTIME -region REGION -ccid CCID -htccUri HTCCURI [-sleepMs SLEEPMS] [-pageLimit PAGELIMIT] [-rp.speechminer.uri SPEECHMINERURI] [-disableFailedFolder] Recover RP failed folder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -startTime STARTTIME lower bound of range to recover -endTime ENDTIME upper bound of range to recover -region REGION range to recover, * for all -ccid CCID contact center ID to recover -htccUri HTCCURI htcc prefix. e.g. -sleepMs SLEEPMS miliseconds sleep after each recording is processed. default to 0 -pageLimit PAGELIMIT page limit of script query from HTCC on each attmpt. default to 10 -rp.speechminer.uri SPEECHMINERURI speechMiner IR Uri, if provided, it will override values in metadata -disableFailedFolder
You can find the parameter descriptions of the parameters below.
If only one region is recovered, the following command will re-post the recordings to SpeechMiner:
C:\<Installation Directory>\scripts>python -startTime 1437057696000 -endTime 1437058696000 -htccUri http://<Web Services URI> -ccid 57c0b771-b57c-4ea8-8655-7ef6d3c58ccc -region us-west-1 Please enter htcc ops username: ops Please enter htcc ops password: ops ...
If there is more than one region recovered, the following command will re-post the recordings to SpeechMiner:
Recover range of recording from all regions
C:\<Installation Directory>\scripts>python -startTime 1437057696000 -endTime 1437058696000 -htccUri http://<Web Services URI> -ccid 57c0b771-b57c-4ea8-8655-7ef6d3c58ccc -region * Please enter htcc ops username: ops Please enter htcc ops password: ops ...
If the failed recording is caused by an invalid SpeechMiner Interaction Receiver, the metadata will contain the wrong rp.speechminer.uri or rp.speechminer.auth. The following command will re-post the recording to SpeechMiner with the correct SpeechMiner URI:
C:\<Installation Directory>\scripts>python -startTime 1437057696000 -endTime 1437058696000 -htccUri http://<Web Services URI> -ccid 57c0b771-b57c-4ea8-8655-7ef6d3c58ccc -region us-west-1 -rp.speechminer.uri http://<SpeechMiner IP Address>/interationreceiver Please enter htcc ops username: ops Please enter htcc ops password: ops Please enter rp.speechminer.auth (e.g. rp_user:123455): rpUser:123456 ...
Command Line Parameters
The following table describes the command line parameters:
Parameter Name | Mandatory | Accept Prompt Input | Description | Example |
startTime | Y | No | The time, in UTC milliseconds format, of the earliest recording to be processed. | 1437057696000 |
endTime | Y | No | The time, in UTC milliseconds format, of the latest recording to be processed. | 1437057696000 |
htccUri | N | No | The host and port of the Interaction Recording Web Services node (or Web Services node if you're using version or earlier). If this parameter is not defined, the recordings are not rePOSTed to Interaction Recording Web Services (Web Services). | http://<Interaction Recording Web Services Server>:<Interaction Recording Web Services Port> |
region | N | No | The location of the recording. | |
ccid | N | No | The Contact Center ID. | |
rp.speechminer.uri | N | Yes | The URI that points to the SpeechMiner Interaction Receiver responsible for accepting metadata from the Recording Processor script. If this parameter is not provided, or if it is an invalid URI, the script will prompt to override the value. | http://<SpeechMiner Host>/interactionreceiver |
rp.speechminer.auth | N | Yes | The credentials required to connect to the SpeechMiner Interaction Receiver used by the Recording Processor Script. The format is username:password, where the username and password are the Interaction Receiver credentials. | <SpeechMiner Username>:<SpeechMiner Password> |
sleepsMs | N | No | The time, in milliseconds, to wait after processing each recording. If this parameter is not provided, the value defaults to 0. | 30 |
pageLimit | N | No | The number of pages to query on each process attempt. | 10 |
disableFailedFolder | N | No | Flag to control if the script should write the metadata of a recording file that cannot be rePOSTed to SpeechMiner. By default, the script caches them into the RPS failed folder. If this parameter is provided, the script only prints the error in the recovery logs. |
The script writes audit logs in the repost_to_sm_from_htcc_<execution-time>/results.log file. If the disableFailedFolder parameter is not provided, and if there is an exception during recovery, the script will dump the recording metadata into repost_to_sm_from_htcc_<execution-time>/<ccid> file.