Configuring Interaction Recording Web Services
You'll need to update the application.yaml file on each of your Interaction Recording Web Services nodes to provide the basic configuration. You created this file (or Interaction Recording Web Services created it for you) as part of Deploying the Web Application. In later topics, you'll learn more about modifying this file to configure additional features and security. For now, review the contents below for details about each section in the application.yaml configuration file.
- For string options only, the values YES, NO, ON, OFF, TRUE, FALSE (in upper or lower case) must be quoted.
- If the option is a boolean (true/false) option, then any of the values in the previous bullet can be used without quotes.
- Values that look like numbers but are treated as strings (for example; PINs, phone numbers, encryption keys), that begin with leading zeroes must be quoted.
- Avoid placing leading zeroes on numeric options; doing so will cause your option to be interpreted as an octal value.
Logging Settings
The purpose of this section is to tell Interaction Recording Web Services where to find the logback.xml file you created (or Interaction Recording Web Services created for you) as part of Deploying the Web Application and where to save logs.
The application.yaml.sample file includes the following default logging section:
config: logback.xml
file: cloud.log
path: /var/log/jetty9
See logging for details about all supported configuration settings for this section.
Jetty Settings
Since Jetty is embedded in Interaction Recording Web Services, you have to use the jetty section of the application.yaml file to tell Interaction Recording Web Services how Jetty should behave.
The application.yaml.sample file includes the following default jetty section:
host: [RWS_HOST]
port: 8080
idleTimeout: 30000
soLingerTime: -1
sessionMaxInactiveInterval: 1800
enableWorkerName: true
enableRequestLog: true
filename: yyyy_mm_dd.request.log
filenameDateFormat: yyyy_MM_dd
logTimeZone: GMT
retainDays: 90
append: true
extended: true
logCookies: true
logLatency: true
preferProxiedForAddress: true
enableSsl: false
port: 443
securePort: 8443
keyStorePath: [KEYSTORE_PATH]
keyStorePassword: [KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
keyManagerPassword: [KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD]
trustStorePath: [TRUSTSTORE_PATH]
trustStorePassword: [TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD]
httpOnly: true
secure: false
sessionCookieName: GIRJSESSID
See jetty for details about all supported configuration settings for this section.
Cassandra Cluster Settings
The settings in the cassandraCluster section tell Interaction Recording Web Services how your Cassandra cluster should be managed and accessed.
The application.yaml.sample file includes the following default cassandraCluster section:
cassandraCluster: thrift_port: 9160 jmx_port: 7199 keyspace: sipfs nodes: [ToBeChanged: <CASSANDRA_PRIMARY_DC_NODES>] backup_nodes: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CASSANDRA_BACKUP_DC_NODES>] replication_factor: [ToBeChanged: <REPLICATION_FACTOR>] write_consistency_level: [ToBeChanged: "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM" for multi-datacenters env, "CL_QUORUM" for single-DC env.] read_consistency_level: [ToBeChanged: "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM" for multi-datacenters env, "CL_QUORUM" for single-DC env.] max_conns_per_host: 16 max_cons: 48 max_pending_conns_per_host: 80 max_blocked_threads_per_host: 160 cassandraVersion: 1.2 useSSL: [ToBeChanged: "false" | "true"] truststore: [ToBeChanged: path to client truststore] truststorePassword: [ToBeChanged: truststore password] userName: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CASSANDRA_USER_NAME>] password: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CASSANDRA_USER_PASSWORD>]
Make sure you update all settings marked as [ToBeChanged]. See cassandraCluster for details about all supported configuration settings for this section.
Server Settings
The settings in the serverSettings section provide the core settings Interaction Recording Web Services needs to run your node.
The application.yaml.sample file includes the following default serverSettings section:
# URLs
externalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: public URL including protocol, address and port, <PUBLIC_SCHEMA_BASE_URL>]/api/v2
internalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: internal URL including protocol, address and port, <INTERNAL_SCHEMA_BASE_URL>]/internal-api
undocumentedExternalApiUrl: [ToBeChanged: public URL including protocol, address and port, <PUBLIC_SCHEMA_BASE_URL>]/internal-api
# Paths
pathPrefix: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <PATH_PREFIX>]
internalPathPrefix: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <INTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX>]
# General
temporaryAuthenticationTokenTTL: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <TEMPORARY_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN_TTL>]
enableCsrfProtection: false
# Timeouts
activationTimeout: 12000
configServerActivationTimeout: 35000
configServerConnectionTimeout: 15000
connectionTimeout: 4000
inactiveUserTimeout: 60
reconnectAttempts: 1
reconnectTimeout: 10000
# OPS account
opsUserName: [ToBeChanged: <OPS_USER_NAME>]
opsUserPassword: [ToBeChanged: <OPS_USER_PASSWORD>]
# CME credentials
applicationName: [ToBeChanged: <CONFIG_SERVER_RWS_APPLICATION_NAME>]
applicationType: CFGGenericClient
cmeUserName: [ToBeChanged: <CONFIG_SERVER_USER_NAME>]
cmePassword: [ToBeChanged: <CONFIG_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD>]
syncNode: [ToBeChanged: "true"|"false"]
# ConfigServer String Encoding
configServerDefaultEncoding: windows-1252
# Call Recording
createCallRecordingCF: true
crClusterName: [ToBeChanged: <NAME_OF_ES_CLUSTER>]
crRegion: [ToBeChanged: <CR_REGION>]
cryptoSecurityKey: [ToBeChanged: <CRYPTO_SECURITY_KEY>]
webDAVMaxConnection: 50
webDAVMaxTotalConnection: 500
# Multi regional supporting
nodePath: [ToBeChanged: node position in cluster, example: /<REGION>/HOST
nodeId: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: unique value in cluster <NODE_ID>]
# SSL and CA
caCertificate: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <PATH_TO_CA_FILE>]
jksPassword: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <JKS_PASSWORD>]
webDAVTrustedCA: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true" | "false" | <PATH_TO_CA_FILE>]
webDAVJksPassword: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <WEBDAV_JKS_PASSWORD>]
rcsTrustedCA: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved:"true" | "false" | <PATH_TO_CA_FILE>]
rcsJksPassword: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <RCS_JKS_PASSWORD>]
speechMinerTrustedCA: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true" | "false" | <PATH_TO_CA_FILE>]
speechMinerJksPassword: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <SMIR_JKS_PASSWORD>]
allowedOrigins: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CROSS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS>]
allowedMethods: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CROSS_ALLOWED_METHODS>]
allowedHeaders: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CROSS_ALLOWED_HEADERS>]
allowCredentials: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CROSS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS>]
corsFilterCacheTimeToLive: 120
exposedHeaders: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <CROSS_EXPOSED_HEADERS>]
# Elasticsearch
retriesOnConflict: 3
useTransportClient: true
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE1>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE2>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
useSniff: false
ignoreClusterName: false
pingTimeout: 5000
nodesSamplerInterval: 5000
waitToIndexTimeout: 5000
scanReadTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCAN_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
countReadTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_COUNT_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
scrollTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
# Recording Settings
auditLogDeletedFiles: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
recordCryptoServerDecryptMaxConnection: 50
recordCryptoServerDecryptMaxTotalConnection: 500
recordCryptoServerDecryptSocketTimeout: 30000
keyspaceNameSettingsCacheSecondsTTL: 300
regionsSettingsCacheSecondsTTL: 300
readOnlyRetryAfterSeconds: 1200
# Screen Recording
enableSameSiteCookieForScreenRecordingPlayback: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
screenRecordingVoiceEnabled: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
screenRecordingEServicesEnabled: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
recordingInteractionEventsTTL: 172800
clientSessionManagerCacheTTL: 60
contactCenterInfoManagerCacheTTL: 90
# Caching Settings
enableSystemWideCaching: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
contactCenterFeaturesTTL: 30
contactCenterSettingsTTL: 30
# Screen Recording Connections Reporting
reportingEnabled: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
createReportingCF: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
connectionInfoHoursTTL: 168
historyCountsMinutesTTL: 1440
# Multimedia Disaster Recovery
drMonitoringDelay: 1800
# DoS Filter Settings
enableDosFilter: [ToBeChanged: "true"|"false"]
maxRequestsPerSec: 25
delayMs: 100
maxWaitMs: 50
throttledRequests: 5
throttleMs: 30000
maxRequestMs: 30000
maxIdleTrackerMs: 30000
insertHeaders: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <DOS_FILTER_INSERT_HEADERS>]
trackSessions: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <DOS_FILTER_TTACK_SESSIONS>]
remotePort: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <DOS_FILTER_REMOTE_PORT>]
ipWhitelist: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <DOS_FILTER_IP_WHITE_LIST>]
multiPartResolverMaxUploadSize: 536870912
multiPartResolverMaxInMemorySize: 67108864
# Media Life Cycle Management
enableBackgroundScheduledMediaOperations: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
schedulerThreads: 4
schedulePollingInterval: 60
speechMinerMaxConnection: 20
speechMinerMaxTotalConnection: -1
speechMinerSocketTimeout: 60000
defaultBackupExportURI: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <DEFAULT_BACKUP_EXPORT_URI>]
useFullPathInMediaFileBackup: false
enableScanAndScroll: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
# CometD Settings
cometdSessionExpirationTimeout: 60
closeHttpSessionOnCometDExpiration: true
maxSessionsPerBrowser: 1
multiSessionInterval: 2000
# Log Header Settings
enableLogHeader: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
updateOnPremiseInfoInterval: 600
# Update on startup settings
opsCredentials: false
features: false
# Elasticsearch
retriesOnConflict: 3
useTransportClient: false
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE1>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE2>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
useSniff: false
ignoreClusterName: false
pingTimeout: 5000
nodesSamplerInterval: 5000
useRestClient: true
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE1>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
- {host: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_NODE2>], port: [ToBeChanged: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_PORT>]}
waitToIndexTimeout: 5000
scanReadTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCAN_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
countReadTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_COUNT_READ_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
scrollTimeoutSeconds: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: <ELASTIC_SEARCH_SCROLL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS>]
Make sure you update all settings marked as [ToBeChanged]. You should also be sure to do the following:
- Set the applicationName to the name of the application you created in Creating the IRWS Node Application — for example, IRWS_Node.
- In each Interaction Recording Web Services cluster or shared Interaction Recording Web Services and Web Services and Applications cluster, if both are deployed, one node in the cluster must be configured as the synchronization node: syncNode: true. All other nodes in the cluster must have syncNode: false.
- To create the ops user and credentials in Cassandra and to enable the features in the Interaction Recording Web Services node, set the following parameters to true during the first Interaction Recording Web Services startup in the application.yaml file:
- updateOnStartup
- opsCredentials: true
- features: true
- After Interaction Recording Web Services is started, you must change both options to false for production:
- updateOnStartup
opsCredentials: false
features: false
- updateOnStartup
- A User object with user name set to default is a predefined object from Configuration Database and it is referred to as the Master Account. The Master Account is not alterable in any way, and you should not use it to perform regular contact center administrative tasks. For more information, see Configuration Database.
- The synchronization node is not responsible for importing the user name called default from Configuration Server into Cassandra, subscribing to change notifications with Configuration Server, or processing updates.
See serverSettings for details about all supported configuration settings for this section.
On Premise Settings
The settings in the onPremiseSettings section instruct Interaction Recording Web Services on how to communicate with the Configuration Server. The application.yaml.sample file includes the following default onPremiseSettings section:
# On Premise Settings (when syncNode is true)
cmeHost: [ToBeChanged: <CONFIG_SERVER_HOST>]
cmePort: [ToBeChanged: <CONFIG_SERVER_PORT>]
backupCmeHost: [ToBeChanged: <BACKUP_CONFIG_SERVER_HOST>]
backupCmePort: [ToBeChanged: <BACKUP_CONFIG_SERVER_PORT>]
countryCode: [ToBeChanged: "US" | "CA" | etc]
tlsEnabled: [ToBeChangedOrRemoved: "true"|"false"]
Make sure you update all settings marked as [ToBeChanged]. See onPremiseSettings for details about all supported configuration settings for this section.
Tuning the Interaction Recording Web Services Host Performance
Complete the following steps on each Interaction Recording Web Services node to tune the performance of the host environment.
- To optimize TCP/IP performance, add the following to the /etc/sysctl.conf file:
- Increase the file descriptors by adding the following to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
- Run sysctl -p to reload the new values. These values will now always be loaded when rebooting.
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 16384 16777216
gir hard nofile 100000
gir soft nofile 100000
Enabling features in the Feature Definitions file
The Feature Definitions file contains a list of features that are available for your contact center. The file is used to define features for the contact center by both Web Services (when installed) and Interaction Recording Web Services. For this reason, the procedure has a dependency on whether Web Services is being deployed along with Interaction Recording Web Services.
Perform the following operations on one of the Interaction Recording Web Services nodes.
For Web Services and Interaction Recording Web Services Installations
- Locate the gir-feature-definitions.json file in the installation_CD/config-templates folder.
- If you have already followed the Enabling features in the Feature Definitions file instructions from the Web Services and Applications Deployment Guide (GWS), locate the feature-definitions.json file that was installed and edited into the GWS_CONF folder on the Web Services nodes.
If you did not already follow the Enabling features in the Feature Definitions file instructions, locate the gws-feature-definitions.json file in the installation_CD/config-templates folder. - Merge the contents of the two files together into a feature-definitions.json file in the GWS_CONF folder, as follows:
- Ensure there is only one set of enclosing [ ... ] (for example, first and last lines).
- Ensure there is a comma after each { ... } excluding the last.
- Ensure there are no duplicate items, for instance api-provisioning-read and api-provisioning-write.
- Edit the file and for each feature that you want to enable for a new contact center, set the autoAssignOnContactCenterCreate flag to true. If you have already created your contact center or you are unsure of which Interaction Recording Web Services features to enable at this point, leave the autoAssignOnContactCenterCreate flags as they appear.
ImportantThe instructions that follow provide more detail about the Interaction Recording Web Services features and how to enable or disable them using REST API endpoints. For additional information, refer to Configuring Features.
Merged Feature Definitions File - Example [+] Show example.
- Follow the steps in the Ensuring the Feature Definitions file is Read at Start-Up section.
For Interaction Recording Web Services Only Installations
- Locate the gir-feature-definitions.json file in the installation_CD/config-templates folder.
- Copy the file to feature-definitions.json file in the GWS_CONF folder, and open the file.
- For each feature that you want to enable for a new contact center, set the autoAssignOnContactCenterCreate flag to true. If you are unsure of which Interaction Recording Web Services features to enable, leave them as they appear.
ImportantThe instructions that follow provide more detail about the Interaction Recording Web Services features and how to enable or disable them using REST API endpoints. For additional information, refer to Configuring Features.
Feature Definitions File - Example [+] Show example.
- Follow the steps in the Ensuring the Feature Definitions file is Read at Start-Up section.
Ensuring the Feature Definitions file is Read at Start-Up
The Feature Definitions file is by default not read at start-up.
To ensure that it is read at start-up:
- Add the following setting to application.yaml under the serverSettings section, on one of the Interaction Recording Web Services nodes:
updateOnStartup: features: true
- Restart the Interaction Recording Web Services node.
- Ensure you remove the setting after Interaction Recording Web Services has been started.
ImportantInstructions about starting can be found in the Starting and Testing page.