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Genesys Interaction Recording Solution Configuration

This section describes how to configure the Genesys Interaction Recording Solution.


You must request a recording-only license from the Genesys Licensing Department to use SpeechMiner for call recording.

For information about upgrading the contributing solution components, see the specific upgrade procedures for each component, or see the latest Genesys Migration Guide.

Enabling Call Recording

Configure the following components to enable call recording:

Configuring the WebDAV Server for Web Services

Genesys has tested the interoperability with the Apache WebDAV server. If you wish to use a different WedDAV vendor, Genesys requires that RFC 2518 to be supported, as this is also supported by Apache WebDAV server.

  1. Install WebDAV, run the following command:
    yum install httpd
  2. Edit the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, and append the following to the end of the file:
    Alias /recordings /mnt/recordings
    <Directory /mnt/recordings>
       Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
       EnableSendfile off
       AllowOverride None
       Order allow,deny
       allow from all
    <Location "/recordings">
       DAV On
       AuthType Basic
       AuthName "user"
       AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd
       Require valid-user
  3. Open the firewall. Because WebDAV is an HTTP server, the incoming default HTTP and/or HTTPS ports (80 and/or 443) must be open to the server.
    It is possible to use custom ports by changing the permitted incoming ports in the firewall, the virtual host configuration file, and the URL used to reach the WebDAV server.
  4. Create the directory to keep the recording files, and set the permission to apache, using the following command:
    mkdir /mnt/recordings
    chown apache:apache /mnt/recordings
  5. Create a WebDAV user for httpd, and configure the password. The following example creates a user called "user":
    htpasswd -c /var/www/htpasswd user
  6. Configure the httpd to start on boot up (and start it now) using the following command:
    chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
    service httpd start
  7. Test the WebDAV installation"
    1. Upload a hello.world file to the WebDAV server using the following command:
      curl -T hello.world -u user:password http://myserver/recordings/hello.world
    2. Using a browser, open the the http://myserver/recordings/hello.world URL. The browser will request for user credentials.
  8. The WebDAV server is installed.

Configuring Web Services

Configuring the Web Services Parameters

To configure Web Services for Genesys Interaction Recording: Set the following parameters in the /genconfig/server-settings.yaml file:

Parameter Name Mandatory Description Type Default Value
enableBackgroundScheduledMediaOperations Y Specifies whether to allow Web Services to schedule purge and backup events. Boolean True
createCallRecordingCF N Specifies whether to create a call recording column family (CRCF) for a new contact center. Boolean False
crClusterName Y Specifies the name of the elasticsearch cluster name. Non-empty String None

Note: This is a mandatory parameter, and the value must be the same for all Web Services nodes in the cluster. For example, if there are five nodes in the Web Services cluster, all five nodes must have the same crClusterName value.

crRegion N Specifies the name of the region where the Web Services node resides. Non-empty String None
cryptoSecurityKey Y Specifies the security key used for Web Services encryption of the recording settings in the database. Non-empty String None

Note: This is a mandatory parameter, and the value must be the same for all Web Services nodes in the cluster. For example, if there are five nodes in the Web Services cluster, all five nodes must have the same cryptoSecurityKey value.

defaultBackupExportURI N Specifies the location to store backed up recordings. For example, file:///tmp/archLocDefault'. Non-empty String None
multiPartResolverMaxUploadSize Y Specifies the maximum size, in KB, of the recording file. Integer 536870912
multiPartResolverMaxInMemorySize Y Specifies the maximum length of time allowed to upload a recording file. Integer 536870912
recordCryptoServerDecryptMaxConnection N Specifies the maximum TCP connections to each Recording Crypto Server instance defined in local-decrypt-uri-prefix settings.

Note: This option applies to the Web Services version and later only.

Integer 50
recordCryptoServerDecryptMaxTotalConnection N Specifies the maximum TCP connections to all Recording Crypto Server instances defined in local-decrypt-uri-prefix settings.

Note: This option applies to the Web Services version and later only.

Integer 10 * recordCryptoServerDecryptMaxConnection
recordCryptoServerDecryptSocketTimeout N Specifies the socket timeout, in milliseconds, for TCP connections to Recording Crypto Server instances defined in 'local-decrypt-uri-prefix settings.

Note: This option applies to the Web Services version and later only.

Integer 30000
webDAVMaxConnection N Specifies the maximum TCP connections for each WebDAV Storage. Integer 50
webDAVMaxTotalConnection N Specifies the maximum TCP connections the Web Services node allows to all WebDAV Storages. Integer 10 * webDAVMaxConnection
undocumentedExternalApiUrl Y Specifies the reachable Web Services Server address for the SpeechMiner UI, and the Screen Recording Client.
Note: This option applies to the Web Services version and later only.
String http://<IP Address>:8090/internal-api

Configuring the Elasticsearch Engine

The Web Services Call Recording API uses the elastic search as the query engine. A configuration file is required if call recording is enabled (for example, JETTY_HOME/resources/elasticsearch.yml).

Configure the JETTY_HOME/resources/elasticsearch.yml file as follows:

index.analysis.analyzer.whitespace_lowercase.tokenizer: whitespace
index.analysis.analyzer.whitespace_lowercase.filter: lowercase

transport.tcp.port: 9200
http.port: 9300

discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: <comma separated list of HTCC nodes which host the ES>
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2

gateway.recover_after_nodes: 2
gateway.recover_after_time: 1m
gateway.expected_nodes: 3

threadpool.index.queue_size: -1
threadpool.bulk.queue_size: -1

path.conf: <Path to genconfig folder>/elasticsearch
path.data: <Path to the folder where ES stores its data>

For more configuration information, see http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/.

The elastic search engine also requires a large PermGen space.

To increase the PermGen space:

  • Add the following to your JAVA_OPTIONS:

JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false"

  • If you are using /etc/default/jetty, add:

JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms2048m -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false"

The Elasticsearch index is saved in the Jetty-Home/data directory—for example, /opt/jetty/data.

Rebuilding the Elasticsearch Index

If you must upgrade your Jetty 8 version to Jetty 9 version, you might need to add the elasticsearch data file to the new Web Services cluster.

To move the elasticsearch data:

  • Rebuild the elasticsearch index using the following command:
curl -XPOST "http://<FE VM host>/api/v2/ops/contact-centers/<ID contact center>/recordings" -d '{ "operationName":"forceIndex", "from":<Time of previous 'green' state or backup snapshot>}'

The command above executes the forceIndex operation and is used to rebuild the elasticsearch index when needed. The following information provides additional details for this API.

HTTP Request
Request Body

The following table describes the request body attributes:

Attributes Type Mandatory Description
operationName String Y The name of the operation. In this case it is forceIndex.
from Long Integer Y The Java time stamp (in milliseconds) which equals the UNIX time * 1000. This is the time stamp from which the records are re-indexed.
to Long Integer N The Java time stamp (in milliseconds) which equals the UNIX time * 1000. This is the time stamp to which the records are re-indexed. If not specified, the current time of the request processing is used.
purgeOld Boolean N Specifies whether the old index should be deleted prior to re-indexing. This attribute is necessary if the Web Services updated version uses indexes with a different structure. The default value is false.

Restarting Web Services

For more information on starting and stopping Web Services, see the Web Services Deployment Guide.

Configuring the Storage Credentials for Web Services

To enable voice recording:

  1. Determine the contact center ID on Web Services using the following command with the ops username and password (ops:ops):
    curl -u ops:ops http://<Web Services Server>:8080/api/v2/ops/contact-centers; echo

    The following output is returned:

    {"statusCode":0,"uris":["http://<Web Services Server>:8080/api/v2/ops/contact-centers/<contact center ID (in hex format)>"]}
    Use the <contact center ID (in hex format)> in all subsequent commands.
  2. Using a text editor, created the create_table file using the following command:
    curl -u ops:ops -X POST -d @create_table http://htcc:8080/api/v2/ops/
    contact-centers/<contact center ID (in hex format)>/recordings 
    --header "Content-Type: application/json"; echo

To enable storage:

  1. Using a text editor, create the recording_settings text file using the following command:
      "store": [{
              "webDAV": {
                  "userName": "user1",
                  "password": "password1",
                  "uri": "http://apache1/webdav"
             "webDAV": {
                 "userName": "user2",
                 "password": "password2",
                 "uri": "http://apache2/webdav"
    curl -u ops:ops -X PUT -d @recording_settings
     http://<Web Services Server>:8080/api/v2/ops/
    contact-centers/<contact center ID (in hex format)>/settings/recordings
     --header "Content-Type: application/json"; echo

Configuring the Call Recording Audit Log

Web Services provides an audit log for the following call recording operations:

  • Playback of the recording media file
  • Deletion of the call recording file

To configure the audit log:

  1. Stop the Web Service Jetty using the following command:
    sudo service jetty stop
  2. Update the Jetty LogBack Configuration:
    • Edit the /opt/jetty/resources/logback.xml file to include INFO level messaging similar to the following example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      Example LOGBACK Configuration File
    <configuration scan="true">
      <appender name="RECORDING" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
          <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch><!-- ACCEPT for printing log above INFO, DENY for printing only INFO-->
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
          <maxHistory>720</maxHistory><!-- 1 Month -->
          <pattern>%d{MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS, UTC} [%X{principal.name}] [%X{req.userAgent}] [%X{req.remoteHost}] %X{req.requestURI} %msg%n</pattern>
      <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
          <!-- hourly rollover -->
          <!-- keep 5 days' worth of history -->
          <pattern>%d{MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS, UTC} %-5level [%X{principal.name}] [%X{session}] [%X{contactCenter}] [%thread] %X{req.requestURI} %X{req.queryString} %logger{36} %msg%n</pattern> 
      <logger name="com.<domain>.cloud.v2.api.controllers.callrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.<domain>.cloud.v2.api.tasks.callrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.<domain>" level="WARN" />
      <logger name="com.<domain>.cloud" level="DEBUG" />
      <logger name="com.<domain>.cloud.rtreporting" level="WARN" />
      <logger name="com.<domain>.salesforce.security" level="INFO" /> 
      <root level="WARN">
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
  3. For MLM:
    • Create a RECORDING appender if it does not exist. Use the following example:
    <appender name="RECORDING" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
          <onMismatch>DENY</onMismatch><!-- ACCEPT for printing log above INFO, DENY for printing only INFO-->
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
          <maxHistory>720</maxHistory><!-- 1 Month -->
          <pattern>%d{MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS, UTC} [%X{principal.name}] [%X{req.userAgent}] [%X{req.remoteHost}] %X{req.requestURI} %msg%n</pattern>
    • Add the following loggers:
    <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.api.controllers.callrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.api.controllers.screenrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.api.tasks.callrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.api.tasks.screenrecording">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.api.tasks.settings">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.media.scheduler">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
      <logger name="com.genesyslab.cloud.v2.media.task">
        <appender-ref ref="RECORDING" />
  4. For more information about Jetty Logback, see Logback configuration.
  5. Start Jetty using the following command:
    sudo service jetty start
  6. Review the audit log:
    • Open the /var/log/jetty/recording.log file. The following example shows that two recordings are requested for playback and deletion:
    10/28/2013 15:46:03.203 [ops] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
    Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/ops/contact-centers/46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341ed
    fd5d7/recordings/recid0/play/2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1f4a63a1a659.mp3 Play media [2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1
    f4a63a1a659] of recording [recid0] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] requested
    10/28/2013 15:46:03.341 [ops] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
    Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/ops/contact-centers/46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341ed
    fd5d7/recordings/recid0/play/2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1f4a63a1a659.mp3 Play media [2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1
    f4a63a1a659] of recording [recid0] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] failed
    10/28/2013 15:46:10.946 [ops] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
    Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/ops/contact-centers/46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341ed
    fd5d7/recordings/recid1/play/2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1f4a63a1a658.mp3 Play media [2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1
    f4a63a1a658] of recording [recid1] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] requested
    10/28/2013 15:46:11.033 [ops] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) 
    Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/ops/contact-centers/46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341ed
    fd5d7/recordings/recid1/play/2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1f4a63a1a658.mp3 Play media [2cb4ea04-f81d-44e8-83b6-1
    f4a63a1a658] of recording [recid1] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] succeed
    10/28/2013 15:46:52.179 [admin@genesyslab.com] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
    KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/recordings/recid0 Delete recording [reci
    d0] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] requested
    10/28/2013 15:46:52.216 [admin@genesyslab.com] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
    KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/recordings/recid0 Delete recording 
    [recid0] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] failed
    10/28/2013 15:46:56.253 [admin@genesyslab.com] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
    KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/recordings/recid1 Delete recording [reci
    d1] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] requested
    10/28/2013 15:46:56.420 [admin@genesyslab.com] [Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
    KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.71 Safari/537.36] [] /api/v2/recordings/recid1 Delete recording 
    [recid1] from contact center [46284f2f-d615-4329-957a-f5341edfd5d7] succeeded

Setting the Advanced Options for Web Services

API Thread Pool
Web Services provides properties for the Call Recording API thread pool via archaius.

The following table describes the parameters required to set the API thread pool.

Property/API Name Thread Pool Name Description
hystrix.command.[API Name].


N/A The hystrix timeout. The default value is set to 6000.
hystrix.threadpool.[API Pool Name]


N/A The thread pool size. The default value is set to 10.
RecordingOperationApiTaskV2 ApiOperationPool The call or screen recording operation.
CreateCallRecordingApiTaskV2 ApiCreatePool Create call recording
DeleteCallRecordingApiTaskV2 ApiDeletePool Delete call recording
GetCallRecordingApiTaskV2 ApiGetPool Get call recording meta data
GetCallRecordingCFInfoApiTaskV2 ApiGetPool Get call recording CF Information
GetCallRecordingMediaApiTaskV2 ApiGetPool Streaming call recording media
QueryCallRecordingApiTaskV2 ApiQueryPool Query call recording Meta data

For more information about the Web Services Call Recording API, see the Web Services API Reference.

Configuring the SIP Server Application

Section Name Parameter Name Description
TServer msml-support Set to true to enable support of the call recording solution.
resource-management-by-rm Set to true to enable support of the call recording solution.

Resource monitoring and notification will be done by the Resource Manager. SIP Server will contact Media Server through Resource Manager.

msml-record-support Set to true to enable SIP Server to engage GVP as a Media Server through the msml protocol for call recording.
msml-record-metadata-support Set to true to send additional metadata in the INFO message of Genesys Media Server when starting call recording.
record-consult-calls Specifies whether to record consult calls:
  • true—record consult calls.
  • false—do not record consult calls.
recording-filename Must be set to $UUID$_$DATE$_$TIME$.

Configuring a DN for VoIP Service

  1. Create a new MSML DN object and add the following parameters to the General tab:
    • Number = The name of the MSML Server
    • Type = Voice over IP Service
  2. Add the following parameters to the Annex tab of the new DN:
    Section Name Parameter Name Description
    TServer Contact Set this to the Resource Manager IP address and port. Use the following format:

    sip: <Resource Manager_IP_address:Resource Manager_SIP_port>
    Specifies the contact URI that SIP Server uses for communication with the treatment server.

    service-type Set to msml
    Prefix Set to msml=
    subcription-id Set to the name of the tenant to which this SIP Server belongs, using the following syntax <TenantName>
    refer-enabled Set to false
    make-call-rfc3725-flow Set to 1.
    ring-tone-on-make-call Set to false.
    sip-hold-rfc3264 Set to true
    oos-check Set to 5
    oos-force Set to 4

To enable separate voice recording storage for each SIP Server instance, add the following parameter to the VoIP Service DN (msml):

  • TServer.sip-uri-params = gvp-tenant-id=Recording00, where Recording00 is the IVR profile name assigned for this SIP Server instance.

Configuring the Agent's DN

On the Agent's DN, set the following parameter:

  • enable-agentlogin-presence to true

Configuring Genesys Voice Platform

[+] Resource Manager
[+] IVR Profile
[+] Logical Resource Group
[+] Media Control Platform(s)

Configuring Geo-location

Geo-location is configured in two objects:

  • DN objects in a switch
  • Resource Groups for MCP and Recording Servers.

You can assign a geo-location tag for each DN (of type Trunk DN, Route Point DN, Extension DN, and Trunk Group DN). The geo-location option is configured in the TServer section of these places.

To assign a geo-location tag for a Resource Group (for MCP and Recording Server separately), use the Resource Group Wizard and set the geo-location as part of the Wizard process.


Geo-location is selected for each call depending on the usage model.

SIP Server selects the geo-location with the following order of preference for inbound calls:

  1. Geo-location configured in the extensions of RequestRouteCall.
  2. Geo-location configured in the Routing Point DN.
  3. Geo-location configured in the inbound Trunk DN.
  4. Geo-location configured in the DN where the recording is enabled.

For outbound calls, the following order of preference is used:

  1. Geo-location configured in the extensions of RequestRouteCall.
  2. Geo-location configured in the Routing Point DN.
  3. Geo-location configured in the Agent DN.
  4. Geo-location configured in the outbound Trunk DN if recording is enabled.

Full-time Recording

When a DN is configured to be recorded, the geo-location is set at the DN. When more than one DN involved in the call has the geo-location set (for example, both the inbound Trunk DN and the Routing Point DN have the geo-location parameter set), then SIP Server selects the geo-location based on the order of preference listed above.

Selective Recording from a Routing Strategy

If record=source is set in the RequestRoutecall extensions, the geo-location of the inbound Trunk DN of the call is selected (if it is configured). If record=destination is set in the RequestRoutecall extensions, the geo-location of the agent (Extension DN) is selected.

Dynamic Recording

When dynamic recording is initiated by the T-lib RequestPrivateService function, the geo-location is selected based on the recorded DN in the call. Specifically:

  • If RequestPrivateService is requested with AttrExtensions as record = source, the geo-location configured for thisDN is selected. record=source is the default value if the extension is not defined.
  • If RequestPrivateService is requested with AttrExtensions as record = destination, the geo-location configured for otherDN is selected.

Configuring Audio Tones

The following section outlines the general configuration for audio tones.

Media Server

The following table describes the options required for audio tones when using Media Server:

Section Name Parameter Name Description
Conference record_recorddnhearstone Specifies whether the RecordDN (Party A) hears the repeating tone.
Conference record_otherdnhearstone Specifies whether the OtherDN (Party B) hears the repeating tone.

Media Server allows you to configure whether the recording also gets the audio tone. When the audio tone is injected into the call, Media Server distinguishes between what the participant hears and what the participant says. The above two configuration parameters affect what the participant hears.

Section Name Parameter Name Description
Conference record_chan2source Specifies the recorded media that represents the first participant (Record DN) in the recording session.
  • recorddnsays
  • otherdnhears

If the Other DN is configured to receive consent and you want the consent to be recorded, set the value to otherdnhears.

Conference record_otherdnhearstone Specifies the recorded media that represents the second participant (Other DN) in the recording session.
  • otherdnsays
  • recorddnhears

If the Record DN is configured to receive consent and you want the consent to be recorded, set the value to recorddnhears.

Configuring Workspace

To configure MSML recording, set the following Workspace parameters:

Parameter Name Value
active-recording.voice.recorder-uri Leave empty. The file recording destination is configured through the GVP IVR Profile.
active-recording.voice.recording-type MSML

Your Genesys Interaction Recording Solution is ready to start recording.

Configuring ICON

Configure your ICON application to filter the metadata to display specific keys in SpeechMiner.

In the callconcentrator section of the ICON application, set the following parameters:

  • adata-reasons-history = none
  • adata-extensions-history = none
  • adata-userdata-history = all
  • role = all

For more information about the ICON options, see the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide.

To improve ICON performance for Genesys Interaction Recording, Genesys recommends updating the Genesys Interaction Recording dedicated ICON database schema with the following new indexes:

  • Index G_PARTY:
  • Index G_IS_LINK:

For optimal performance, it is recommended that the ICON's gsysPurge81 stored procedure (or similar) be used regularly to purge call data from the ICON database that is older than one or two days. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide for more information.

Configuring the Recording Processor Script

For information about configuring the Recording Processor components, see Deploying the Recording Processor Script.

Configuring the Recording Crypto Server

For information about configuring the Recording Processor components, see Deploying the Recording Crypto Server.

Configuring the Recording Plug-in for Genesys Administrator Extension

For information about configuring the Recording Processor components, see Deploying the Plug-in for Genesys Administrator Extension.

Configuring the SpeechMiner Components

For information about upgrading the contributing solution components, see the specific upgrade procedures for each component, or see the latest Genesys Migration Guide. Ensure that you have allotted sufficient time to upgrade the components, and that you have factored-in any downtime required for non-HA deployments. Plan accordingly.

[+] Change the Default Home
[+] Configure the SpeechMiner Database
[+] Configure SpeechMiner

Your Genesys Interaction Recording System is ready for voice recording.

Configuring TLS for the Genesys Interation Components

For more information about configuring the transport layer security for the Genesys Interaction Recording components, see Secure Transport Configuration.

Configuring Access Control

Configuring Access Groups

By default, the Configuration Server has an Access Group called Users stored in the configuration database.

Install the Solution Deployment SPD file "Creation of base SpeechMiner access groups" option to perform the following steps:

  1. Create an Access Group called SpeechMiner Users, and set the permission to grant Users Access Group with Read access.
  2. Add a new folder within Access Groups, called Recording, and set the permission to add Users Access Group with Read access. Make sure the Replace Permissions Recursively flag is set as shown in the following diagram:

  3. Create the / (forward slash) Access Group within the Recording folder.

Configuring SpeechMiner Users

All users for SpeechMiner must be assigned to two Access Groups—Users and SpeechMiner Users. If agent hierarchy and partition features are not used, assign all the SpeechMiner users to the / (slash) Access Group. If agent hierarchy or partition features are used, the users must be granted to the specific Access Groups in order to be able to access recordings for the various agent hierarchy and partitions.

For your SpeechMiner users to have login access to the SpeechMiner UI, you must give SpeechMiner users Read and Execute rights on the default Application object.

You must configure Genesys Interaction Recording to enable the SpeechMiner UI search option to display a list of agent names:

  1. In the Agent's Person object, create a recording section in the Annex (if it doesn’t already exist).
  2. Add the agent_hierarchy option in the recording section, and set the value to slash: "/" or what is appropriate for access control.
  3. Repeat these steps for any additional agents that might be searched for in the SpeechMiner UI.
  4. The SpeechMiner cache might need to be updated for this configuration to take effect:
    • In the configServer table of the Configuration Server database, update the updateAgentsEveryH column to the number of hours between the SpeechMiner person object updates. SpeechMiner will check the Configuration Server according to this option at regular intervals to retrieve the list of person objects under the Recording folder access group. The names of these agents are then available when searching for call recordings or screen recordings. Restart the Interaction Receiver IIS application for this change to take effect.
    • If the list of agents does not update, update the NextAgentsUpdate column in the configServer table to a date in the near future to force a quicker update.
  • The Access Group / (forward slash) grants access to all recordings.
  • Genesys Recommends using caution when using the Audio Protection: Comments role. You might not hear any part of the call if the call being played has no comments. You will only hear audio the corresponds to the areas where comments have been made.

The follow is a screen shot showing the assignment of Access Group members to /Anthony/Paul in Genesys Administrator Extension:


The Recording Plug-in for Genesys Administrator Extension includes a Solution Definition (SPD) file that can be used to configure roles and access groups.

Configuring Roles

For information about configuring roles for Genesys Interaction Recording users, see Roles in the Genesys Administrator Extension User's Guide.

Configuring Agent Hierachy

Agent hierarchy and partitions are not required to record calls or access recordings; however, all agents must be assigned to the Users Access Group.

If agent hierarchy is required, assign the agent’s hierarchy by configuring the agent_hierarchy option in the recording section of the Person object's Annex tab. For each hierarchy name, create a corresponding Access Group object within the Recording folder.

For the example above, create the following Access Groups:

  • /
  • /Anthony
  • /Anthony/John
  • /Anthony/Paul

The deployment can also grant access control for each specific agent, and in order to use this functionality, create an Access Group for each agent. For the same example, create the following Access Groups:

  • /Anthony/John/Agent1
  • /Anthony/John/Agent2
  • /Anthony/Paul/Agent3
  • /Anthony/Paul/Agent4

Each branch in the hierarchy must have a unique name. You can not use branches with the same name. The following examples are will not work:
  • /Anthony/Anthony (parent and child with the same name)
  • /Anthony/John and /Steve/John (branches under Anthony and Steve have the same name)

Configuring Partitions

For each partition used in the contact, create an Access Group object with the name of the partition within the Recording folder. For example, if there are three partitions— /sales, /support, and /marketing, create three Access Group objects named /sales, /support, and /marketing, respectively.

Access Group names for partitions and agent hierarchy must be unique for each tenant.

For more information about configuring Access Controls in Genesys Administrator Extension, see the Genesys Administrator Extension User Guide.

Configuring Encryption for Call Recording

Call Recording

A Recording Certificate binds a public encryption key to a particular recorded message identity.

The following steps describe how to configure encryption for voice recordings:


  • A certificate for the Certificate Authority (CA) in .pem format—for example, ca_cert.pem.
  • A recording certificate (also known as public key) in .pem format—for example, 02_gir_cert.pem.
  • A recording private key in .pem format—for example, 02_gir_priv_key.pem.
  1. On the machine where the Recording Crypto Server is installed, place the Certificate Authority (ca_cert.pem) in the <Record Crypto Server Install Directory>\RCS directory.
  2. Edit the rcs.properties file:
    1. Change the value of the cacertstorepath parameter to ca_cert.pem.
    2. Set the value of the cacertstorepassword parameter to the valid password.
  3. Restart the Recording Crypto Server.
  4. Using Genesys Administrator, edit all your Media Control Platforms (MCP):
    • On the Options tab of each MCP application object, in the mpc section, set the mediamgr.CA_file parameter to the location of the Certificate Authority file (for example, c:\keystore\ca_cert.pem).
  5. Restart all the MCP instances.

You are now ready to upload and deploy your certificates to complete the encryption process.

A Recording Certificate binds a public encryption key to a particular recorded message identity.

When configuring encryption, backup of the private key is your responsibility. If the private key becomes lost or corrupt, any recording encrypted using that key will become unusable.

The following steps describe how to configure encryption for voice recordings:

  • A certificate for the Certificate Authority (CA) in .pem format—for example, ca_cert.pem.
  • A recording certificate (also known as public key) in .pem format—for example, 02_gir_cert.pem.
  • A recording private key in .pem format—for example, 02_gir_priv_key.pem.
  1. On the machine where the Recording Crypto Server is installed, place the Certificate Authority (ca_cert.pem) in the <Recording Crypto Server Install Directory>\RCS directory.
  2. Edit the rcs.properties file:
    1. Change the value of the cacertstorepath parameter to ca_cert.pem.
    2. Set the value of the cacertstorepassword parameter to the valid password.
  3. Restart the Recording Crypto Server.
  4. Using Recording Plug-in for Genesys Administration Extension, edit all your Media Control Platforms (MCP):
    • On the Options tab of each MCP application object, in the mcp/tt> section, set the mediamgr.CA_file parameter to the location of the Certificate Authority file (for example, c:\keystore\ca_cert.pem).
  5. Restart all the MCP instances.

For an example of a certificate, see Sample Certificate and Key File Generation. You are now ready to upload and deploy your certificates to complete the encryption process.

[+] Show how to upload a Certificate
[+] Show how to deploy a Certificate

Enabling Voice Recording

Call recording can be enabled through three methods:

  1. Full-time recording or Total recording—A specific DN is configured to enable recording for all calls for the specific DN.
  2. Selective Recording—Record a party in the call is determined at a route point and the recording starts as soon as the call is established.
  3. Dynamic Recording—Start/stop/pause/resume a recording call can be requested by an agent at any time after the call is established using Interaction Workspace.

Once a recording has started, there are two conditions where the recording stops:

  1. When the party being recorded leaves the call, or when the customer drops the call. For example, when the recording applies to the agent in the call and the call is transferred to a second agent. The recording is stopped when the agent leaves the call. Note that the second agent can have recording enabled and the same call gets recorded with a second call recording segment.
  2. When dynamic recording control requests the recording to be stopped.

If using Workspace Desktop Edition for the agent desktop, the agent can hide the status of the recording. This functionality can be enabled through Workspace role configuration. For more information, see the Setting Up Agents on the System in the Workspace Desktop Editon documentation.

Enabling Screen Recording

Configure the following components to enable screen recording:

Configuring Web Services for Screen Recording

[+] Configure the Parameters
[+] Restart Web Services
[+] Configure Storage Credentials
[+] Advanced Configuration

For more information about the Web Services Call Recording API, see the Genesys Interaction Recording API Reference.

Configuring Encryption for Screen Recording

Assigning Certificates

To assign a new certificate:

  1. Using Genesys Administrator Extension, in the header, go to Administration > Screen Recording Certificates.
  2. On the Screen Recording Certificates panel, click Add.
  3. From the Select Certificate window, perform one of the following actions:
    • Select the check box next to the appropriate certificate, and click Add.
    • Click Cancel to discard any changes.
  4. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click the Save button to accept the changes.
    • Click the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Setting up the Decryption Proxy

  1. Configure the Record Crypto Server (RCS) locations that Web Services uses for encrypted screen recordings:
    • For a single location:
      1. Using a text editor, create the create_single_location file using the following command:
            "location": "/",
            "value": "<rcs uri>"
        Replace <rcs uri> with the appropriate value.
      2. Execute the following command:
        curl -u ops:ops -X POST -d @create_single_location http://<Web Services Server>:8080/api/v2/ops
        /contact-centers/<contact center ID (in hex format)>/settings/screen-recording
         --header "Content-Type: application/json"; echo
    • For multiple locations:
      1. Using a text editor, create the create_first_location file using the following command:
            "location": "<node_location>",
            "value": "<rcs uri>"
      2. Execute the following command:
        curl -u ops:ops -X POST -d @create_first_location http://<Web Services Server>:8080/api/v2/ops
        /contact-centers/<contact center ID (in hex format)>/settings/screen-recording 
        --header "Content-Type: application/json"; echo
        Replace <node_location> with the appropriate value. The values for the <node_location> are similar to the nodePath settings in the server-settings.yaml file, but allow a hierarchical representation. For example, a Web Services node uses a decrypt-uri-prefix setting with a location of "/US" if the nodePath set to "/US/AK" or "/US/HI".
      3. Repeat steps a and b for each location required.

Enabling Screen Recording

  1. To set up recording conditions, add the recordingWhen parameter to the screen-recording-client section of the WWEWS_Cluster object.

    When this parameter is set at WWEWS_Cluster object, the recording condition applies to all agents in the environment. You can create the recordingWhen parameter in a screen-recording-client section of each agent object to override the settings at the environment level.

    The parameter value is an expression of conditions to enable screen recording for each agent. The format is:
    • For Non-voice agents: recordingWhen=condition1,condition2,... where condition1,condition2, etc. are a set of conditions that must all be true in order for the screen recording to be taking place.
    • For Voice agents: Screen recording starts when recordingWhen is not set to off and the voice recording starts.

    The following condition values are supported:
    Condition Description
    off A special case. Cannot appear with other conditions. When specified as such, screen recording never occurs for the agent.
    loggedin When the agent is logged in
    DNDoff When agent sets DND (do not disturb) to off
    ready(any) True when any media type is set to ready, or list(ready media).count != 0
    ready(abc) True when the abc media type is set to ready
    ready(abc,...xyz) A list of media types that are set to ready. Note that ready(abc,...xyz) = ready(abc) || ... ready(xyz).
    random_voice(%) Records the agent's screens based on a percentage (%) of the total voice call volume for that agent.
  2. For voice deployments, set up the maximum screen recording duration based on the quality preset in the screen recording client configuration. (see, Configuring the Screen Recording Client for more information about these parameters).
    Depending on the qualityPreset value, set the screen recording duration as follows:
    • If qualityPreset is Low— set maxDurationMinutes to 180.
    • If qualityPreset is Standard—set maxDurationMinutes to 120.
    • If qualityPreset is High—set maxDurationMinutes to 75.

Configuring the Screen Recording Client

For information about configuring the Screen Recording Client, see Deploying the Screen Recording Client.

This page was last edited on March 18, 2020, at 17:36.
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