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Treatment Object

Treatment objects are assigned to Calling List objects. Treatment objects define what OCS should do with a call that does not reach the intended party. A treatment, for example, could be that Outbound Contact redials a number that returns a Busy call result. If no treatments are assigned to a call result, OCS changes the record status to Updated.

You can add or remove treatments from a Calling List object while a dialing session for a campaign is running. However, when a treatment is in progress, it cannot be interrupted. Changes made to that treatment will be applied to the next record that receives the call result that prompts the treatment.

Creating and Applying Treatments


  1. In Genesys Administrator, select Provisioning > Outbound Contact > Treatments.
  2. Click New.
  3. Define the fields in the Configuration tab.
  4. Click Save and Close.


Treatment Object--Configuration Tab Fields


Required; the default value is [Treatment]. Type the name of the treatment. It must be unique within the tenant.


Automatically populated by the system.


Optional; the default is [Blank]. A brief description of the selected treatment.

Call Result

Required; the default value is [Unknown Call Result]. Select a value (the result of a dialing attempt) for this object. The following table provides information about call result values.

Call Result Values
Call Result Value Description
[Unknown Call Result] Default value. You must change this default value and replace it with another value from this table. OCS does not apply treatments to the Unknown call result.
Abandoned Call dropped and will not be redialed.
Agent CallBack Error OCS generates this call result when a call record is rescheduled according to a personal callback request from the desktop application, but OCS cannot find the designated agent to receive the callback when the scheduled time arrives.See the "Communication Protocols" chapter in the Outbound Contact Reference Manual for details on the personal callback request.
All Trunks Busy No free trunks on the switch for dialing a call.
Answer Customer was reached at the dialed phone number.
Answering Machine Detected Answering machine was detected at the dialed phone number.
Bridged Reserved for future use.
Busy Dialed phone number was busy.
Call Drop Error Reserved for future use.
Cancel Record Record has been marked with Cancel by the agent desktop application or a third-party application.
Cleared Reserved for future use.
Conferenced Reserved for future use.
Consult Reserved for future use.
Converse-On Reserved for future use.
Covered Reserved for future use.
Deafened Reserved for future use.
Dial Error Hardware error from a Dialogic board or a call progress detection (CPD) board on the switch.
Do Not Call Record has been marked with DoNotCall by the agent desktop application or a third-party application.
Dropped Call dropped by dialer after call dialed. Call dropped if/when the call_wait_in_queue_timeout option expires.
Dropped on No Answer Reserved for future use.
Fax Detected Fax machine was detected at the dialed phone number.
Forwarded Reserved for future use.
General Error General error occurs when a call is not completed, possibly caused by an invalid telephone number in the record or a wrong number according to the switch.
Held Reserved for future use.
No Answer Ring without answer at destination.
No Dial Tone Absence of dial tone based on an error returned by the Dialogic board or the call progress detection (CPD) board on the switch.
No Established Detected Reserved for future use.
No Port Available No port is available to place call.
No Progress Reserved for future use.
No RingBack Tone Reserved for future use.
NU Tone A special Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) code valid only in Europe.
OK OCS treats the call result OK as undefined, therefore, it disregards any treatments created for this call result.
Overflowed Reserved for future use.
Pager Detected Pager was reached at the dialed phone number.
Pickedup Reserved for future use.
Queue Full Reserved for future use.
Redirected Reserved for future use.
RemoteRelease Reserved for future use.
Silence Call was dialed, but there was no call progress detection (CPD).
SIT Detected Any type of network tone.
SIT IC (Intercept) Only applies if the network supports this specific standard information tone (SIT). Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
SIT Invalid Number Only applies if the network supports this specific SIT. Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
SIT NC (No Circuit) Only applies if the network supports this specific SIT. Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
SIT RO (Reorder) Only applies if the network supports this specific SIT. Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
SIT Unknown Call State Only applies if the network supports this specific SIT. Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
SIT VC (Vacant Code) Only applies if the network supports this specific SIT. Check with the switch vendor for confirmation.
Stale Call result is marked as stale if the following timer has expired: stale_clean_timeoutOCS will also mark the call result as stale for call records that have not received a RecordProcessed request from the desktop application when a dialing session/campaign group is being unloaded.
Switch Error No dial tone received.
System Error Dialing software error from the Dialogic driver or CPD from the switch.
Transfer Error Dialer has a problem transferring calls based on call action.
Transferred Reserved for future use.
Wrong Number Call is answered but the desired person(s) could not be reached at this number; this call result is sent by the agent desktop application and not detected by the dialer.
Wrong Party Call is answered but by a wrong party; this call result is sent by the desktop application and not detected by the dialer.

Apply to Record

Required; default [Unknown Action]. Select a value from the drop-down list. The action to apply to a Calling List record based on the call result. Applies to all call results in the Call Results Values table except for call result Answer. The following table provides information on Apply to Record values.

Apply to Record Values (Unanswered Call Results)
Apply to Record Value Description
Assign to Group Used for the Agent CallBack Error call result. The call record is treated as a scheduled call of type Campaign. The record type is set as CampaignCallBack. The call record is sent to one of the desktops in the Campaign Group. The desktop must be programmed with a communication protocol to use this feature. See the "Communication Protocols" chapter in the Outbound Contact Reference Manual.
Execute SQL Statement Used to execute pre-configured SQL statements when certain call results are received. There is no limitation on the type or complexity of the SQL statement that can be configured. Macro expressions can also be used to form the SQL statement. To execute this statement, OCS connects to the Calling List table from which the associated dialing record originated.
Mark as Agent Error Used for the Agent CallBack Error call result. The record status is set to Missed Callback. See also the predictive_callback option in this guide.
Note: Although you can set this value to other negative call results in Configuration Manager, you should only use it for Agent CallBack Error call result.
Next in chain Used to set the total number of times that the next-in-chain treatment cycle occurs, and set the time period to wait before beginning the cycle again.
Next in chain after Used to set the interval until the next record in chain is dialed, and until the next pass through the chain, after the last record in the chain has been dialed.
Next in chain at specified date Used to set the date/time to dial the next record in chain.
No Treatment No treatment will be applied.
Redial Redial number within a specified number of minutes (Interval) for a specified number of times (Cycle Attempt).
Retry at specified date Record will be redialed at specified times within the time interval specified in the Range property of the treatment.
Retry in Retry once after the specified number of minutes (Interval).
Send HTTP Request Sends an HTTP request with the JSON body to a remote Web/Application Server.
Update all records in chain No more dial attempts are made for the chain and all records in the chain are marked as Updated.
[Unknown Action] Default value. You must change this default value and replace it with another value from this table.

Apply to Call

Optional; applicable only when call result is Answer, Answering Machine Detected, or Fax Detected; the default value is [Unknown Action Code]. Allows an alternate path when a dialing attempt is answered or reaches an answering machine or fax machine. Select a value from the drop-down menu. The following table provides information about Apply to Call values.

Apply to Call Values (Answering Machine/Fax Results)
Apply to Call Value Description
Connect Call connected to the DN defined as the Destination DN.
Drop Drop = Unknown. Call is dropped or disconnected.
Mute Transfer Reserved for future use.
Play a Message Reserved for future use.
Route Reserved for future use.
Send a fax Reserved for future use.
Send a page Reserved for future use.
Send an e-mail Reserved for future use.
Transfer Call transferred to the DN defined as the Destination DN.
[Unknown Action Code] [Unknown Action Code] = Dropped. Default value. You must change this default value and replace it with another value from this table.

Destination DN

Required for the Apply to Call actions, Connect and Transfer; default is [None]. The DN to which the call will be connected or transferred. Browse for an existing DN. If a Destination DN is not supplied, OCS will ignore the treatment.

Number in sequence

Required; the default value is [0]. Assign the value 1 for a stand-alone treatment or for the first treatment of a treatment sequence. In a treatment sequence, each treatment contains a unique number that determines the order in which each treatment is applied to the same call result.

Cycle Attempt

Required to be other than 0 when Apply to Record is set to Next in chain, Next in chain after, Next in chain at specified date, Redial; the default value is [0]. The maximum number of consecutive attempts to execute the treatment on the record.

Interval (minutes)

Required when Apply to Record is set to Next in chain, Next in chain after, Redial, or Retry in; default is [0]. A time interval, in minutes, that OCS waits between the first dialing attempt and the first treatment attempt.

Increment (minutes)

Required when Apply to Record is set to Next in chain, Next in chain after, Retry in, Redial; the default value is [0]. Specifies the number of minutes added to the previous redial time interval.


Required if the Apply to Record action is set to Next in chain at specified date or Retry at specified date; the default value is [current date]. The date when another treatment attempt will be performed. Select a calendar date from the drop-down list.


Required if the Apply to Record action is set to Next in chain at specified date or Retry at specified date; the default value is [current time]. The time of day that another treatment attempt will be performed. Select a time from the drop-down list.


This is reserved for future use.

Treatment Sequences

Note the following:

  • You can define treatment sequences (sometimes called linked treatments) for the same call result by using the Number in sequence field on the Configuration tab of the Treatment object. The first treatment in the sequence must have a value of 1 in the Number in sequence field. The values for this field must be numbered sequentially (1,2, 3, etc.). The sequence will not work if a treatment sequence is broken, for example, numbered 1, 2, and 4.
  • You can create two Busy treatments and specify the order (sequence) in which to apply them. For example, create one Busy treatment that has an action of Redial and the Number in sequence field set to 1; create a second Busy treatment that has an action of Retry in and the Number in sequence field set to 2; then assign both Busy treatments to the same Calling List.
  • You can also use the sequence of treatments in combination with cycling through the chain. To do this, you need to place one of the treatments of the type Next-In-Chain, Next-In-Chain After, or Next-In-Chain at Specified Date, at the end of the sequence of treatments.

Properly configuring one of these treatments to be the last in the sequence will result in the following: When the chain is completed, OCS will jump from the last record to the first record in the chain to begin the cycle again.

This page was last edited on November 15, 2019, at 02:38.
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