Caller ID Sets
Starting with 8.1.524.04, Outbound Contact Server supports the use of unrestricted numbers, or sets, of Caller IDs on Outbound Campaigns. A set of Caller IDs is assigned to a Campaign Group, which will rotate through the next available Caller IDs for each record attempt so that the called party sees a different Caller ID each time a call is received from the Campaign Group. This occurs by attaching the next available Caller ID in the set of Caller IDs to CPN digits for the call. OCS selects either a sequential or random Caller ID when contacting a particular phone number, so the party receiving the call may see a different Caller ID number each time the call is received.
Each Caller ID set is represented by a configuration object with the Script Type Outbound List. Caller IDs are stored in the OCServer section on the Annex tab of this Outbound List object, and each Caller ID is represented by a String type option. The option name is a unique positive integer value, and the option value is the Caller ID to be used by OCS as CPNDigits.
If a Caller ID set is configured manually, any valid positive integer values are used as option names. Option values (Caller IDs) may repeat within a single Caller ID set.
Configure the Caller ID sets feature by using the following new options: