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Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies the interval (in minutes) between the processes handling time-off bidding and wait-listed items.

Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.

In WFM Server, the default value was changed to 30 (minutes) from 60 (minutes) and the description was changed to include time-off bidding items.


Section: CalendarService
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any positive integer, -1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: None

Specifies the time, in minutes, between the Time-Off Bidding processes that handle Calendar bid items.

Setting this option value to -1 turns this functionality off.


Section: ForecastService
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect:
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.207

Specifies whether Service Level should be calculated from the number of interactions distributed or from the number of interactions offered, taking into account abandoned interactions.

The default value 0 indicates that Service Level is calculated, based on the number of interactions distributed. To include abandoned interactions, set the value to 1.


Section: ScheduleService
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect:
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.207

Specifies whether or not an external module is used to review schedule trades.

If this option value is set to true, an external module is used to auto-approve schedule trades. If this option value is set to the default false WFM auto-approves schedule trades.

Workforce Management Server Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
06/27/17 General X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release includes the following new features and functionality:

  • Supports Multi-Site Trading.
  • A new WFM Server Application configuration option [ScheduleService] TradePreprocessingEnabled is introduced in this release.
  • In Staffing Forecasts, when Average Time to Abandon (ATA) is specified and Service Level objectives allow, WFM can now show a lower number of calculated agents than there is work. To attain this result, set the WFM Server Application's [ForecastService] ServiceLevelMethod option value to 3.
  • WFM now continuously processes wait-listed items until the Time-Off bidding period End Date and Time has expired, while retaining the bidding period ranking criteria.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Changes in Historical Adherence are now correctly reflected in the ETL database. Previously, schedule changes were sometimes not reflected in the ETL Historical Adherence, if they were made in the overnight part of a shift. (WFM-27473)

The [CalendarService] BiddingTimeout configuration option is obsolete and was removed from the WFM Server Application. Also, the [CalendarService] WaitlistTimeout configuration option's default value is now 30. (WFM-27471)

WFM Server now checks additional shift item constraints when selecting a suitable shift during lateness payback scheduling. Previously, some shift item constraints, such as max. shift item distance, sometimes prevented shifts from being considered even if the shifts were suitable. (WFM-27311)

WFM automated scheduled reports now run consistently, as expected. Previously, automated scheduled reports intermittently failed to run. (WFM-27270)

WFM ETL now calculates daily aggregate values for the Abandoned Call Volume (not Abandoned Call Volume %) Performance statistics and inserts the correct records into the WFM_PERF_ITEM_DAY table. Previously, WFM did not calculate the daily aggregate values for this statistic and incorrectly inserted null values into the table. (WFM-27197)

WFM now retains the unpaid shift items (breaks, meals) when work sets are inserted into the schedule over unpaid breaks or meals. Previously in this scenario, WFM incorrectly removed unpaid breaks and meals from the schedule. (WFM-26993)

WFM now displays a Warning message about time-off balance violations, when supervisors insert multiple full-day time-off items. Previously in this scenario, under certain circumstances, WFM failed to warn supervisors about time-off balance violations. (WFM-26867)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Supported Languages

See Release 8.5.x Translation Support.

This page was last edited on November 6, 2018, at 19:03.
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