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LFMT Audit Information

LFMT Audit Capability

LFMT supports an audit capability, that will write auditing details (LOGIN, LOGOUT, ADD, DELETE, CHANGE) to log files. This information will be made available in the GAX application logs where the LFMT Plug-in is installed.

The LFMT Audit logging can be turned on by setting a new key-value-pair in the "log" options section for the GAX application:

Key Name: auditing ; Value = true

The above setting will cause new auditing entries to be written to the GAX logs. These new entries will be written during the add, change or delete operation on the tables of the database used by LFMT. When needed, extract these lines from the GAX log(s) that have LFMT_Audit, Log in user or logged out in it.

  • Please note that the records for addition, deletion and change are JSON records and can be processed using any standard JSON parser.
  • Each of these JSON records also contains the key complete_record that represents the record from the Database.


Utilizing the grep command (on *nix or UnxUtils on Windows) to extract those entries from the log file gax20180914_153236_788.log into an output text file lfmt_audit_log.txt.

egrep "LFMT_Audit|Log in user|logged out" gax20180914_153236_788.log > lfmt_audit_log.txt

This file may contain five different types of audit logs as follows:

Type - 1

Log in: This line is written to the logs when a user logs in.

2018-09-14 15:32:46,710 DEBUG: com.genesyslab.gax.core.user.LoginServiceImpl [qtp142257191-14] - [48] Log in user default

This line shows that the user default logged in at 2018-09-14 15:32:46,710.

2018-09-14 15:47:03,524 DEBUG: com.genesyslab.gax.core.user.LoginServiceImpl [qtp142257191-12] - [48] Log in user ndatar

This line shows that the user ndatar logged in at 2018-09-14 15:32:46,710.

Type - 2:

Log out: This line is written to the logs when a user logs out.

2018-09-14 15:40:48,617 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.webservice.UserController [qtp142257191-74] - [273] User default logged out

This line shows that the user default logged out at 2018-09-14 15:40:48,617.

2018-09-14 15:48:07,165 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.webservice.UserController [qtp142257191-128] - [273] User ndatar logged out

This line shows that the user ndatar logged out at 2018-09-14 15:48:07,165.

Type - 3:

Added Record: This line is written to the logs when a new record is added.

2018-09-14 15:33:28,538 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-73] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1066, index:null, indexName:test, indexType:index, regularExpression:dds-asdas, applicationTypes:,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,]}","timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:33:28 ADT 2018","mode":"Added","username":"default"}

This line shows that a new record was added (mode : Added) to the table IndexToRegex at Fri Sep 14 15:33:28 ADT 2018 by the user default.

2018-09-14 15:47:39,071 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-128] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1068, index:null, indexName:for_testing, indexType:scrub, regularExpression:a=kjkj, applicationTypes:,1013,916,]}","timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:47:39 ADT 2018","mode":"Added","username":"ndatar"}

This line shows that a new record was added (mode : Added) to the table IndexToRegex at Fri Sep 14 15:47:39 ADT 2018 by the user ndatar.

Type - 4:

Changed Record: This line is written to the logs when the contents of an existing record is changed.

2018-09-14 15:36:39,319 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-17] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1059, index:null, indexName:sdsd, indexType:index, regularExpression:as=df, applicationTypes:,258,147,567,1013,916,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,]}","change_details":[{"old_value":"asd","new_value":"as=df","column_name":"regularExpression"},{"old_value":",258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,","new_value":",258,147,567,1013,916,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,",
"column_name":"applicationTypes"}],"timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:36:39 ADT 2018","mode":"Changed","username":"default"}

This line shows that the entry with name asd was changed (mode : Changed) in the table IndexToRegex at Fri Sep 14 15:36:39 ADT 2018 by the user default.

The changes were:

  • Column regularExpression was changed from asd to as=df.
  • Column applicationTypes was changed from ,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997, to ,258,147,567,1013,916,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,.
2018-09-14 15:47:51,243 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-127] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1068, index:null, indexName:for_testing, indexType:scrub, regularExpression:a=kjkj 123, applicationTypes:,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,]}","change_details":[{"old_value":"a=kjkj","new_value":"a=kjkj 123","column_name":"regularExpression"},{"old_value":",1013,916,","new_value":",258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,","column_name":"applicationTypes"}],"timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:47:51 ADT 2018","mode":"Changed","username":"ndatar"}

This line shows that the entry with name asd was changed (mode : Changed) in the table IndexToRegex at Fri Sep 14 15:47:51 ADT 2018 by the user ndatar.

The changes were:

  • Column regularExpression was changed from a=kjkj to a=kjkj 123.
  • Column applicationTypes was changed from ,1013,916, to ,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,.

Type - 5:

Deleted Record: This line is written to the logs when an existing record content is deleted.

2018-09-14 15:46:30,618 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-117] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1067, index:null, indexName:ggh, indexType:index, regularExpression:ghgh-jkjk001, applicationTypes:,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,]}","timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:46:30 ADT 2018","mode":"Deleted","username":"default"}

This line shows that the entry with name ggh from the table IndexToRegex was deleted (mode : Deleted) at Fri Sep 14 15:46:30 ADT 2018 by the user default.

2018-09-14 15:48:01,180 INFO : com.genesyslab.gax.lfmt.audit_log_util.AuditLogUtil [qtp142257191-117] - [34] {"type":"LFMT_Audit_Log","complete_record":"IndexToRegex {[id:1068, index:null, indexName:for_testing, indexType:scrub, regularExpression:a=kjkj 123, applicationTypes:,258,147,567,994,259,956,989,1004,1003,403,351,997,]}","timestamp":"Fri Sep 14 15:48:01 ADT 2018","mode":"Deleted","username":"ndatar"}

This line shows that the entry with name for_testing from the table IndexToRegex was deleted (mode : Deleted) at Fri Sep 14 15:48:01 ADT 2018 by the user ndatar.

This page was last edited on September 1, 2021, at 13:04.
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