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Voiceprint Analysis Configuration Options

Note: Find all of these options in the section mpc.

Option: cpa.nframes_cm_detection
Valid Value: An integer 25-100
Default Value: 50
Takes effect: At start/restart

Specifies the number of frames needed for carrier messages detection.

  • Increasing the number of frames improves precision, but delays the result.

Option: cpa.cm_initial_silence_suppression_level
Valid Value: An integer 0-100, common range = 40-100.
Default Value: 64
Takes effect: At start/restart

Specifies the initial level for silence suppression in carrier messages detection.

  • Increasing the value of this parameter results in high energy noise being suppressed.

Option: cpa.cm_enable_initial_tone_filter
Valid Values: true (default), false
Takes effect: At start/restart

This ringtone filter suppresses the generic single tone at the beginning of incoming frames, for carrier message detection.
True enables the initial ringtone filter during carrier messages detection.
False disables the initial ringtone filter during carrier messages detection.

  • The suppression starts when 10 consecutive frames (400msec) of a given frequency is detected.
  • There is no limit for tone duration, so both continuous and intermittent tone (like ring tones) are suppressed.

Option: cpa.cm_match_percent
Valid Value: An integer 40-80, common range = 70-80
Default Value: 80
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies matching percent for carrier messages detection. Specifies the matching criteria as a parameter for tuning matching conditions.

  • Increasing the number improves precision, but delays the result.

Option: cpa.enable_carrier_messages
Valid Values: true, false (default)
Takes effect: Immediately

Enables/disables carrier messages detection.
True enables carrier messages detection.
False disables carrier messages detection.

Option: cpa.carriermsg.0
Option: cpa.carriermsg.1
Option: cpa.carriermsg.2
Option: cpa.carriermsg.3
Option: cpa.carriermsg.4
Option: cpa.carriermsg.5
Option: cpa.carriermsg.6
Option: cpa.carriermsg.7
Option: cpa.carriermsg.8
Option: cpa.carriermsg.9
Valid Value: A valid pathname and filename
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies the full path to the file containing carrier message #0. Path should include prefix file:// http://, or https://.
cpa.carriermsg.0 = file://E:\cpatest\carrierMsg\cm_NotInUse_Operator1.pcm16
cpa.carriermsg.0 = file://opt/msg/cm_NotInUse_Operator1.pcm16
cpa.carriermsg.0 = http://localhost/cm_NotInUse_Operator1.wav

  • You can configure as many as 100 carrier messages. The limitation of 100 files is due to performance purpose.
  • Carrier messages should be defined sequentially (cpa.carriermsg.0 followed by cpa.carriermsg.1, and so on).

Option: cpa.carriermsg.readduration
Default Value: 60
Valid Value: a non-negative integer, 60-300 inclusive.
Takes effect: Immediately, but wait at least a few minutes while the coefficients for all carrier messages are recalculated.

Specifies how much time MCP will spend reading a carrier message file, to prevent MCP from reading carrier message files that are too long. Very long carrier message files can impact matching accuracy.

  • This parameter does not govern HTTP request timeouts.
  • Do not rely on this parameter to precisely measure how long to read each file.
  • Make sure that the read duration is longer than your longest carrier message file.
  • Coefficients for all the carrier message are recalculated following a change to this parameter.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.custom1.list
Option: cpa.preconnectresult.custom2.list
Option: cpa.preconnectresult.custom3.list
Option: cpa.preconnectresult.custom4.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = sit.custom1 in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.custom_1.list = 0 2 4 … is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier messages previously specified. It specifies that if an incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = sit.custom1.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.busy.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier message files associated with result = busy in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.busy.list = 0 2 4 …is a sequence of integer number equal to the index of carrier message previously specified. It means that if incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = busy.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.fast_busy.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = busy in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.fast_busy.list = 0 2 4 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier messages previously specified. If the incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = busy.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_nocircuit.list
Valid Value: string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return the result = sit.nocircuit in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_nocircuit.list = 0 2 4 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier messages previously specified. It means that if an incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = sit.nocircuit.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_vacantcircuit.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = sit.vacantcircuit in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_vacantcircuit.list = 0 2 4 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier message previously specified.
If an incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = sit.vacantcircuit.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_operatorintercept.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = sit.operatorintercept in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_operatorintercept.list = 0 2 4 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier message previously specified. If an incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result = sit.operatorintercept.

Option: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_reorder.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = sit.reorder in preconnect mode.
Example: cpa.preconnectresult.sit_reorder.list = 0 2 4 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier message previously specified. If the incoming message matches with carriermsg.0, carriermsg.2 or carriermsg.4 then CPA outputs result defined = sit.reorder.

Option: cpa.postconnectresult.machine.list
Valid Value: A string of single integers, separated by spaces.
Default Value: None
Takes effect: Immediately

Specifies a list of carrier messages that will return result = machine in postconnect mode.
Example: cpa.postconnectresult.machine.list = 0 10 is a sequence of integers equal to the index of carrier message previously specified. If the incoming message matches with carriermsg.0 or carriermsg.10, then CPA outputs result = machine.

This page was last edited on May 1, 2017, at 17:10.
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