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Enable Inline Grammar Access by URL

Follow these steps to enable inline grammar access by URL:

Windows IIs Environment

1. Verify that IIS is installed and started, and that MCP is installed.

2. Create and add the directory inlinetmp under C:\Program Files\Common Files\GCTI\www\gvp\mcp\<MCP_application>\grammar\.

Steps 3 and 4 are automatically performed by the MCP installation in a Windows 32-bit environment, but must be performed manually in a 64-bit environment:

3. Add the application mcp in IIS, which points to C:\Program Files\Common Files\GCTI\www\gvp\mcp.

4. Enable Directory Browsing and add the mime type application/octet-stream for the extension * to the application mcp in IIS.

Linux Environment

1. Verify that MCP is installed.

2. Create the virtual directory /var/www/gvp/mcp/ by adding these lines of code to the file /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf:

Alias /mcp/ "/var/www/gvp/mcp/"
<Directory "/var/www/gvp/mcp/">
   Options Indexes MultiViews
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   ExpiresActive On
   ExpiresDefault "now plus 5 minutes"

3. Enable the httpd service
(run chkconfig and specify level 345 httpd on) ????????

4. Start the httpd service (run start in the directory /etc/init.d/httpd).

5. Add the directory inlinetmp, with grant read and access permission granted to all files and directories beneath /var/www/gvp/mcp/<MCP_application>/grammar/.

This page was last edited on December 18, 2014, at 19:59.
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