Audioinexpr attribute is not valid
SUMMARY: The tag "audioinexpr" should be updated to reflect the proper tag of "gvp:audioinexpr".
The next publication of the GVP 8.1 Voice XML Help will include this revision:
TOPIC: VoiceXML Tags
SECTION: The "Field" and "Recognizing Recorded Utterance" sections
Description: In the "GVP 8.1 Voice XML Help" document, there are references of the attribute audioinexpr in the "Field" and the "Recognizing Recorded Utterance" sections.
While almost all references in the "Field" section properly label the attribute as gvp:audioinexpr, the references in the "Recognizing Recorded Utterance" section label it incorrectly as audioinexpr.
If you try to build an application with the attribute audioinexpr the validation will fail in both Composer and GVP. So, all references to audioinexpr must be updated to reflect gvp:audioinexpr in both these sections, including the use cases where sample vxml is provided for testing.