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Revise the table Task Summary: Specifying Windows Services and Settings


SUMMARY: The GVP Deployment Guide description of Windows Services and Settings that can be Specified needs several cautionary notes.

The next publication of the GVP 8.5 Deployment Guide will contain this correction:
CHAPTER: Chapter 5: Preparing the Operating System for GVP
SECTION: Windows Services and Settings
MAKE THESE ADDITIONS to the table Task Summary: Specifying Windows Services and Settings on pages 204-206:

  • Add a note to the top of the table (page 204):
    Note: Some of the services shown here may no longer be available on Windows 2008/2012.
  • Add the footnote mark "A" to the row containing IIS Admin Service (page 205), and add the corresponding footnote following the table (page 206):
    A: Not required for the default setup of MCP component. If you require inline grammars on the MCP, then consult Microsoft documentation on how to add the appropriate roles and features in Windows 2008/2012 to enable the Internet Information Services (IIS). Also, refer to the GVP 8.5 User's Guide or the Voice Platform Media Control Platform Configuration Options for how to configure inline grammars.
  • Add the footnote marked "B" to the row containing World Wide Web Publishing Service (page 205), and add the corresponding footnote following the table (page 206):
    B: Inline grammars, when enabled, must be hosted on the local web server (MCP only). Please refer to the Microsoft documentation on how to add the appropriate roles and features in Windows 2008/2012 to enable the World Wide Web Publishing Service. Also, refer to the GVP 8.5 User's Guide or the Voice Platform Media Control Platform Configuration Options for how to configure inline grammars.
This page was last edited on April 14, 2015, at 22:24.
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