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Configuration of the LFMT Database

For each LFMT Indexer/Collector pair, a separate LFMT database is required. New Comment

This section describes how to initialize a LFMT Database.

The configuration of a Database Access Point (DAP) for a LFMT Database is also detailed.

  • The LFMT Database (Oracle, MS-SQL or Postgres) is NOT the same as the GAX Database - its a different/separate database solely for LFMT Collector/Indexer pairs
  • The GAX database is still required for GAX functionality
  • A new Database must be created for LFMT functionality - a new/separate database for each LFMT Collector/Indexer pair (i.e. LFMT_Chicago_1)
  • LFMT supports TLS database connections as of LFMT package version (LFMT Collector, LFMT Indexer, LFMT Client

Initializing the LFMT Database

  1. Navigate to the <LFMT Collector Install Directory>\utilities\dbscripts directory.
  2. The table below lists the RDBMS database types and their corresponding LFMT initialization script names contained in the dbscripts directory.
  3. Determine/locate the LFMT Database initialization script that corresponds to your RDBMS and LFMT deployment type (new install or upgrade).
    DBMS Script Notes
    Microsoft SQL lfmdb_8.5.101.XX_mssql.sql Use this for a new install of LFMT 8.5.10x.xx
    Oracle lfmdb_8.5.101.XX_ora.sql Use this for a new install of LFMT 8.5.10x.xx
    PostgreSQL lfmdb_8.5.101.XX_postgres.sql Use this for a new install of LFMT 8.5.10x.xx
    Microsoft SQL lfmdb_8.5.000.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _mssql.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.000.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
    Oracle lfmdb_8.5.000.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _ora.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.000.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
    PostgreSQL lfmdb_8.5.000.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _postgres.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.000.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
    Microsoft SQL lfmdb_8.5.100.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _mssql.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.100.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
    Oracle lfmdb_8.5.100.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _ora.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.100.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
    PostgreSQL lfmdb_8.5.100.xx_to_8.5.101.xx _postgres.sql Use this when upgrading from LFMT 8.5.100.xx to LFMT 8.5.101.xx
  4. Via your respective RDBMS UI, load and execute the initialization script that corresponds to your RDBMS and LFMT deployment type (new install or upgrade).
  • The result of the above is a new RDBMS LFMT database (i.e. LFMT_Chicago_1) that a LFMT Collector/Indexer pair can connect to
  • When deploying multiple LFMT Collector/Indexer pairs a new RDBMS database is required for each and every LFMT Collector/Indexer pair

Provisioning a Database Access Point for the LFMT Database

  1. Log into GAX, and navigate to Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Environment section, select Application Templates.
  3. In the Application Templates section, enter a name for the DAP Template in the Name text field.
  4. Choose Database Access Point as the template type from the Type dropdown.
  5. Enter 8.5 for the DAP version in the Version text field.
  6. Click the Save button to save the new application template.
  7. Once the Application Template has been created, navigate to Configuration Manager.
  8. From the Environment section, select Applications.
  9. In the Applications section, select New.
  10. In the New Properties pane, select the General tab. Complete the following:
    1. In the General tab, enter a name (i.e. DAP_LFMT_Chicago_1) for the LFMT DAP in the Name field.
    2. Click on the Template field and navigate to the Application Template created above.
    3. Click on the Host field and navigate to the host where LFMT Database resides.
    4. Choose JDBC as the connection type from the Connection Type dropdown.
    5. Choose Any as the case conversion type from the Case Conversion dropdown.
    6. Choose Main as the role from the Role dropdown.
    7. Choose False as the role from the Debug dropdown.
    8. Enter 15 for the DB timeout in the JDBC Query Timeout text field.
    9. Choose your DBMS type (i.e. postgres) from the DBMS Type dropdown.
    10. Enter the LFMT Database Name (i.e. LFMT_Chicago_1) in the Database Name text field.
    11. Enter the LFMT Database Username in the Username text field.
    12. Enter the LFMT Database Password in the User Password text field.
  11. Select the Ports tab. Complete the following:
    1. Set the value of the default communication port to the listening port of your DBMS. Default ports are listed below:
      • For PostgreSQL the default listening port is 5432.
      • For Oracle the default listening port is 1521.
      • For MSSQL the default listening port is 1433.
    2. As of LFMT package version, TLS can be enabled for the connection to the LFMT database. To enable TLS, set the listening mode for the defined port to "secure".
  12. Select the Application Options tab. Review and configure the LFMT DAP options.
    1. Create the section lfmt.
    2. Create the option site.
    3. Set the value of the site option (i.e. Chicago_1) to a unique identifier for the LFMT Database.
  13. Important
    Ensure that the site option for each LFMT DAP in the LFMT solution is different.
    For more information on the LFMT DAP configuration options, please refer to the LFMT DAP Configuration Options section.

LFMT DAP site Option.png

LFMT DAP Settings.png

Configuring Connections to the LFMT DAP/Database

The LFMT Database stores information accessed by the LFMT Client (GAX), the LFMT Indexer, and the LFMT Collector, therefore each LFMT application requires a connection the respective LFMT DAP.

This section describes how to configure connections to the LFMT database.

Configuring GAX for use with the LFMT Database

  1. Log into GAX, and navigate to Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Environment section, select Applications.
  3. In the Applications section, select the GAX Application configured for use with the LFMT Client.
  4. In the Application Properties pane, select the Connections tab.
  5. In the Connections tab, add a connection to the LFMT DAP (i.e. DAP_LFMT_Chicago_1) to which GAX will connect.
  6. Important
    A single GAX application may have multiple connections to more than one LFMT DAP object/instance.
  7. Click the Save button to save changes to the application.
  8. Restart GAX.

The example below shows the GAX application having a connection to the DAP_LFMT application:
LFMT GAX to DAP Cxn.png

Configuring LFMT Indexer for use with the LFMT Database

  1. Log into GAX, and navigate to Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Environment section, select Applications.
  3. In the Applications section, select the LFMT Indexer application that will access the LFMT Database.
  4. In the Application Properties pane, select the Connections tab.
  5. In the Connections tab, add a connection to the LFMT DAP to which LFMT Indexer will connect.
  6. Important
    A LFMT Indexer may have only one connection to a LFMT DAP instance.
  7. Click the Save button to save changes to the application.
  8. Restart LFMT Indexer.

The example below shows the LFMT_Indexer application having a connection to the DAP_LFMT application:
LFMT Indexer to DAP Cxn.png

Configuring LFMT Collector for use with the LFMT Database

  1. Log into GAX, and navigate to Configuration Manager.
  2. From the Environment section, select Applications.
  3. In the Applications section, select the LFMT Collector that will access the LFMT Database.
  4. In the Application Properties pane, select the Connections tab.
  5. In the Connections tab, add a connection to the LFMT DAP to which LFMT Collector will connect.
  6. Important
    A LFMT Collector may have only one connection to a LFMT DAP instance.
  7. Click the Save button to save changes to the application.
  8. Restart LFMT Collector.

The example below shows the LFMT_Collector application having a connection to the DAP_LFMT application:
LFMT Collector to DAP Cxn.png

This page was last edited on March 2, 2022, at 11:05.
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