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Mnemonic ID Flag Short Description Log Name Long Description
CFGNoObject 0 0 'Unknown Object' Unknown Object is not defined.
CFGSwitch 1 0 'Switch' Switch An aggregate of telephony objects within one telephone switch controlled through one T-Server. See structure CfgSwitch in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGDN 2 0 'DN' DN A telephony object uniquely identified by its directory number within a switch at which telephone calls may reside and be handled. See structure CfgDN in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGPerson 3 0 'Person' Person A person registered in the Configuration Database. See structure CfgPerson in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGPlace 4 0 'Place' Place A location that has one or more telephony objects operated by one agent at a time. See structure CfgPlace in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGAgentGroup 5 0 'Agent Group' AgentGroup A group of agents. See structure CfgAgentGroup in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGPlaceGroup 6 0 'Place Group' PlaceGroup A group of places. See structure CfgPlaceGroup in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGTenant 7 0 'Tenant' Tenant A business subscribed to one or more CTI services. See structure CfgTenant in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGService 8 0 'Solution' Service CTI functionality offered to tenants as a service. See structure CfgService in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGApplication 9 0 'Application' Application An application that provides some of the CTI functions. See structure CfgApplication in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGHost 10 0 'Host' Host A computer where CTI software is loaded. See structure CfgHost in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGPhysicalSwitch 11 0 'Switching Office' PhysicalSwitch A telephone office that contains and/or terminates telephone objects of one or more tenants. See structure CfgPhysicalSwitch in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGScript 12 0 'Script' Script A set of call treatments created within a service. See structure CfgScript in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGSkill 13 0 'Skill' Skill Agent skill. See structure CfgSkill in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGActionCode 14 0 'Action Code' ActionCode Action code. See structure CfgActionCode in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGAgentLogin 15 0 'Agent Login' AgentLogin Agent identifier in a switching system. See structure CfgAgentLogin in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGTransaction 16 0 'Transaction' Transaction Customer-defined transaction associated with an object type. See structure CfgTransaction in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGDNGroup 17 0 'DN Group' DNGroup A group of DNs. See structure CfgDNGroup in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGStatDay 18 0 'Statistical Day' StatDay A statistical day. See structure CfgStatDay in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGStatTable 19 0 'Statistical Table' StatTable A statistical table. See structure CfgStatTable in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGAppPrototype 20 0 'Application Template' AppPrototype An application template that contains application-specific options and their default values where appropriate. See structure CfgAppPrototype in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGAccessGroup 21 0 'Access Group' AccessGroup A group of persons that have the same set of permissions with respect to Configuration Data objects. See structure CfgAccessGroup in section Access Control Functions and Data Types.
CFGFolder 22 0 'Folder' Folder A logical entity that defines a certain object type under a particular parent object. See structure CfgFolder in section Access Control Functions and Data Types.
CFGField 23 0 'Field' Field A basic subdivision of data record
CFGFormat 24 0 'Format' Format Arrangement of fields within a document/database table
CFGTableAccess 25 0 'Table Access' TableAccess A logical entity that defines document access information
CFGCallingList 26 0 'Calling List' CallingList A calling list. See structure CfgCallingList in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGCampaign 27 0 'Campaign' Campaign Outbound campaign. See structure CfgCampaign in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGTreatment 28 0 'Treatment' Treatment A logical entity that defines further step(s) call processing based on call result.
CFGFilter 29 0 'Filter' Filter A logical entity that allows to keep away all the staff that is not required from document the application uses.
CFGTimeZone 30 0 'Time Zone' TimeZone A logical entity that gives the time difference between GMT and local time for both standard time and summertime (Daylight Savings Time).
CFGVoicePrompt 31 0 'Voice Prompt' VoicePrompt A voice prompt.
CFGIVRPort 32 0 'IVR Port' IVRPort A telephony object uniquely identified by its number within an IVR at which telephone calls may reside and be handled.
CFGIVR 33 0 'IVR' IVR An aggregate of IVR ports within one IVR controlled through one IVR interface driver. See structure CfgIVR in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGAlarmCondition 34 0 'Alarm Condition' AlarmCondition An alarm condition
CFGEnumerator 35 0 'Business Attribute' Enumerator An object representing Business Attribute entity which serves as a collection of Attribute Value (CFGEnumeratorValue) objects. See structure CfgEnumerator in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGEnumeratorValue 36 0 'Business Attribute Value' EnumeratorValue An object representing AttributeValue entity. See structure CfgEnumeratorValue in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGObjectiveTable 37 0 'Objective Table' ObjectiveTable An objective table. See structure CfgObjectiveTable in section Configuration Data Types.
CFGCampaignGroup 38 0 'Campaign Group' CampaignGroup
CFGGVPReseller 39 0 'GVP Reseller' GVPReseller
CFGGVPCustomer 40 0 'GVP Customer' GVPCustomer
CFGGVPIVRProfile 41 0 'GVP IVRProfile' GVPIVRProfile
CFGScheduledTask 42 0 'Scheduled Task' ScheduledTask
CFGRole 43
CFGPersonLastLogin 44
CFGMaxObjectType 45 0 'Shortcut' CFGMaxObjectType A maximum value of this enumeration type.
This page was last edited on October 13, 2015, at 13:05.
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