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Mnemonic ID Flag Short Description Log Name Long Description
CFGError 0 0 'Error' Error The request has not been processed on the server side. See type CfgErrorCode.
CFGRegistered 1 0 'Registered' Registered The application has been registered to receive unsolicited events regarding objects of a specified type. This event can be expected only upon request ConfRegisterObjectType.
CFGUnregistered 2 0 'Unregistered' Unregistered The application's registration to receive unsolicited events regarding objects of a specified type has been canceled. This event can be expected only upon request ConfUnregisterObjectType.
CFGObjectAdded 3 0 'Object Added' ObjectAdded A new object has been added to the Configuration Database.
CFGObjectDeleted 4 0 'Object Deleted' ObjectDeleted An object has been deleted from the Configuration Database.
CFGObjectInfoChanged 5 0 'Object Info Changed' ObjectInfoChanged Object information has changed. The parameters of the corresponding delta object structure whose values have not changed are set to zero (NULL). If a parameter of an integer type has changed its current value to zero, the current value is specified in delta object. If a parameter of a character type has changed its current value to an empty string, an empty string is specified in delta object.
CFGObjectInfo 6 0 'Object Info' ObjectInfo Full information about one of the requested objects has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetObjectInfo.
CFGObjectCount 7 0 'Objects Count' ObjectCount Information about the number of objects that satisfy set criteria has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request CongGetObjectCount.
CFGEndObjectList 8 0 'End Of Objects List' EndObjectList Full information or brief information about all requested objects have been transmitted. This event can be expected upon requests ConfGetObjectInfo, ConfGetBriefInfo, and ConfGetACLBriefInfo.
CFGDBDisconnected 9 0 'DB Disconnected' DBDisconnected Link to the database has failed.
CFGDBConnected 10 0 'DB Connected' DBConnected Link to the database has been restored.
CFGServerDisconnected 11 0 'Server Disconnected' ServerDisconnected Communication session with the Configuration Server has failed.
CFGClientRegistered 12 0 'Client Registered' ClientRegistered The requested communication session with the Configuration Server has been established. This event can be expected only upon successful connection to the Configuration Server.
CFGUnknownEvent 13 0 'Unknown Event' UnknownEvent A message received form the Configuration Server cannot be recognized.
CFGAccessInfo 14 0 'Access Info' AccessInfo The requested access control list has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetACL.
CFGAccessChanged 15 0 'Access Changed' AccessChanged Access control list of an object has been changed. This event can be expected only upon request ConfSetACL.
CFGBriefInfo 16 0 'Brief Info' BriefInfo Brief information about one of the requested objects has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetBriefInfo.
CFGAccountInfo 17 0 'Account Info' AccountInfo The requested account information has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetAccount.
CFGAccountChanged 18 0 'Account Changed' AccountChanged Account of an application has been changed. This event can be expected only upon request ConfSetAccount.
CFGACLBriefInfo 19 0 'ACL Brief Info' ACLBriefInfo Brief information about a member of an access control list has been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetACLBriefInfo.
CFGEndHistoryLog 20 0 'End HistoryLog' EndHistoryLog All logged notifications have been transmitted. This event can be expected upon requests ConfRestoreSession and ConfGetHistoryLog.
CFGOperationalModeSet 21 0 'Operational Mode Set' OperationalModeSet The operation mode of Configuration Server has been set according to the client request.
CFGOperationalMode 22 0 'Operational Mode' OperationalMode The current operation mode of Configuration Server. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetOperationalMode.
CFGObjectAddedToFolder 23 0 'Object Added To Folder' ObjectAddedToFolder Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it.
CFGObjectPermissions 24 0 'Object Permissions' ObjectPermissions Requested access rights on a specific object have been delivered. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetObjectPermissions.
CFGExtObjectInfo 25 0 'Ext Object Info' ExtObjectInfo Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it.
CFGReadConfigRegistered 26 0 'Read Config Registered' ReadConfigRegistered The application has been registered to receive unsolicited events regarding global configuration changes. This event can be expected only upon request ConfRegisterReadConfig.
CFGReadConfigUnregistered 27 0 'Read Config Unregistered' ReadConfigUnregistered The application's registration to receive unsolicited events regarding global configuration changes has been canceled. This event can be expected only upon request ConfUnregisterReadConfig.
CFGReadConfig 28 0 'Read Config' ReadConfig Notification about global configuration change received. Application is supposed to reread its configuration upon receiving of this notification. Starting with 7.0 release, Configuration Server discontinued to send such notifications as a result of change in the permissions processing scheme.
CFGSchemaInfo 29 0 'Schema Info' SchemaInfo Server schema information has been delivered. This event is processed within the library registration process and client code is not supposed to receive it.
CFGFilterResult 30 0 'Filter Result' FilterResult Obsolete event. Configuration Server no longer sends it.
CFGLocaleInfo 31 0 'Locale Info' LocaleInfo Locale information has been received from the Configuration Server. This event can be expected only upon request ConfGetLocaleInfo.


For the differences between the content of solicited events (responses) and unsolicited ones (notifications), see CfgEvent.

This page was last edited on October 13, 2015, at 13:04.
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