An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Port is a telephony object uniquely identified by the numbers within an IVR at which telephone calls may reside and be handled.
Filter Keys
Filter Name | Type | Description |
tenant_dbid | int | A unique identifier of a tenant. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the IVR ports that belong to this tenant. |
state | int | Current state of a IVR port (see CfgObjectState). If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about IVR ports that are currently in this state. |
ivr_dbid | int | A unique identifier of the IVR. If specified, Configuration Server will return the information only about the IVR ports that belong to this IVR. |
dn_dbid | int | A unique identifier of the DN. If specified, configuration Server will return the information about IVR port associated with this DN. |
port_number | string | A port number. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the port(s) with that number. |
dbid | int | A unique identifier of the IVR port. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about this IVR port. |
- DBID — An identifier of this object in the Configuration Database. Generated by Configuration Server and is unique within an object type. Identifiers of deleted objects are not used again. Read-only.
- tenantDBID — A unique identifier of the CfgTenant to which this IVR port belongs. Read-only (set automatically according to the current value of tenantDBID of the IVR specified in IVRDBID).
- See type CfgIVR.
- portNumber — A pointer to the string, representing number associated with channel on IVR. Mandatory. Must be unique within one IVR. Once specified cannot be changed.
- description — A pointer to the string describing IVR port.
- IVRDBID — A unique identifier of CfgIVR this IVR port belongs to. Mandatory. Once specified, can not be changed
- DNDBID — A unique identifier of CfgDN associated with this IVR port.
- state — Current object state. Mandatory. Refer to CfgObjectState.
- userProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties. Parameter userProperties has the following structure: Each key-value pair of the primary list (TKVList *userProperties) uses the key for the name of a user-defined section, and the value for a secondary list, that also has the TKVList structure and specifies the properties defined within that section.
An IVR port can only be associated with one IVR.
See Also
This page was last edited on October 13, 2015, at 13:05.
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