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CfgEnumerator objects are available enumerations, such as MediaType, Service Type, and others.

Filter Keys

Filter Name Type Description
dbid int A unique identifier of an enumerator. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about this enumerator.
name string System name of an enumerator. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the enumerator(s) with that name.
tenant_dbid int A unique identifier of a tenant. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the enumerators that belong to this tenant.
state int Current state of an enumerator (see CfgObjectState). If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about enumerators that are currently in this state.
enumerator_type int A unique identifier of an enumerator type. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about enumerators of this type.
display_name string Display name of an enumerator. Shall be specified as a character string. If specified, Configuration Server will return information only about the enumerator(s) with that display name.


  • DBID — An identifier of this object in the Configuration Database. Generated by Configuration Server and is unique within an object type. Identifiers of deleted objects are not used again. Read-only.
  • tenantDBID — A unique identifier of the CfgTenant to which this enumerator is allocated. Mandatory. Once specified, cannot be changed.
  • name — A pointer to the system name of the enumerator to be used primarily by Genesys applications. Mandatory. Must be unique within the tenant environment. Once specified, can not be changed.
  • description — A pointer to the description of the enumerator.
  • state — Current object state. Mandatory. Refer to CfgObjectState.
  • userProperties — A pointer to the list of user-defined properties.Parameter userProperties has the following structure: Each key-value pair of the primary list (TKVList *userProperties) uses the key for the name of a user-defined section, and the value for a secondary list, that also has the TKVList structure and specifies the properties defined within that section.
  • type — A type of the enumerator that enumerator belongs to. See CfgEnumeratorType.
  • displayName — A pointer to the display name of the enumerator to be shown on GUI and in reports. Mandatory.


The table below provides a description of predefined CfgEnumerator objects (some fields are omitted for simplicity):

DBID Tenant Name Display name Type Description
101 1(101) MediaType Media Type 1 Defines all available Media Types
102 1(101) ServiceType Service Type 1 Defines all available Service Types
103 1(101) CustomerSegment Customer Segment 1 Defines all available Customer Segments
104 1(101) IVR Text To Speech Used IVR Text To Speech Used 1 Defines IVR Text To Speech Used
105 1(101) IVR Speech Recognition Used IVR Speech Recognition Used 1 Defines IVR Speech Recognition Used
106 1(101) IVR Application Name IVR Application Name 1 Defines IVR Application Name
107 1(101) IVR Technical Result IVR Technical Result 1 Defines IVR Technical Result
108 1(101) IVR Technical Result Reason IVR Technical Result Reason 1 Defines IVR Technical Result Reason
109 1(101) Case ID Case ID 1 Defines Case ID
110 1(101) Business Result Business Result 1 Defines Business Result
111 1(101) Root Interaction ID Root Interaction ID 1 Root Interaction ID
112 1(101) InteractionType Interaction Type 1 Predefined list of interaction types supported by contact center
113 1(101) InteractionSubtype Interaction Subtype 1 Predefined list of interaction subtypes supported by contact center
114 1(101) CategoryStructure Category Structure 4 Customer defined
115 1(101) ScreeningRules Screening Rules 4 Customer defined
116 1(101) EmailAccounts Email Accounts 4 Customer defined
117 1(101) StopProcessingReason StopProcessing Reason 1 Predefined, extended by customer
118 1(101) Language Language 1 Extended by customer
119 1(101) DispositionCode Disposition Code 1 Customer defined
120 1(101) ReasonCode Reason Code 1 Customer defined
121 1(101) InteractionAttributes Interaction Attributes 1 List of predefined interaction attributes
122 1(101) ContactAttributes Contact Attributes 1 List of predefined contact attributes

In the GUI representation, the name "Enumerator" was replaced with "Business Attribute".

Deletion of Enumerator X will cause the following events set out in the order of arrival:

  • Deletion of all Enumerator values of Enumerator X
  • Deletion of all folders that had Enumerator X defined as the parent object
  • Deletion of Enumerator X

XML Representation

This XML was created using the Configuration Server 7.5 schema.
	<DBID value="101" />
	<tenantDBID value="1" />
	<name value="AnEnumerator" />
	<description value="Description" />
	<state value="1" />
	<type value="1" />
	<displayName value="An Enumerator" />

See Also



This page was last edited on October 13, 2015, at 13:04.
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