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An Alarm Event specifies the event that triggers an alarm.


  • logEventID — An identifier of a specific log event of interest. See Log API for more information.
  • selectionMode — Determines the event selection mode that is used for analysis. Default value is CFGSMByAny. See CfgSelectionMode.
  • appType — An application type to describe the type of applications which can generate the log event with the specified logEventID. Should only be used if the value of useAppType is set to CFGTrue. See CfgAppType.
  • appDBID — A unique identifier of an CfgApplication which generates the log event with the specified logEventID. Could only be used if the value of useAppType is set to CFGFalse. Optional.
This page was last edited on October 13, 2015, at 13:03.
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