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Creating new e-mails manually

This topic describes part of the functionality of Genesys Content Analyzer.

Purpose: To increase the accuracy of a model produced by a training object by adding new manually-created e-mails to the training object.

  1. Close the New Training Object dialog box. On the left-hand pane of the Training tab, select the training object. This produces a three-pane view, shown in "Add E-mail to a Training Object."
  2. Add E-mail to a Training Object
  3. On the center pane, select the category that you want to add an e-mail to. The figure "Add E-mail to a Training Object" shows a user about to add a new e-mail to the fiction category.
  4. On the right-hand pane, right-click and select New Mail from the shortcut menu. The Mail Editor opens, as shown in "Mail Editor."
  5. Mail Editor
  6. Enter text into the Subject and Body fields, then click Save.
  7. E-mails that you add in this way are stored as being handled by the agent called default.

    You can also edit existing e-mails by selecting an e-mail in the right-hand pane, right-clicking, and selecting Edit Mail.

This page was last edited on December 17, 2013, at 18:54.
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