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Supplementary Services Gateway

Options for this component are contained in the following configuration sections:

In the summary table(s) below, type in the Search box to quickly find options, configuration sections, or other values, and/or click a column name to sort the table. Click an option name to link to a full description of the option. Be aware that the default and valid values are the values in effect with the latest release of the software and may have changed since the release you have; refer to the full description of the option to see information for earlier releases.

Power users: Download a CSV file containing default and valid values and descriptions.

The following options are configured at the application level (in other words, on the application object).

Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Section Option Default Changes Take Effect
Common enable-ipv6 1 At start/restart
ems logconfig.MFSINK
  • |*|*
ems logconfig.TRAPSINK
  • |*|*
  • At start/restart
    fm http_proxy At start/restart
    fm request_wait_time 5000 At start/restart
    HTTP CertFile $InstallationRoot$/config/x509_certificate.pem After restart
    HTTP CertKeyFile $InstallationRoot$/config/x509_private_key.pem After restart
    HTTP CertPassword After restart
    HTTP HTTPDefaultPage SSG After restart
    HTTP HTTPPort 9800 After restart
    HTTP HTTPSPort 9801 After restart
    HTTP ResponseHeaders X-Frame-Options:DENY After restart
    HTTP TLSType SSLv23 After restart
    log all ../logs/SSG immediately
    log debug ../logs/SSG immediately
    log expire 7 day immediately
    log interaction ../logs/SSG immediately
    log segment 10000 immediately
    log standard ../logs/SSG immediately
    log time_convert local immediately
    log trace ../logs/SSG immediately
    log verbose standard immediately
    SSG CleanIntervalSecs 180 After restart
    SSG ClientPortToTServer After restart
    SSG ConnRetryIntervalSecs 120 After restart
    SSG fips_enabled False After restart
    SSG InitiatedCallRetryFlag 1 After restart
    SSG MaxAttemptsLimit 25 After restart
    SSG MaxDBConnPoolSize 7 After restart
    SSG MinDBConnPoolSize 3 After restart
    SSG pacing.BatchLimit TotalPorts After restart
    SSG pacing.caps.CallRequestsPerSecond 30 After restart
    SSG pacing.EqualPriorityToNewAndOld false After restart
    SSG pacing.NextRetryIntervalSecs 10 After restart
    SSG pacing.PortLoadFactor 100 After restart
    SSG pacing.QLowWatermark 25 After restart
    SSG pacing.SlotCalculation Proportionate After restart
    SSG PAssertedIdentityUsage 0 After restart
    SSG RegRetryIntervalSecs 120 After restart
    SSG ReqAccOnResourceDNErrTimeoutSecs 900 After restart
    SSG ReqAccOnSIPSConnErrTimeoutSecs 900 After restart
    SSG TimeToLiveLimitMins 1440 After restart
    Tenant1 AccessGroup After restart
    Tenant1 DialPrefix After restart
    Tenant1 RPDN After restart
    Tenant1 TGDN After restart
    This page was last edited on July 24, 2017, at 09:11.
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