sqa Section
Default Value: 95
Valid Values: An integer between 1 and 100 inclusive
Changes Take Effect: immediately
If the percentage of successful calls falls below this threshold during a service quality period, a notification is generated.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The minimum number of calls that need to be recorded before the service quality notification is issued at the critical level.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: immediately
The minimum number of latency measurements that need to be recorded before a warning is logged indicating that the latency measurements have exceeded the configured threshold for the update period.
Default Value: 900
Valid Values: An integer equal to 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, or 3600.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter indicates the interval (in seconds) at which service quality data will be forwarded to the RS from the MCP relative to the beginning of the hour. MCP components must be restarted to refresh their version of this parameter if it is updated.
Default Value: 900
Valid Values: An integer equal to 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800, or 3600.
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
This parameter defines the period of time, in seconds, between statistic updates, and is relative to the beginning of the hour, rather than the MCP client start time. MCP components must be restarted to refresh their version of this parameter if it is updated.