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Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

When this option is set to true the SRM Client will create a new connection to the ASR or TTS server per MRCP session setup.


Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

When this option is set to true the MRCPv1 Client will not ping the MRCPv1 server.


Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

When this parameter is set to true, the SRM Client will not send the Speech-Language header in MRCP SET-PARAMS and SPEAK requests in a TTS session. Without the Speech-Language header, some MRCP TTS servers is able to use its default language when the application specified language is absent.


Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter specifies the name of resource name. Some common names are SPEECHWORKS, REALSPEAK


Default Value: TTS
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter specifies the speech resource type.


Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter specifies the URI to the speech resource, e.g. rtsp://<MRCP server IP>:<port>/media/speechsynthesizer. Please consult your MRCP vendor documentation for appropriate setting.


Default Value: true
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

When this option is set to true the SRM Client will set the logging-tag parameter in the first SET-PARAMS method to the unique Call ID of the call.


Default Value: UTF-8
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

If a TTS MRCP server does not have the content-encoding header to specify the Speech Marker name encoding in a SPEECH-MARKER event, the SRM client will use the value specified by this parameter as the encoding of the Speech Marker name.


Default Value: MRCPv1
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This parameter specifies the MRCP protocol used by the Speech Resource.


Default Value: false
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

When this option is set to true, the SRM Client will use the voice name defined in the TTSENGINE property to tell the TTS engine what voice to use.


Default Value: 30000
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This parameter specifies the ping interval in milliseconds for the MRCP Proxy to ping the speech resource. This parameter is only used by the MRCP proxy.

This page was last edited on July 24, 2017, at 09:07.
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