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persistence Section



Default Value:
Valid Values: A Database Name
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

The name of remote database that will be used for RS. Used to help construct the JDBC connection URL.


Default Value:
Valid Values: MS SQL DB Dialect or Oracle DB Dialect
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

The dialect Hibernate should use when interacting with the database


Default Value:
Valid Values: MS SQL DB Datasource or Oracle DB Datasource
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

SQL Driver Hibernate should use when interacting with the database


Default Value:
Valid Values: A JDBC URL
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

The JDBC URL that RS should use to connect with the database. For Oracle, the final URL is constructed by appending a colon plus the hibernate.remote.database string to this option's value. For SQL Server, the final URL is constructed by appending ';databasename=' plus the hibernate.remote.database string to this option's value. The JDBC connection URL will equal the hibernate.remote.url string if the hibernate.remote.database parameter is set to empty.


Default Value:
Valid Values: User Name
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

The user name that RS should use to connect the the remote database


Default Value:
Valid Values: User Password
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

The password that RS should use to connect the the remote database


Default Value: true
Valid Values: If RS receives the call CCID from RM/MCP then this parameter should be enabled to send the CCID data to Kafka
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

Enable storing of call CCID in Kafka for CDR and Events


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Enable HIST-Only Mode
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

Configures the RS to run in HIST-Only Mode. The RS will never write to the remote database, but will continue to support historical report queries. The HIST-Only RS does not support writing CDR, OR, SQA, or log data. It does not support data summarization or data purging. It does not support real-time (RT) call reports.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: This option controls 'no DB' mode. In 'no DB' mode, the RS functions without a remote DB, however only a limited number of reporting services are available.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

Enables the 'no DB' feature for running the RS without a remote DB.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: false, true
Changes Take Effect:

When set to true, Reporting Server handles the database partitioning failures automatically for MS SQL enterprise database.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: This parameter must be enabled if ANI should not be stored in the RS DB.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

If this is true, then ANI will not be stored in the RS DB CDRs.


Default Value: *
Valid Values: This option controls the metrics that should be persisted to the database backend.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

RS uses the string provided to filter metrics before saving to the database. The string uses the same format as in Reporting Client, such as 0-16,18,25,35,36,41,52-55,74,128,136-141. The default value is "*". When the parameter is missing, the default value will be assumed and all metrics received will be saved to the database.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: This parameter must be enabled if the metric data is expected to contain special characters/languages.
Changes Take Effect: at start/restart

Enables storing of metric data in UTF-8 format into the DB. If disabled, RS stores metric data in modified UTF-8 format into the DB.

This page was last edited on July 24, 2017, at 09:06.
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