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Default Value: file://$InstallationRoot$/audio/ulaw/default_audio/endofprompt.vox
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path to the file
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This parameter is used to specify the filename for the 'beep' before doing the <join> operation or in place of the "$beep$" in a play element.. Will be limited by the msml.beep.join.timelimit configuration.


Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 10000.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The timelimit for the audible "beep" when played during a <join> element. Units are in milliseconds.


Default Value: as-is
Valid Values: as-is: (default) Record everything as-is from the RTP stream. Inband DTMFs will be recorded, but RFC2833 digits will not. no-digits: Strip out all DTMF digits. This includes inband or RFC2833. NOTE: When telephone-event is negotiated on the call, if inband audio DTMFs are received, they will not be removed from the recording. all-digits: Record all DTMF digits, including inband, and generate audio for RFC2833 digits.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the recording behavior for DTMFs in MSML Call Recording.


Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the number of audio packets that will be replaced with silence after a clamped DTMF. This can be used in the case where DTMF tone appears after DTMF RFC2833 event.


Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Must be an integer 0 to 50 inclusive.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the number of audio packets that will be replaced with silence before a clamped DTMF. This can be used in the case where DTMF tone appears before DTMF RFC2833 event, which may happen when SIP gateway converts DTMF tones to DTMF RFC2833 event. Note the bigger number is set, the more audio delays will be introduced in a conference.


Default Value: 120000
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the maximum integer as defined by Genesys Administrator.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Time a conference that is set to delete when no media will wait until a partipant joins before it decides to self terminate. In extreme scenarios, this prevents a leak from occurring. Default is 2 minutes (120000 ms). Units are in ms. Set to 0 to disable.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Used to avoid double transcoding when 2 participants with lossy audio codecs is being recorded by MCP. Pass through is established only if Codecs and other media capabilities match on both sides and the Mixer is not used for modifying the signal. If true, this capability is enable.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 60.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

CPD Beep Timeout in seconds. When not set in the <cpd> element attributes, this value will be used as the default beep timeout. Set to 0 to disable.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 60.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

CPD Post-connect Timeout in seconds. When not set in the <cpd> element attributes, this value will be used as the default post-connect timeout. Set to 0 to disable.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than 60.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

CPD Pre-connect Timeout in seconds. When not set in the <cpd> element attributes, this value will be used as the default pre-connect timeout. Set to 0 to disable.


Default Value: file://$installationRoot$/record/
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory for CPD recording.


Default Value: wav
Valid Values: Please specify a valid audio file extention.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the file extension for CPD recording. Will be used to determine the MIME-type of the file, and the extension used.


Default Value: .wav
Valid Values: Speficy a valid audio file extension.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the default file extension of audio files to be used in play prompt or recording.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Set the default behavior for dialogend with regards to silently failing if the dialog cannot be found. When true, and a dialog to end cannot be found, the dialogend will not fail. When false, the dialogend request will fail if the dialog cannot be found.


Default Value: application/vnd.radisys.msml+xml
Valid Values: A valid content type can only contain alphanumeric characters, and '/' or '\'
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Content types in a SIP INFO messages that are allowed for the MSML AppModule. Only the defined content types are processed, others are ignored. If left empty, the default value is "application/vnd.radisys.msml+xml". Specifying "*" would mean that any value is permitted. This is a space delimited list of values.


Default Value: file://$installationRoot$
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory of prompt media.


Default Value: 25000
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 5000 and less than or equal to 25000.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Sets the fetch timeout (in ms) for an MSML play.


Default Value: QCIF=2
Valid Values: Specify a comma-separated list of H.263 video formats.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

A comma-separated list of H.263 video formats that are used for selecting H.263 video files to play.


Default Value: 0a=2,0b=2,0c=2,0d=2,14=2,15=2,16=2,1e=2
Valid Values: Specify a comma-separated list of H.264 video formats.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

A comma-separated list of H.264 video formats that are used for selecting H.264 video files to play. The video format is in the form of "byte_value=mpi" where byte value is the last byte of the profile-level-id, and mpi is the minimum picture interval. The last byte of the profile-level-id in the negotiated SDP is matched against the desired minimum picture interval specified in this configuration parameter. MCP shall select the prompt file with filename ending as profile-level-id=matched_minimum_picture_interval to play. If the last byte of profile-level-id of the negotiated SDP is not found in this configuration parameter list, no file will be played. For example, if this configuration parameter has value 0a=2, and if negotiated SDP for H.264 codec has specified profile-level-id as 42e00a, then MCP shall look for prompt file name ending with H264_42e00a=2.


Default Value: file://$installationRoot$
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory of music prompt.


Default Value: avi
Valid Values: Can only be 3gp or avi.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

When an extension is not present in the MSML play request, precheck is enabled, and the user negotiates a video codec, this configuration will be used to determine which container will be attempted.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the audio file search order for MSML prompt announcement. The default search order is <ID>/<format>.<ext> followed by <ID>_<format>.<ext>. If this option is set to true, the default order will be used. If this is set to false, the search order will be reversed.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the access permissions for the recording file uploaded to Amazon s3 during MSML call recording. When set to 'false', MCP would restrict access to the uploaded file to the s3 bucket owner only and when set to 'true', MCP would allow public download access to the uploaded recording file. Note that if both primary recording destination(recdest) and secondary recording destination(recdest2) are configured to use s3 URI format(s3:bucketname) then MCP would grant the same access permissions(depending upon the configuration value of this parameter) to the two recording files uploaded to Amazon s3.


Default Value: http
Valid Values: Choose between: http or https
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

This parameter specifies the mode to be used for uploading recording files to Amazon s3 during MSML call recording. When set to 'https', MCP would use 'HTTPS' protocol for uploading the recording files to Amazon s3 and when set to 'http', MCP would use 'HTTP' protocol. The default mode is 'HTTP'. Note that if both primary recording destination(recdest) and secondary recording destination(recdest2) are configured to use s3 URI format(s3:bucketname) then MCP would use either 'HTTP' or 'HTTPS'(depending upon the configuration value of this parameter) for uploading the two recording files to Amazon s3.


Default Value: V4
Valid Values: Choose between: V2 or V4
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies the Amazon method to generate the authentication signature on GET and PUT requests during record upload. When set to 'V2' the Amazon 'AWS' algorithm will be used to authenticate the requests. This version was deprecated by Amazon somewhere around the year 2014, and all locations deployed after this date no longer accepts this authentication version. When set to 'V4' the Amazon 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256' algorithm will be used to authenticate the requests. This is currently the official method for authentication, it introduces more security and is accepted in all regions.

The 'V4' authentication algorithm has some new requirements, one of them is the bucket location (or region), this information was not previously needed and therefore MCP didn't care about it. Two methods were introduced in order for MCP to get the bucket's location: (1) Automatic method, where MCP uses an Amazon service to get the information, This method does not require additional input from the customer and is backward compatible; (2) Manual method, where the customer provides the bucket's location using the IVR-Profile through the new parameters recordingclient.AWSRegion and recordingclient.AWSRegion2;

The automatic method (1) is the default method, as it does not require any further configuration or additional input from the customers. The manual method (2) will be used only as an alternative when the automatic method is not being able to properly get the bucket location.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies if the payload will be signed with the V4 signature. This provides added security but MCP needs to read the entire payload, so it will impact the performance. This only applies if the V4 signature is enabled through the parameter [msml].record.amazonsignatureversion. When set to 'true', MCP will calculate the Hash SHA256 of the Amazon POST payloads, and use the result to create the signature. When set to 'false', MCP won't calculate the payload hash.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

When set to true, if an MSML Dialog Recording (i.e. recording from the record tag in MSML Dialog Base Package) is requested, record destinations that do not have an extension specified will have a unique identifier included as part of recorded file name. When set to false, no unique identifier will be included in the final file name.

If a directory is specified, a unique indentifier will always be used, independent of this configuration.

If the attribute "gvp:appenduniqueid" is specified in the record element, that value will take precedence over the configured value.


Default Value: file://$installationRoot$
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path pointing to the root directory for recording media.


Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Choose between: 1 or 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

This parameter specifies the number of channels for MSML recording to dest( 1- mono, 2- stereo). Default value is 2 (stereo).


Default Value: 2
Valid Values: Choose between: 1 or 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

This parameter specifies the number of channels for MSML recording to dest2( 1- mono, 2- stereo). Default value is 2 (stereo).


Default Value: true
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When set to true the Recorder will act as deferred sink during MSML call recording. This means that the Recorder would use its own thread for writing media data to recording file and is more robust to any disk IO issues which arise during writing of the media data to the file. When set to false the Recorder would not be a deferred sink and would use the source thread for writing the media data to the file.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

This parameter specifies whether sip(s) and ws(s) destinations can be requested together with a file destination, such as file, http(s) or s3. When set to 'true', sip/ws and file are allowed simultaneously. If set to 'false', sip will not be allowed with any file location, and error logs will be produced. The default is 'false'.


Default Value: $id$
Valid Values: Please specify a valid template following the instructions in the description.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This parameter specifies the default template for generating MSML recording (aka GIR-Recording) and IVR-Recording file names.

For MSML recording (GIR-Recording): - Any gvp:param present in the template may be replaced by its value if specified using MSML. - Some possible template parameters: $id$, $dateTime$, $MCPDateTime$, $dnis$, $recordDN$, $ani$, $callUuid$, $sipsAppName$, $connId$, $record$, $dest$, $dest2$, $type$, $type2$, $channels$, $channels2$, $AWSRegion$, $AWSRegion2$, $callrec_dest$, $audiosrc$, $tonesilenceduration$, and any other gvp:param present in MSML. - Example: The template $id$_$record$_$MCPDateTime$ produces the file name "basicrecid12345_source_2013-09-13_08-10-15_*.*" where $id$ is specified as "basicrecid12345", $record$ is specified as "source" using MSML gvp:param and $MCPDateTime$ enables insertion of MCP local time.

For IVR-Recording: - Some of the parameters passed in the INVITE RURI are accepted. - Possible template parameters: $id$, $dateTime$, $MCPDateTime$, $dnis$, $recordDN$, $ani$, $callUuid$ and $sipsAppName$. - The $id$ template is equivalent to $callUuid$_$dateTime$ template. The date and time used is in UTC mode retrieved from the MCP machine. - Example: The template $callUuid$_$MCPDateTime$ produces the file name "SDFGTRE3456YHBVFT543_2018-04-26_13-33-46_*.*" where "SDFGTRE3456YHBVFT543" is the SIP header XGENESYSCALLUUID value and $MCPDateTime$ enables insertion of MCP local time.

Notes: - The template $dateTime$ is replaced by the UTC time, and $MCPDateTime$ is replaced by the local time from the MCP machine. - There is a 260 character limit (including directory names and extension) for the recording file name on Windows. - Parameters are case sensitive.


Default Value: 4
Valid Values: Must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 10000.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The default final silence duration in seconds that can be detected in a recording to terminate the recording.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

Specifies if MCP should generate the SHA256 hash of the recorded files. The generated hash is used to sign the payloads in case amazon posts are configured to use V4 signature, and it will also be added to the HTCC metadata. When set to 'true', MCP will generate the SHA256 hash of the recorded files. When set to 'false', MCP won't generate the recorded files hash.


Default Value: $installationRoot$/cache/record/failed
Valid Values: Please specify a valid path.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

While doing MSML call recording the recordings are added to a list if they need to be posted to Amazon S3, Call Recording API, HTTP/HTTPS or SpeechMiner. A separate posting thread wakes up from time to time and works on the list of recordings to be posted. This parameter specifies the directory for storing recording files which encounter irrecoverable errors during the post attempts.


Default Value: 120000
Valid Values: msml.record.posttimeout must be an integer that is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the maximum integer as defined by the Genesys Administrator Help.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately/session

The post timeout for recordings which need to be posted to Amazon S3, Call Recording API, HTTP/HTTPS or SpeechMiner. Once this timeout expires the post attempt would be treated as one which encountered recoverable error and would be retried. The default value of this parameter is 120 sec (120000 milli seconds).


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When set to true the recording file header will be updated on disk during MSML call recording. When set to false the recording file header will not be updated on disk during the recording and the header updation will be performed(if needed) while trying to place the recording file at its final destination.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: Choose between: true or false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When set to true, record cache dir(specified using config parameter mpc.recordcachedir) is used for FILE based MSML call recording. Once the recording completes, the recording file is moved from the record cache dir to the final recording destination. When set to false, record cache dir is not used for FILE based MSML call recording and the recording file is directly created at the final recording destination. Note that the value of this configuration parameter is ignored and the behavior for 'true' is used if HTCC post is desired.

This page was last edited on July 24, 2017, at 09:06.
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