Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: 8.1.1 (behavior changed)
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, after the end of a call, during which an agent who handled that call can send UserEvent-based key-value pair (KVP) data. If the call has ended and the UserEvent-based KVP data is sent after this timeout, the transformation job does not process the UserEvent-based KVP data.
Section: gim-etl-populate
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.004
Enables or disables reporting on Active Switching Matrix (ASM) engage duration (for voice interactions only). Applies only to deployments with Outbound Contact in a VoIP environment where campaigns are running in an ASM dialing mode.
- false—Genesys Info Mart does not differentiate between ASM engage duration and regular talk time.
- true—Genesys Info Mart populates the ASM_COUNT and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION columns in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table as follows:
- ASM_COUNT is set to 1 to indicate that an attempt was made to engage an agent. If no attempt was made, then the column shows a value of 0.
- ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION indicates the amount of time that a successfully-engaged agent waited to be connected to a customer. This duration will be excluded from regular talk time.
Active Switching Matrix
Also known as ASM. An active component of switching hubs that rapidly switch packets from port to port by allocating memory.
Outbound Contact Server
Also known as OCS. The core component of the Outbound Contact Solution that provides automated dialing and call progress detection, so that an agent is required only when a customer is connected. OCS also intelligently uses customer data to ensure that campaigns are contacting the right customers, not just a large number of customers.
Interaction Database
Also known as IDB. The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail.
See also
Interaction Concentrator.
Routing Point
Also known as an RP. Any point at which interactions wait for routing by Universal Routing Server (URS). These points have different names on different Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switches (for example, CCT, CDN, and VDN). Switches often have a script that is associated with them and that directs calls to a destination.
Routing Point
Also known as an RP. Any point at which interactions wait for routing by Universal Routing Server (URS). These points have different names on different Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switches (for example, CCT, CDN, and VDN). Switches often have a script that is associated with them and that directs calls to a destination.
Interaction Routing Designer
Also known as IRD. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Genesys Universal Routing that is used to design routing strategies. Routing strategies can route based on various criteria, such as business rules, information from a database lookup, a required skill set, interaction priority, the desired service level, interaction attributes, and statistical values.
Universal Routing Server
Also known as URS. The server that is used by Universal Routing that automatically executes routing-strategy instructions and distributes incoming customer interactions among contact-center agents. Previously known as Interaction Router.
Section: gim-transformation
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Specifies how Genesys Info Mart will treat IVRs when the IPurpose attached data KVP is not defined, or when it has an incorrect value.
- false—The IVR is treated as a nonself-service IVR (in other words, as a mediation device).
- true—The IVR is treated as a self-service IVR (in other words, as a handling resource).
Section: gim-etl
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: 0 or any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Modified: 8.1.1 (behavior changed)
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, after the end of a call, during which an agent who handled that call can send UserEvent-based key-value pair (KVP) data. If the call has ended and the UserEvent-based KVP data is sent after this timeout, the transformation job does not process the UserEvent-based KVP data.
Interactive Voice Response
Also known as IVR. A hardware and software system that uses responses from a touch-tone telephone to gather and store data. It uses a recorded human voice to reply to user input. It is sometimes referred to as the Voice Response Unit (VRU).
IVR can also refer to systems that provide information in the form of recorded messages over telephone lines, in response to user-supplied input in the form of spoken words or, more commonly, Dual-Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signaling. Examples include banks that enable you to check your balance from any telephone, and automated stock-quote systems. For example, For checking account information, press 1 or If you want a stock quote, press 2.
A computer technology that enables users to connect to a computer system and obtain information through voice input, instead of by using a keypad, keyboard, or touch-tone telephone device. An IVR system responds to a human voice, looks up information, presents alternatives, and interacts with the caller.
Interaction Database
Also known as IDB. The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail.
See also
Interaction Concentrator.
Key-Value Pair
Also known as a KVP. A data structure that is used to communicate or store a piece of information. A KVP consists of a key, whose value is a string, and a value, which may be any of a variety of data types, including a key-value set (thus, making the structure recursive). The key identifies the meaning of the data that is contained in the value.
Key-Value Pair
Also known as a KVP. A data structure that is used to communicate or store a piece of information. A KVP consists of a key, whose value is a string, and a value, which may be any of a variety of data types, including a key-value set (thus, making the structure recursive). The key identifies the meaning of the data that is contained in the value.
User Data Sources and KVPs
As described in Processing User Data, Genesys Info Mart obtains user-data KVPs from T-Server TEvents, Interaction Server events, or UserEvents. This page provides information you need to consider when you configure your deployment to send and store user data.
[hide]Source Attributes in Events
For call-based attached data, KVPs can be reported in the UserData, Reasons, or Extensions attributes of TEvents and Interaction Server events. The source that is specified in the ICON attached-data specification file controls which event attribute ICON will store (for example, source=”userdata”). The filterUserData startup parameter enables you to control whether Genesys Info Mart will extract KVPs from only the UserData attribute of TEvents and Interaction Server events (filterUserData=true, the default behavior) or whether it will also consider KVPs from the Reasons and Extensions attributes of TEvents (filterUserData=false).
Turning off filtering of user data has performance implications, because it increases the amount of user data that Genesys Info Mart will have to process.
For information about setting the filterUserData startup parameter, see Modifying JVM Startup Parameters.
Using UserEvent-Based KVP Data
Some agent desktop applications issue UserEvents to set KVP data after the agent’s participation in the voice interaction has completed (that is, after the call is released). Other components or applications, such as Genesys Mobile Services (GMS), also send data in UserEvents to enable integration with Genesys Info Mart for historical reporting on application usage or performance. You can configure an ICON application that captures Voice details to store UserEvent-based KVP data in its IDB. When you configure the ICON application, you use ICON application configuration options — instead of the attached-data specification XML file — to specify which KVPs ICON should store. Then you can configure Genesys Info Mart to extract this data from the IDB G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table.
Note the following about Genesys Info Mart processing of UserEvent-based KVP data:
- This functionality is supported for user data in the Voice details data domain only. All UserEvent data that ICON receives from T-Server or SIP Server is supported, even if the user data relates to non-voice interactions — for example, callbacks originating from the web or mobile channel.
- This functionality is supported for logged-in agents and IVR applications that emulate logged-in agents.
- Data from only the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table in IDB is extracted. UserEvent-based KVP data is not extracted from G_CUSTOM_DATA_P, nor are custom agent states extracted from the G_CUSTOM_STATES table in IDB.
- Applications that issue UserEvents must be sure to set the fields inside the UserEvent properly. Unlike with call-based attached data, T-Server does not validate the contents of the UserEvents, nor does it propagate their KVP data values among related calls, such as consultations, transfers, or conferences.
- Callback KVP data is available for reporting purposes if Genesys Callback is configured using the GMS component in your environment. For more information, see Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) — for Callback, below.
For directly call-related data, such as the after-call work (ACW) UserEvents sent by agent desktop applications, Genesys Info Mart stores the extracted UserEvent data in the same fact and dimension tables as the data that is sourced from call-based attached data. During deployment planning, you decide which Info Mart fact or dimension column should receive data from each UserEvent-based KVP that is of interest for reporting. During deployment configuration, you must configure ICON application options to specify which KVPs should be stored in G_CUSTOM_DATA_S. Also, you must configure Genesys Info Mart mapping between those KVPs and the Info Mart facts and dimensions (see User Data Mapping Tables).
For more information about how Genesys Info Mart populates its facts and dimensions from UserEvent-based KVP data and call-based attached data, see the section about populating Genesys Info Mart data in the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide.
Application-Specific Considerations
The remainder of this page provides some guidelines about the KVPs that contact centers typically use for reporting purposes. KVPs are discussed by the Genesys application that attaches them:
- IVR Applications
- Universal Routing
- eServices/Multimedia
- Outbound Contact Solution
- Agent Desktop Applications
- Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) — for Callback
- Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR)
- Chat Server
IVR Applications
You must configure your IVR applications to send the IApplication KVP — and you must configure ICON to store it — even if you do not want to store the IApplication KVP in Info Mart user-data tables for your reporting purposes. Genesys Info Mart uses the IApplication KVP value internally during transformation.
Other KVPs that your IVR applications attach depend on the following factors:
- The technologies that your IVR application supports
- Whether the applications are self-service-oriented
- Whether the applications work in conjunction with Enterprise Routing Solution
Based on these factors, you might choose to modify your IVR applications so that they attach additional KVPs:
- IPurpose (for more information, see IPurpose KVP)
- IResult
- IResultReason
- ITextToSpeech
- ISpeechRecognition
- CustomerID
- CaseID
- Revenue
- Satisfaction
- CustomerSegment
- ServiceType
- ServiceSubType
- Business Result
You might also decide to attach user-defined KVPs.
IPurpose KVP
Genesys Info Mart uses the IPurpose KVP to determine whether an IVR application represents a self-service application or only a part of the mediation process:
- For a self-service IVR, Genesys Info Mart creates a separate row in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table, representing the IVR activity as interaction handling (not as mediation). In other words, the IRF table is populated with facts for this self-service IVR in the same manner as for an agent.
- For a nonself-service IVR, no separate IRF row is created; the IVR activity is represented as mediation (not as interaction handling) as part of another row in the IRF table.
The presence of the IPurpose key with the value of 1 (Self Service) forces Genesys Info Mart to treat an IVR as a handling resource. Otherwise, Genesys Info Mart treats the IVR as a mediation resource.
- In an environment in which IVR applications rely on Universal Routing to select a target, you can modify your Universal Routing Server (URS) routing strategies to attach the IPurpose KVP on behalf of the self-service IVR application. For more information, see Routing and Attached Data for Self-Service IVRs.
- If you do not modify your self-service IVR applications or routing strategies to attach the IPurpose KVP, you will see a high number of customer-abandoned interactions. To mitigate this, configure Genesys Info Mart to treat all IVR applications as self-service.
Do this by setting the default-ivr-to-self-service configuration option to true in the [gim-transformation] section; in this way, you can configure Genesys Info Mart to treat all IVR resources as self-service IVRs. - If a self-service IVR uses a Two-Step or Mute transfer to transfer calls to an agent, configure the IVR application to set the value of the IPurpose key to 1 for consultation calls as well. Alternatively, set the T-Server option consult-user-data to inherited or joint, so that T-Server will propagate all user data, including the IPurpose KVP, from the original call to the consultation call.
In the following deployments, an IVR application can attach the IPurpose key with the value of 1 (Self Service) to indicate to the reporting system that the corresponding IVR is a self-service resource:
- IVR In Front of the Switch — An IVR and IVR ports exist as configuration objects in the Configuration Database, and IVR ports are associated with DN objects that are configured under the IVR Server’s virtual switch.
- IVR Behind the Switch — An IVR and IVR ports exist as configuration objects in the Configuration Database, and IVR ports are associated with DN objects that are configured under the premise switch.
When it arrives at your IVR port, the call is associated with a corresponding DN object in the Genesys environment. This association clearly indicates to Genesys Info Mart that the call is at an IVR.
The IVR application can set the IPurpose key to the Self Service value and attach this data to the original call while the call is at the IVR port. As a result, Genesys Info Mart creates a record in the IRF table to represent the self-service IVR application that is handling the customer interaction.
Universal Routing
The KVPs that Universal Routing attaches depend on:
- The type of routing strategies that you deploy
- Whether routing strategies work in conjunction with IVR applications
You can configure Universal Routing Server (URS) to attach the following strategy name and routing target KVPs automatically, by setting the URS report_targets configuration option to true:
- RTenant
- RStrategyName
- RTargetTypeSelected
- RTargetObjectSelected
- RTargetAgentSelected
- RTargetPlaceSelected
Your routing strategies can use the MultiAttach object and FindServiceObjective function in IRD to attach the following KVPs that represent requested skills, business attributes, and service objectives:
- RRequestedSkillCombination (see Notes about Skill Combinations)
- CustomerSegment
- ServiceType
- ServiceObjective
You might also decide to attach the following KVPs or user-defined KVPs:
- CustomerID
- CaseID
- Revenue
- Satisfaction
- ServiceSubType
Notes about Skill Combinations
If you do not use the IRD MultiAttach object to define the requested skill combination, ensure that you represent the skill combination as a list of comma-separated skill names, each with an optional minimum proficiency. Wordspacing between the list items is not significant.
For example, the formats of the following skill combinations are valid:
skill1 | skill1=1, skill2 |
skill1=1 | skill1,skill2=1 |
skill1,skill2 | skill1=1, skill2=2 |
skill1, skill2 | skill1=1,skill2=2 |
A skill combination is not the same as a skill expression. Logical operators and comparitors (such as <, >, |, and &) are not valid.
Routing and Attached Data for Self-Service IVRs
When used in conjunction with self-service IVR applications, your routing strategies might also attach the IPurpose KVP on behalf of the IVR application. (The IPurpose KVP that is attached by the IVR application takes priority.) The Self Service value (1) for the IPurpose key indicates to the reporting system that the corresponding IVR is a self-service resource in the following deployments:
- IVR In Front of the Switch (as defined here) — In this deployment, a call also involves a routing point, which is configured as a DN of the Routing Point type under the IVR Server’s virtual switch.
Either the IVR application or the routing strategy that is associated with the routing point (or both) can set the IPurpose key to the Self Service value. As a result, Genesys Info Mart creates a record in the IRF table to represent the self-service IVR.
- IVR Behind the Switch (as defined here) — In this deployment, a call might involve a routing point, which is configured as a DN object of the Routing Point type under the premise switch.
The IPurpose key with the Self Service value is set as follows, in any combination:
- The routing strategy that is associated with the routing point at the premise switch attaches the KVP before the strategy routes the call to the IVR DN.
- The IVR application attaches the KVP while the call is at the IVR port.
eServices/Multimedia-Specific Attached Data
Events from the eServices/Multimedia solution include a number of attributes that are specific to multimedia interactions.
If they are attached to an interaction, ICON stores these attributes in the GM_F_USERDATA and GM_L_USERDATA tables in IDB. By default, ICON stores the KVPs and event attributes that Genesys Info Mart requires, even if you do not explicitly specify them in the ICON attached-data specification file. Genesys Info Mart does not process custom KVPs that you configure ICON to store in the GM_F_USERDATA or GM_L_USERDATA tables.
The following table describes important multimedia-specific KVPs that Genesys Info Mart processes and that ICON stores by default.
Attribute | Description |
Subject | The subject of the multimedia interaction. |
FromAddress | The “from” address of the multimedia interaction. |
InteractionSubType | The interaction subtype of the multimedia interaction.
This subtype is a component of the value for the INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY. The INTERACTION_TYPE dimension includes both interaction type and subtype. |
StopReason | eServices/Multimedia allows a reason name to be provided for each action. ICON records this reason name for the action that stops the interaction, identifying the reason the interaction was stopped. Genesys Info Mart uses this stop reason for internal purposes — for example, when setting the TECHNICAL_DESCRIPTOR_KEY in the IRF record. |
For user data originating from EventCustomReporting events — for example, for Focus Time reporting — you must configure ICON to store the required attributes in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table in IDB, as described in Configuring UserEvent Data Storage. For full details about configuring ICON to support Focus Time reporting, see Processing Data from EventCustomReporting.
For information about detailed chat session reporting, see Chat Server, below.
Outbound Contact Solution
Outbound Contact Server (OCS) automatically attaches the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID call attempt ID for progressive and predictive dialing modes. For preview dialing mode, OCS provides the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID KVP in the UserEvent with record information.
You must ensure that your desktop application attaches the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID KVP. Genesys Info Mart uses it for internal processing. Downstream reporting applications can also use it to integrate contact attempt details with call details.
In Outbound-VoIP environments, when Outbound Contact campaigns are running in an ASM (that is, Active Switching Matrix) dialing mode, OCS automatically attaches the GSW_CALL_TYPE=”ENGAGING” KVP to identify an engaging call. An ASM dialing mode engages an agent, establishes a connection with the customer, and then transfers the agent to the customer. That is, the agent waits to be connected to the customer. The time that the agent spends waiting to be connected to the customer is the engaged duration.
Starting with release 8.5.004, Genesys Info Mart processes the call as an engaging call when this KVP is present, and records the amount of time that the agent was engaged and waiting for the call to connect to a customer. The time that the agent was engaged and waiting is excluded from regular talk time.
To capture the engaged duration associated with an ASM dialing mode, you must set the populate-irf-asm-engage-duration configuration option to true.
Agent Desktop Applications
Agent desktop applications might attach various KVPs, depending on your configuration of business attributes in the Configuration Layer.
For example, desktop applications can attach the following KVPs if they have not already been attached by some other application (such as IVR applications or Enterprise Routing Solution):
- CaseID
- CustomerID
- Revenue
- Satisfaction
- Business Result
If you want to track the reasons for agents being in NotReady states, ensure that relevant KVPs are available to your agents through their desktop applications.
OCS automatically attaches the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID call attempt ID for progressive and predictive dialing modes. For preview dialing mode, you must ensure that your desktop application attaches the GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID KVP to the actual interaction. The GSW_CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID KVP is provided by OCS in the UserEvent with record information. For voice interactions, the KVP must be attached before the voice call is released.
For eServices/Multimedia, ICON automatically stores information about the reason that processing of an interaction stopped. If you want to track the reasons for agents stopping multimedia interactions, ensure that the Stop Reason key with relevant values is available to your agents through their desktop applications. ICON also stores information about the party that issued the request to stop processing an interaction, when the party is known.
Genesys Mobile Services (GMS) — for Callback
Starting with release 8.5.005, Genesys Info Mart supports reporting on Genesys Callback activity, provided that GMS has been configured to send the required user data and that ICON (release 8.1.506.07 or higher) has been configured to store it. For full information about configuring Genesys Callback services, see the Callback Solution Guide.
Genesys Info Mart stores callback-related data in CALLBACK_* tables in the Info Mart database. The user-data mapping is predefined and cannot be customized. No additional configuration or mapping is required. For information about Genesys Info Mart callback-related tables, see the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS. For information about how callbacks are represented in Info Mart interaction data, see Special handling for Genesys Callback in the User's Guide, on the page about populating interaction resource data.
At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart requires GMS to send the following KVPs in every callback-related event. Genesys Info Mart will not insert a row for a callback event in the CALLBACK_FACT table if any of the following KVPs are missing.
For meaningful callback reporting, Genesys Info Mart requires GMS to send a number of additional KVPs, as applicable for the event. The following table, which is reproduced for your convenience from the Set up Historical Reporting page in the Callback Solution Guide, describes the KVPs that Genesys Info Mart requires GMS to send in UserEvents, to enable meaningful Callback reporting. An asterisk indicates that the KVP must be sent twice -- as call-based attached data in a TEvent and as UserEvent-based user data. Release numbers mentioned in the table (for example, indicating when a particular KVP was introduced) refer to the GMS release.
To ensure that ICON stores the KVP data required for Genesys Info Mart to report on Callback, set the store-event-data option to all on the ICON application object (default is none).
Four of the KVPs — _CB_SERVICE_ID, _CB_T_SERVICE_START, _CB_T_CALLBACK_ACCEPTED and _CB_T_CUSTOMER_CONNECTED — must also be sent as call-based attached data. The sample attached-data specification file in the Genesys Info Mart IP includes these four KVPs by default.
KVP | Description | Info Mart Database Target |
KVP | Description | Info Mart Database Target |
VQ_ | The configuration type of the virtual queue used to find the target agent. Genesys Info Mart uses this value in combination to identify the RESOURCE_KEY to use. | CALLBACK_ |
VQ_ | The configuration type ID of the virtual queue used to find the target agent. Genesys Info Mart uses this value in combination to identify the RESOURCE_KEY to use. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | ANI of the customer for in-queue scenarios. This value can match _CB_CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER if the same number is confirmed or entered. Could also be empty if the ANI is not detected. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The result of the first callback dialing attempt. One of the following values:
Notes: FAILED_TO_ESTABLISH_CUSTOMER_ORIGINATED_MEDIA is a result that must be reported by the user application; otherwise, there is no CTI data that will enable Genesys Callback to identify this result. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The result of the second callback dialing attempt. See _CB_DIAL_1_RESULT for possible values. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The result of the third callback dialing attempt. See _CB_DIAL_1_RESULT for possible values. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The result of the fourth callback dialing attempt. See _CB_DIAL_1_RESULT for possible values. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The result of the fifth callback dialing attempt. See _CB_DIAL_1_RESULT for possible values. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The type of callback offer that was presented to the customer. For example, after business hours, SCHEDULED is the only available option; during business hours, business rules might allow only the WAIT_FOR_AGENT option or a combination of SCHEDULED and WAIT_FOR_AGENT. One of the following values:
_ | The direction of the final callback interaction. One of the following values:
_ | The interaction channel from which the callback originated. One of the following values:
_ | The order in which the final callback interaction was connected. One of the following values:
_ | The result of the final dialog for the callback. One of the following values:
Important: If an error occurs during the callback outbound call, the value of _CB_DIM_FINAL_DIAL_RESULT might overlap with _CB_DIM_DIAL_DIALOG_RESULT. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The result of the final callback dialing attempt. One of the following values:
Notes: 2. CANCEL is set when the on_dial plugin returned action=CANCEL. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The routing target that was used to find the agent. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Specifies whether the callback offer was made during operational (business) or non-operational hours. One of the following values:
_ | The type of callback the customer requested. One of the following values:
_ | The virtual queue used to find the target agent. Genesys Info Mart uses this value in combination to identify the RESOURCE_KEY to use. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The DBID of the virtual queue used to find the target agent. Genesys Info Mart uses this value in combination to identify the RESOURCE_KEY to use. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Callback state using the format <state>.<sub state> where:
_ | The duration of the callback offer, in seconds.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The amount of time, in seconds, the customer was waiting to be connected to the agent after the callback interaction was established. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The amount of time, in seconds, the customer waited in the queue before a callback was offered. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The amount of time, in seconds, it took to establish the callback interaction, such as an outbound call. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The amount of time, in seconds, the customer was waiting offline for an agent to become available. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Value of the EWT threshold used to decide whether the callback offer should be made or not. Pass this value as an argument of the application that is responsible for making the callback offer. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The value of EWT, in seconds, at the time the callback was offered. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Estimated Wait Time in seconds when the last dial attempt was made or the last push notification sent. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The value of Expected Wait Time (EWT), in seconds, for the service request when the contact center was ready to start the first callback interaction, such as an outbound dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether this is a final record about this callback service: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The call ID of the first outbound call that the callback service created. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | For premise callback, _CB_IXN_START_IGNORING_AVAILABILITY will always be 0. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The call ID of the last outbound call that the callback service created. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Indicates whether the caller dropped the call without explicitly accepting or rejecting the callback offer: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether the agent was successfully added to the callback interaction: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether a callback offer was accepted: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The total number of callback attempts or notifications, both successful and unsuccessful. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether callback was offered, at least once, during the session: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether the customer abandoned the callback interaction while waiting to be connected to an agent: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether the interaction required agent assistance: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Indicates whether the customer was disconnected because the timeout for waiting for an agent was reached: 0 = No, 1 = Yes. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | Number of times the callback interaction failed to transfer to the agent. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Estimated Wait Time for the queue where rejected calls and not offered callbacks are being placed. This value is identical to _CB_EWT_WHEN_CALLBACK_WAS_OFFERED if the same Virtual Queue is used to place accepted callbacks. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The ID of the inbound call where the callback was originally offered and accepted. You must pass the _cb_origination_ixn_id parameter in your Start Callback query when creating a callback request. If you do not pass the _cb_origination_ixn_id parameter, the value of _CB_ORIGINATION_IXN_ID will be undefined. For chat scenarios, this ID should be the chat interaction ID. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | The Orchestration Server (ORS) session ID used to manage the callback. If multiple sessions were used (for example, because an ORS session terminated unexpectedly during the callback), the last session ID is reported. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The customer position in the queue when callback was offered. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Position in queue when the last dial attempt was made or the last push notification sent. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The customer position in the queue when the contact center was ready to start the first callback interaction, such as an outbound dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Priority of the virtual interaction when the customer was connected to the agent.
If the customer abandoned while waiting in queue, then this value is the priority of the call when the customer disconnected. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Priority of the interaction (real or virtual) when the callback offer was accepted. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | Priority of the virtual interaction when the customer was connected. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The ID of the callback service request. Depending on the scenario, the value equals the ID of the GMS service instance or ID of the ORS session.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The Tenant DBID. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The UTC timestamp when the callback offer was accepted. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The UTC timestamp when the callback was offered.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The UTC timestamp when the customer was reconnected to the contact center and started waiting for an agent to be connected. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC Timestamp of the first dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC Timestamp of the second dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC Timestamp of the third dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC Timestamp of the fourth dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC Timestamp of the fifth dialing attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The UTC timestamp when the contact center was ready to start the callback interaction. The value matches the time of either an outbound dialing attempt or a push notification prompting the customer to start a call or chat session.
Note: Set this value only once, before the first dial attempt. | CALLBACK_ |
_ Introduced: | UTC timestamp for when service was completed or terminated. | CALLBACK_ |
_ | The UTC timestamp when the callback service started. This value represents either the time of the callback request or the time that the callback offer was played, depending on deployment.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CALLBACK_ |
Genesys Predictive Routing (GPR)
Starting with release 8.5.009, Genesys Info Mart supports reporting on GPR usage and performance, provided that GPR has been configured to send the required user data and that ICON has been configured to store it. For full information about configuring GPR for historical reporting, see Deploying: Integrating with Genesys Reporting in the Genesys Predictive Routing (formerly Predictive Matching) Deployment and Operations Guide.
Genesys Info Mart stores GPR-related data in GPM_* tables in the Info Mart database. The user-data mapping is predefined and cannot be customized. No additional configuration or mapping is required. For more information about the GPR-related tables, see the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
The following table describes the KVPs that Genesys Info Mart requires GPR to send in UserEvents. The information is reproduced for your convenience from the Integrating with Genesys Reporting page cited above. Release numbers mentioned in the table (for example, indicating when a particular KVP was introduced) refer to the GPR release. The gpm and GPM_ prefixes shown in the table are correct.
KVP | Description | KVP Type | Info Mart Database Target |
KVP | Description | KVP Type | Info Mart Database Target |
ADDED_ | UTC timestamp, indicating the date and time when the record was added as inherited from the T-Server TEvent.
Default value: no default value Valid values: any valid UTC timestamp Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | INT | GPM_ |
CALLID | Value of AttributeCallUUID for the interaction.
Default value: a valid CALLID Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CHAR(32) | GPM_ |
CustomerID Introduced: | The GPRIxnCleanup subroutine takes this KVP from user data attached to the interaction, and passes it to the Genesys Historical Reporting solution in the EventUserEvent event. GPR does not generate this KVP. | Postgres: varchar(255); Oracle: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR); Microsoft SQL: varchar(255)/nvarchar(255) | IRF_ |
gpmAdjustedAgentScore Introduced: | The final agent score used to route the associated interaction to the selected agent. This score is calculated from the gpmAgentScore combined with any agent occupancy factor.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmAgentDBID | Optional. The DBID of the agent to whom the interaction was routed.
Default value: no default value | INT | RESOURCE_ |
gpmAgentRank | The rank of the agents in the target group, based on agent scores sorted in descending order.
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | SHORT | GPM_ |
gpmAgentScore | The score of the agent to whom the interaction was routed.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmCustomerFound | Indicates whether features from the customer record specified in the routing strategy were successfully retrieved from the Customer Profile schema uploaded to the AI Core Services and used to calculate agent scores.
Default value: unknown Valid values: 0 (= No), 1 (= Yes), unknown | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmDefaultAgentScore Introduced: | This default agent score for the associated interaction. The value is the outcome, for this interaction, of the setting specified in the default-agent-score configuration option.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmDefaultScoredAgents Introduced: | The number of agents assigned the default score for the associated interaction.
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | INT | GPM_ |
gpmDefaultScoreUsed Introduced: |
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, 1 | INT | GPM_ |
gpmFinalScoreThreshold Introduced: | The final threshold value used to route the associated interaction to the selected agent. The routing strategy calculates the value from the configured score threshold combined with values resulting from any agent holdout options.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any integer | INT | GPM_ |
gpmGlobalScore | The mean score calculated for an interaction using the Global Model.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmGlobalScoreCount Introduced: | Describes the number of agent scores returned for an interaction using a GLOBAL model.
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | INT | GPM_ |
gpmInitialScoreThreshold Introduced: | The initial threshold value used for the interaction, taken from the value set in the score-base-threshold configuration option.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any integer | INT | GPM_ |
gpmMaxScore | The score of the best-matching agent in the target group.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmMedianScore | The median score for the target group of agents to which the agent who received the interaction belongs.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmMessage | The message that displays when the Predictive Routing result reported in the gpmResult KVP is an error.
Default value: no default value | CHAR(255) | GPM_ |
gpmMinScore | The score of the worst-matching agent in the target group.
Default value: 0 Valid values: any non-negative float value | FLOAT | GPM_ |
gpmMode Modified: - The value off was added. | The mode in which Predictive Routing is operating, as specified by the prr-mode configuration option. For information about turning predictive routing off, see Turn Off Predictive Routing.
Default value: unknown Valid values: prod, off, dry-run, ab-test-time-sliced, unknown | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmModel | The name of the Model used to calculate agent scores for the interaction.
Default value: unknown Valid values: the name of any Model in your environment | CHAR(255) | GPM_ |
gpmModelId | The UUID of the Model used to calculate agent scores for the interaction.
Default value: unknown Valid values: the ID for any Model in your environment | CHAR(24) | GPM_ |
gpmPredictor | The name of the Predictor in the AI Core Services (AICS). If an error is encountered, the section name specified in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object is used as the Predictor name.
Default value: unknown Valid values: the name of any Predictor in your environment | CHAR(255) | GPM_ |
gpmPredictorId | The UUID of the Predictor used for scoring.
Default value: unknown Valid values: the ID for any Predictor in your environment | CHAR(24) | GPM_ |
gpmPredictorType Introduced: | Reserved for future use.
Default value: unknown Valid values: Sales, Service | CHAR[32] | GPM_ |
gpmPriorityIncrement Introduced: | If the value is 0, the priority of the interaction did not increase above the configured base_priority value. If the value is 1, the priority of the interaction did increase above the configured base_priority and, as a result, the selected agent was not verified for the expected threshold score.
Note: This KVP is not currently stored as a separate column in the Genesys Info Mart database. It can be accessed from the score_log file using the GPR API. Default value: 0 Valid values: 0,1 | N/A | N/A |
gpmResult Modified: - The values 12, 13, 14, and 15 were added. | The result of Predictive Routing processing. If there is an error, the gpmMessage KVP contains the error message.
Default value: no default value Valid values: 1–15 Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmRouteAttemptId | The sequence number of the attempt to route an interaction using Predictive Routing. The value of this KVP is incremented each time the ActivatePredictiveRouting subroutine is called by the strategy, starting from 1.
Default value: 0 Valid values: integers starting from 1 | INT | GPM_ |
gpmRoutingMethod Introduced: | Reserved for future use.
Default value: unknown | CHAR[32] | GPM_ |
gpmScoreAboveMedian | Indicates whether the score for the selected agent was better than the median score for the target group.
Default value: unknown Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes), unknown | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmStatus | Indicates the scenario under which the interaction was processed. For more information about the scenarios, see Routing Scenarios Using Predictive Routing.
Default value: unknown Valid values: agent-surplus, call-surplus, unknown | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmSuitableAgentsCount Introduced: | The number of agents who had scores greater than or equal to the initial threshold value when the scoring response was received.
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | INT | GPM_ |
gpmTargetSize | The size of the scored target group (in other words, the length of the list of agents received from the scoring engine).
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | SHORT | GPM_ |
gpmUse | The meaning depends on the mode in which Predictive Routing is operating (see the description of the gpmMode KVP). This field is set to one of the following values:
Default value: unknown Valid values: 1, 0, unknown | Enum | GPM_ |
gpmVQDBID Introduced: | The DBID of the virtual queue or DN configured in the vq-for-reporting configuration option (configured on the Predictive_Route_DataCfgTransaction List object).
Default value: No default value Valid values: Any valid DBID | INT | RESOURCE_ |
gpmVQGUID Introduced: | Value of the Virtual Queue ID (RPVQID) stored in the interaction user data. This is a special GUID value that uniquely identifies the entrance of the interaction into certain virtual queues. The RPVQID is created by URS when the interaction enters into the virtual queue and is present in all VirtualQueue events that URS distributes.
Default value: No default value Valid values: Any valid Virtual Queue GUID | CHAR[32] | GPM_ |
gpmWaitTime | The amount of time, in seconds, the interaction spent in the queue used for Predictive Routing decision-making, starting from when the strategy started to process the interaction until it was routed to the agent. Note that the point when processing starts might depend on how you have configured your strategy.
Default value: 0 Valid values: 0, any positive integer | INT | GPM_ |
ServiceType Introduced: | The GPRIxnCleanup subroutine takes this KVP from user data attached to the interaction, and passes it to the Genesys Historical Reporting solution in the EventUserEvent event. GPR does not generate this KVP. | Oracle: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR); Postgres: varchar(255); Microsoft SQL: nvarchar(170) | INTERACTION_ |
START_ | UTC timestamp, indicating the time when the interaction arrived at the contact center.
Note that this value is different from gpm-ixn-timestamp (previously called prr-ixn-timestamp), which, in release and earlier, indicates the time when the strategy started processing the interaction. gpm-ixn-timestamp is configured in the default_skill_data object, from which it is passed to the ActivatePredictiveRouting_v3 subroutine. In URS Strategy Subroutines and higher, gpm-ixn-timestamp is not used, and START_TS must be passed in the default_skill_data parameter. gpmWaitTime (the actual wait time of the interaction in the queue before an agent is selected) is calculated based on the difference between the UTC time when agent is selected minus the START_TS value. Default value: no default value Valid values: a valid UTC timestamp Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | INT | GPM_ |
Chat Server
Starting with release 8.5.011, in eServices deployments that include Chat Server or higher, Genesys Info Mart supports detailed reporting on Genesys Chat session activity, provided that Chat Server has been configured to send the required user data and that ICON has been configured to store it. Starting with release, in eServices deployments that include Chat Server 8.5.302.03 or higher, Genesys Info Mart support for chat session reporting has been extended to include support for asynchronous (async) chat sessions. For full information about enabling chat session reporting for both regular and async chat, see Integrating Chat Server with Genesys Historical Reporting in the eServices Administrator's Guide. For additional links to more information, including information about aggregation and available out-of-box Genesys CX Insights reports, see New in Release 8.5.011 and New in Release in this document.
Genesys Info Mart stores chat session data in the CHAT_SESSION_FACT and CHAT_SESSION_DIM tables in the Info Mart database. The user-data mapping is predefined and cannot be customized. No additional configuration or mapping is required. For more information about the chat session tables, see the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
At a minimum, Genesys Info Mart requires Chat Server to send the ChatServerSessionStartedAt and ChatServerSessionClosedAt KVPs in the chat session–related reporting event. Genesys Info Mart will not insert a row for a chat session in the CHAT_SESSION_FACT table if either of these KVPs is missing.
The following table describes the KVPs that Genesys Info Mart requires Chat Server to send in Interaction Server reporting events. The information is reproduced for your convenience from information on the Integrating Chat Server with Genesys Historical Reporting page cited above. Release numbers mentioned in the table (for example, indicating when a particular KVP was introduced) refer to the Chat Server release.
KVP | Description | Info Mart Database Target |
KVP | Description | Info Mart Database Target |
ChatServerSessionClosedAt | Timestamp of chat session closure. Always attached.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CHAT_ |
ChatServerSessionStartedAt | Timestamp of chat session creation. Always attached.
Note: This KVP is mandatory for Genesys Info Mart reporting. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The maximum time (in seconds) a chat session has been inactive while at least one agent was connected and a configured inactivity threshold was exceeded. | Not mapped |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total number of times when an inactivity period exceeded a configured threshold while at least one agent was connected to the chat session (in other words, while the chat session was technically in an active state). | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total amount of time (in seconds), exceeding configured threshold, without any activity when the chat session was in the active state (at least one Agent participated). | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The maximum time (in seconds) an agent spent on replying to a customer. Note: For async chat sessions, if a chat session was in a dormant state while a customer message was received, the time until the agent rejoins the session is excluded. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The number of times an agent replied to a customer. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The total time (in seconds) an agent spent on replying to a customer. Note: For async chat sessions, if a chat session was in a dormant state while a customer message was received, the time until the agent rejoins the session is excluded. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The maximum time (in seconds) an agent spent on waiting the reply from a customer. Note: For async chat sessions, cumulative dormant time until a customer's reply is received is excluded. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The number of times an agent waited for replies from a customer. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The total time (in seconds) an agent spent on waiting the reply from a customer. Note: For async chat sessions, cumulative dormant time until a customer's reply is received is excluded. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The maximum time (in seconds) a chat session was staying in dormant state. | Not mapped |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total number of times session entered dormant state | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total amount of time (in seconds), customer chat session was in the dormant state (with no Agent participant). Routing time is excluded from dormant time. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The maximum time (in seconds) an async chat session was staying in idle state. | Not mapped |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | Total number of times an async session entered idle state. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total amount of time (in seconds), exceeding configured threshold, without any activity when the chat session was in the dormant state (with no Agent participant). | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The maximum time (in seconds) a customer spent on replying to an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The number of times a customer replied to an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The total time (in seconds) a customer spent on replying to an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The maximum time (in seconds) a customer spent on waiting the reply from an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The number of times a customer waited for the reply from an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ | The total time (in seconds) a customer spent on waiting the reply from an agent. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The maximum time (in seconds) that at least one agent was connected to a chat session. | Not mapped |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total number of times a session was in an active state, that at least one agent was connected to a chat session. | CHAT_ |
cse_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | The total time (in seconds) that at least one agent was connected to a chat session. | CHAT_ |
csg_ Introduced: 8.5.301.06 | Denotes async session. Equals "1" for async chat session or "0" for regular chat session. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The ID (identifier) of chat session. Could be different from Interaction ID. Attached only if the value of attach-session-statistics is not none. | Not mapped |
csg_ | The value identifies the language specified for the chat session. Might be absent. Attached only if the initial UserData for the chat session includes the GCTI_LanguageName KVP, and the value of attach-session-statistics is not none. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The value identifies the origination of the chat session (web chat, social media channels, sms, and so on). Might be absent. Attached only if the initial UserData for the chat session includes the MediaOrigin KVP, and the value of attach-session-statistics is not none. | CHAT_ |
csg_ Introduced: (restricted release) | The MediaType for chat interaction. Always attached. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The total number of all messages sent by all agents (messages which are visible to customer). Note: There can be several agents in a chat session, for example, conferences, transfers, and others. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The total character count (including spaces) of all messages sent by agents. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The total number of messages sent by customers. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The total character count (including spaces) of all messages sent by customers. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The number of parties that participated in a session as agents. Note: Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The number of parties that participated in a session in the coaching mode (for example, an agent joins with the VIP visibility). Note: Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic. | Not mapped |
csg_ | The number of parties that participated in a session in the monitoring mode (for example, a supervisor join with the INT visibility). Note: Only unique parties are counted. For example, if the same party joins the session several times, it only counts as one for the purpose of this statistic. | Not mapped |
csg_ Introduced: 8.5.109 | The indication of agent presence in chat session.
Please note that in this reason code, only human (in other words, non-bot) agents who are visible to a customer are taken into account.
| Not mapped |
csg_ Introduced: 8.5.105 | The type of participant that triggered the chat session closure.
| CHAT_ |
csg_ Introduced: 8.5.105 | The description of how a chat session was closed.
| CHAT_ |
csg_ | The total duration of a chat session from the time it was created until it was completely finished/closed in Chat Server. Note: This does not include the time between Chat Session End and Mark Done, as the interaction can still be handled by an agent. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The duration of the waiting period, or the period of time a customer waits until the first agent (visible to a customer) joined the session. Note: The 0 (zero) value has two alternative interpretations: no agents ever joined the session (if csg_PartiesAsAgentCount=0) or an agent joined immediately when the session was started (if csg_PartiesAsAgentCount > 0). | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The period of time until the first agent submits the first visible to a customer greeting/message into a chat session. | CHAT_ |
csg_ | The period of time a customer is in a chat session. | Not mapped |
csg_ | The tenant ID for the chat session. Always attached. | CHAT_ |
Related Information
For additional discussion of topics related to user-data processing in Genesys Info Mart, see User Data Processing and Storage, User Data Mapping, and Propagation Rules. For a list of the KVPs that contact centers most commonly use for reporting purposes, see Common Attached Data KVPs.