Database Access Point
Also known as a DAP. An object that provides the interface between an application in the Genesys installation and the databases to which the application requires access. Refer to the Framework Database Connectivity Reference Guide for more information about configuring and using DAPs.
Interaction Database
Also known as IDB. The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail.
See also
Interaction Concentrator.
High Availability
Also known as HA. The use of Redundancy to enable contact centers to minimize interruptions that are due to hardware, software, or network connectivity issues.
Genesys CX Insights
Genesys Customer Experience Insights (Genesys CX Insights or sometimes GCXI) provides a presentation layer that extracts data from the Genesys Info Mart database, and presents it in readable historical reports to enable business and contact center managers to make better business decisions for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and providing better services.
Genesys CX Insights has replaced Genesys Interactive Insights (GI2) as the historical reporting presentation layer. See also Genesys Info Mart and Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA).
Reporting And Analytics Aggregates
Also known as RAA. An optional Genesys Info Mart process that creates and populates predefined aggregation tables and views within an Info Mart database. RAA aggregation tables and views provide the metrics that summarize contact center activity to facilitate reporting, and serves as the primary source of data for the Genesys CX Insights (GCXI) historical reports. RAA is required for Genesys CX Insights, and was required for the now-deprecated GI2.
Mediation DNs
Mediation DNs are DNs that regularly distribute interactions, such as ACD queues, routing points, virtual queues, virtual routing points, external routing points, and service numbers.
[hide]- 1 Genesys Info Mart Features and Functionality
- 1.1 Voice Data Processing
- 1.2 Multimedia Data Processing
- 1.3 Configured Thresholds by Media Type
- 1.4 Outbound Contact Data Processing
- 1.5 User Data Handling
- 1.6 Aggregation
- 1.7 High Availability
- 1.8 Security
- 1.9 Multiple Calendars
- 1.10 Data Lineage
- 1.11 Data Privacy
- 1.12 Database Model
- 1.13 Support for Partitioning
- 1.14 Data Export
- 1.15 ETL Cycle
- 1.16 Error Handling
- 1.17 Configuration Verification
- 1.18 Maintenance
- 1.19 Flexible DAP Configuration
- 1.20 Support for a Management GUI
- 1.21 Genesys Voice Platform Support
- 1.22 Support for Callback
- 1.23 Support for Business Edition Premise (BEP)
Genesys Info Mart Features and Functionality
Depending on configuration, Genesys Info Mart 8.5.x provides the features and functionality described on this page.
For supplementary information about additional, new functionality, see New in Release 8.5.0.
Voice Data Processing
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports extracting and transforming details data for all voice interactions completed in a Genesys-powered contact center.
In particular, Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports:
- Populating interaction resource facts and interaction resource state facts for voice interactions (traditional telephony calls).
- Reporting on agent states and state reasons, including after-call-work association and DND mode details.
- Reporting on mediation DNs, including virtual-queue and ACD-queue activity.
Multimedia Data Processing
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports extracting and transforming all interactions that are processed through Genesys eServices solution, including 3rd Party Media interactions.
In particular, Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports:
- Populating interaction resource facts and interaction resource state facts for Genesys eServices interactions, both inbound and outbound
- Reporting on Interaction Queue and Interaction Workbin activity, in addition to mediation DNs
- Dynamically adding new media types that are encountered during transformation of multimedia interactions. For more information, including configuration considerations, see Media Types
- Dynamically adding new multimedia interaction subtypes that are encountered during transformation. For more information, including configuration considerations, see Interaction Types and Subtypes
Starting with release 8.5.011, Genesys Info Mart support for reporting on multimedia interactions has been extended to include detailed reporting on chat session activity, including chat bot activity if applicable. For links to more information, see New in Release 8.5.011.
Configured Thresholds by Media Type
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports configuration of answer and abandon thresholds separately for each media type.
You can configure the thresholds:
- Per media type
- Per tenant per media type
- Per tenant per media type per DN
Configuration sections and options in the Genesys Info Mart Application and in supporting objects enable you to customize media-specific thresholds, as required. For more information, see the [gim-etl-media-<media type>] sections (for example, gim-etl-media-email Section) in the Genesys Info Mart Configuration Options Reference.
Outbound Contact Data Processing
Outbound Contact data refers to data about outbound campaigns managed by Outbound Contact Server (OCS) and other components of the automated Outbound Contact system. Genesys Info Mart supports reporting on Outbound Contact campaigns for the following media types:
- Voice, in traditional telephony or VoIP deployments
- E-mail, in eServices deployments with Genesys E-Mail.
Genesys Info Mart 8.x processes Outbound Contact data independently from interaction data.
Support for Outbound Contact reporting includes support for agent group information, through the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION_KEY field in the CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT table. For details, see Populating Outbound Contact Campaign Activity in the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide.
Starting with release, in deployments that include CX Contact release or higher, Genesys Info Mart supports including unattempted (in other words, suppressed) contact list records in Outbound Contact reporting.
For links to more information, see the summary about Enabling Reporting on Outbound Contact Activity.
User Data Handling
In general, Genesys Info Mart 8.x provides a unified mechanism for processing user data from both EventUserEvents and call-based TEvents.
You can configure flexible data storage according to the number and types of user data that are captured in your contact center environment. A customizable database schema enables you to treat each key-value pair (KVP) field as either a fact or a dimension, and to store user-data KVPs in a configurable number of user-data dimensions and fact extension tables. Genesys Info Mart also processes the user data that arrives after call completion, and updates call records accordingly.
For more information about user-data handling in Genesys Info Mart 8.x, see Genesys Info Mart and Attached User Data.
Genesys Info Mart 8.x provides predefined support for commonly used KVPs. For descriptions of these and other KVPs, see Common Attached Data KVPs and Application-Specific Considerations.
Genesys Info Mart 8.x default functionality does not include aggregation.
Instead, Genesys provides aggregation software called Reporting and Analytics Aggregation (RAA), which you can use with the Genesys historical reporting presentation layer—Genesys CX Insights (GCXI)—or with other downstream reporting applications to generate end-user reports. The aggregation layer is installed on top of Genesys Info Mart, which hosts the aggregation process.
High Availability
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports high availability (HA) of Configuration, Voice, Multimedia, and Outbound Contact details.
Genesys Info Mart 8.x does not require special configuration to identify primary and secondary IDB data sources. Instead, Genesys Info Mart relies on session-control information that is provided by redundant Interaction Concentrator 8.x applications in IDBs. The extraction job evaluates all redundant IDBs and extracts data from the IDB that is the best source for Configuration, Voice, Multimedia, or Outbound Contact details for a particular timespan. For more information about HA in Genesys Info Mart 8.x, see the High Availability chapter in the Genesys Info Mart 8.1 Deployment Guide.
Genesys Info Mart security features include support for:
- Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure connections between Genesys Info Mart Server and the Configuration and Management Layers. Genesys Info Mart support for TLS includes support for client-side port definition, mutual TLS, and compliance with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt communications between Genesys Info Mart Server and its source and target databases.
- Encrypted data in the Info Mart database in Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle deployments.
For more information and additional links, see Database Security, Security Requirements, and Enabling Secure Communications.
Multiple Calendars
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports multiple, customizable calendars with flexible week-numbering rules that can be configured to conform to the ISO 8601 standard for the representation of dates and times.
Genesys Info Mart stores time facts in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. Scalable support for multiple calendars means that Genesys Info Mart can be configured to express time data in any Java time zone format.
Genesys Info Mart 8.x provides one default calendar (DATE_TIME dimension). The default configuration expresses UTC time in the GMT time zone and conforms to legacy Genesys Info Mart 7.x week-numbering rules, which are not the ISO 8601 standard.
Data Lineage
Genesys Info Mart 8.x provides the capability to store the processing history of jobs and the extraction and transformation history of each piece of data.
There are two aspects of data lineage:
- Voice of Data — Special fields store service data that enables you to trace a particular reporting data item to its source system, as well as to trace data in the opposite direction (from source to target). Information that is stored as Voice of Data enables data tracking for the purpose of validating data and troubleshooting data-quality issues. For more information, see Data Lineage: Voice of Data in the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide.
- Voice of Process — Special fields store ETL processing history that enables you to trace which ETL process created or updated what piece of data. You can use this data in data-quality investigations — for example, when a review of a particular reporting item requires identification and review of other items that were processed by the same ETL job. For more information, see Job History and Status in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.
Data Privacy
Starting with release 8.5.010, Genesys Info Mart supports compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Genesys Info Mart reports or redacts customer-specified personally identifiable information (PII) in Info Mart fact tables, to enable customers to meet their customers’ Right to Access ("export") or Right of Erasure (“forget me”) requests. Starting with release, Genesys Info Mart also supports customer compliance with GDPR requests relating to employee data.
For more information, see Genesys Info Mart Support for GDPR in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.
Database Model
The database model aligns the lowest level of Genesys Info Mart data details with the Interaction Concentrator model.
Global Interaction Database (GIDB) within the Genesys Info Mart database schema represents a subset of IDB tables that consolidates data from one or more IDBs. GIDB, which is a replacement of the segment model that was used in 7.x releases of Genesys Info Mart, serves as a storage of low-level interaction details, which require a less resource-consuming transformation.
For more information about the Genesys Info Mart database schema, see the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model (formerly called Reference Manual) for your particular RDBMS.
Support for Partitioning
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports partitioning of the Info Mart database in Oracle (range partitioning only), Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL deployments. Genesys Info Mart provides SQL scripts to create a partitioned database schema out of the box, and Genesys Info Mart jobs automatically create and maintain the partitions.
Data Export
An export job, Job_ExportGIM, enables you to periodically copy the data that is stored in the Info Mart database into local .csv files, so that the data is available for further import into a data warehouse for the purpose of archiving or custom reporting. Data Export is supported for on-premises deployments starting with release For more information, see the "About Data Export" page in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model for your RDBMS.
ETL Cycle
The extract, transform, and load (ETL) cycle consists of two main jobs.
- The extraction job retrieves all data from available IDBs and, merging data for voice interactions as necessary, consolidates all low-level details data within a single GIDB.
- The transformation job processes all extracted data, populating dimensions and loading data directly into the fact tables.
When enabled, the aggregation job aggregates the transformed data in parallel with the ETL cycle, in environments that include GCXI, or in which RAA is deployed as a separate package. Within scheduled daily intervals, which are configurable, Job_AggregateGIM runs continuously.
For detailed information about the ETL jobs, see the chapter about ETL processing in the Genesys Info Mart 8.1 Deployment Guide.
Error Handling
Configuration options enable you to control Genesys Info Mart behavior when Genesys Info Mart encounters errors during transformation. For more information about the error-handling configuration options, see the error-policy Section in the Genesys Info Mart Configuration Options Reference.
Configuration Verification
A configuration-checking process verifies the validity of environment and application settings for the Genesys Info Mart and ICON applications, as well as the validity of Genesys Info Mart–related options on supporting objects (such as DNs or Media Type Business Attributes) and the availability of configured data sources.
For more information about the configuration-checking process, see the "Deployment Verification" section in the chapter about maintenance and other activities in the Genesys Info Mart 8.1 Deployment Guide.
A maintenance job, Job_MaintainGIM, maintains the Info Mart database. In particular, the maintenance job:
- Purges eligible data from the Info Mart database.
- In partitioned databases, maintains partitions.
- Prepopulates customizable calendar tables.
- Starting with release 8.5.010, processes "export" and "forget me" requests in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.
For more information about the maintenance job, see Job_MaintainGIM in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide. For information about how to schedule or run the maintenance job, see Working with Jobs in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.
Flexible DAP Configuration
To simplify your deployment, you can reuse the non-JDBC DAPs in your deployment, and make these DAPs suitable for Genesys Info Mart to access the same databases. For more information, see Reusing DAPs.
Support for a Management GUI
Genesys Info Mart provides the Genesys Info Mart Manager, a web-based GUI for managing Genesys Info Mart jobs on any platform.
Genesys Voice Platform Support
Genesys Info Mart 8.x supports reporting on the interaction aspect of Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) 7.6 or 8.x activity.
For GVP 8.x, it does not matter whether GVP has been configured for computer-telephony integration (CTI) through SIP Server or through IVR Server, provided that GVP has been configured either as a series of Voice Treatment Port DNs or as a Trunk Group DN. For information about how to configure GVP as a series of Voice Treatment Port DNs or as a Trunk Group DN, see the Voice Platform Solution 8.1 Integration Guide.
Genesys Info Mart does not support configurations in which GVP 8.x is used simply to play treatments solely under the control of the GVP Media Control Platform. For example, if the call is on a Routing Point and GVP is used by the strategy to play a treatment, with no other IVR activity until the call is delivered to an agent, there will be no IRF record for the IVR (in other words, for GVP); no IVR-related metrics will be reported and, except for the route point duration, no mediation activity will be reported.
Genesys Info Mart does not support detailed reporting on voice application usage (for example, subcallflows), based on data from GVP Voice Application Reporter (VAR) 7.6 or the GVP 8.x Reporting Server. However, for GVP 7.6 deployments and for GVP 8.x deployments in which GVP is configured for CTI through IVR Server, Genesys Info Mart does report the limited voice application data that is available for any IVR through IVR Server. For information about how to obtain detailed reporting on voice application usage, see the GVP 7.6 or 8.x documentation, as applicable.
Support for Callback
Starting with release 8.5.005, Genesys Info Mart supports reporting on Genesys Callback activity. In deployments that include Genesys Mobile Services (GMS), Genesys Callback reporting is provided out-of-box.
Genesys Info Mart processes and stores Callback-related data in dedicated CALLBACK_* tables.
For additional information about historical reporting for Genesys Callback, including information about the Genesys Callback–related KVPs that Genesys Info Mart requires, see Set up Historical Reporting in the Genesys Callback Solution Guide.
Support for Business Edition Premise (BEP)
Genesys Info Mart provides historical reporting in Business Edition Premise (formerly Genesys One), the all-in-one on-premise Genesys contact center solution. When deployed with Business Edition Premise, Genesys Info Mart provides all functionality except support for custom user data. In Business Edition Premise deployments, Genesys Info Mart limits user-data transformation to user data that populates the INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR and IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1 tables (in other words, the KVPs that are identified with a single asterisk in the table of Commonly Used Attached Data KVPs).