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Outbound Sub-campaigns

Once you've configured a campaign, you can run a sub-campaign from it. When you run a sub-campaign, its settings will default to the settings you defined when you set up the campaign. You can, however, edit settings as you set up the sub-campaign.

Create and Send an Outbound Sub-campaign

Before you create and send a new sub-campaign, you must:

  • Define an agent group. In some applications, agent groups are pre-defined, based on a set of rules pertinent to the outreach.
  • Create the campaign under which you want to run the sub-campaign.
  • Import the contact list(s) you need for the sub-campaign.
  • Define a script.
  • Add a default CallerID number.

To create and send an outbound sub-campaign:

  1. On the Campaigns tabbed page, click New Outbound from the Actions drop down next to the name of the campaign under which you want to create the new sub-campaign, or click New --> Outbound Sub-campaign from the menu bar. The New Outbound Sub-campaign page appears, populated with options from the campaign's default strategy.
  2. Select a contact list.
  3. Give the sub-campaign a name. If you do not enter a name for the sub-campaign, the system uses the contact list name.
  4. Select a script from the Script menu. If you select an SMS template, the following options appear:
    • Source Address - Select from the available source addresses assigned to the enterprise.
    • SMS Edit - Click to create the message content if it's a new script or edit the content if it's an existing script. See Self-service SMS Campaigns for more information.
  5. Select the agent group assigned to the sub-campaign.
  6. In the Options section, open each tab to view and/or edit filtering options, contact order, time zone source, or summary report details.
  7. Click Next to view and/or edit the sub-campaign date and pass information.
  8. Click Send Sub-campaign. The sub-campaign will now appear under the Campaign on the main Campaigns page. Refer to the Campaigns page if you need help configuring campaign settings.

Sub-campaign Actions

For each sub-campaign, you can press the associated icons to do the following:

  • Resume - Resumes a paused sub-campaign.
  • Pause - Pauses a sub-campaign, which can later be resumed.
  • Stop - Stops a sub-campaign, which cannot be resumed.

Or you can click the Actions menu to do the following:

  • Manage - Enables you to view and manage key features related to your sub-campaign. See Manage a Sub-campaign below.
  • Pacing—Displays the Manage Pacing dialog, where you can edit all pacing options in one place, as follows:
    • Pacing - Either Fixed or Auto
    • Priority—Displays the priority of each pass relative to the other passes in the sub-campaign. The number of agents assigned to each pass is adjusted accordingly.
    • Attempts per Minute - distinguishes between what you request and what the system projects.
    • Attempts- Shows the number of attempts made and the number remaining.
  • Settings - Displays all sub-campaign settings that were configured when the campaign and/or sub-campaign were created.
  • Summary - Displays the sub-campaign summary report for the sub-campaign.
  • Report - Opens the Sub-campaign Report page, where you can generate a report and choose from the available reporting options. For more information, see Reports.

Manage a Sub-campaign

Many of the sub-campaign settings can be adjusted on the Manage Sub-campaign page.

From the Campaigns list, select the sub-campaign to manage and select Manage from the Actions menu. The Manage Sub-campaign/Passes page shows a snapshot of the sub-campaign.

Four distinct tabs enable you to view and edit important sub-campaign information:


The Profile page presents a breakdown of the sub-campaign across all the time zones in the contact list. As an example, Eastern U.S. time zone may be in a Done status, while Central U.S. time zone may be in a Pending status. This is likely because the start time for the Central time zone has not yet been reached, in which case the sub-campaign status is "Paused" or "Pending" because no attempts are currently being made.

A pie chart represents contact results by time zone (each time zone is shown in a different shade of blue). If any contact attempts have been made, you can toggle between the Attempt Projection chart and the Attempt History chart.

Attempts are broken down by the following:

  • This Hour - The number of attempts expected to be made before the next hour starts. For example, if it is 9:43 AM, this is the number of attempts the system can make before 10:00 AM.
  • Next Hour - The number of attempts expected to be made in the next hour. For example, if it is 9:43 AM, this is the number of attempts the system can make between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM. When 10:00 AM arrives, the value in this column is moved into the "this hour" column.
  • Future - The number of attempts remaining to be made for the current pass after the next hour. For example, if it is 9:43 AM, this is the number of attempts that will probably be made after 11:00 AM.
  • Attempt Projection - This chart displays the number of attempts that will be made in each time zone. The chart appears only when an outbound sub-campaign is in a “Running” state. If the sub-campaign is in a “Pending/Paused” state, the chart does not appear and “No Data” is shown in its place.
  • Attempt History - This chart shows all of the contact attempts made during each hour the sub-campaign was running where there was activity. The contacts are categorized by Not Delivered and Delivered. If no contact attempts have been made, the chart does not appear and “No Data” appears in its place.
  • Attempt Results - This chart shows the contact results for the sub-campaign. The Attempt Results chart appears only for an outbound sub-campaign that has made contact attempts. If no contact attempts have been made, the chart does not appear and “No Data” is shown in its place.
    • All successful statuses are shown in a shade of green. All unsuccessful statuses are shown in a shade of blue.


For large sub-campaigns, some contact attempts may be shown in the Next Hour and Future columns even though they are in a time zone currently being called. This is because the system analyzes the call rate and determines how many attempts can be made during the current hour. If there are 60,000 attempts to be made in the current time zone, and the system can only make 45,000 of those attempts in the current hour, 15,000 of them will be moved into the Next Hour time frame. The time configured between retry attempts can also affect these values. Due to the time configured between retry attempts, retries for the current time zone will sometimes be included in the Next Hour value and possibly the Future value.

Contact results are displayed in a table, as follows:

  • Time zone - shows attempts by each time zone within the sub-campaign.
  • Pass - shows the type of pass for the sub-campaign.
  • Start / End - The start time and end time of the pass.
  • Status - The status is shown as an icon, whether running, pending, stopped, etc. for each pass.
  • List Size - The number of unique contacts in the active list.
  • Delivered - The number of successful contact attempts.
  • Remaining - The number of contacts left to process.
  • Failed - The number of contacts with a current failure status.
  • Filtered - The number of contacts filtered from the list.
  • Done - The total number of contact attempts made.

Activity Log

The Activity Log tab shows a log of actions taken, either by users or by the system, related to the sub-campaign. By default, only those events for which an action was taken are displayed. You can then print or send, via email, the activity log. You can also toggle between Show All and Hide No Action Taken events.


AutoManage Rules enable a campaign to automatically take certain actions in real time, based on campaign performance. See the AutoManage page for more information.


The Details tab shows all details related to the sub-campaign and groups them by contact center information and sub-campaign information, as described below.

Contact Center Information

The following information displays:

  • Agent Group - This is the name of the agent group assigned to the sub-campaign. Click the name to display the Edit Agent Group page, on which you can change the agent group schedule for the current day or a future day.

Statistics for the sub-campaign are presented in a table and show the activity of the previous 15 minutes and also for the total duration of the sub-campaign thus far. If calls are not in progress, the Last 15m column does not appear.

  • Direct Connected Success - The number of successful Direct Connects.
  • Direct Connected Failure - The number of Direct Connects that have failed; in other words, calls in which the customer could not be connected to the contact center. When an attempt fails (due to a Busy, No Answer, or No DC Lines Available) more attempts are made. If still unsuccessful, the failed connection attempts are identified as Direct Connected Failure and, depending upon your script, plays an alternate message such as "Due to the overwhelming response, we are unable to connect you to an operator at this time. Please listen to the following message for more information."
  • Ring Time - The average ring time (in seconds) for the successful Direct Connects.
  • Hold Time - The average hold time (in seconds) after the call has been transferred to the contact center but before the call was connected to an agent. The hold time figures are available only if the script includes the Whisper feature.
  • Connect Time - The average connect time (in seconds) for the successful Direct Connects. Connect time, also referred to as “talk time,” excludes any hold time, although hold time is included as part of the connect time in Summary and Detail reports.

Sub-campaign Information

In this section, you can view and change the system priority, which assigns priority delivery, such as Highest, Normal, or Lowest, to a sub-campaign.If one sub-campaign has a higher priority than another sub-campaign, the high priority sub-campaign is given precedence to available phone lines.

Unless there is a special circumstance that warrants a high or low priority, it’s best to leave this option as the default Normal priority. There may be circumstances in which you will want to change priority, either during sub-campaign setup or as a sub-campaign is in progress.

You can also select the Generate Sub-campaign reports after each pass completes to send a Sub-campaign Summary report to your account email address when each call pass completes.


The Goals section appears only if you included a goal in the Pacing Options for your pass (see PassOptions. On this page you can view and adjust the configured goals.

In addition to the pass name, pass status, and pass start/end times, the following information for each goal-based pass appears on this page.

  • Goal Type - Whether the selected goal was Messages attempted or is a Script goal (the goal is defined in the script used with the sub-campaign).
  • Achieved - The current value that has been counted towards the goal. For example, if the goal is the number of contacts reached live, this is the number of contacts who have been reached live up to this point. If the pass has ended, it is the number that was achieved for the entire pass.
  • Goal - The value you set as the goal. If the goal has not yet been met, and the pass is in a Pending, Running, or Paused state, you can adjust this value up or down. To change the value for a goal, type the new value in the appropriate box in the Goal column and click Update. The new goal takes effect immediately.
This page was last edited on August 17, 2017, at 13:36.
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