Contact Trace
A Contact Trace provides you with details of all attempts to contact a single person by any sub-campaign that was run under any of the individual accounts in the enterprise within the last 12 months.
To run a Contact Trace:
- On the Enterprise tabbed page, click Devices. The Contact Trace page appears.
- From the Search Criteria menu, select whether to search by Phone Number / Email Address or by ClientID. ClientID can be an account number, phone number, or whatever identifying information is in the ClientID field associated with that contact. To determine the Client ID for a contact, view the information for the contact.
- In the Value field, enter the contact's complete phone number, email address, or Client ID.
- Phone Number – If entering a phone number, enter all 10 digits (for example, 713 555 4101). If the contact lives outside the U.S., include the country code (for example, +44 314 555 4101).
- Email Address – If entering an email address, enter the entire email address including the domain (for example,
- Client ID – If entering a client ID, type the entire client ID. For example, if the client ID is A4307, you must enter A4307. If you enter A430, either no information will be returned, or information for a contact with client ID A430 will be returned.
- Click Find Attempts to see the results of the trace.For each attempt that was made to that particular contact, the results include the following information:
- Date—The date and time at which the person was contacted, shown in the enterprise time zone.
- Account—The company name associated with the individual account under which the sub-campaign was run. You can click the Account name to sign in to the account.
- Client ID—The client ID for the contact.
- Campaign/Sub-campaign—Indicates the campaign and sub-campaign under which the person was contacted. You can click the sub-campaign name to sign in to the individual account and view the sub-campaign settings (the Manage Sub-Campaigns page appears).
- Client ID/Result—Displays the client ID for the contact, and the final disposition of the attempt.
- Call Seconds—Indicates the duration of the attempt.
- Node—The node name of the particular server that was used to attempt delivery of the message.
- Recording—Indicates whether or not a recording exists (Stored or N/A)) for the contact attempt. If stored, you may click Listen to listen to the recording or Delete to delete it.
- If SMS contacts are enabled, the following information appears:
- The direction of the message (Mobile Originated or Mobile Terminated) -- TEXT_SENT or TEXT_RECEIVED
- The message content
- Carrier – The numerical carrier code
- Source address - The short code, long code, or alpha source address
Device Blocking
Device blocking allows you to identify a specific device to which calls will be blocked or allowed by all sub-campaigns within the Enterprise.
To use device blocking:
- On the Enterprise tabbed page, click Devices.
- Click the Device Blocking tab.
- In the Device field, Enter the contact's phone number or email address.
- Click either the Block all calls to this device or Allow calls to this device radio button.
- Click View Setting to preview a summary of the settings you just enabled.
- Click Save Setting.
This page was last edited on June 14, 2017, at 17:58.
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