The Multi-channel Summary report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the campaign. In addition to totals for the campaign, the report provides a separate column for each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. Below the top summary section, the Multi-channel Summary report includes a separate section for each communications channel used in the campaign (for example voice, text, email). The bottom section of the report contains a summary of recipient response data for the campaign.
This report is the most useful summary report to consult for campaigns that use multiple communications channels. This report should be one of the first reports that you consult in order to understand - at a very high level - how a campaign is progressing. Several data points in the report are particularly useful in validating success and identifying potential issues.
This report is produced in XLS format only.
The heading includes:
Enterprise: The name of the enterprise.
Account: The name of the account.
Campaign: The name of the campaign.
Date Range: The time-frame of the report, from start date to end date.
Time Run: The date and time the report was run.
The first two data columns present the campaign totals rolled up from all associated sub-campaigns.
The remaining data columns present information from each individual sub-campaign, presented in chronological order of creation date, from left to right, Inbound sub-campaigns, then Outbound sub-campaigns.
The final column, labeled Total, presents the total sum of all sub-campaigns, when applicable.
Channel Specific Information
The Multi-channel Campaign Summary report includes channel specific sections and fields which are populated and presented only if there was activity on which to report occurring within the channel.
(calculated based on outbound sub-campaigns only)
The penetration rates, per outbound sub-campaign, appears as the percentage of records available. (Attempts divided by available records.)
Outbound Unique Delivered / Available
This is the percentage of available unique records, or contacts, to whom a contact attempt was made and a message was delivered, thereby initiating a conversation.
Outbound Unique Attempted / Available
This is the percentage of available unique records to whom a contact attempt was made, delivered or not.
Outbound All Attempts / Available
This is the percentage of available unique records to whom a contact attempt was made during all passes of all sub-campaigns associated with this campaign. This percentage can be greater than 100% if multiple attempts were made to the same contact during different passes.
Unique records
(outbound only - no data appears for any inbound campaigns or sub-campaigns)
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of unique records in the contact lists associated with outbound sub-campaigns that had activity during the date range of the report. Notice that the number is the sum of the totals in all sub-campaigns.
(Sub-campaign) The total number of unique records in the contact list associated with this sub-campaign that had activity during the date range of the report. If the sub-campaign was started prior to the date range of this report, this cell is empty, even if activity occurred during the report date range.
(Campaign) The number (shown in parentheses as a negative number) of unique records, and percent of total, in the contact list filtered by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign as of the report end date.
(Sub-campaign) The total number (shown in parentheses as a negative number) of unique records filtered by this outbound sub-campaign as of the report end date.
(Campaign) The total number of unique records, and percent of total, that were not filtered by outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign as of the report end date.
(Sub-campaign) The total number of unique records in the contact list of this outbound sub-campaign that were not filtered as of the report end date.
(Campaign) Total number of unique records, and percent of total, that were attempted by the associated outbound sub-campaigns in the report date range .
(Sub-campaign) The total number of unique records that were attempted by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
(Campaign) Total number of unique records, and percent of total, that were delivered by the associated outbound sub-campaigns in the report date range .
(Sub-campaign) The total number of unique records that were delivered by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
Not Delivered
(Campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records, and percent of total, that were not delivered by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign in the report date range.
(Sub-campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records that were not delivered by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
Not Attempted
(Campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records, and percent of total, that were not attempted by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign in the report date range.
(Sub-campaign) (All minus Filtered minus Attempted) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records that were not attempted by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
Total records
(outbound only - no data appears for any inbound campaigns or sub-campaigns)
The total number of records in the contact lists associated with all the sub-campaigns in the report date range.
The total number of records filtered from the contact lists associated with all the sub-campaigns in the report date range.
(All minus Filtered Campaign) The total number of records filtered from the contact lists associated with all the sub-campaigns in the report date range.
Total number of Unique Records (not unique IDs, but records) that have been attempted by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
(Campaign) Total number of unique records, and percent of total, that were delivered by the associated outbound sub-campaigns in the report date range .
(Sub-campaign) The total number of unique records that were delivered by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
Not Delivered
(Campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records, and percent of total, that were not delivered by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign in the report date range.
(Sub-campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records that were not delivered by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
Not Attempted
(Campaign) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records, and percent of total, that were not attempted by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign in the report date range.
(Sub-campaign) (All minus Filtered minus Attempted) The total number of available (or unfiltered) unique records that were not attempted by this outbound sub-campaign in the report date range.
All Attempts
The number of all attempts to initiate or continue a conversation, per channel.
Totals are presented for the entire campaign and each associated sub-campaign in which activity occurred within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of attempts by the system to initiate or continue a voice channel conversation by all sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Inbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a voice channel conversation by this inbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a voice channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate or continue a dialer channel conversation by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a dialer channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate or continue a preview channel conversation by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a preview channel conversation by this sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate or continue a manual channel conversation by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a manual channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
Text (MT)
(Campaign) The number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate or continue a text channel conversation in all sub-inbound campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Inbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by this inbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
Text (MO)
(Campaign) The number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate or continue a text channel conversation in all inbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Inbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by this inbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The number, and percent of total, of attempts by the system to initiate or continue an email channel conversation by all sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) The number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue an email channel conversation by this sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of attempts to initiate a web channel conversation by all outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) Total number of attempts made to initiate a web channel conversation by this outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Campaign) The total number, and percent of total, of all attempts by the system to initiate or continue a conversation by all inbound and outbound sub-campaigns associated with this campaign.
(Inbound Sub-campaign) The total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a conversation by any inbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
(Outbound Sub-campaign) The total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a conversation by any outbound sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
As in the Summary section, the numbers in the campaign columns reflect the roll-up of the numbers in all the sub-campaigns, and the percent of total.
Note that only those sections in which activity occurred during the reporting period appear in the report.
Completion Statuses
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
Refer to the Completion Statuses section of the Reports page for a list of all completion status codes and definitions.
Completion Status
All Attempts
Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a voice channel conversation by each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Voice row of the Summary section titled All attempts. [+] Delivered
The total number of voice contacts that were attempted but no message was delivered.
Not Attempted
This section lists all contacts that were not attempted within the report date range. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Voice row of the Summary section titled Not Attempted. [+] Show
The total number of voice contacts that were not attempted.
This section lists all filtered records that occurred within the report date range. The counts are message based, for example, if a record is filtered three times, once in each of three passes during a sub-campaign, it is counted as three instances. [+] Show
Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Text (MT) row of the Summary section titled All attempts.
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
The total number of voice contacts that were not attempted.
This section lists all filtered records that occurred within the report date range. The counts are message based, for example, if a record is filtered three times, once in each of three passes during a sub-campaign, it is counted as three instances. [+] Show
Total number of attempts made by the system to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Text (MO) row of the Summary section titled All attempts.
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
The total number of records that were not attempted.
Unique Devices
Total number of unique client IDs made by the system to initiate or continue a text channel conversation by each sub-campaign within the date range of the report.
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
The total number of unique client IDs in each sub-campaign associated with the campaign.
Total number of unique client IDs in all sub-campaigns associated with the campaign within the report date range
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
Completion Status
All Attempts (MT)
Total number of attempts made by the system to send an email by each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Email row of the Summary section titled All attempts.
This section presents the actual completion statuses, and their counts, as they appear in detail reports. Completion statuses which were not used do not appear.
<toggledisplay linkstyle font-size:larger showtext="[+] Not Delivered" hidetext=" [-] Not Delivered">
Not Attempted
This section lists all contacts that were not attempted within the report date range. These numbers are the same as those appearing in the Email row of the Summary section titled Not Attempted. [+] Show
The total number of voice contacts that were not attempted.
This section lists all filtered records that occurred within the report date range. The counts are message based, for example, if a record is filtered three times, once in each of three passes during a sub-campaign, it is counted as three instances. [+] Show
Average Duration (minutes)
Total Duration (minutes)
Agent Disposition Codes
Disposition codes are defined within, and dependent upon, the script. They are selected by an agent using Agent Voice Portal during After Call Work. [+] Show
The following disposition code group - Right Party Contact - and associated codes are shown as an examples of what might appear in the report.
Right Party Contact
Promise to PIF - Mail/Direct to Client
Promise to PIF - Check
Promise to PIF - Credit/Debit Card
PP Arrangement - Mail/Direct to Client
PP Arrangement - Check
PP Arrangement - Credit/Debit Card
No Commit / Ref to Pay
The sum of all codes used from within the disposition code group.
Recipient Responses
Response Groups, defined in the script by the author, consist of a number of related Recipient Responses. The responses appear in this section in the order defined by the "rank" parameter in the script. [+] Show
For each Response Group, the script author determines how the percentage is calculated. The options are:
As % of live (this is the default and the most commonly used)
As % of delivered (total of Live and Answering Machines)
As % of all responses (to that response group)
As % of attempted (total of all contact attempts)
The following Recipient Responses are shown as examples of what might appear in the report. See About response groups for more information.
Direct Connect
In this example, Direct Connect is Response Group 1, with eight possible responses. See Direct Connect statuses for more information.
No DC Lines
No Answer
Client hangup during transfer
Client hangup on hold
Call center hangup on hold
Other failure
The sum of all Direct Connect attempts
The following Recipient Responses are shown as examples of what might appear in the report.
Right Party Verification
In this example, Right Party Verification is Response Group 2, with three possible responses.
Right Party Verified
Take Message for Right Party
Wrong Number to Reach Right Party
The total number of contact attempts resulting in a Response Group 2 response.
Click-through to
Number of Click-throughs
The total number of times the recipients clicked the embedded link.
Click through to
Number of Click-throughs
The total number of times the recipients clicked the embedded link.
The Summary report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the campaigns. The data from all attempts is combined, and the best status is returned. This report is most useful for voice-only campaigns.
You can display the Summary report in either HTML or XLS format. The XLS version includes the summary of all the sub-campaigns within the campaign for the given timeframe.
Note that it is possible that, in the Contacts Available or the Best Contacts sections, the values in the campaign summary column on the left may not equal the sum of the values in the sub-campaign columns on the right. This is due to the fact that the campaign summary column on the left represents all of the contacts in the campaign, and a contact may be loaded into multiple sub-campaigns. If this is the case, the Best Contact for that contact would appear in each sub-campaign into which it is loaded, but only once in the summary.
Summary - HTML version
The HTML version of the Campaign Summary report includes the following fields:
The name of the account.
The name of the campaign.
The time-frame of the report.
Field Name
Contacts Available
The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:
value / Total Available (Total Available = Attempted + Filtered + Not Attempted)
Attempted—The total number of unique contacts who were attempted at least once.
Not Attempted—The number of unique contacts who were not attempted at all.
Filtered—The number of unique contacts who were filtered from the contact list due to filtering settings for the sub-campaign.
Total Available—The sum of the Attempted, Not Attempted, and Filtered values.
Best Contacts Penetration <rate>
The Penetration rate is the percentage of contacts to whom a message was successfully delivered. The value is calculated as:
(Messages Delivered Subtotal / (Attempted + Not Attempted)) * 100
The values in this section include only the results of the Best Contact attempt for each contact in the list. If multiple attempts were made to contact a person, only the attempt with the best result is counted in these values.
The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:
value / Total Available (Total Available = Attempted + Not Attempted)
Busy—The number of contact attempts that resulted in a busy signal (BUSY)
No Answer—The number of contact attempts that were not answered (NOANSWER)
Hang Up on Machine—The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant that did not accept a message (MACHINE_HANGUP + DYNAMIC_MACHINE_HANGUP)
Undelivered Machine—The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant and the message could not be delivered (UNDELIVEREDMACHINE)
Not Connected—The number of times a contact was attempted but the message could not be delivered (NOTCONNECTED)
Bad Device—The number of times a contact was attempted, but the number dialed was a fax machine or an inactive number (BADNUMBERFAX + BADNUMBERUNASSIGNED + CALL_BAD_NUMBER)
Subtotal—Sum of all numbers above
Total Attempted—Messages Delivered + Messages Not Delivered
Direct Connected—The Direct Connected value indicates the number of successful calls to the contact center. This does not include client hang-ups while on hold or contact center hang-ups.
as % of Live
Calculated as:
Direct Connected value / Live Person value (from Messages Delivered section)
as % of Attempted
Calculated as:
Direct Connected value / Total
Avg. Duration (minutes)—Average duration of each Direct Connect call (in minutes, using 6-second rounding) is calculated as:
Total Minutes / Direct Connected value
Total Minutes—The total number of minutes that callers were connected to the contact center, for all calls with DC_SUCCESS status. This includes hold time, and connect time, but does not include ring time. This includes 6-second rounding, so a call of 2:03 is rounded to 2:06, and is therefore counted as 2.1 minutes, and not 2.05 minutes in this value.
All Attempts Penetration <rate>
For the Penetration rate percentage, all contact attempts are counted. For example, if 3 attempts are made to contact one person, they are counted as 3 attempts, not 1. This value is calculated as:
Total / (Attempted + Not Attempted)
where Total is shown under the Messages Delivered/Messages Not Delivered section.
The values in this section include the results of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the list. If multiple attempts were made to contact a person, all of those attempts and the results of each attempt are counted in these values.
The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:
value / Total
NOTE: These values are shown only on the HTML version of the Campaign Summary report.
Busy—The number of contact attempts that resulted in a busy signal (BUSY)
No Answer—The number of contact attempts that were not answered (NOANSWER)
Hang Up on Machine—The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant that did not accept a message (MACHINE_HANGUP + DYNAMIC_MACHINE_HANGUP)
Undelivered Machine—The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant and the message could not be delivered (UNDELIVEREDMACHINE)
Not Connected—The number of times a contact was attempted but the message could not be delivered (NOTCONNECTED)
Bad Device—The number of times a contact was attempted, but the number dialed was a fax machine or an inactive number (BADNUMBERFAX + BADNUMBERUNASSIGNED + CALL_BAD_NUMBER)
Subtotal—Sum of all numbers above
Total Attempted—Messages Delivered + Messages Not Delivered
Direct Connected—The Direct Connected value indicates the number of successful calls to the contact center. This does not include client hang-ups while on hold or contact center hang-ups.
as % of Live—Calculated as:Direct Connected value / Live Person value (from Messages Delivered section)
as % of Attempted—Calculated as: Direct Connected value / Total
Avg Ring Time (minutes)—The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_SUCCESS were ringing at the contact center before an operator picked up. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding.
Avg Time on Hold (minutes)—The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_SUCCESS were on hold. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding. The value is computed as: Total time on hold for all DC_SUCCESS calls / DC_SUCCESS calls
Avg Ring Time For Client Hangups (minutes)—The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_CLIENT_HANGUP_DURING_HOLD were ringing at the contact center before an operator picked up and placed the caller on hold. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding.
Avg. Time on Hold For Client Hangups (minutes)—The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_CLIENT_HANGUP_DURING_HOLD were on hold. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding.
Avg. Ring Time for Contact Center Hangups (minutes)*mdash;The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_CALL_CENTER_HANGUP_DURING_HOLD were ringing at the contact center before an operator picked up and placed the caller on hold. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding.
Avg. Time on Hold For Call Center Hangups (minutes)—The average number of minutes that calls with a status of DC_CALL_CENTER_HANGUP_DURING_HOLD were on hold before the contact center disconnected. The time for each call includes 6-second rounding.
Avg. Duration (minutes)*mdash;Average duration of each Direct Connect call (in minutes, using 6-second rounding) is calculated asTotal Minutes / Direct Connected value
Total DC Minutes—The total number of minutes that callers were connected to the contact center, for all calls with DC_SUCCESS status. This includes hold time, and connect time, but does not include ring time. This includes 6-second rounding, so a call of 2:03 is rounded to 2:06, and is therefore counted as 2.1 minutes, and not 2.05 minutes in this value.
Avg. Duration (minutes)—This value is Total Minutes (from Usage Results) divided by the total number of billable calls.
Total Minutes—The total call minutes for all outbound calls with a billable status (live person, answering machine, undelivered machine, and answering machine hang-up). This value does not include DC connect time. It is calculated as the sum of all call seconds for each billable call (after 6-second rounding on each call) minus (DC talk seconds + DC whisper seconds + DC hold seconds). 6-second rounding is done on the sum of DC talk + DC whisper + DC hold before this sum is subtracted from all call seconds.
Note that the following are examples of typical recipient responses. Depending upon the script, these responses may be different in each unique report.
as % of Live—Calculated as: value / Live Person value (from Messages Delivered section)
Success—A successful connection to the contact center occurred.
No DC Lines—No Direct Connect lines were available.
Busy—A busy signal at the contact center prevented the Direct Connect from being completed.
No answer—The contact center number rang for longer than 40 seconds with no answer.
Client hangup during transfer—The recipient hung up the phone before the contact center picked up the call.
Client hangup on hold—The recipient hung up the phone while on hold with the contact center. This status occurs only if the Whisper feature is used.
Call center hangup on hold—The contact center hung up on the recipient without taking the recipient off hold. This status occurs only if you are using the Whisper feature.
Total—Total number of calls resulting in a verified Direct Connect and the percent of live.
Summary - XLS version
The campaign Summary columns on the left contain the same Best Contact data as the HTML version of this report, with one exception. Whereas the HTML version shows All Attempts usage results, the Usage Results data under the Campaign Summary columns is Best Contact data. The Usage Results section also has one value not shown on the HTML version:
Usage Results
Connected—The number of unique contacts who achieved a connected status. This includes all contacts who achieved a Live Person, Answering Machine, Answering Machine Hangup, or Undelivered Machine result for their Best Contact attempt. For example, if there were three attempts to contact a person, and the results were two Answering Machine Hangups and one Live Person result, only the Live Person result is counted in this value, since it is the Best Contact result.Summary (campaign) report - XLS version
When running a campaign Summary report for a range of dates, the campaign data on the Excel version is for the specified date range. The data in the sub-campaign columns, however, is for the entire sub-campaign and is not restricted to the specified date range.
The Activity summary report provides high-level metrics for each voice sub-campaign in the campaign, such as penetration, total messages delivered, and average talk time.
The beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
Time Run
The time of day the report was run.
Sub-Campaign Name
The name of the sub-campaign.
Number of passes in the sub-campaign.
Last Pass Completed
Last pass completed for the sub-campaign as of the report’s run time.
Status of the sub-campaign as of the report’s run date. For example, “Running”, “Done”, “Pending”.
First Attempt Date
Date and time of the first contact attempt.
Last Attempt Date
Date and time of the last contact attempt.
Total number of records in list associated with sub-campaign.
Number of actual dials made in sub-campaign.
The total number of unique contacts who were attempted at least once.
Not Attempted
The number of unique contacts who were not attempted at all.
The number of unique contacts who were filtered from the contact list due to filtering settings for the sub-campaign.
Messages Delivered as % of Accounts Attempted
The total number of successful deliveries divided by the total number of available contacts.
Total Messages Delivered
The number of delivered messages.
Avg. Msg. Delivered (Seconds)
Average length of delivered messages, in seconds.
Live Person
The number of messages delivered to a live person.
Live Person as % of Total
Live Person / Total Msgs Delivered
Answering Machines
The number of messages delivered to an answering machine.
Answering Machine as % of Total
Answering Machines / Total Msgs Delivered
The number of contact attempts that results in a busy signal.
No answer
The number of contact attempts that results in no answer.
Hang Up on Machine
The number of times the system reached an answering machine and hung up.
Undelivered Machine
The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant that did not allow us to deliver at least 10 seconds of the message, or the entire message if less than 10 seconds.
Not Connected
The number of times a contact was attempted but the message could not be delivered.
Bad Number
The number of times a contact was attempted but did not reach a live person, or answering machine.
Total Messages Not Delivered
The total number of times a contact was attempted but the message was not delivered.
Total DC Attempts
Total number of DC attempts.
DC Success
Number of successful DC attempts.
DC Success as % of Live
Number of successful DC attempts divided by number of live persons reached.
DC Fail
Number of failed DC attempts.
DC Fail as % of DC Attempts
Number of failed DC attempts divided by total number of DC attempts.
Average Ring (Seconds)
The average DC ring time, in seconds.
Average Hold (Seconds)
The average DC hold time, in seconds.
Average Talk (Seconds)
The average DC talk time, in seconds.
Activity with Est. Cost (xls)
This report presents high level metrics for each sub-campaign in the campaign, such as penetration, total messages delivered and average talk time. In addition, it includes information related to the estimated cost of the sub-campaign (with calculations of the estimated cost per attempted DC, cost per successful DC, and cost per attempt).
As with all cost reports, these numbers reflect an estimate of costs and are not to be used as an invoice. In addition, an enterprise must be set up to view cost information at the enterprise and account level (not just at the enterprise level) in order to see the cost data in the report; otherwise, the cost columns do not appear in the report.>
The campaign Activity with Est. Cost summary report includes the following fields:
Field Name
The account name.
The campaign name.
Date Range
The beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
Time Run
The time of day the report was run.
Sub-Campaign Name
The name of the sub-campaign.
Number of passes in the sub-campaign.
Last Pass Completed
Last pass completed for the sub-campaign as of the report’s run time.
Status of the sub-campaign as of the report’s run date. For example, “Running”, “Done”, “Pending”.
First Attempt Date
Date and time of the first contact attempt.
Last Attempt Date
Date and time of the last contact attempt.
Total number of records in list associated with sub-campaign.
Number of actual dials made in sub-campaign.
The total number of unique contacts who were attempted at least once.
Not Attempted
The number of unique contacts who were not attempted at all.
The number of unique contacts who were filtered from the contact list due to filtering settings for the sub-campaign.
Messages Delivered as % of Accounts Attempted
The total number of successful deliveries divided by the total number of available contacts.
Total Messages Delivered
The number of delivered messages.
Avg. Msg. Delivered (Seconds)
Average length of delivered messages, in seconds.
Live Person
The number of messages delivered to a live person.
Live Person as % of Total
Live Person / Total Msgs Delivered
Answering Machines
The number of messages delivered to an answering machine.
Answering Machine as % of Total
Answering Machines / Total Msgs Delivered
The number of contact attempts that results in a busy signal.
No answer
The number of contact attempts that results in no answer.
Hang Up on Machine
The number of times the system reached an answering machine and hung up.
Undelivered Machine
The number of times the system reached an answering machine, voice mail, or automated attendant that did not allow us to deliver at least 10 seconds of the message, or the entire message if less than 10 seconds.
Not Connected
The number of times a contact was attempted but the message could not be delivered.
Bad Number
The number of times a contact was attempted but did not reach a live person, or answering machine.
Total Messages Not Delivered
The total number of times a contact was attempted but the message was not delivered.
Total DC Attempts
Total number of DC attempts.
DC Success
Number of successful DC attempts.
DC Success as % of Live
Number of successful DC attempts divided by number of live persons reached.
DC Fail
Number of failed DC attempts.
DC Fail as % of DC Attempts
Number of failed DC attempts divided by total number of DC attempts.
Average Ring (Seconds)
The average DC ring time, in seconds.
Average Hold (Seconds)
The average DC hold time, in seconds.
Average Talk (Seconds)
The average DC talk time, in seconds.
DC Success as a % of DCs Attempted
Successful DirectConnects divided by total attempted DirectConnects.
Estimated cost of the entire sub-campaign.
Cost per Attempted DC
Estimated cost divided by attempted DCs.
Cost per Successful DC
Estimated cost divided by successful DCs.
Cost per Attempt
Estimated cost divided by total attempts.
Contact Center Direct Connect
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
The report provides a further breakdown of all DC failures, identifying the reason for, and description of, each failure.
A Contact Center DC Summary report contains the following fields:
Field Name
Call Center Summary (100% = <number of DC> transfers)
Transfer Number
The contact center DC number(s) to which calls were transferred.
Total Count
The total number of calls transferred to the contact center at the specified transfer number.
Success Count
The number of successful connections made to the contact center at this transfer number.
% of Successful Attempt
The percent of all transferred calls that resulted in a successful connection to the transfer number.
Failure Count
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
% of Failed Attempt
The percent of all transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
Avg Hold (mm:ss)
The average hold time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by a customer whose call was transferred to the contact center.
Avg Talk (mm:ss)
The average talk time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by a client whose call was transferred to the contact center and answered by an agent.
The totals of each category across all transfer numbers in use at the contact center.
Failure Summary by Transfer Number
Transfer Number
The contact center DC number(s) to which calls were transferred.
Total Failures
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
No Lines Available
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because no DC lines were available.
Call Center Busy
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because a busy signal at the contact center prevented the call from being completed.
Call Center No Answer
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the contact center number rang for longer than 40 seconds with no answer.
Client Hangup During Transfer
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the client hung up before the contact center answered the call.
Client Hangup on Hold
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the client hung up while on hold with the contact center.
Call Center Hangup on Hold
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the contact center hung up on the client while the client was on hold.
Telecom Error
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because of a Telecommunications error.
Exceed Max Hold Time
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the maximum hold time was exceeded before the contact center answered the call.
Failed to Connect
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection for a reason other than those listed.
The totals of each category across all transfer numbers in use at the contact center.
Transfer Listing Detail
Account Number
The client ID.
Phone Number
The phone number of the client.
Failure Reason
The reason, from the above categories, that the connection failed.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
The date the connection was attempted.
Time (hh:mm)
The time the connection was attempted.
Hold Duration (mm:ss)
The hold time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by the client.
Dialer Compliance Summary
The Dialer Compliance Summary report provides a summary of abandon call percentages across all dialer passes. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
Identifies the campaign the agent group is assigned to.
Identifies the sub-campaign with which the data is associated.
The ID of the pass: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
The type of pass: Voice, Dialer, Preview or Manual.
The time at which the pass started.
The time at which the pass finished.
Total Attempts
The total number of attempts with the following completion statuses:
Total Machines
The total number of attempts with the following completion statuses:
% Machines
The percentage of total calls that went to a machine. This is Total Machines / Total Attempts.
Total Live Answer
The sum of all calls with a completion status DELIVEREDPERSON+RETRY.
% LiveAnswer
The percentage of total calls that went to a live person. This is DELIVEREDPERSON+RETRY / (Sum of DELIVEREDMACHINE, MACHINEHANGUP, UNDELIVEREDMACHINE + Retries).
Total Non-Compliant Calls
The total of non-compliant calls from the Dialer Compliance Detail report.
% Non-Compliant Calls
The percentage of all calls answered by a live person that were non-compliant. This is Total Non-Compliant Calls / Live Answer.
Inbound Response by Hour
The Inbound Response by Hour summary report is run on a campaign basis. The information is broken into Direct Connect results based on the local time of the recipient and is presented by the day of the week.
This report provides information pertaining to the time of day and the day of the week during which a customer is most likely to respond.
Date Range: The beginning and ending date of the campaign being run.
Date Run: The date and time the report was run.
The report includes the following fields:
Day: The report consists of up to 7 tables, one for each day of the week.
Local Call Time: The time of day the call was made, local to the call recipient, not the contact center.
Total Inbounds: Total inbound calls made for this campaign for the particular day/time combination.
Total DCs: Total DCs for the particular period in time.
% of Total Inbounds: Percent of all inbound call attempts during the hour that resulted in a DC.
Successful DCs: Number of successful Direct Connects (status = DC_SUCCESS) for the hour.
% of DC: Percent of total DC attempts that resulted in a successful DC.
Outbound Response by Hour
The Outbound Response by Hour summary report is run on a campaign basis. The information is broken into Direct Connect results based on the local time of the recipient and is presented by the day of the week.
This report provides information pertaining to the time of day and the day of the week during which a customer is most likely to respond.
The beginning and ending date of the campaign being run.
The report includes the following fields:
Field Name
The report consists of up to 7 tables, one for each day of the week.
Local Delivery Time
The time of day, local to the call recipient, not the contact center.
Total Attempts
Total outbound dials made for this campaign for the particular day/time combination.
Live Attempts
Total dials that resulted in reaching a live person.
% of Total
Percent of total dials that resulted in reaching a live person.
Total DCs
Total DC attempts for the particular period in time.
% of All Attempts
Percent of all attempts during the hour that resulted in a DC attempt.
% of Live
Percent of live attempts during the hour that resulted in a DC attempt.
Successful DCs
Number of successful Direct Connects (status = DC_SUCCESS) for the hour.
% of DC
Percent of total DC attempts that resulted in a successful DC.
This value provides insight into the time of day during which customers are most likely to respond, allowing you to evaluate whether the contact center is staffed appropriately to meet the demand.
Service Summary
The Service summary report is an Enterprise and Account level detail report that provides the underlying data used to produce the invoice you receive for messaging services.
A “Service” is a designation used to identify billable functionality whose price is based on the terms of your contract. Your Service summary report will reflect only the Services used, based on those contracted. For example, if you have contracted for Outbound Calling services and Dialer services, but not Email services or Outbound Text services, you will see only the Outbound Calling and/or Dialer services you used in the report.
Typically this report is run on a monthly basis to reconcile the previous month's invoice. To ensure the most useful results, set the start time and end time of the report to coincide with the monthly billing cycle by using Explicit Dates. For example, for the month of November, enter "11/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" to "12/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" as the date range.
The Service summary report includes the following fields:
Field Name
The name of the client's super enterprise.
The ID number assigned to the client's super enterprise.
The name of the enterprise.
The ID number assigned to the client's enterprise.
The name of the account.
The ID number assigned to the client's account.
The client-assigned account identifier, either name or number, that aligns with the client's internal systems. In many cases, this will be blank.
The name of the campaign.
The name of the sub-campaign
The sub-campaign type, from the following list:
Alert—Sub-campaign type 0, a non-interactive outbound message. An Alert sub-campaign can use the voice, text or email channel.
Interactive—Sub-campaign type 1, an Interactive sub-campaign is voice only.
Inbound—Sub-campaign type 2, an Inbound sub-campaign is voice only.
The sub-campaign type ID, from the following list:
0 = Alert
1 = Interactive
2 = Inbound
3 = EBN
The pass ID.
The start date and time, in GMT, of the pass.
The telephone country code of the country in which the device terminates.
The type of device being contacted, from the following list:
Email—Device type 0, an email address, used in email sub-campaigns.
Wireline—Device type 3, a landline phone number, used in voice sub-campaigns.
SMS—Device type 4, a wireless, or mobile, phone number, used in text sub-campaigns.
Wireless—Device type 13, a wireless, or mobile, phone number, used in voice campaigns.
The device type ID, from the following list:
0 = Email
3 = Wireline
4 = SMS
13 = Wireless
Each Service Type has a unique billing increment and price identified in the billing system.
The service type, as designated and priced in the client's contract, from the following list:
Outbound Calling
Service type 1, outbound calling with no DC.
Billed per minute in six-second increments.
Inbound Calling
Service type 2, inbound calling.
Billed per minute rounded up to six-second increments.
Outbound Direct Connect
Service type 3, outbound Direct Connect (C-side) call placed to a contact center or inbound IVR.
Billed per minute rounded up to six-second increments.
Inbound Direct Connect
Service type 4, inbound DC call associated with an inbound toll free number set up by SoundBite; includes a Direct Connect (C-side) call placed to a contact center or inbound IVR.
Billed per minute rounded up to six-second increments.
Bad Numbers
Service type 5, outbound call that does not successfully reach a recipient because the number is no longer in service, reaches a Fax machine, or is an invalid area code and exchange combination.
These calls are typically charged at a flat 12 seconds.
Answering Machine Hangups
Service type 6, outbound call that reaches a voicemail or answering machine service and, by contact strategy, hangs up the line so that the number may be dialed later in an attempt to reach a live person.
Service type 7, emails sent during an email sub-campaign.
Client Management Services
Service type 8, Client Management/Professional Services fees defined as a part of the contract.
Outbound Text
Service type 9, MT (Mobile Terminated) text messages.
Inbound Text
Service type 10, MO (Mobile Originated) message sent by a mobile phone user and received by the Engage platform ; typically in response to a MT message, or generated by marketing a keyword and shortcode.
Service type 11, captures a report that has a billing aspect tied to it (for example, the List Profile report is billed on a per-record basis to clients who run this report).
Outbound Text Failure
Service type 12, undelivered outbound text messages.
Service type 13, predictive dialing.
Attempt Not Connected
Service type 15, indicates an attempt was made, but the result was BUSY, NOANSWER or NOTCONNECTED.
The service type ID, from the following list:
1 = Outbound Calling
2 = Inbound Calling
3 = Outbound Direct Connect
4 = Inbound Direct Connect
5 = Bad Numbers
6 = Answering Machine Hangups
7 = Email
8 = Client Management Services
9 = Outbound Text
10 = Inbound Text
11 = Reporting
12 = Outbound Text Failure
13 = Dialer
14 = Agent Seat
15 = Attempt Not Connected
The completion status from the following list:
Completion status ID = 1
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 8
The call reached a live person.
Completion status ID = 7
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 7
A voice message was left on an answering machine or voicemail.
Completion status ID = 14
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 4
The call reached a busy signal.
Completion status ID = 15
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 4
The call rang but was not answered. A call is considered unanswered after approximately 55 seconds of ring time.
Completion status ID = 18
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 8
The agent was connected to the call.
Completion status ID = 19
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 3
The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons, including "all circuits busy" conditions or local phone exchange difficulties. Associated NOTCONNECTED reason codes are as follows:
TMS_ERROR_PROVIDER - The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons, including "all circuits busy" conditions or local phone exchange difficulties originating with the telco provider
TMS_ERROR_MEDIASERVER - The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons within the telephony service. This indicates an error prior to dispatching to the telco provider.
Completion status ID = 26
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 5
The call reached an answering machine or voicemail, and hung up on it without leaving a message.
Completion status ID = 27
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 3
The call was attempted, but did not reach a live person or answering machine. For example, the call may have reached a number with a tri-tone special information tone (SIT) (for example, "this number has been disconnected" or "this number has changed"), or a modem.
Completion status ID = 32
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 9
This was an inbound call.
Completion status ID = 33
Channel Type = Voice, Text
Rank = 3
The device reached a fax machine and no message was delivered.
Completion status ID = 36
Channel Type = Email
Rank = 7
An email message was sent.
Completion status ID = 38
Channel Type = Voice
A call reached a live person during a retry.
Completion status ID = 39
Channel Type = Voice
A call reached an answering machine during a retry.
Completion status ID = 41
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 5
The call reached an answering machine or automated attendant, and we were either unable to deliver the message, or the message was longer than 10 seconds and less than 10 seconds of the message was left on the answering machine.
Completion status ID = 42
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 3
The called number is valid, but currently not assigned to anyone (not in service).
Completion status ID = 44
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 5
The call reached an answering machine or automated attendant, and we were either unable to deliver the message, or the message was longer than 10 seconds and less than 10 seconds of the message was left on the answering machine.
Completion status ID = 46
Channel Type = Voice
Rank = 5
The call reached an answering machine or voicemail, and hung up on it without leaving a message because the defined maximum number of delivered answering machine messages has been reached for the contact.
Completion status ID = 50
Channel Type = Text
Rank = 8
The text message was delivered.
Completion status ID =
Channel Type = Text
Rank = 8
The attempt failed.
The completion status ID, from the following list:
14 = BUSY
The channel type, from the following list:
Report—Channel type ID 0, reporting channel.
Voice—Channel type ID 1, voice channel.
Email—Channel type ID 2, email channel.
Text—Channel type ID 3, text channel.
Dialer—Channel type ID 4, voice channel using the hosted dialer.
The channel type ID, from the following list:
0 = Report
1 = Voice
2 = Email
3 = Text
4 = Dialer
The name of the service class, based on Channel Type.
Within the Services class, "Dialer" is separated out from "Voice." Both are further divided by the agent connection type: C-side connection identifying that the call goes to the agent and A-side connection indicating that the call goes out to the consumer. Each connection type is further refined to indicate time spent in different states - Idle, Ring/Hold, Talking and After Call Work.
When the Channel Type = 0, Report, the service class is from the following list:
Mobile Verification Report
Service class ID = 0,
Mobile Verification Report
List Profile Report
Service class ID = 1,
List Report
Service class ID = 2,
When the Channel Type = 1, Voice, the service class is from the following list:
Voice Legacy/Remote
Service class ID = 0,
Voice - A-Side
Voice Legacy/Remote Local Connect
Service class ID = 1,
Voice - A-Side Local Connect
Voice Legacy/Remote
Service class ID = 2,
Voice - C-Side to Standard Skill Group
Voice Dial Out Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 3,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them.
Voice Dial Out Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 4,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them.
Voice - Dial Out Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 5,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them.
Voice - Dial Out Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 6,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them.
(After Call Work)
Voice - Dial In Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 7,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Voice - Dial In Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 8,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Voice - Dial In Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 9,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Voice - Dial In Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 10,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
(After Call Work)
Voice - Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 11,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 12,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 13,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial In Toll Free Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 14,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Free Number
(After Call Work)
Voice - Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 15,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 16,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 17,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Voice - Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 18,
Voice - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
(After Call Work)
When the Channel Type = 2, Email, the service class is from the following list:
Service class ID = 0,
Email messages.
When the Channel Type = 3, Text, the service class is from the following list:
Standard Text
Service class ID = 1,
Text - standard rate text messages.
Service class ID = 2,
Text - Free to End User text messages.
When the Channel Type = 4, Dialer, the service class is from the following list:
Service class ID = 0,
Dialer - C-Side Standard Skill Group
Dialer Local Connect
Service class ID = 1,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them
Dialer Dial Out Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 3,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them
Dialer Dial Out Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 4,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them
Dialer Dial Out Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 5,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them
Dialer Dial Out Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 6,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by Soundbite dialing out to them
(After Call Work)
Dialer Dial In Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 7,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Dialer Dial In Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 8,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Dialer Dial In Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 9,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
Dialer Dial In Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 10,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll Number
(After Call Work)
Dialer Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 11,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll FREE Number
Dialer Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 12,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll FREE Number
Dialer Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 13,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll FREE Number
Dialer Dial In Toll Free Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 14,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by agents dialing into SoundBite using a Dial In Toll FREE Number
(After Call Work)
Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Idle
Service class ID = 15,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
Service class ID = 16,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Talking
Service class ID = 17,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced ACW
Service class ID = 18,
Dialer - C-Side to Enhanced Skill Group where agents are connected by SoundBite dialing out to them using a Toll Free Number
(After Call Work)
The service class ID, based on Channel Type.
When the Channel Type = 0, Report, the service class ID is from the following list:
0 = Mobile Verification Report
1 = List Profile Report
When the Channel Type = 1, Voice, the service class ID is from the following list:
0 = Voice Legacy/Remote
1 = Voice Legacy/Remote Local Connect
2 = Voice Legacy/Remote
3 = Voice Dial Out Enhanced Idle
4 = Voice Dial Out Enhanced Ringing/Holding
5 = Voice Dial Out Enhanced Talking
6 = Voice Dial Out Enhanced ACW
7 = Voice Dial In Enhanced Idle
8 = Voice Dial In Enhanced Ringing/Holding
9 = Voice Dial In Enhanced Talking
10 = Voice Dial In Enhanced ACW
11 = Voice Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Idle
12 = Voice Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
13 = Voice Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Talking
14 = Voice Dial In Toll Free Enhanced ACW
15 = Voice Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Idle
16 = Voice Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
17 = Voice Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Talking
18 = Voice Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced ACW
When the Channel Type = 2, Email, the service class ID is from the following list:
0 = Email
When the Channel Type = 3, Text, the service class ID is from the following list:
1 = Standard Text
2 = FTEU Text
When the Channel Type = 4, Dialer, the service class ID is from the following list:
0 = Dialer
1 = Dialer Local Connect
3 = Dialer Pass Dial Out Enhanced Idle
4 = Dialer Pass Dial Out Enhanced Ringing/Holding
5 = Dialer Pass Dial Out Enhanced Talking
6 =Dialer Pass Dial Out Enhanced ACW
7 = Dialer Pass Dial In Enhanced Idle
8 = Dialer Pass Dial In Enhanced Ringing/Holding
9 = Dialer Pass Dial In Enhanced Talking
10 = Dialer Pass Dial In Enhanced ACW
11 = Dialer Pass Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Idle
12 = Dialer Pass Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
13 = Dialer Pass Dial In Toll Free Enhanced Talking
14 = Dialer Pass Dial In Toll Free Enhanced ACW
15 = Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Idle
16 = Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Ringing/Holding
17 = Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced Talking
18 = Dialer Dial Out Toll Free Enhanced ACW
The name of the unit type, from the following list:
Duration—The duration of the message, in seconds.
Messages—The number of messages.
Messages (@12s)—The number of messages billed at the minimum of 12 second rate.
The number of messages.
The duration, in seconds.
Campaign Detail Reports
Best Contact
The Best Contact (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes a record representing the best result achieved for each contact attempted based on the ClientID field as the unique identifier. Only the best result within the date range of the report is shown, although it is possible that a better result exists outside of the date range of the report.
To determine which attempt to a particular device is best, the system ranks the various possible outcomes. For example, for a voice pass, a live recipient is considered better than an answering machine, and an answering machine is considered better than no answer. If there are multiple attempts with the same outcome, then the most recent attempt is considered the best.
Best Contact detail reports contain the following fields.
The fields listed in this first group contain a copy of the data included in the contact list used for the sub-campaign(s).
Device1... 10
Other1... 9
The remaining fields contain information pertinent to, and generated for, the report.
Field Name
The name of the sub-campaign in which the call occurred.
The phone number or email address that was used in the attempt (this will be equal to one of the device fields for the contact).
If the DeviceAttempted is a phone number, this will be the U.S. state or Canadian province in which that number is located. If the state/province cannot be determined, or if the number is outside of North America, this field will be blank.
'1' if DeviceAttempted is a wireless phone number; otherwise '0'.
'1' if DeviceAttempted is on the do-not-call list; otherwise '0'.
The time zone for the attempted device. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
The date and time of the attempt, in GMT.
The portion of the script the call was in when the call ended. Each script is made up of a series of sections, or states. Typically each recorded prompt corresponds to a single state in the script. To see the states that make up a script, select the States tab on the Edit Script page for your script.
The number of seconds into the last State the call was in when the call ended.
The total duration of the call in seconds, which includes all time from when the call is answered to the final hang-up. Ring seconds on the contact's phone are not included. Direct Connect seconds are included (if applicable).
See Completion statuses for a full listing.
This is '1' if this contact attempt represents the best result for the campaign or sub-campaign. Otherwise it is '0'. For any given device used for voice or email attempts, there is one and only one attempt deemed "best." Reaching someone live is considered better than reaching their answering machine, which is considered better than busy or no answer.
The pass during which the attempt was made. For example, 1 is the first pass, 2 is the second, and so on. If you do not use passes, this value is always 1.
This is the time stamp of the first contact attempt made to the device.
This is the time stamp of the last contact attempt made to the device. If there was only one delivery attempt made, this field contains the same value as that in the FirstDeliveryAttemptDate field.
The medium used for the pass:
Voice - indicates that the contact was attempted during an AVM pass.
Email - indicates that the contact was attempted during an email pass.
Text - indicates that the contact was attempted during a text pass.
The name of the script used during the contact attempt.
Indicates whether the contact attempt is being made for an interactive message or an alert.
The number of attempts made to a contact during a campaign or sub-campaign.
(Available only with text passes.) This is an integer that represents where this contact attempt fits into the longer series of back and forth contacts.
The actual content of a text message.
Depending upon the channel, the information in this field identifies:
the caller ID that appears on a contact's phone, or
the short code or long code that a contact receives a message from or sends a message to, or
the Reply-to field that appears in a contact's email message.
The value of the automange field in the hourly count roll up table. If '1', it implies that a DC went to an agent. If '0' a DC went to IVR.
<Reserved for future use.>
The name of the skill group assigned to interface with the contact.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the telephone number to which the direct connect was made. This field is only present if a Direct Connect script was used for the campaign.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the duration of the Direct Connect in seconds. This value does not include hold time or ring time, it only includes talk time. This field is present only if a Direct Connect script was used for the campaign.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was on hold after connecting to the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
Add this value to DCDirectConnectTalkSeconds to get the billable time.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and a call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was in the messaging system hold queue prior to being connected to an agent in the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the contact center phone was ringing before the contact center or ACD picked up the call.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the date on which the Direct Connect was made.
[Information capture results]
If the script included any Information Capture features (for example, name, address, email address, credit card, or telephone number capture), the capture results are included here.
The category, or grouping, of Disposition Codes as defined by the client.
The disposition code selected at the end of the call.
The dollar value associated with the disposition code selected at the end of the call.
[Response details]
If the script included any interactive questions or other response tracking mechanisms, those details are included here.
Note that if you have the ability to select multiple disposition codes, the DispositionCategory, DispositionCode and DispositionValue columns (from above) will not be populated with data. Instead, each selectable disposition category will be represented with a code column and a value column. The <Category> Code column contains the code selected by the agent and the <Category> Value column contains the (optional) text entered by the agent or, if no text was entered, appears empty.
For example, if you have a selectable category titled "Agent Name", you see two columns: Agent Name Code and Agent Name Value. A selectable category titled "Payment Made" will have columns labeled Payment Made Code and Payment Made Value.
All Attempts v17 and All Contacts v17
The All Attempts v17 (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Contacts v17 report except that it does not include filtered contacts.
All Attempts detail reports contain the following fields, presented in columns. For purposes of documenting this report, the fields (column names) are grouped logically, but note that the section names do not appear in the report itself.
The All Contacts v17 (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Attempts v17 report except that it also includes all filtered contacts.
All Contacts detail reports contain the following fields, presented in columns. For purposes of documenting this report, the fields (column names) are grouped logically, but note that the section names do not appear in the report itself.
The fields listed in this first section are standard fields, the second section contains fields associated with the pass, and so on.
Field Type
Field Name
The name of the super enterprise.
The ID of the super enterprise.
The name of the enterprise.
The ID of the enterprise.
The name of the account.
The ID of the account.
The name of the campaign.
The name of the sub-campaign.
The name of the list used during the contact attempt.
Pass number
Pass name
voice, text, email, web, or mms
Automated, dialer, preview, or manual
blank for non-voice media type
Fixed, auto, predictive, or history
'1' if PassType is On-demand; otherwise '0'
The name of the script used during the contact attempt.
The version of the script used during the contact attempt.
Contact Record
The fields listed in the Contact Record section contain a copy of the data included in the contact list used for the sub-campaign(s).
Device1... 10
Other1... 9
Contains the contact time zone from Other5, Other6, or Other7.
The time zone in which the attempt was made. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
The criteria used to determine the time zone in which to make the attempt, from the following options:
Device - (Default) The time zone of the area code of the device being attempted.
Contact - The time zone of the postal code in the customer's record.(If there is no postal code provided, the record is filtered.)
Contact then Device - The time zone of the postal code in the customer's record. (If there is no postal code provided, the system will then look to the area code of the device to determine when to launch.)
Contact and Device - Both the area code of the device and the contact time zone provided in the record are compared. If there is a time zone mismatch between the two pieces of information, the record is dialed during a ‘safe’ window – meaning calls will only launch when it is neither too early or too late in either time zone (as governed by FDCPA guidelines.)
The phone number or email address that was used in the attempt (this will be equal to one of the device fields for the contact).
Indicates whether the device was selected from the current contact list or was entered manually.
If the DeviceAttempted is a phone number, this will be the U.S. state or Canadian province in which that number is located. If the state/province cannot be determined, or if the number is outside of North America, this field will be blank.
The time zone for the attempted device. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
'1' if DeviceAttempted is a wireless phone number; otherwise '0'
'1' if DeviceAttempted is on the do-not-call list; otherwise '0'
Attempt Information
Indicates whether an attempt to deliver a message was made. If ‘1’, an attempt was made. If ‘0’, no attempt was made (for example attempt was filtered).
The date and time of the call attempt, in GMT.
If this is a scheduled on-demand attempt, it is the time it was scheduled for (which may not be the same time as the actual attempt).
The date and time of the call attempt, in local time.
CallerID for outbound calls, the originating number for inbound calls, the short code/long code/alpha source address for SMS, or the ReplyTo address for emails. (Formerly known as CallerID-ShortCode-ReplyTo.)
See Completion statuses for a full listing.
Not currently implemented; blank field.
Compliance rule name that caused the suppression if the attempt was suppressed by a compliance rule.
Version number of compliance rule that caused the suppression if the attempt was suppressed by a compliance rule.
'1' if this message is a follow-up; otherwise '0'
'1' if this message is interactive; otherwise '0' (alert)
The value (if any) of the ConversationState session variable associated with the conversation. This is determined by the script, and can be used to track and report on what happened in a conversation.
The portion of the voice script the call was in when the call ended. Each script is made up of a series of sections ("States"). Typically each recorded prompt corresponds to a single state in the script. To see the States that make up a script, select the States tab on the Edit Script page for your script.
The number of seconds into the last state the call was in when the call ended.
The total duration of the call in seconds, which includes all time from when the call is answered to the final hang-up. Ring seconds on the contact's phone are not included. Direct Connect seconds are included (if applicable).
The actual content of a text (SMS) message.
Message ID (GUID).
Message ID (GUID) for the initial attempt of this message. For email or text messages, this may differ from the MessageID.
Source of the message. For example, “Engage”, “NobleBiz”, “MMM”, or “Angel”.
Part number of a concatenated SMS message (for example “1”, “2”).
To be defined.
To be defined.
Direct Connect
The agent who dispositioned the call, or the agent who handled the text message via Agent Text Portal.
The name of the agent group for AgentID.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the date on which the Direct Connect was made.
The value of the automanage field in the hourly count roll up table. If '1', it implies that a DC went to an agent. If '0' a DC went to IVR.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the telephone number to which the direct connect was made.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the duration of the Direct Connect in seconds. This value does not include hold time or ring time; it only includes talk time.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was on hold after connecting to the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and a call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was in the messaging system hold queue prior to being connected to an agent in the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the contact center phone was ringing before the contact center or ACD picked up the call.
Billing reconciliation
Six-second rounded non-agent portion of a voice contact attempt.
Six second rounded agent portion of a voice contact attempt.
Information Capture
If the script included any conversation variables, those details are included here in JSON format.
If the script included any message variables, those details are included here in JSON format.
All Attempts v16 and All Contacts v16
The All Attempts v16 (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Contacts v16 report except that it does not include filtered contacts.
All Attempts detail reports contain the following fields, presented in columns. For purposes of documenting this report, the fields (column names) are grouped logically, but note that the section names do not appear in the report itself.
The All Contacts v16 (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Attempts v16 report except that it also includes all filtered contacts.
All Contacts detail reports contain the following fields, presented in columns. For purposes of documenting this report, the fields (column names) are grouped logically, but note that the section names do not appear in the report itself.
The fields listed in this first section are standard fields, the second section contains fields associated with the pass, and so on.
Field Type
Field Name
The name of the super enterprise.
The ID of the super enterprise.
The name of the enterprise.
The ID of the enterprise.
The name of the account.
The ID of the account.
The name of the campaign.
The name of the sub-campaign.
The name of the list used during the contact attempt.
Pass number
Pass name
voice, text, email, web, or mms
automated, dialer, preview, or manual
blank for non-voice media type
fixed, auto, predictive, or history
'1' if PassType is On-demand; otherwise '0'
The name of the script used during the contact attempt.
The version of the script used during the contact attempt.
Contact Record
The fields listed in the Contact Record section contain a copy of the data included in the contact list used for the sub-campaign(s).
Other1... 9
Contains the contact time zone from Other5, Other6, or Other7.
The time zone in which the attempt was made. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
The criteria used to determine the time zone in which to make the attempt, from the following options:
Device - (Default) The time zone of the area code of the device being attempted.
Contact - The time zone of the postal code in the customer's record.(If there is no postal code provided, the record is filtered.)
Contact then Device - The time zone of the postal code in the customer's record. (If there is no postal code provided, the system will then look to the area code of the device to determine when to launch.)
Contact and Device - Both the area code of the device and the contact time zone provided in the record are compared. If there is a time zone mismatch between the two pieces of information, the record is dialed during a ‘safe’ window – meaning calls will only launch when it is neither too early or too late in either time zone (as governed by FDCPA guidelines.)
The phone number or email address that was used in the attempt (this will be equal to one of the device fields for the contact).
Indicates whether the device was selected from the current contact list or was entered manually.
If the DeviceAttempted is a phone number, this will be the U.S. state or Canadian province in which that number is located. If the state/province cannot be determined, or if the number is outside of North America, this field will be blank.
The time zone for the attempted device. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
'1' if DeviceAttempted is a wireless phone number; otherwise '0'
'1' if DeviceAttempted is on the do-not-call list; otherwise '0'
Attempt Information
Indicates whether an attempt to deliver a message was made. If ‘1’, an attempt was made. If ‘0’, no attempt was made (for example attempt was filtered).
The date and time of the call attempt, in GMT.
If this is a scheduled on-demand attempt, it is the time it was scheduled for (which may not be the same time as the actual attempt).
The date and time of the call attempt, in local time.
CallerID for outbound calls, the originating number for inbound calls, the short code/long code/alpha source address for SMS, or the ReplyTo address for emails. (Formerly known as CallerID-ShortCode-ReplyTo.)
See Completion statuses for a full listing.
Not currently implemented; blank field.
Compliance rule name that caused the suppression if the attempt was suppressed by a compliance rule.
Version number of compliance rule that caused the suppression if the attempt was suppressed by a compliance rule.
'1' if this message is a follow-up; otherwise '0'
'1' if this message is interactive; otherwise '0' (alert)
The value (if any) of the ConversationState session variable associated with the conversation. This is determined by the script, and can be used to track and report on what happened in a conversation.
The portion of the voice script the call was in when the call ended. Each script is made up of a series of sections ("States"). Typically each recorded prompt corresponds to a single state in the script. To see the States that make up a script, select the States tab on the Edit Script page for your script.
The number of seconds into the last state the call was in when the call ended.
The total duration of the call in seconds, which includes all time from when the call is answered to the final hang-up. Ring seconds on the contact's phone are not included. Direct Connect seconds are included (if applicable).
The actual content of a text (SMS) message.
Message ID (GUID).
Message ID (GUID) for the initial attempt of this message. For email or text messages, this may differ from the MessageID.
Source of the message. For example, “Engage”, “NobleBiz”, “MMM”, or “Angel”.
Part number of a concatenated SMS message (for example “1”, “2”).
To be defined.
To be defined.
Direct Connect
The agent who dispositioned the call, or the agent who handled the text message via Agent Text Portal.
The name of the agent group for AgentID.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the date on which the Direct Connect was made.
The value of the automanage field in the hourly count roll up table. If '1', it implies that a DC went to an agent. If '0' a DC went to IVR.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the telephone number to which the direct connect was made.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the duration of the Direct Connect in seconds. This value does not include hold time or ring time; it only includes talk time.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was on hold after connecting to the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and a call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was in the messaging system hold queue prior to being connected to an agent in the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the contact center phone was ringing before the contact center or ACD picked up the call.
Agent Transfer
Information about Direct Connects and agent transfers, in JSON format.
Information Capture
These fields are all in JSON format.
If the voice or email script included any interactive questions or other response tracking mechanisms, those details are included here in JSON format.
If the script included any conversation variables, those details are included here in JSON format.
If the script included any message variables, those details are included here in JSON format.
If the script included any agent dispositions, those details are included here in JSON format.
The data captured from a script that used the Name Capture feature.
The data captured from a script that used the Address Capture feature.
The data captured from a script that used the Phone Capture feature.
The data captured from a script that used the Email Capture feature.
The data captured from a script that used the Credit Card Capture feature.
The data captured from a script that used the Currency Capture feature.
Information about each recording created during the call, in JSON format.
[Note: This field is blank in the Engage 11.0.2 release; the field will be populated with a subsequent release.]
Billing reconciliation
Six-second rounded non-agent portion of a voice contact attempt.
Six second rounded agent portion of a voice contact attempt.
Client Recording and Client Recording Manifest
The Client Recording detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
This report is identical to the Client Recording Manifest Detail report but also includes a zipped file that contains all of the individual .WAV files for an account, campaign, sub-campaign, or skill group, depending on the level from which the report was generated.
SuperEnterprise associated with the call being transferred (if applicable)
Numeric SuperEnterprise ID (if applicable)
Enterprise associated with the call being transferred
Numeric Enterprise ID
Account associated with the call being transferred
Numeric Account ID
Campaign associated with the call being transferred
SubCampaign associated with the call being transferred
Numeric pass value
Type of pass (Voice, Dialer, Text, Email)
Skill Group associated with this recording
Call start time (GMT)
Duration of call (seconds)
Recording start time (GMT)
Duration of recording (seconds)
Type of recording (Agent, Diagnostic, Script)
Unique identifier of Agent (maybe null if no agent)
Device used to outreach to Agent
Direct Connect Attempt # (typically one, unless multiple DCs)
Unique identifier of client
First Name of client
Last Name of client
Device used to outreach to client (outbound), ANI (inbound)
Result of call (busy, no answer, DCSuccess, etc)
Group name by which specific disposition codes are assigned
Custom result code tagged to the end of a call through Agent Voice Portal
Monetary value associated with a particular disposition code (for example Promise)
Genesys unique identifier for this recording
Current state of the recording (for example Present, Deleted, Expired, …)
Associated URI for this media associated with this recording. Either https: for remote or file: for local.
The Dialer (campaign and sub-campaign) detail report is similar to All Attempts, except that it does not provide a separate record for each contact attempt. This is similar to the format generated by some dialer products. The report lists multiple attempts within a single record, instead of providing a record for each attempt. There fields for the first attempt, last attempt, and up to 10 attempts prior to the last attempt.
Within the Dialer Detail report, there are eleven (11) columns for each of the following fields. These columns provide information about the first attempt to reach the caller, and the last 10 attempts to reach the caller.
For example, there is a Status (First), Status (Last), Status (Last-1), Status (Last-2), Status (Last-3), Status (Last-4), Status (Last-5), Status (Last-6), Status (Last-7), Status (Last-8), and Status (Last-9) column in the report.
If there were 10 or less attempts made to contact a person, there is one more block of data than there were attempts to reach that person. For example, if four attempts were made to contact a person, there will be data in the First, Last, Last-1, Last-2, and Last-3 columns. In this example, the First and Last-3 columns contain the same data, since the First attempt is also the Last-3 attempt.
The Best Contact value on Dialer reports indicates the attempt on which the best contact was achieved for each person. For example, if four attempts were made to contact a person, and the fourth attempt resulted in a DELIVEREDPERSON result, the Best Contact field for that person will contain '4'.
Dialer Detail reports contain the following fields.
The fields listed in this first group contain a copy of the data included in the contact list used for the sub-campaign(s).
The remaining fields contain information pertinent to, and generated for, the report.
Field Name
The name of the sub-campaign in which the call occurred.
The phone number or email address that was used in the attempt (this will be equal to one of the phone number or email address fields for the contact).
If the DeviceAttempted is a phone number, this will be the U.S. state or Canadian province in which that number is located. If the state/province cannot be determined, or if the number is outside of North America, this field will be blank.
'1' if DeviceAttempted is a wireless phone number; otherwise '0'.
'1' if DeviceAttempted is on the do-not-call list; otherwise '0'.
The time zone for the attempted device. Time zones are represented using the standard names (for example, America/New_York).
The date and time of the call attempt, in GMT.
The total duration of the call in seconds, which includes all time from when the call is answered to the final hang-up. Ring seconds on the contact's phone are not included. Direct Connect seconds are included (if applicable).
See Completion statuses for a full listing.
This is '1' if this call attempt represents the best result for the campaign or sub-campaign. Otherwise it is '0'. For any given phone number, there is one and only one attempt deemed "best." Reaching someone live is considered better than reaching their answering machine, which is considered better than busy or no answer.
The call pass during which the attempt was made. For example, 1 is the first call pass, 2 is the second, and so on. If you do not use call passes, this value is always 1.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the telephone number to which the direct connect was made. This field is only present if a Direct Connect script was used for the campaign.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call attempt involved a Direct Connect, this is the duration of the Direct Connect in seconds. This value does not include hold time or ring time, it only includes talk time. This field is present only if a Direct Connect script was used for the campaign.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the client was on hold after connecting to the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
Add this value to DCDirectConnectTalkSeconds to get the billable time.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the amount of time the contact center phone was ringing before the contact center or ACD picked up the call.
If the script used the Direct Connect feature, and if the call involved a Direct Connect, this is the date on which the Direct Connect was made.
[Information capture results]
If the script included any Information Capture features (for example, name, address, email address, credit card, or telephone number capture), the capture results are included here.
[Response details]
If the script included any interactive questions or other response tracking mechanisms, those details are included here.
Contact Center
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
The Contact Center Detail reports contain the following fields:
Field Name
The ClientID from the original contact record.
The phone number or email address that was attempted.
This field contains a '1' or a '0':
0 - no connection was made to the contact center
1 - a connection was made to the contact center
The date and time of the call.
The Call Center phone number.
See Direct Connect statuses for a full listing.
The number of seconds the contact center phone was ringing before the contact center or ACD picked up the call.
The number of seconds the consumer was on hold after connecting to the contact center. If using the Whisper feature, whisper seconds are included in this value.
The total number of seconds the consumer was on hold before speaking to an agent at the contact center.
The number of seconds from the time the call was picked up by the contact center phone system until the end of the Direct Connect call. This value does not include hold time, ring time, or whisper time.
(Enhanced Skill Groups only) The number of seconds the agent was busy with after call work (ACW).
The sub-campaign under which the contact attempt was made.
The campaign under which the contact attempt was made.
The name of the script used during this contact attempt.
Call Pass
The name of the call pass from which the Direct Connect attempt originated.
The name of the skill group (group of agents) to which the Direct Connect was targeted.
Agent Name
(Enhanced Skill Groups only) The name of the agent who handled the Direct Connect call.
Contact Center Direct Connect
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
The report provides a further breakdown of all DC failures, identifying the reason for, and description of, each failure.
A Contact Center DC Summary report contains the following fields.
Summary Type
Field Name
Call Center Summary (100% = <number of DC> transfers)
Transfer Number
The contact center DC number(s) to which calls were transferred.
Total Count
The total number of calls transferred to the contact center at the specified transfer number.
Success Count
The number of successful connections made to the contact center at this transfer number.
% of Successful Attempt
The percent of all transferred calls that resulted in a successful connection to the transfer number.
Failure Count
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
% of Failed Attempt
The percent of all transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
Avg Hold (mm:ss)
The average hold time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by a customer whose call was transferred to the contact center.
Avg Talk (mm:ss)
The average talk time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by a client whose call was transferred to the contact center and answered by an agent.
The totals of each category across all transfer numbers in use at the contact center.
Failure Summary by Transfer Number
Transfer Number
The contact center DC number(s) to which calls were transferred.
Total Failures
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection to the transfer number.
No Lines Available
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because no DC lines were available.
Call Center Busy
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because a busy signal at the contact center prevented the call from being completed.
Call Center No Answer
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the contact center number rang for longer than 40 seconds with no answer.
Client Hangup During Transfer
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the client hung up before the contact center answered the call.
Client Hangup on Hold
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the client hung up while on hold with the contact center.
Call Center Hangup on Hold
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the contact center hung up on the client while the client was on hold.
Telecom Error
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because of a Telecommunications error.
Exceed Max Hold Time
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection because the maximum hold time was exceeded before the contact center answered the call.
Failed to Connect
The number of transferred calls that did not result in a successful connection for a reason other than those listed.
The totals of each category across all transfer numbers in use at the contact center.
Transfer Listing Detail
Account Number
The client ID.
Phone Number
The phone number of the client.
Failure Reason
The reason, from the above categories, that the connection failed.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
The date the connection was attempted.
Time (hh:mm)
The time the connection was attempted.
Hold Duration (mm:ss)
The hold time, in minutes and seconds, experienced by the client.
Dialer Compliance Detail
The Dialer Compliance Detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed compliance information on every call made during a dialer pass. Calls are marked with a ‘1’ for compliant or a ‘0’ for non-compliant based on the amount of time it takes them to be bridged to an available agent. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
The report is produced in CSV format and is available from the Enterprise, Account, Campaign and Sub-campaign levels
The report includes the following fields:
Field Name
The name of the agent's SuperEnterprise
The ID of the agent’s SuperEnterprise.
The name of the agent’s Enterprise.
The ID of agent’s Enterprise.
The name of the agent’s Account.
The ID of the agent’s Account.
Identifies the campaign the agent group is assigned to.
Identifies the sub-campaign with which the data is associated.
The ID of the pass: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
The type of pass: Voice, Dialer, Preview or Manual.
The selected pacing type, for example, Predictive.
The target abandon rate, from the settings.
From the settings, the number of seconds identifying an abandoned call.
Indicates whether Compliance Mode is enabled; 1 if yes, 0 if no.
The Client ID of the contact with whom the agent was speaking.
The contact's phone number.
The completion status associated with the call. This report returns the results of all calls with the following completion statuses:
The time at which the call was connected.
Indicates whether the bridge to the contact was successful. The values are as follows:
0 - Bridge state was never reached.
1 - Bridge was successful.
2 - Bridge was skipped - calls that didn't satisfy the bridge criteria. For example, if the requirement is to bridge to a live party only, and an answering machine picks up, the bridge will not take place.
3 - Bridge failed - calls that were attempted but failed to bridge. For example - an agent hangs up before the bridge takes place.
The actual bridge time, in seconds.
Indicates whether the call was compliant; 1 if yes, 0 if no. If Compliance Mode was not enabled, this is 0.
Scheduled Follow-up
The Scheduled Follow-up detail report allows clients to track the progress of follow-up calls made by their agents. The requesting and actual agents, client called and disposition of follow-up calls are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
SuperEnterprise associated with the call being transferred (if applicable)
Numeric SuperEnterprise ID (if applicable)
Enterprise associated with the call being transferred
Numeric Enterprise ID
Account associated call being transferred
Numeric Account ID
Campaign associated with call being transferred
SubCampaign associated with call being transferred
The name of the agent group (skill group).
The channel used for the followup call.
The date and time at which the followup call was created, in the following format: 10/8/13 15:51
The date and time at which the followup call was scheduled to begin, in the following format: 10/8/13 16:15
The date and time at which the followup call actually began, in the following format: 10/8/13 16:16
The AgentID of the agent requesting a followup call.
The AgentID of the agent making the followup call.
The first name of the agent making the followup call.
The last name of the agent making the followup call.
The Client ID of the attempted record.
The device attempted.
The first name of the client being contacted.
The last name of the client being contacted.
The status of the followup call as of the time of the report.
The Completion Status assigned to the call. See Completion statuses.
The Disposition Category of the followup call.
The Disposition Code assigned at the end of the followup call.
The Disposition Value assigned at the end of the followup call.
Session Transfer
The Session Transfer detail report allows clients to track the progress of calls transferred by their agents. The type of transfer, the originating and target agents, and call durations are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
The fields below describe each of the columns provided in the report.
Field Name
SuperEnterprise associated with the call being transferred (if applicable)
Numeric SuperEnterprise ID (if applicable)
Enterprise associated with the call being transferred
Numeric Enterprise ID
Account associated call being transferred
Numeric Account ID
Campaign associated with call being transferred
SubCampaign associated with call being transferred
Numeric pass value
Type of pass (Voice, Dialer, Text, Email)
Skill Group (Agent Group) associated with this recording
Transfer Type
Category of Transfer (Internal-Unsupervised, Internal-Supervised, External-Supervised)
Original Agent
Internal Agent_ID (
Either the name of the internal target agent or the phone number of the external target
Target Agent
Internal Agent_ID (
Leg1 Duration
Number of seconds before transfer feature was invoked
The time at which the transfer feature was invoked
The time at which Complete Transfer was selected
Total duration of transfer
Duration during which Original Agent, Target and Call Recipient all talk together
Leg2 Duration
Number of seconds before transfer feature was invoked
Result of Transfer – will include success and failure info including: ContactHungup, SourceAgentHungup, TargetAgentHungup, TargetBadNumber, TargetBusy, TargetNoAnswer, TargetNotConnected, UserInitiated, InternalError, ContactHungupOnHold, ContactExceededMaxHoldTime, Success
Unique identifier of consumer
First name of consumer
Last name of consumer
Group name by which specific disposition codes are assigned
Custom result code tagged to the end of a call through Agent Voice Portal
Monetary value associated with a particular disposition code
Text Opt-out
The Text Opt-out detail report contains a record for each consumer who opts out of a text campaign.