Account Settings
From the Account Settings page, you can view and edit the following account settings.
- Account Name - The name of the account.
- Automatically Delete Lists - The number of days (from never to 90 days) after which a list is deleted.
- Automatically Delete Scripts - The number of days (from never to 180 days) after which a script is deleted.
- Client ID Format - The accepted Client ID format (optional).
- Plan - The plan associated with the account.
- Start Time - The start time.
- End Time - The end time.
- Charset - The character set.
- Country Code - The country code associated with the account.
- Time Zone - The time zone associated with the account
- Locale - The preferred language for the account.
- Reports Default Time Zone - The time zone used for reports.
- Time Zone Source Allowed - Device, Contact, Contact then Device or Contact and Device.
Email Notification
- Summary report email notification - The email address for summary report email notifications.
- Automanage email notification - The email address for AutoManage notifications.
- Require Break Code - Click to enable.
- Automatically sign out - The number of minutes of inactivity before the system automatically signs you out.
- Target Abandon Rate- The target call abandon rate for the dialer pass.
- Abandon Call Definition - The number of seconds used to determine whether a call is considered abandoned.
- Compliance Mode Enabled - Specifies whether Compliance Mode is enabled. If enabled, pacing will be adjusted to establish greater control over the number of calls dialed in order to maintain the identified target number of abandoned calls.
- Maximum Attempts per Minute - The maximum number of attempts per minute for voice, text, and email.
Preview Dial
- Skip Permitted - Allows agents to skip calls while in Preview Dial mode.
- Countdown Duration - The number of seconds available (from 1 to 180) or Unlimited to allow the agents unlimited time in Preview.
Manual Dial
- Enabled - Allows agents to use the manual dial option.
- Follow-up Permitted - Allows agents to use Follow-up calling.
- Free-form Permitted - Allows agents to enter free form numbers.
- Contact Scheduling Permitted - Allows agents to schedule outreach at a future time and date.
- Days Ahead Contacts can be Scheduled (0-30 days) - The number of days into the future the outreach may be scheduled. The default (and recommended) value is 14 days.
- Bypass Client ID Lookup - Allows agents to bypass Client ID lookup.
- Internal Transfer - Allows agents to transfer a call to another agent in the same agent group.
- External Transfer - Allows agents to transfer a call to a pre-defined (preset) number associated with another agent group.
- External Manual Transfer - Allows agents to transfer a call to a manually entered external number.
- 4-way Conference Enabled - Enables 4-way conferencing.
- Enabled - Enables recording.
- Agent Delete Permitted - Allows agents to delete a recording.
- Agent Pause/Resume Permitted - Allows agents to pause and resume a recording.
- Record During Conference - Allows conference calls to be recorded.
- Percent Recorded - The percentage of all calls that will be recorded. The range is 0 to 100.
- Min. Secs Saved - The minimum number of seconds a call will be recorded. The range is 0-7200.
- Days Recording Saved - The number of days the recording is saved on the system. The range is 1-180.
- Days Script Recording Saved - The number of days the script recording is saved on the system. The range is 1-180.
- Recording Format - Specifies the format for the recordings.
- Default Program - The default program for this account.
- Default Campaign - The default campaign for this account.
- Maximum Agent Inbox Size - The number of messages to be downloaded at a time into the agent's inbox.
- New Message Poll Interval - The amount of time between downloads.
Prepared Responses
- Name - The name of the prepared response.
- Response - The text of the prepared response, up to 160 characters, per SMS standards.
This page was last edited on May 24, 2017, at 14:13.
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