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Inbound Skills-Based Routing

Inbound Skills-based Routing provides you with ability to route inbound voice calls to agents based on specific defined skills. Engage will attempt to route each call to the appropriate agent (or agent group) with an associated skill, if and when that skill is specified in the script. Skills can be defined as languages spoken, expertise on a specific topic, or types of calls to be handled, among other things.

Each skill name may consist of up to 25 alphanumeric (case-insensitive) characters. An agent or agent group may be configured to have up to 10 skills.

Skills-based routing functionality is available only for inbound voice sub-campaigns.

Agents and Agent Groups

When you create, add, or edit an agent, you can add one or more skills (up to ten total), delimited by commas.

When you import agents from a file using the Import feature on the List Agents page, the CSV file that you import can also include skills. Do this by including a tags field in the file. If the multiple skills per agent are used, then the field should be quoted.

Similarly, you can assign skills to Standard, Enhanced, and Portal agent groups.

Skills are not supported for Remote or Transfer agent groups.


Skills can be specified in an XML script, when needed. (Work with your Account Representative to define skills within the script.) When a call is connected, the platform attempts to connect to an agent or agent group with the skill indicated in the script.

For example, if the skill identified in the script is “english”, Engage will search across all Portal agent groups for the longest-available agent with the english skill. If none are available, it will look for the longest-available agent in any Portal agent group that has an english skill.

It is possible to specify multiple skills (up to 10), in which case they must be comma or pipe-delimited. If, for example, a script contains two comma-separated skills specified (english and spanish) Engage will look for the longest-available Portal agent with the english skill. If none are available, it will look for the longest-available Portal agent with the spanish skill. If none are available, it will look for the longest-available agent in an agent group that has an english skill, followed by the longest-available Portal agent in an agent group that has the spanish skill.

Finally, it is possible to delimit the skills in a script with a pipe character instead of a comma. This means that Engage will look for the longest-available Portal agent with any of the specified skills. In the case above, Engage will look for the longest-available Portal agent that has the english or spanish skills. If none are found, it will look for the longest-available agent in any Portal agent group with the english or spanish skills.

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This page was last edited on January 8, 2018, at 15:21.
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