Agent Groups
When you select the Agents tab, the Agents Groups page appears on which you see a list of all agent groups within the account. This is the page on which you will accomplish the majority of your agent group management tasks.
The design of the Agent Groups page is aimed at providing you with real-time data in order to evaluate both inbound and outbound contact activity directed at - and handled by - live agents. The toolbar is broken down into a number of sections, described in the following text. The user interface includes real-time detail about inbound and outbound hold queues, abandon rate and service levels and removes active sub-campaign data from the primary view of the page.
Additionally, the tabular page layout enables administrators to keep multiple agent group data open in separate internal tabs, making it easy to view multiple active groups concurrently.
From the main tool bar, you can click New to create a new agent group, filter the current agent groups by hiding the transfer groups and/or the inactive groups and search the agent group list to find and display a specific group or a list of groups with a similar name. This information is stored in the user’s cache and is saved for the next time the supervisor signs in to the Account Manager.
Create and Edit Agent Groups
Setting up a new agent group demonstrates the tabular method of accessing and managing multiple agent groups from one screen. You may create (or edit) an agent group, while having the ability to toggle back to the main agent group page or another open agent group to copy settings or just view activity. Upon saving this screen, the tab closes automatically and returns you to the last tab you accessed.
Standard Agent Groups
Use a standard agent group when you have a single phone number available for the all agents in the group and you want the agent to disconnect between each inbound call.
The standard agent group is the default agent group type. Using a standard agent group allows you to:
- Create daily and recurring schedules for agent groups
- Manage multiple outbound sub-campaigns with a single agent group
- Manage inbound and outbound sub-campaigns together
- Use scripts that have two or more Direct Connect numbers
- Point inbound and outbound calls to the same agent group so that traffic from the inbound sub-campaign does not flood the center while the outbound sub-campaign is running
- View the customer's Caller ID on the contact center phone
Agents in a standard agent group operate in a defined schedule and use the same phone number. Create a standard agent group by creating a daily schedule, specifying the number of agents on that schedule at various times of the day and identifying the phone number to be used. Based upon the requirements of the contact center, you can configure the same schedule for every day of the week, or create a different schedule for each day. Note that you can change the schedule for the current day at any time, even while sub-campaigns are running. A standard agent group requires one schedule/phone number combination. To create a standard agent group:
- On the Agent Groups menu bar, select New. The New Agent Group page appears.
- In the Name box, enter a unique name for the agent group.
- From the Time Zone list, select the time zone in which the agents will be operating.
- Select Standard as the Agent Group Type.
- In the Phone Number field, enter the country code and phone number (for example, +1 888 555 0001, +18885550001, or +1-888-555-0001).
- To define a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time in the desired day of the week. Note that you can hold the mouse button and drag down to include multiple cells in the time interval. The New Entry dialog appears.
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Identify the number of agents on duty during a time interval. (The default number is 1.)
- Click Create Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Create Agent Group to create the agent group and return to the agent Group list.
The agent group command menu associated with standard agent groups contains the following menu options:
- New-Use this command to create a new standard agent group. See Create a standard agent group.
- Edit
- Edit-Select this option to change the name, time zone, phone number or schedule for a standard agent group. See Edit standard agent group settings.
- Delete-Select this option to delete the agent group, along with the phone number and schedule. You cannot delete an agent group that is currently assigned to a sub-campaign.
- View
- Expand All
- Collapse All
- Archived
- Pacing
- Speedup / Slowdown-When the current rate of calling is not resulting in the desired number of Direct Connects, select this option to adjust the calling rate up or down. Note that adjusting the rate up or down may cause an undesirable change to the system defined constant rate per minute of outbound messages when using Auto Pacing.
- Set Number of Agents-Select this option to select the number of available agents.
- Set Agents / Priority-Select this option to set the priority of each pass (High, Medium or Low) relative to the other passes in the sub-campaign. The number of agents assigned to each pass is adjusted accordingly.
- Manage Pacing-Select this option to display the Manage Pacing dialog, where you can edit all pacing options in one place.
- Reporting
- Create Summary Report
- Create Detail Report
- Refresh
You can change the name, description and settings for a standard agent group at any time. Note that the agent group type (standard, portal, enhanced) cannot be changed. You must delete the agent group and configure a new one. To edit the settings for a standard agent group:
- From the Agent Group list, select the agent group. Select Edit. The Edit Agent Group page appears.
- Edit the name, select a different time zone and/or edit the phone number.
- Select Enable Remote Pacing.
- To edit a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time. The Edit Entry dialog appears if you are editing the current schedule. (If you are adding a time interval, the New Entry dialog appears.)
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Edit the number of agents on duty during a time interval.
- Click Save Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Save Agent Group to return to the Agent Group list.
To delete a standard agent group:
- On the Agent Groups list, select the agent group to be deleted.
- From the dropdown menu, selectDelete. The Delete Agent Group Confirmation dialog appears.
- Click Yes. The Agent Group list is refreshed, without the deleted agent group.
Enhanced Agent Groups
Using an enhanced agent group allows you to:
- create daily and recurring schedules for the agent group
- manage multiple outbound sub-campaigns with a single agent group
- use the system hold queue
- access an automatically managed hold queue, ensuring that the requested number of simultaneous calls is delivered
- use remote and at-home agents
- access an outbound ACD
- improve campaign performance by enhancing the customer experience and reducing abandoned calls
- allow agents to remain connected between calls when contacts are in the messaging system hold queue so that they can handle the next call without hanging up
- decrease hold time for call recipients
- improve agent utilization
- assign each agent a unique phone number
- access the Contact Center Control Panel with individual agent view
- create detailed reports and statistics on individual agents
When you create an enhanced agent group, you add a schedule group to the agent group, then add individual agent/phone number combinations to it. Once the agent group is created, you can add additional schedule groups to it. Each schedule group contains one or more agents. A given agent/phone number can be assigned to only one schedule group. As you hire new agents, you can create a new schedule group or add them to an existing one. To create an enhanced agent group:
- On the Agent Groups menu bar, select New. The New Agent Group page appears.
- In the Name box, enter a unique name for the agent group.
- From the Time Zone list, select the time zone in which the agents will be operating.
- Select Enhanced as the Agent Group Type.
- Select from the following Hang-up after call options:
- Always - Select this option to disconnect the line after each client call. Selecting this option forces all calls to be routed through your ACD or PBX. (This may increase the amount of time it takes a client to connect to an agent.)
- Never - Select this option to keep the phone line open between client calls. Leaving the phone line open may significantly decrease the time a client remains on hold, as the system does not dial in to an ACD or PBX for each call. The first call an agent receives comes through the ACD or PBX but, assuming there are clients in the messaging system hold queue, the agent presses a telephone key to receive the next call. Note that this Hang Up option must be selected in order for agents using the Direct Bridge feature of Agent Voice Portal.
- When no work - Select this option to disconnect if there is no call in the queue.
- Select the Maximum after call duration option, which is the amount of time to allow agents for after call work. Note that this will limit the amount of time the agent has to enter custom Disposition Codes, possibly resulting in the code being lost. Select Unlimited to allow agents unlimited time to do after call work. Select the Pause before dialing extension option, which is the amount of time to allow before dialing an extension. Select None in order for the connection to an agent to take place without a pause. To play a disclaimer message before connecting clients to an agent, select the amount of time needed to play the disclaimer before dialing the agent's extension. For example, if it takes 20 seconds for the disclaimer to play, select at least 20 seconds so that the disclaimer can play completely.
- If the ability to record a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following
Recording options:
- Enabled - Select this option to enable the recording function in this agent group. To disable recording for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Select from the following Retention options:
- Percent recorded - The number entered into the Percent recorded field identifies the percentage of calls that will be recorded. You can select a lower number than the default maximum number which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Minimum Duration Saved (0-7200 sec) - The number entered into the Minimum Duration Saved field identifies the minimum number of seconds that a call must continue before the recording is stored. If a call lasts fewer than the minimum number of seconds identified, any recording which was begun will be deleted. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Agent Recordings Saved (1-180 days) - The number entered into the Agent Recordings Saved field identifies the default number of days that a recording will be retained in the messaging system. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you cannot increase the number of days.
- To define a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time in the desired day of the week. Note that you can hold the mouse button and drag down to include multiple cells in the time interval. The New Entry dialog appears.
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Click Create Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Create Agent Group to create the agent group and return to the Agent Group list.
The agent group command menu for enhanced agent groups contains the following menu options:
- New-Use this command to create a new enhanced agent group.
- Edit
- Edit-Select this option to:
- Change the name of an agent group
- Select a different Time Zone
- Change the Hang-up after call option
- Change the Maximum after call duration time
- Change the Pause before dialing extension time
- Edit the schedule
- See Edit enhanced agent group settings.
- New Agent-Select this option to add individual agents to the agent group.
- Import Agents-Select this option to add agents to the agent group by importing their information.
- Delete_Select this option to delete the agent group, along with all phone numbers and associated schedules. You cannot delete an agent group that is currently assigned to a sub-campaign. See Delete an enhanced agent group.
- Edit-Select this option to:
- View
- Expand all-Select this option to expand all the agent groups in the list in order to view the assigned sub-campaigns and passes.
- Collapse all-Select this option to collapse all the agent groups in the list.
- Archived-Select this option to view the archived campaigns.
- Pacing
- Speedup / Slowdown-When the current rate of calling is not resulting in the desired number of Direct Connects, select this option to adjust the calling rate up or down. Note that adjusting the rate up or down may cause an undesirable change to the system defined constant rate per minute of outbound messages when using Auto Pacing.
- Set Agents / Priority-Select this option to set the priority of each pass (High, Medium or Low) relative to the other passes in the sub-campaign. The number of agents assigned to each pass is adjusted accordingly.
- Manage Pacing-Select this option to display the Manage Pacing dialog, where you can edit all pacing options in one place.
- Reporting
- Create Summary Report
- Create Detail Report
- Refresh
To add an agent to an enhanced agent group:
- From the Agent Groups tabbed page, select the Agent Group row and select Edit -> New Agent, or select the Agent Group row, right click and select New Agent, or from the Agent Groups tabbed page, select List Agents - New. The New Agent dialog appears.
- In the User ID field, enter the agent's email address as the User ID.
- In the First Name field, enter the agent's first name.
- In the Last Name field, enter the agent's last name.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Select the enhanced agent group to which the agent will belong from the Agent Group list.
- Select the schedule group from the Schedule Group list.
- Select the time zone from the Time Zone list.
- In the Channel list, Voice is the only available option and Outbound appears as the connect method.
- In the Phone Number field, type the agent's 10-digit phone number (for example, 888 555 0001, 8885550001, or 888-555-0001). If the agent's phone number includes an extension, enter a space following the 10-digit phone number followed by the letter "x" and the extension (for example, 888-555-0001 x1234).
- Click Create Agent to add the agent to the agent group and return to the Agent Groups list.
The agent is assigned the user role of Agent, added to the recurring schedule group and becomes available based on the days and times defined in the schedule of the schedule group.
You can change the name, description and settings for an enhanced agent group at any time. Note that the agent group type (standard, enhanced, portal or transfer) cannot be changed. You must delete the group and configure a new one. To edit the settings for an enhanced agent group:
- From the Agent Group list, select the agent group.
- Select Edit. The Edit Agent Group page appears.
- Edit the name and/or select a different time zone.
- Edit the Hang-up after call selection.
- Edit the Maximum after call duration time.
- Edit the Pause before dialing extension time.
- If the ability to record a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following
Recording options:
- Enabled - Select this option to enable the recording function in this agent group. To disable recording for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Agent Delete Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to delete recordings.
- Agent Pause/Resume enabled - Select this option to allow the agents to pause and resume recordings in progress.
- Select from the following Retention options:
- Percent recorded - The number entered into the Percent recorded field identifies the percentage of calls that will be recorded. You can select a lower number than the default maximum number which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Minimum Duration Saved (0-7200 sec) - The number entered into the Minimum Duration Saved field identifies the minimum number of seconds that a call must continue before the recording is stored. If a call lasts fewer than the minimum number of seconds identified, any recording which was begun will be deleted. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Agent Recordings Saved (1-180 days) - The number entered into the Agent Recordings Saved field identifies the default number of days that a recording will be retained in the messaging system. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you cannot increase the number of days.
- To edit a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time. The Edit Entry dialog appears if you are editing the current schedule. (If you are adding a time interval, the New Entry dialog appears.)
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Edit the number of agents on duty during a time interval.
- Click Save Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Save Agent Group to return to the Agent Group list.
When you delete an enhanced agent group, all agents are moved to the Unassigned list. The agents can then be assigned to another enhanced agent group, as required. To delete an enhanced agent group:
- On the Agent Groups list, select the agent group to be deleted.
- From the menu bar, select Edit > Delete, or right click the selected agent group row and select Delete. The Delete Agent Group Confirmation dialog appears.
- Click Yes. The Agent Group list is refreshed, without the deleted agent group.
Portal Agent Groups
Using a portal agent group allows you to:
- create daily and recurring schedules for the agent group
- manage multiple outbound sub-campaigns with a single agent group
- use the system hold queue
- access an automatically managed hold queue, ensuring that the requested number of simultaneous calls is delivered
- use remote and at-home agents
- access an outbound ACD
- improve campaign performance by enhancing the customer experience and reducing abandoned calls
- allow agents to remain connected between calls when contacts are in the messaging system hold queue so that they can handle the next call without hanging up
- decrease hold time for call recipients
- improve agent utilization
- assign each agent a unique phone number
- access the Contact Center Control Panel with individual agent view
- create detailed reports and statistics on individual agents
A portal agent group is created for a group of agents that log in to an agent portal, either voice or text. The agent signals availability to the messaging system upon sign in. The schedule is used to define the hours during which the contact center is open. Should an agent sign in outside of the defined hours, the state appears Call Center Closed and they are unable to receive calls. To create a portal agent group:
- On the Agent Groups tabbed page, click New. The New Agent Group page appears.
- In the Name box, enter a unique name for the agent group.
- From the Time Zone list, select the time zone in which the agents will be operating.
- Select Portal as the Agent Group Type. If a voice portal agent group:
- Select from the following Hang-up after call options:
- Always - Select this option to disconnect the line after each client call. Selecting this option forces all calls to be routed through your ACD or PBX. (This may increase the amount of time it takes a client to connect to an agent.)
- Never - Select this option to keep the phone line open between client calls. Leaving the phone line open may significantly decrease the time a client remains on hold, as the system does not dial in to an ACD or PBX for each call. The first call an agent receives comes through the ACD or PBX but, assuming there are clients in the messaging system hold queue, the agent presses a telephone key to receive the next call. Note that this Hang Up option must be selected in order for agents using the Direct Bridge feature of the Agent Portal for Voice.
- When no work - Select this option to disconnect if there is no call in the queue.
- Select the Maximum after call duration option, which is the amount of time to allow agents for after call work. Note that this will limit the amount of time the agent has to enter custom Disposition Codes, possibly resulting in the code being lost. Select Unlimited to allow agents unlimited time to do after call work.
- Select the Pause before dialing extension option, which is the amount of time to allow before dialing an extension. Select None in order for the connection to an agent to take place without a pause. To play a disclaimer message before connecting clients to an agent, select the amount of time needed to play the disclaimer before dialing the agent's extension. For example, if it takes 20 seconds for the disclaimer to play, select at least 20 seconds so that the disclaimer can play completely.
- If the ability to transfer a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following Transfer options:
- Internal transfer permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to transfer a call to another agent in the skill group.
- External transfer permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to transfer a call to a preset external number. To allow the agent to manually enter a phone number to which the call will be transferred, select the sub-option External manual transfer permitted.
- If the ability to record a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following Recording options:
- Enabled - Select this option to enable the recording function in this agent group. To disable recording for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Agent Delete Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to delete recordings.
- Agent Pause/Resume enabled - Select this option to allow the agents to pause and resume recordings in progress.
- Select from the following Retention options:
- Percent recorded - The number entered into the Percent recorded field identifies the percentage of calls that will be recorded. You can select a lower number than the default maximum number which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Minimum Duration Saved (0-7200 sec) - The number entered into the Minimum Duration Saved field identifies the minimum number of seconds that a call must continue before the recording is stored. If a call lasts fewer than the minimum number of seconds identified, any recording which was begun will be deleted. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Agent Recordings Saved (1-180 days) - The number entered into the Agent Recordings Saved field identifies the default number of days that a recording will be retained in the messaging system. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you cannot increase the number of days.
- If the ability to preview client information before launching a call to a mobile device has been contractually enabled, select from the following Preview options:
- Skip permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to preview the client information and then choose to skip the call itself. To disable the option to skip a call for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Select from the Countdown duration options:
- Unlimited - Select this option to allow the agent unlimited time to view the preview screen before launching the call.
- Timed - Select this option to limit the amount of time the agent can view the preview screen before the call is automatically launched.
- The number entered into the Countdown duration (secs) field identifies the maximum number of seconds that the agent can view the client information on the preview screen before the call is launched.
- Select the Manual Dial options:
- Enabled - Select this option to allow the agent to manually enter a phone number.
- Free-Form Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to select a campaign, enter a client_id and a device and launch a call.
- Follow-up Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent make a follow-up call to another number associated with the contact.
- Contact Scheduling Permitted - Select this option to allow agents to schedule outreach at a future time and date.
- Days Ahead Contacts can be Scheduled (0-30 days) - Use this option to define (at the Enterprise level) the number of days into the future the outreach may be scheduled. The default (and recommended) value is 14 days, and can be changed at the Agent Group level.
- To define a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time in the desired day of the week. Note that you can hold the mouse button and drag down to include multiple cells in the time interval. The New Entry dialog appears.
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Click Create Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Create Agent Group to create the agent group and return to the Agent Group list.
The agent group command menu for portal agent groups contains the following menu options:
- New-Use this command to create a new portal skill group. See Create a portal agent group.
- Edit
- Edit-Select this option to:
- Change the name of an agent group
- Select a different Time Zone
- Change the Hang-up after call option
- Change the Maximum after call duration time
- Change the Pause before dialing extension time
- Edit the Transfer options
- Edit the Recording options
- Edit the Preview options
- Edit the schedule
- See Edit portal agent group settings.
- New Agent-Select this option to add individual agents to the agent group. See Add portal agents.
- Import Agents-Select this option to add agents to the agent group by importing their information. See Import portal agents.
- Delete-Select this option to delete the agent group, along with all phone numbers and associated schedules. You cannot delete an agent group that is currently assigned to a sub-campaign. See Delete a portal agent group.
- Edit-Select this option to:
- View
- Expand all-Select this option to expand all the agent groups in the list in order to view the assigned sub-campaigns and passes.
- Collapse all-Select this option to collapse all the agent groups in the list.
- Archived-Select this option to view the archived campaigns.
- Pacing
- Speedup / Slowdown-When the current rate of calling is not resulting in the desired number of Direct Connects, select this option to adjust the calling rate up or down. Note that adjusting the rate up or down may cause an undesirable change to the system defined constant rate per minute of outbound messages when using Auto Pacing.
- Set Agents / Priority-Select this option to set the priority of each pass (High, Medium or Low) relative to the other passes in the sub-campaign. The number of agents assigned to each pass is adjusted accordingly.
- Manage Pacing-Select this option to display the Manage Pacing dialog, where you can edit all pacing options in one place.
- Reporting
- Create Summary Report
- Create Detail Report
- Refresh
To add an agent to a portal agent group:
- From the Agent Groups tabbed page, select the Agent Group row and select Edit -> New Agent, or select the Agent Group row, right click and select New Agent, or from the Agent Groups tabbed page, select List Agents - New. The New Agent dialog appears.
- In the User ID field, enter the agent's email address as the User ID. Note that existing agents will have an ID created for them in the following format: Duplicates will include a number added to the last name. These system assigned IDs cannot be edited, so in order to use actual email addresses for logins, new agents will have to be created.
- In the First Name field, enter the agent's first name.
- In the Last Name field, enter the agent's last name.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Select the portal agent group to which the agent will belong from the Agent Group list.
- Select the schedule group from the Schedule Group list.
- If the agent is to use an Agent Portal, there is no need to identify a schedule. Select Default to direct the system to indicate the agent's availability when they are logged in.
- Enter and confirm the agent's password.
- Select the time zone from the Time Zone list.
- From the Channel list, select Voice or Text.
- Voice:
If the agent is using the Voice channel, select the connect method from the Connect Method list.
Select Outbound if the Agent will be receiving calls from the messaging system, and In the Phone Number field, type the agent's 10-digit phone number (for example, 888 555 0001, 8885550001, or 888-555-0001). If the agent's phone number includes an extension, enter a space following the 10-digit phone number followed by the letter "x" and the extension (for example, 888-555-0001 x1234).
Inbound Toll and Inbound Toll Free are available only if you have contractual access to Agent Voice Portal's inbound calling feature. - Text:
If the agent is using the Text channel, select the Message Permissions option.
Select Full to allow the agent the ability to create and respond to messages in a free-form fashion, or select None to restrict the agent to using prepared responses.
Select the Device Permissions option: select Full to allow the agent the ability to enter a device (phone number) and send messages in a free-form fashion to that device, or select None to prevent the agent from initiating a text message.
- Voice:
If the agent is using the Voice channel, select the connect method from the Connect Method list.
- Click Create Agent to add the agent to the agent group and return to the Agent Groups list.
The agent is assigned the user role of Agent, added to the recurring schedule group and becomes available based on the days and times defined in the schedule of the schedule group.
You can change the name, description and settings for an portal agent group at any time. Note that the agent group type (standard, portal, portal or transfer) cannot be changed. You must delete the group and configure a new one. To edit the settings for an portal agent group:
- From the Agent Group list, select the agent group.
- Select Edit > Edit. The Edit Agent Group page appears.
- Edit the name and/or select a different time zone.
- Edit the Hang-up after call selection.
- Edit the Maximum after call duration time.
- Edit the Pause before dialing extension time.
- If the ability to transfer a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following Transfer options:
- Internal transfer permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to transfer a call to another agent in the agent group.
- External transfer permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to transfer a call to a preset external number. To allow the agent to manually enter a phone number to which the call will be transferred, select the sub-option External manual transfer permitted.
- If the ability to record a call has been contractually enabled, select from the following:
Recording options:
- Enabled - Select this option to enable the recording function in this agent group. To disable recording for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Agent Delete Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to delete recordings.
- Agent Pause/Resume enabled - Select this option to allow the agents to pause and resume recordings in progress.
- Select from the following Retention options:
- Percent recorded - The number entered into the Percent recorded field identifies the percentage of calls that will be recorded. You can select a lower number than the default maximum number which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Minimum Duration Saved (0-7200 sec) - The number entered into the Minimum Duration Saved field identifies the minimum number of seconds that a call must continue before the recording is stored. If a call lasts fewer than the minimum number of seconds identified, any recording which was begun will be deleted. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you can not increase the percentage of calls to be recorded.
- Agent Recordings Saved (1-180 days) - The number entered into the Agent Recordings Saved field identifies the default number of days that a recording will be retained in the messaging system. You can select a number lower than the default, which was set at the Account level, but you cannot increase the number of days.
- If the ability to preview client information before launching a call to a mobile device has been contractually enabled, select from the following Preview options:
- Skip permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to preview the client information and then choose to skip the call itself. To disable the option to skip a call for the agent group, clear the check box.
- Select from the Countdown duration options:
- Unlimited - Select this option to allow the agent unlimited time to view the preview screen before launching the call.
- Timed - Select this option to limit the amount of time the agent can view the preview screen before the call is automatically launched.
- Select the Manual Dial options:
- Enabled - Select this option to allow the agent to manually enter a phone number.
- Free-Form Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent to select a campaign, enter a client_id and a device and launch a call.
- Follow-up Permitted - Select this option to allow the agent make a follow-up call to another number associated with the contact.
- Contact Scheduling Permitted - Select this option to allow agents to schedule outreach at a future time and date.
- Days Ahead Contacts can be Scheduled (0-30 days) - Use this option to define (at the Enterprise level) the number of days into the future the outreach may be scheduled. The default (and recommended) value is 14 days, and can be changed at the Agent Group level.
- To edit a time interval in the schedule, click the cell representing the start time. The Edit Entry dialog appears if you are editing the current schedule. (If you are adding a time interval, the New Entry dialog appears.)
- Select or edit the start time and end time for the time interval from the drop down lists, or select All Day for a schedule that spans all the hours of the day. Define the schedule with either a single time interval, or repeat the process to define multiple time intervals, depending upon your requirements.
- If the schedule is the same across multiple days of the week, select the days on which it is repeated, or select Add Hours and identify a weekly schedule in the New Entry dialog.
- Edit the number of agents on duty during a time interval.
- Click Save Entry. The scheduled time interval appears shaded on the calendar.
- Repeat for each required time interval.
- In the Skill(s) field, enter the associated skills, separated by commas.
- Click Save Agent Group to return to the Agent Group list.
When you delete a portal agent group, all agents are moved to the Unassigned list. The agents can then be assigned to another portal agent group, as required. To delete a portal agent group:
- On the Agent Groups list, select the agent group to be deleted.
- From the menu bar, select Edit > Delete, or right click the selected agent group row and select Delete. The Delete Agent Group Confirmation dialog appears.
- Click Yes. The Agent Group list is refreshed, without the deleted agent group.
Transfer Agent Groups
The transfer agent groups are used by the Account Manager to create preset speed dial entries for use with Agent Portal for Voice.
These preset phone numbers are selectable by the agents when transferring a call to another agent or other pre-designated external number.
No agents are assigned to a transfer agent group and a transfer agent group is not eligible to accept sub-campaigns.
Note that transfer groups can be hidden - not displayed as a part of the agent groups list - by selecting View -> Hide Transfer Groups on the Agent Groups Show All page.
Transfer agent groups are used to identify preset phone numbers to be used when an agent needs to transfer a call. Transfer agent groups do not include agents, nor can they accept a sub-campaign. To create a transfer agent group:
- On the Agent Groups menu bar, select New Agent Group, or from the secondary menu options, click New. The New Agent Group page appears.
- In the Name box, enter a unique name for the agent group.
- From the Time Zone list, select the time zone in which the agents will be operating.
- Select Transfer as the Agent Group Type.
- In the Phone Number field, enter the country code and phone number (for example, +1 888 555 0001, +18885550001, or +1-888-555-0001).
- Click Create Agent Group to create the agent group and return to the Agent Group list.
When you delete a transfer agent group, the preset transfer number is removed. To delete a transfer agent group:
- On the Agent Groups list, select the agent group to be deleted.
- From the menu bar, select Delete. The Delete Agent Group Confirmation dialog appears.
- Click Yes. The Agent Group list is refreshed, without the deleted agent group.
Today and Last 15 Minutes
The toolbar is designed to present running statistics through the course of the day, labeled Today, as well as more up-to-date trending labeled Last 15m. Click the labels to toggle between the two.
- Handled - Count of calls answered by a live agent or successfully bridged to the contact center (depends on type of agent group)
- Failed - Count of calls that fail to be answered by a live agent. This could be from a consumer hanging up while in the hold queue or abandoning the call from a predictive dialing call.
- Abandoned - (NOTE: longer labels abbreviated with an ellipse): This number has different meanings depending on the type of agent group and type of dialing that is in play.
- For Standard groups - Percentage of failed DCs out of the total DCs for the day
- For Portal groups - The number takes on different meaning for different kinds of dialing:
- For Outbound IVR calls - Percentage of failed DCs out of the total DCs for the day
- For Predictive Dialing - Percent of calls that do not bridge in under X seconds where X is defined by the abandon call duration set at the pass level. NOTE: Abandon rate and Abandon definition should be the same to across all campaigns pointed to a single agent group
- For Preview Dialing - N/A
- Handled - Count of calls answered by a live agent or successfully bridged to the contact center (depends on type of agent group)
- Abandoned - Count of all DC Fails
- Average Speed - Average duration (in seconds) that it takes for calls to be answered by a live agent.
- Service Level - For those groups where the service level target answer duration is set (in seconds), this number calculates the percentage of calls answered in a duration greater than the setting. If all calls are answered below the target then the value will be 100%
- Outbound - Number of outbound calls currently on hold waiting to bridge to an agent
- Inbound - Number of inbound calls currently on hold waiting to bridge to an agent
- Transfer - Number of internally transferred calls currently on hold waiting to bridge to an agent
Agent Grid
The agent grid shows you what the agents are currently doing - their state - and how much time they have spent in that state in the selected time frame. It also shows data for total agent counts. Counts are represented with the # sign and the 15 minute averages are broken out in the 15m columns.
View an Agent Group
To view all the current activity for a specific agent group, click the name of the group. This opens a new tab with the name of the agent group, and allows you to see all current campaign activity, agents or pacing data related to the group.
To view all agent group options, click the more actions dropdown menu next to the name of the agent group. From here you are presented with options to start/pause/stop all active sub-campaigns running for that agent group. The same functionality is available for each individual sub-campaign that is active. Other options include View, Edit, and Delete.
The list of campaign data includes Direct Connect, List and Attempts statistics. It also presents a progress bar for you to quickly gauge the progress of your campaigns without needing to do any math.
Pass information for each of the sub-campaigns can be hidden by using the Expand all / Collapse all functions on the top left corner of the view. Additionally, from this view customers can start/stop or pause resume any active sub-campaigns.
Note that, using the control buttons, you can pause, stop and resume a sub-campaign or pass under an agent group without returning to the Campaigns page. Exercising the controls from the agent group row will impact all sub-campaigns and passes currently associated with the group.
Select the Pacing option to view current pacing statistics, including the number of agents currently used and projected, as well as the number of call attempts being made for those agents. Click the ‘Pencil’ icon to adjust the calling rates by Attempt Rate %.
- Priority - The priority (high, medium, low) of the selected pass relative to other passes within the assigned agent group. To change the priority of a single pass, select the current priority and change it in the Set Priority dialog. To set the priority of all passes within a sub-campaign to the same level, select the current priority of the sub-campaign and change it in the Set Priority dialog.
- Pacing - The pacing model being used for the pass.-->
- Attempts per Min.
- Requested - The requested rate of contact attempts per minute.
- Projected - The projected rate of contact attempts per minute.
- Agents in use
- Current - The number of agents currently busy with a call or with after call work.
- Projected - The number of agents expected to be needed during the call pass.
- Attempts
- Done - The number of attempts on the pass or sub-campaign that have already been made. This includes initial attempts as well as retry attempts that have been completed, so three attempts (initial attempt plus two retry attempts) to contact the same person count as 3 in this value.
- Remain - The number of attempts remaining to be made for the current pass.
- Attempt Progress - A bar showing the progress of attempts made against the entire list.