Event Log
To view a log of all system events for the account or enterprise:
- On the Settings tab, click Events. The Events tabbed page appears.
- To restrict the list to a single event category, select the category from the Event type list.
- Select a time frame from the Time frame list. For example, select Week to see all events that occurred during the last seven days, including the current day. If you select Custom, date and time fields appear. Use them to specify the start date/time and end date/time, local to the account, for the events to be included in the list.
- Click Update to list the specified events for the selected time frame.
Events are listed 20 to a page, beginning with the most recent.
The current page number appears above the Date column.Use Prev, Next, First, and Last to navigate to the other pages.
A red dot to the left of the Event column indicates that it is a severe event. Contact Customer Support if you receive a severe event.
The data in the Event column is the account phone number or account ID for which the event occurred. This is particularly helpful for identifying the account when viewing the event log from the master account.
The information in the Notification column indicates whether or not you elected to receive an email notification whenever that event occurs.
Event Notification
Using the event notifications system, you can select the types of system events for which you want to receive an email notification and view a log of all events that have occurred.
Event notifications configured in the enterprise account cause an email to be sent if the event occurs in any account in the enterprise.
Event notifications configured in an individual account cause an email to be sent if the event occurs in that account only.
To select the system events for which you want to receive emails, click the Event Notifications tab on the Events page and select each event or event category (below) and enter the email address(es) in the corresponding text box. At least one email address must be entered for each selected event. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
Get notified by email when the following campaign conditions occur:
- Insufficient Contacts on Sub
- Insufficient Subs Running
- Script Error
- Script Quarantine
- SubCampaign Completed
- SubCampaign Loaded
Get notified by email when the following list conditions occur:
- List Upload Completed
- List Upload Failed
- List Upload Started
- Suppression Upload Completed
- Suppression Upload Started
Get notified by email when the following report conditions occur:
- Report Failure
- Report Send Failed
- Report Successfully Sent
Note: No events are generated for emailed reports.
When using web services/FTP automation, a notification is sent when:
- Input specification not found in account - If this happens, check that you specified the correct input specification file name, or load the input specification file into the account
- Missing control file
- Suppression group deleted
- Trigger Rule Action
- Trigger Rule Criteria MisMatch
List Automation
On the List Automation page, you can request an email notification for the following scenarios:
- List failure
- List successfully loaded
Event Notification Emails
The subject line of an event email begins with "event notification:" and is completed per the descriptions below.
The body, or contents, of the event email first indicates the account associated with the event:
- Event for account <account_uid>:
where <account_uid> is the account ID from the left column of the Account Search Results page in the Enterprise Manager.
The body of the message is completed per the examples below:
Campaign Events
- Subject: SubCampaign loaded at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
A sub-campaign has finished loading at the indicated date and time. Time is shown in GMT, not your local time.
- Body: SubCampaign <sub-campaign_name> under Campaign <campaign_name> is loaded.
<sub-campaign_name> = the sub-campaign that was loaded
<campaign_name> the name of the campaign under which the sub-campaign was loaded.
- Subject: SubCampaign completed at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
A sub-campaign has completed at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: SubCampaign <sub-campaign_name> under Campaign <campaign_name> is completed.
<sub-campaign_name> = the sub-campaign that completed.
<campaign_name> the name of the campaign under which the sub-campaign ran.
List Upload Events
These notifications are generated when a contact list, or suppression list, is uploaded:
- from the application
- using web services
- using ftp automation
- Subject: List upload started at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
A contact list has started uploading at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: List <upload_directory>/< filename> upload started.
<upload_directory> When uploading a list from the Lists tab, this is the location of the source file on your computer or network. When uploading a list using web services or ftp automation, this is your account's temporary directory on the messaging system upload server, and the upload directory path contains your account uid.
<filename> = the contact list being uploaded.
- Subject: List upload completed at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
A contact list has finished uploading at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: List <upload_directory><filename> upload completed. <n> records imported.
<upload_directory> This is the location of the source file When uploading a list from the Lists tab, this is the location of the source file on your computer or network. When uploading a list using web services or FTP automation, this is the account's temporary directory on the messaging system upload server, and the upload directory path contains the account uid.
<filename> = the contact list that was uploaded.
<n> = number of records that were successfully uploaded.
- Subject: Suppression upload started at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
A suppression list has started uploading at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: List <upload_directory>/< filename> upload started
<upload_directory> When uploading a suppression list from the application, this is the location of the source file on your computer or network. When uploading a list using web services or ftp automation, this is your account's temporary directory on the messaging system upload server, and the upload directory path contains your account uid.
<filename> = the suppression list being uploaded
- Subject: Suppression upload completed at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
A suppression list has finished uploading at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: Suppression <upload_directory><filename> upload completed. <n> records imported.
<upload_directory> This is the location of the source file When uploading a suppression list from the application, this is the location of the source file on your computer or network. When uploading a list using web services or FTP automation, this is the account's temporary directory on the messaging system upload server, and the upload directory path contains the account uid.
<filename> = the suppression list that was uploaded.
<n> = number of records that were successfully uploaded.
Report Events
These events are generated:
- for scheduled reports where an ftp destination was specified in the Report Configuration window.
- when you click the Send link for a report that has already been generated, and send the report to an ftp destination.
- for reports generated by web services or ftp automation, where the command includes an ftp destination.
- Report event notifications are not generated for email sends or failures.
- Subject: Report successfully sent at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
A report has been FTPed at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: Report <report_filename> successfully sent to <FTP_server><directory>
<report_filename> = the filename of the report, as determined by the file name format that was configured for the report. If the default report file name format was used, this consists of report type, Enterprise name, campaign name, sub-campaign name, and a date/time stamp.
<FTP_server> = the ftp server to which the report was sent.
<directory> = the directory in which the report was stored on the ftp server.
- Subject: Report send failed at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
A report failed to be FTPed at the indicated date and time (time shown in GMT).
- Body: Report <report_type> for <report_filename> send failed to <FTP_server><directory> Folder.
<report_filename> = the filename of the report, as determined by the file name format that was configured for the report. If the default report file name format was used, this consists of report type, Enterprise name, campaign name, sub-campaign name, and a date/time stamp.
<FTP_server> = the ftp server to which the report was sent.
<directory> = the directory in which the report was stored on the ftp server.
Automation Events
These events occur only if there was an error in a web services or ftp automation command.
- Subject: Input specification not found in account at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
The input specification file (targetFile) in a web services or automation command is not available in the account.
- Body: Input specification <filename> not found in account.
<filename> = the directory path and file name of the specification file.
- Subject: Campaign stategy not found at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT
The campaign strategy specified in a web services or automation command does not exist for the specified campaign strategy. This may mean that either the strategy or the campaign specified in the command is incorrect.
- Body: Strategy <strategy_name> under campaign <campaign_name> not found in account.
<strategy_name> = the name of the strategy specified in the web services or automation command.
<campaign_name> = the name of the campaign specified in the web services or automation command.
- Subject: Number of operators not set in campaign strategy at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
The number of operators value is not configured for the campaign strategy specified in a web services or automation command.
- Body: Number of operators are not set in strategy <strategy_name> under campaign <campaign_name>.
<strategy_name> = the name of the campaign strategy specified in the command.
<campaign_name> =the name of the campaign specified in the command.
- Subject: DC number not set in campaign strategy at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
No contact center Direct Connect number was configured for the campaign/campaign strategy specified in a web services or automation command.
- Body: DC number is not set in strategy <strategy_name> under campaign <campaign_name>
<strategy_name> = the name of the campaign strategy specified in the command.
<campaign_name> = the name of the campaign specified in the command.
- Subject: Script not set in campaign strategy at <> <hh:mm:ss> GMT.
No script was selected for the campaign/campaign strategy specified in a web services or automation command.
- Body: Dynamic Script is not set in strategy <strategy_name> under campaign <campaign_name>
<strategy_name> = the name of the campaign strategy specified in the command.
<campaign_name> = the name of the campaign specified in the command.