To generate, schedule and view account, campaign, sub-campaign, agent group and list reports, click the Reports tab.
From the Reports tabbed page, you can:
- Generate or schedule reports at the account, campaign, and sub-campaign level
- Generate or schedule agent group reports
- Generate or schedule list reports
- View and manage your saved reports and scheduled reports
- Perform a contact trace to report on all the attempts made to contact an individual
- Import a public PGP encryption key to encrypt Detail reports
- Upload and manage the output specification files you use to format your reports
Report "day"
Note that the report "day" for all Summary and Detail reports depends upon whether the time zone of the account is GMT or GMT+1, 2 or 3 time, such as in European countries, or GMT- time, such as in North American countries.
The report "day" for countries in GMT or GMT+ time is based on midnight to midnight in the Reports Time Zone. See Edit account information in the Settings section.
The report "day" for countries in GMT- time is based on 3AM-3AM ET.
The report "day" for Usage Reports is always based on midnight to midnight ET.
Report Types
Account reports provide a record of what happened across all campaigns in your account for the selected time period. Account Contact Center Detail reports include a record for every Direct Connect attempt for every sub-campaign in the account within the report time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt.
Campaign reports provide a record of what happened over an entire campaign or for a range of dates within a campaign. The reports include combined information from all sub-campaigns that were run under the campaign. You can generate the reports for an entire campaign, a specified time period, or as an incremental report.
Sub-campaign reports provide a record of what happened for a single sub-campaign. You can generate the reports for an entire sub-campaign or for the previous day's sub-campaign activity.
Agent Group reports provide a record of what happened within the agent groups in your account for the selected time period.
List reports provide information about the devices for each contact in the list.
Summary and Detail Reports
Summary and Detail reports can be generated across an account, a campaign, a sub-campaign and/or an agent group.
Summary reports provide a performance overview of an account, campaign, sub-campaign, and/or agent group. These are typically two-page reports that list contact attempt results by status.
Detail reports provide a detailed breakdown of what happened for each contact in the list that was used for the account, campaign or sub-campaign, and/or agent group including Response Group responses given by the recipients who interacted with the contact.
Report Descriptions
The following is a brief description of each of the reports available through the Engage platform:
Enterprise Reports
The Service summary report is an Enterprise and Account level detail report that provides the underlying data used to produce the invoice you receive for messaging services.
A “Service” is a designation used to identify billable functionality whose price is based on the terms of your contract. Your Service summary report will reflect only the Services used, based on those contracted. For example, if you have contracted for Outbound Calling services and Dialer services, but not Email services or Outbound Text services, you will see only the Outbound Calling and/or Dialer services you used in the report.
Typically this report is run on a monthly basis to reconcile the previous month's invoice. To ensure the most useful results, set the start time and end time of the report to coincide with the monthly billing cycle by using Explicit Dates. For example, for the month of November, enter "11/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" to "12/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" as the date range.
Contact Center
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
Activity with Est. Cost (xls)
This report presents high level metrics for each sub-campaign in the campaign, such as penetration, total messages delivered and average talk time. In addition, it includes information related to the estimated cost of the sub-campaign (with calculations of the estimated cost per attempted DC, cost per successful DC, and cost per attempt).
As with all cost reports, these numbers reflect an estimate of costs and are not to be used as an invoice. In addition, an enterprise must be set up to view cost information at the enterprise and account level (not just at the enterprise level) in order to see the cost data in the report; otherwise, the cost columns do not appear in the report.
Agent Action
The Agent Action detail report provides a log of various actions taken by voice and text agents in the enterprise or account.
List Audit
The List Audit detail report provides information about total records, rejected records, load timing, and original list names for lists loaded in an account or enterprise for the specified time period.
List Reports
List Profile
List Profile detail reports contain detailed information about the devices for each contact in a list. If the contacts contain multiple contact points (email addresses or phone numbers), then this report will include one record for each contact point. Optionally, this report may also contain the name of the wireless carrier for each phone number contain point located in North America.
IMPORTANT NOTE: An extra charge applies for running this report with carrier information.
Account Reports
The Activity report provides high-level metrics for each campaign in the account, such as total messages attempted, total messages delivered, and success rates.
Activity with Est. Cost (xls)
This report presents high level metrics for each campaign in the account, such as penetration, total messages delivered and average talk time. In addition, it includes information related to the estimated cost of the campaign (with calculations of the estimated cost per attempted DC, cost per successful DC, and cost per attempt).
As with all cost reports, these numbers reflect an estimate of costs and are not to be used as an invoice. In addition, an enterprise must be set up to view cost information at the enterprise and account level (not just at the enterprise level) in order to see the cost data in the report; otherwise, the cost columns do not appear in the report.
The Service summary report is an Enterprise and Account level detail report that provides the underlying data used to produce the invoice you receive for messaging services.
A “Service” is a designation used to identify billable functionality whose price is based on the terms of your contract. Your Service summary report will reflect only the Services used, based on those contracted. For example, if you have contracted for Outbound Calling services and Dialer services, but not Email services or Outbound Text services, you will see only the Outbound Calling and/or Dialer services you used in the report.
Typically this report is run on a monthly basis to reconcile the previous month's invoice. To ensure the most useful results, set the start time and end time of the report to coincide with the monthly billing cycle by using Explicit Dates. For example, for the month of November, enter "11/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" to "12/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" as the date range.
The account Usage detail report contains detailed information for every attempt in every campaign in your account. The day range for Usage Detail reports is based on midnight to midnight of the reporting time zone of the account.
Contact Center
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
Agent Performance - Account
The Agent Performance report is applicable only for campaigns where Agent Voice Portal is employed.
The Agent Performance provides summary level detail information about average state durations for agents as well as counts of each state broken down by individual agent. An agent's average duration, for example in the Talking state, is based on the sum of each talking state - in seconds - divided by the number of times that state occurs for the agent.
Client Recording
The Client Recording detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
This report is identical to the Client Recording Manifest Detail report but also includes a zipped file that contains all of the individual .wav files for an account, campaign, sub-campaign, or skill group, depending on the level from which the report was generated.
All Contacts V11
The All Contacts V11 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V12
The All Contacts v12 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V13
The All Contacts V13 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V14
The All Contacts V14 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
Agent Action
The Agent Action Detail report provides a log of various actions taken by voice and text agents in the enterprise or account.
Agent List
The Agent List detail report provides a listing of all voice and text agents in the enterprise or account, along with each agent's permission settings as of the time the report is run.
Agent Monitor Coach Barge
The Agent Monitor Coach Barge detail report is used to track the actions of supervisors of Portal Agents using the monitor, coach, and barge features of the system.
This report provides information regarding the agent being supervised, plus the time and duration of the action taken by the Account Manager.
Dialer Compliance Detail
The Dialer Compliance Detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed compliance information on every call made during a dialer pass. Calls are marked with a ‘1’ for compliant or a ‘0’ for non-compliant based on the amount of time it takes them to be bridged to an available agent. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
List Audit
The List Audit detail presents information about total records, rejected records, load timing, and original list names for lists loaded in an account or enterprise for the specified time period.
Recording Action Tracking
The Recording Action Tracking detail report allows clients to track the status of both individual recordings and overall account settings.
The report shows when a recording has expired and been purged from the messaging system or when it was manually deleted. It also shows any changes made to the skill group recording settings.
Session Transfer
The Session Transfer detail report allows clients to track the progress of calls transferred by their agents. The type of transfer, the originating and target agents, and call durations are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
Campaign Reports
Multi-channel Summary
The Multi-channel Summary report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the campaign. In addition to totals for the campaign, the report provides a separate column for each sub-campaign within the date range of the report. Below the top summary section, the Multi-channel Summary report includes a separate section for each communications channel used in the campaign (for example voice, text, email). The bottom section of the report contains a summary of recipient response data for the campaign
This report is the most useful summary report to consult for campaigns that use multiple communications channels. This report, should be one of the first reports that you consult in order to understand - at a very high level - how a campaign is progressing. Several data points in the report are particularly useful in validating success and identifying potential issues.
The Summary report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the campaigns. The data from all attempts is combined, and the best status is returned. This report is most useful for voice-only campaigns.
The Activity summary report provides high-level metrics for each voice sub-campaign in the campaign, such as penetration, total messages delivered, and average talk time.
Activity with Est. Cost (xls)
This report presents high level metrics for each sub-campaign in the campaign, such as penetration, total messages delivered and average talk time. In addition, it includes information related to the estimated cost of the sub-campaign (with calculations of the estimated cost per attempted DC, cost per successful DC, and cost per attempt).
As with all cost reports, these numbers reflect an estimate of costs and are not to be used as an invoice. In addition, an enterprise must be set up to view cost information at the enterprise and account level (not just at the enterprise level) in order to see the cost data in the report; otherwise, the cost columns do not appear in the report.
Contact Center Direct Connect
The Contact Center Direct Connect summary report provides summary metrics and detailed data on the performance of the contact center on each campaign. The report includes the number of successful and failed Direct Connect (DC) attempts for each DC phone number in the contact center.
The report provides a further breakdown of all DC failures, identifying the reason for, and description of, each failure.
Dialer Compliance Summary
The Dialer Compliance Summary report provides a summary of abandon call percentages across all dialer passes. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
Inbound Response by Hour
The Inbound Response by Hour summary report is run on a campaign basis. The information is broken into Direct Connect results based on the local time of the recipient and is presented by the day of the week.
This report provides information pertaining to the time of day and the day of the week during which a customer is most likely to respond.
Outbound Response by Hour
The Outbound Response by Hour summary report is run on a campaign basis. The information is broken into Direct Connect results based on the local time of the recipient and is presented by the day of the week.
This report provides information pertaining to the time of day and the day of the week during which a customer is most likely to respond.
The Service summary report is an Enterprise and Account level detail report that provides the underlying data used to produce the invoice you receive for messaging services.
A “Service” is a designation used to identify billable functionality whose price is based on the terms of your contract. Your Service summary report will reflect only the Services used, based on those contracted. For example, if you have contracted for Outbound Calling services and Dialer services, but not Email services or Outbound Text services, you will see only the Outbound Calling and/or Dialer services you used in the report.
Typically this report is run on a monthly basis to reconcile the previous month's invoice. To ensure the most useful results, set the start time and end time of the report to coincide with the monthly billing cycle by using Explicit Dates. For example, for the month of November, enter "11/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" to "12/01/2010 04:00 AM GMT" as the date range.
Best Contact
The Best Contact (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes a record representing the best result achieved for each contact attempted based on the ClientID field as the unique identifier. Only the best result within the date range of the report is shown, although it is possible that a better result exists outside of the date range of the report.
To determine which attempt to a particular device is best, the system ranks the various possible outcomes. For example, for a voice pass, a live recipient is considered better than an answering machine, and an answering machine is considered better than no answer. If there are multiple attempts with the same outcome, then the most recent attempt is considered the best.
All Attempts
The All Attempts (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes all contact attempts, including multiple attempts to the same ClientID. It does not include contacts that are filtered or otherwise not attempted. The BestContact field in the report will be '1' or '0' to indicate whether or not each record represents the best contact for the date range of the report.
All Contacts
The All Contacts (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Attempts report except that it also includes all filtered contacts.
The Dialer (campaign and sub-campaign) detail report is similar to All Attempts, except that it does not provide a separate record for each contact attempt. This is similar to the format generated by some dialer products. The report lists multiple attempts within a single record, instead of providing a record for each attempt. There fields for the first attempt, last attempt, and up to 10 attempts prior to the last attempt.
Contact Center
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
All Contacts V11
The All Contacts V11 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V12
The All Contacts v12 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V13
The All Contacts V13 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V14
The All Contacts V14 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
Client Recording
The Client Recording detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
This report is identical to the Client Recording Manifest Detail report but also includes a zipped file that contains all of the individual .wav files for an account, campaign, sub-campaign, or skill group, depending on the level from which the report was generated.
Client Recording Manifest
The Client Recording detail report (campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
Dialer Compliance Detail
The Dialer Compliance Detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed compliance information on every call made during a dialer pass. Calls are marked with a ‘1’ for compliant or a ‘0’ for non-compliant based on the amount of time it takes them to be bridged to an available agent. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
Scheduled Follow-up
The Scheduled Follow-up detail report allows clients to track the progress of follow-up calls made by their agents. The requesting and actual agents, client called and disposition of follow-up calls are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
Session Transfer
The Session Transfer detail report allows clients to track the progress of transferred calls from their agents. The type of transfer, the originating and target agents and call durations are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
Text Opt-out
The Text Opt-out detail report contains a record for each consumer who opts out of a text campaign.
Sub-campaign Reports
Sub-campaign Summary Reports[+]
This report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the included sub-campaigns. The data from all attempts is combined, and the best status is returned.
Dialer Compliance Summary
The Dialer Compliance summary report provides a summary of abandon call percentages across all dialer passes.
Sub-campaign Detail Reports [+]
Best Contact
The Best Contact (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes a record representing the best result achieved for each contact attempted based on the ClientID field as the unique identifier. Only the best result within the date range of the report is shown, although it is possible that a better result exists outside of the date range of the report.
To determine which attempt to a particular device is best, the system ranks the various possible outcomes. For example, for a voice pass, a live recipient is considered better than an answering machine, and an answering machine is considered better than no answer. If there are multiple attempts with the same outcome, then the most recent attempt is considered the best.
All Attempts
The All Attempts (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes all contact attempts, including multiple attempts to the same ClientID. It does not include contacts that are filtered or otherwise not attempted. The BestContact field in the report will be '1' or '0' to indicate whether or not each record represents the best contact for the date range of the report.
All Contacts
The All Contacts (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Attempts report except that it also includes all filtered contacts.
The Dialer (campaign and sub-campaign) detail report is similar to All Attempts, except that it does not provide a separate record for each contact attempt. This is similar to the format generated by some dialer products. The report lists multiple attempts within a single record, instead of providing a record for each attempt. There fields for the first attempt, last attempt, and up to 10 attempts prior to the last attempt.
Contact Center
The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).
All Contacts V11
The All Contacts V11 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V12
The All Contacts v12 report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
=All Contacts V13
The All Contacts V13 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
All Contacts V14
The All Contacts V14 detail report provides numerous details surrounding all contacts and contact attempts associated with the time frame of the report. It includes a record for each contact and contact attempt.
Client Recording
The Client Recording detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
This report is identical to the Client Recording Manifest Detail report but also includes a zipped file that contains all of the individual .WAV files for an account, campaign, sub-campaign, or skill group, depending on the level from which the report was generated.
Client Recording Manifest
The Client Recording detail report (campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.
Dialer Compliance Detail
The Dialer Compliance Detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed compliance information on every call made during a dialer pass. Calls are marked with a ‘1’ for compliant or a ‘0’ for non-compliant, based on the amount of time it takes them to be bridged to an available agent. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.
Session Transfer
The Session Transfer detail report allows clients to track the progress of transferred calls from their agents. The type of transfer, the originating and target agents and call durations are examples of some of the data stored in this report.
Agent Reports
Agent Disposition Code
The Agent Disposition Code report is applicable only for campaigns where Agent Voice Portal is employed.
The Agent Disposition Code summary report provides an aggregated count of disposition codes selected by the agents using Agent Voice Portal at the end of each call.
Agent Summary
The Agent Summary report is applicable only for campaigns where Agent Voice Portal is employed.
This report provides aggregated statistics as to the performance of individual agents in an agent group over a specified period of time. Reported in increments of 15 minutes, measurements include call statistics such as talk time and time spent in after call work (ACW), as well as disposition code specifics such as right party connect (RPC) counts, promise-to-pay counts, and associated dollar values.
The report is run for a specific agent group, with each agent's statistics listed separately, allowing you to determine each agent's performance.
Agent Summary Totals
The Agent Summary Totals report is applicable only for campaigns where Agent Voice Portal is employed.
This report provides key indicators as to the performance of individual agents in an agent group (skill group) over a specified period of time. Measurements include call statistics such as talk time and time spent in after call work (ACW) as well as disposition code specifics, such as right party connect (RPC) counts, promise-to-pay counts, and associated dollar values.
The report is run for a specific agent group, with each agent's statistics listed separately, allowing you to determine each agent's performance.
Agent Utilization
The Agent Utilization Summary report provides the activities of a skill group over time.
Standard Skill Group
The Standard Skill Group summary report provides basic metrics for a standard skill group in order to track skill group performance.
If a single skill group has multiple phone numbers, the report is divided into sections, with one section per phone number. The report presents a summary of the skill group's performance for each sub-campaign, identifying the number of successful and failed Direct Connect attempts, in addition to the average ring, whisper, and talk seconds.
Note that all of the averages presented (Avg.) are averages across the number of calls answered, not the total number of calls.
Text Agent Summary
The Text Agent Summary report is used for text campaigns only.
This report provides key indicators as to the performance of individual text agents over a specified period of time. The report is run for a specific skill group, with each agent's statistics listed separately, allowing you to determine each agent's performance and possible need for additional training.
Abandon Call
The Abandon Call Detail report is used for voice campaigns only.
This report provides detail information about abandoned calls, which are defined as calls that are answered by a live party but not bridged with an agent.
Agent Availability
The Agent Availability detail report is used for voice campaigns only.
This report provides detail-level information about the number of agents available to receive calls on a per-minute basis. The data is relevant in viewing and evaluating the effects of call pacing.
Agent Detail
The Agent Detail report is used for voice campaigns only.
This report provides key indicators as to the performance of individual agents in a skill group over a specified period of time. Measurements include average talk time, utilization percentage, and average idle time. The report is run for a specific skill group, with each agent's statistics listed separately, allowing you to determine each agent's performance.
Agent States
The Agent States Detail report is used for voice campaigns only.
This report provides detail information about each change in an agent's state.
Incremental Reports
Incremental reports of a given type (for example, All Attempts) include all data collected since the last time the incremental report for that report type was run.
If you manually run an incremental report for a given report type in between its schedule runs:
- The manual report will only contain data that was collected since the last scheduled run of the report. For example, if you have an incremental All Attempts report scheduled to run every hour at the top of the hour, and you manually run an incremental All Attempts report at 10:30AM, the 10:30 report will only contain data collected from 10:00AM-10:30AM.
- The next scheduled report will only contain data that was collected after you manually ran the incremental report. Therefore, the 11:00PM report would only contain data collected from 10:30AM-11:00AM.
- If you manually run a non-incremental report (such as a Yesterday or Last 7 Days report) for a given report type in between its scheduled incremental runs, it will not impact the data in the next scheduled incremental report. For example, if you have an incremental All Attempts report scheduled to run every hour at the top of the hour, and you manually run a Last 7 Days All Attempts report at 10:30AM, the 11:00 run of the incremental All Attempts report will contain all data collected from 10:00AM-11:00AM.
- A contact attempt that starts before a scheduled incremental report but completes after the time the report is scheduled to run will not be included in the report. For example, if you have an incremental report scheduled to run at 11:00AM, a contact attempt that starts at 10:50AM and completes at 11:01AM will not be included in the 11:00AM report. It will be included in the next incremental report to run.
- The first time you run an incremental report of a given type, the report will include data for the previous 15 hours.
- The Saved Reports list is automatically cleared every two weeks. Therefore, it may not be apparent that an incremental report of a given type has already been run if it was run more than two weeks ago. If you then schedule that incremental report, you will get more than 15 hours worth of data when the first scheduled run occurs, even though it may look like it is the first time you ran that type of incremental report. The first scheduled run will contain all data that was collected after the report that ran more than two weeks ago.
Completion Statuses
A contact attempt can have a number of possible outcomes, each of which is identified with a completion status. The completion status, also referred to as Disposition Codes or Status Codes, of each voice, text or email contact attempt is shown in the Status field of a Detail report. See also Direct Connect statuses.
Rank is used to determine the Best Contact result for multiple attempts to a person. The highest ranked result is considered the best result. If there are multiple call results with the same rank, the last result with the highest rank is the Best Contact result.
Status | Channel Type | Rank | Description |
BADDATA | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | There was an error on the TMS. |
BADNUMBERFAX | Voice, Text | 3 | The device reached a fax machine and no message was delivered. |
BADNUMBERUNASSIGNED | Voice | 3 | The called number is valid, but currently not assigned to anyone (not in service). |
BLOCKED | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The device was not attempted because the device is on the Blocked list. |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_BAD_DOMAIN | 8 | An email message was sent, but was not delivered. The message was bounced because the domain does not exist. This is a hard bounce type. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_BAD_MAILBOX | 8 | An email message was sent, but was not delivered. The message was bounced by the Internet Service Provider because the email address does not exist, likely due to an invalid email mailbox format or expired mailbox. This is a hard bounce type. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_GENERAL | 8 | An email message was sent but was not delivered. The message was bounced by the Internet Service Provider. This is a hard bounce type and is tagged as general as the reason is not known. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_INACTIVE_MAILBOX | 8 | An email message was sent but was not delivered. The message was bounced by the Internet Service Provider. The mailbox is determined to be inactive/expired by the provider and the policy is to reject (bounce) messages. This is a hard bounce type. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_ROUTING_ERROR | 8 | An email message was sent but was not delivered, due to routing errors. This is a hard bounce type. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_SOFT_BOUNCE | 8 | An email message was sent to a valid email address and delivery was attempted for up to 48 hours, without success. | |
BOUNCEDEMAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR | 8 | An email message was sent but was not delivered, due to syntax errors. This is a hard bounce type. | |
BUSY | Voice | 4 | The call reached a busy signal. |
CALL_BAD_NUMBER | Voice | 3 | The call was attempted, but did not reach a live person or answering machine. For example, the call may have reached a number with a tri-tone special information tone (SIT) (for example, "this number has been disconnected" or "this number has changed"), or a modem. |
CALL_PASS_REJECTED | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The contact was filtered from the calling list because none of their available phone numbers met the parameters for any of the sub-campaign's call passes. For example, if all of your call passes are configured to use call pass escalation and to attempt only work and home numbers, any contacts who have only a cell phone number will be filtered from the calling list and will be assigned the CALL_PASS_REJECTED completion status. Contacts who are filtered in this way are included in the Filter value for the sub-campaign. |
CHANNEL_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The selected device did not match the pass type selected. For example, this status could be returned if a landline device was identified in a text pass, which requires only wireless numbers. |
COMPLIANCE_DATE | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The contact was excluded due to a Date Compliance rule. |
COMPLIANCE_REGION | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The contact was excluded due to a Regional Compliance rule. |
DELIVEREDMACHINE | Voice | 7 | A voice message was left on an answering machine or voicemail. |
DELIVEREDPERSON | Voice | 8 | The call reached a live person. |
DNC | Voice | 1 | The call was not attempted because the phone number is on a Do Not Contact list. |
DUPLICATE | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The device was not attempted because the device is a duplicate. |
DUPLICATE_CLIENT | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The contact was not attempted because the ClientID is a duplicate, and duplicate ClientIDs are removed during sub-campaign setup. |
DYNAMIC_MACHINE_HANGUP | Voice | 5 | The call reached an answering machine or voicemail, and hung up on it without leaving a message because the defined maximum number of delivered answering machine messages has been reached for the contact. |
1 | The message was not sent because the device is an email address and the email filter was selected during sub-campaign set up. | ||
EMAIL_MSG_NEVER_TRIED | 2 | The email message was not attempted in an email pass type. | |
EMAIL_TEXT_MSG | 1 | All emails that are "wireless phone number @ wireless carrier" are automatically filtered, such as: These devices are excluded from email pass types automatically as they result in a pay by end user text message. | |
ENDS_00 | Voice, Text | 1 | The device was not attempted because the telephone number ends in '00' and the filter was selected. |
ENDS_000 | Voice, Text | 1 | The device was not attempted because the telephone number ends in '000' and the filter was selected. |
EXCLUDED | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The device was not attempted because the contact was excluded through the use of an area code, state, or dynamic rule filter, or when the Timezone Source “Contact and Device” is chosen and either the area code of the device or the postal code is blank or invalid. |
EXPIRED | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | Applies to on-demand messaging that use a defined start/end time. The contact was not attempted because the specified time period had elapsed. The contact is then included in the Filtered value for the sub-campaign pass. |
EXTENSION | Voice, Text | 1 | The call was not attempted because the telephone number includes an extension. |
FAILEDEMAIL | 8 | An email message could not be sent because the email address was in the wrong format, there was a networking error while sending the email, or an error in the script cause the email to fail. A second attempt is made before this status is returned. | |
INBOUND_IVR_COMPLETED | Voice | 9 | This was an inbound call. |
INBOUND_IVR_EXTERNAL_FAILED | Voice | 9 | This was an inbound call to a Local Connect number that failed to connect, due to the caller disconnecting before the script started. |
INBOUND_IVR_EXTERNAL_SUCCESS | Voice | 9 | This was a successfully completed inbound call to a Local Connect number. |
INCOMPATIBLE_DEVICE_CONTACT_TZ | Voice, Text | 1 | Timezone Source Contact And Device is selected on the sub-campaign and the the Contact TimeZone or the Device TimeZone is outside of western-most to eastern-most for the given country or in another country. No contact attempt was made. |
INTERNATIONAL | Voice, Text | 1 | The device was not attempted because the telephone number is located in a country that is not contractually supported by that account. |
INVALID_AREA_CODE | Voice, Text | 1 | The area code/exchange combination for the number is invalid. |
INVALID_CONTACT_TZ | Voice, Text | 1 | Timezone Source Contact Then Device is selected on the sub-campaign and the Contact Time Zone is invalid. No contact attempt was made. |
INVALID_DEVICE | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The contact did not have a valid device. This may be because the number is too long or too short or contains a range of numbers that is not valid. |
INVALID_EXCHANGE | Voice, Text | 1 | The area code/exchange combination for the number is invalid. |
MACHINE_HANGUP | Voice | 5 | The call reached an answering machine or voicemail, and hung up on it without leaving a message. |
NEVER_TRIED | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted. |
NO_DEVICE | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | The contact did not have any device to attempt. |
NOANSWER | Voice | 4 | The call rang but was not answered. A call is considered unanswered after approximately 55 seconds of ring time. |
NOT_ATTEMPTED_SKIP | Voice | 2 | The call was not attempted because it was skipped by an agent through a preview pass. |
NOT_SUPPORTED | Voice, Text, Email | 1 | Although the area code and exchange are valid, the device was not attempted because the Bellcore type for the area code/exchange is not supported by the messaging system. |
NOTCONNECTED | Voice | 3 | The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons, including "all circuits busy" conditions or local phone exchange difficulties.
TMS_ERROR_PROVIDER - The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons, including "all circuits busy" conditions or local phone exchange difficulties originating with the telco provider TMS_ERROR_MEDIASERVER - The call attempt was not successful. This could occur for a variety of reasons within the telephony service. This indicates an error prior to dispatching to the telco provider. |
NULL_CONTACT_TZ | Voice, Text | 1 | Timezone Source Contact is selected on the sub-campaign and the Contact Time Zone is not present in the data. No contact attempt was made. |
OPENEDEMAIL | 8 | An email message was sent and was opened by the recipient and/or automatically by the recipient's email client. | |
SCRIPT_FAILED_PERMANENT | Voice, Text, Email | 8 | The script logic detected that a contact field is missing or improperly formed. This is a permanent failure. |
SCRIPT_FAILED_TRANSIENT | Voice, Text, Email | 8 | The script logic detected that some service is unavailable or that there is a temporary issue, but a retry is possible. |
SCRIPT_NO_ACTION | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The script logic prevents any action from occurring. |
SCRIPT_SUCCESS | Voice, Text, Email | 8 | The script sends a message, or the script logic schedules a message for later delivery. |
SENTEMAIL | 7 | An email message was sent. | |
SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted because the contact was suppressed using the Account Suppression feature. |
SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT_CALL_HIST | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted because the contact was suppressed using the account level Call History Suppression feature. |
SUPPRESSED_CAMPAIGN_CALL_HIST | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted because the contact was suppressed using the campaign level Call History Suppression feature. |
SUPPRESSED_ENTERPRISE | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted because the contact was suppressed using the Enterprise Suppression feature. |
SUPPRESSED_ENTERPRISE_CALL_HIST | Voice, Text, Email | 2 | The device was not attempted because the contact was suppressed using the enterprise level Call History Suppression feature. |
TEXT_MSG_CARRIER_BLOCKED | Text | 8 | The attempt failed because the device has been blocked by the carrier (on a carrier blacklist, number not in service, etc). |
TEXT_MSG_CARRIER_LOOKUP_FAILED | Text | 8 | The attempt failed because the carrier associated with the wireless device could not be determined. |
TEXT_MSG_CARRIER_NOT_SUPPORTED | Text | 8 | The attempt is considered filtered because an FTEU (Free To End User) message is being attempted on a carrier that does not support FTEU, or the text attempt is a standard rate message and SoundBite does not support the carrier being attempted. |
TEXT_MSG_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE | Text | 8 | The attempt failed because the carrier could not reach the device after several hours of trying. |
TEXT_MSG_FAILED | Text | 1 | The attempt failed. |
TEXT_MSG_NEVER_TRIED | Text | 2 | The text message was not attempted in a text message pass type. |
TEXT_MSG_OPT_OUT | Text | 8 | User opted out of the text message by sending STOP or a preconfigured synonym. |
TEXT_MSG_RECEIVED | Text | 8 | User sent a response - other than an opt-out - to the script. The response is recorded in the MessageContent field. |
TEXT_MSG_SENT | Text | 8 | The text message was delivered. |
TEXT_MSG_SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT | Text | 8 | The attempt failed because the device has previously opted out. |
TOLLFREE | Voice, Text | 1 | This status identifies toll-free numbers and international non-geographic wireless numbers. |
UNDELIVEREDMACHINE | Voice | 5 | The call reached an answering machine or automated attendant, and we were either unable to deliver the message, or the message was longer than 10 seconds and less than 10 seconds of the message was left on the answering machine. |
WEB_EXTERNAL_URL_FAILED | Web | 8 | Indicates an attempt to retrieve an external link failed. |
WEB_EXTERNAL_URL_SUCCESS | Web | 8 | Indicates an attempt to retrieve an external link occurred successfully. |
WEB_INTERNAL_URL_FAILED | Web | 8 | Indicates an attempt to retrieve an Engage web channel page failed. |
WEB_INTERNAL_URL_SUCCESS | Web | 8 | Indicates an Engage web channel page was successfully retrieved. |
WIRELESS | Voice, Text | 1 | The device was not attempted because the telephone number is a wireless number and the wireless filter was selected during sub-campaign setup. |
Direct Connect Statuses
A Summary report for a Direct Connect campaign may include a detailed breakdown of Direct Connect results in the Recipient Responses section of the report. See also Completion statuses.
The Direct Connect (DC) statuses are:
Status Name | Description |
DC_SUCCESS | A successful connection to the contact center occurred. |
DC_NO_LINES_AVAILABLE | No Direct Connect lines were available. |
DC_CALL_CENTER_BUSY | A busy signal at the contact center prevented the Direct Connect from being completed. |
DC_CALL_CENTER_NO_ANSWER | The contact center number rang for longer than 40 seconds with no answer. |
DC_CLIENT_HANGUP_DURING_TRANSFER | The recipient hung up the phone before the contact center picked up the call. |
DC_CLIENT_HANGUP_ON_HOLD | The recipient hung up the phone while on hold with the contact center. This status occurs only if the Whisper feature is used. |
CONTACT_ABORTED | The recipient pressed a DTMF key to abort/cancel the call while on hold with the contact center. This status is available only if the script was written to accept such an action. |
DC_CALL_CENTER_HANGUP_ON_HOLD | The contact center hung up on the recipient without taking the recipient off hold. This status occurs only if you are using the Whisper feature. |
DC_FAILED | A failure other than those listed above occurred. |
TELEPHONY_ERROR | An error prevented the call from connecting, but the carrier was unable to supply a reason code for the failure. |
Response Groups
If your script contains interactive features and was created to capture behavioral results of the recipients who interacted with the call, the report may also include a Recipient Responses section that summarizes the interactions. The percentages shown for each of the response groups are calculated in one of four different ways:
- As a percentage of Live Person
- As a percentage of Live Person + Answering Machine + Inbound
- As a percentage of All Attempts for the sub-campaign
- As a percentage of the total responses to this question or feature
The default is the percentage of Live Person. However, for any given response group, this can be changed by going to the Response Groups tab on the Edit Script page for the script. Campaign reports do not reflect any changes made until additional calls are placed using the new version of the script. Campaign reports show the response group results for the last sub-campaign that ended under that campaign.
If you retried a sub-campaign, these values include only results from the last run of the sub-campaign.
Report Output Options
In the Output Options section, select the following options as needed:
- Email addresses separated by commas—(Optional) Enter a list of email addresses (maximum of 384 characters, including commas and spaces) to which the report will be sent after it has generated. You do not have to email the report to view it; the report will appear under Saved Reports on the Report Center page after it generates.
- File transfer (ftp or sftp) destination user:passwd@host/[directory]—(Optional) To transfer a detail report to an ftp or sftp server, enter the host name or IP address of the server, as well as the username and password to use to log in to the server. The ftp or sftp destination is specified in the following format.
The transferred file is named using the default file name or the file name format, as specified below. (Note that only detail reports may be transferred via ftp. Summary reports are delivered via email only.)
File name format—(Optional.) This specifies how the Detail report file will be named. If this option is not specified, the report is named as follows:
where <ReportName> is the name of the report,
<NameAtLevelRun> is the name of the campaign, sub-campaign, etc. against which the report is being run, and
<DateRun> is the timestamp for when the report is run.
The following special characters cannot be used as part of the file name:
* ? | " / < > :
The characters <, >, and : can be used as part of the special tags, but they cannot be used in the text portion of a file name format. For example, you cannot use the text "Report <for> " or "Report for: " in the file name.
To specify a custom file name, any text that is allowable as part of a file name can be entered here. In addition, the following special fields can be used to generate the file name:Field Name Description <REPORT> The report type <CAMPAIGN> The campaign name to which the report applies <SUBCAMPAIGN> The sub-campaign name (sub-campaign reports only) to which the report applies <GROUP> The name of the contact list that was used for the sub-campaign (applies only to sub-campaign reports) <ACCOUNT> The account name <ACCOUNT_UID> The account ID, as listed on the Find Account page of the Enterprise Manager <REPORTID> A unique report ID generated for the report by the system <START:[dateformat]> The campaign start date [optional date format]. (If the date format is omitted then it is output in Julian date format.) <END:[dateformat]> The campaign end date [optional date format]. (If the date format is omitted then it is output in Julian date format.) <DATE:[dateformat]> The time the report started to generate. For example, if you enter the following in the File name format box: <CAMPAIGN>_<ACCOUNT>_<START:yyyyMMdd>_<END:yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss z>.txt it generates a file name similar to: WidgetCampaign_AcmeWidgets_20030717_20030722 12:54:32 EST.txt
The file extension is .txt if you select an Output specification file; otherwise it is .csv. Summary reports attached to emails are .xls or .pdf files.
Supported date formats are as follows:
Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples G Era designator Text AD y Year Year 1996; 96 M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07 w Week in year Number 27 W Week in month Number 2 D Day in year Number 189 d Day in month Number 10 F Day of week in month Number 2 E Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue a AM/PM marker Text PM H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0 k Hour in day (1-23) Number 24 K Hour in AM/PM (0-11) Number 0 h Hour in AM/PM (1-12) Number 12 m Minute in hour Number 30 s Second in minute Number 55 S Millisecond Number 978 z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time PST; GMT-08:00 Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800 - Output specification file—(Optional. Applies only to Detail reports.) Select one of the following options:
- Do not use a specification file—The Detail report is generated as a text file in CSV format.
- Specification File—When you (or your Enterprise administrator) upload an output specification file, the system automatically saves a copy in your account. You can then select it from the Specification File list. If your account does not contain an output specification file, this option is not available. You can, however, use the Select File option to upload a specification file into your account. Select a specification file only if you require a customized format for your reports. If you do not require custom formatting, you can generate reports without using a specification file.
- Select File—Use this option to upload an output specification file into your account and use it for this report. Click Browse to locate the file on your PC or network. After an initial output specification file has been uploaded, it will be available from the Specification File drop-down list when you generate other reports. Output specification files can be uploaded, deleted, or downloaded by selecting the Specification Files link on either the Lists tab or Reports tab.
- Zip the output file before sending—If selected, this option causes the report to be sent as a compressed ZIP file. For most Detail reports, this results in a significant reduction in file size. This option applies only if you are emailing the report or are sending it to an ftp or sftp site.
- PGP encrypt the output file before sending—This option is available only if you or your Enterprise administrator has imported a public encryption key into your account. See Use PGP encryption for reports.
Generating and Scheduling a Report
You can generate and schedule reports from the Reports tabbed page and from the Campaigns tabbed page. You can also schedule campaign reports when setting up a campaign. All reports can be viewed and managed from the Reports tabbed page.
To generate or schedule a new report:
- On the Reports tabbed page with Show: All Reports selected, click New and select the appropriate report type from the following list:
- Account Report
- Campaign Report
- Sub-Campaign Report
- Agent Group Report, or
- List Report
- From the Report list, select the report type. See About reports.
- If generating a Campaign, Sub-campaign or Agent Group report, select the campaign, sub-campaign or agent group for which you want a report.
If you are generating a campaign report, the list is labeled Campaign, and contains all active campaigns in your account. Select the campaign, or choose <Yesterday's activity> to generate a report covering all campaigns that were run the previous day.
If you are generating a sub-campaign report, the list is labeled Sub-Campaign and contains all campaign/sub-campaign combinations. Select the sub-campaign to generate a report on that sub-campaign, or choose <Yesterday's activity> for a campaign to generate a report covering all sub-campaign activity for a campaign that was run the previous day.
If you are generating an agent group report, the list is labeled Agent Group. Select the skill group and choose <Yesterday's activity> to generate a report covering the agent group's previous day's activity. - (Optional) In the Description field, enter a brief description of the report.
- Select Entire Campaign to produce a report that includes all data collected from the start of the campaign to the time you start the report.
If you select Today or Yesterday as the report timeframe, note that the day change occurs at midnight in the time zone of the Reports Default Time Zone defined in Account Settings. Select Last 7 Days to run a report for the last seven days.
Note that the "day" for all Summary and Detail reports differs, depending upon whether the time zone of the account is GMT or GMT+1, 2 or 3 time, such as in European countries, or GMT-<n>, such as in North and South American countries.
The report "day" for countries in GMT- time is based on 3AM-3AM ET.
The report "day" for countries in GMT or GMT+1, 2 or 3 time is based on midnight to midnight in the Reports Default Time Zone. See Edit account information in the Settings section.
The report "day" for Usage Reports is always based on midnight to midnight ET.
Select Month to Date to run a report for the month to date (from the first of the current month to the current day.)
Select Last Month to run a report for all days of the previous month.
Select Incremental to produce a report that includes data collected from the last time you ran an incremental report of the same detail type for the campaign.
Select Explicit Dates to choose the start date and time along with the end date and time and the applicable Time Zone. Use the calendar icons for Start Date and End Date and select the start time and end time from the hour and minute lists. The Time Zone is populated with the Reports Default Time Zone (defined in Accounts Settings). You can select a different time zone from the list, if necessary. - In the Output Options section, enter the output options, as necessary. See Report output options.
- In the Schedule section, select the report schedule from the following options:
- Generate once immediately (Default) - When selected, reports are generated as soon as they are requested. Generate report every - Select this option to schedule reports to run periodically, then select the day of the week and specify the time at which you want the report to generate. Reports generated on a schedule appear on the Reports > Scheduled page.
- Do not generate if report is empty - Select this option to prevent the system from generating and delivering the report if the report contains no records. If you do not select this option, the system will generate and deliver an empty report at the scheduled time even when there are no records in the report.
- Crontab String (GMT) - Select this option to schedule the report at a precisely defined time. For each field, enter one or two digits, a comma-separated list or an asterisk (undefined).
- The first field defines the Minute (0-59)
- The second field defines the Hour (0-23)
- The third field defines the Day of the Month (1-31)
- The fourth field defines the Month of the Year (1-12)
- The fifth field defines the Day of the Week (1-7, 1 being Monday.)
- After making your selections, click Create Report to start report generation (if you selected Generate once immediately), or add the report to the Scheduled Reports list. Note that it is possible to edit the scheduled report by clicking the report name of the Scheduled Reports page.
From the TimeFrame list, select the timeframe to be covered by the report from the following options:
Delete a Report
Reports are automatically deleted after 30 days. To keep a report for longer than 30 days, save it to disk or send it as an email attachment.
Deleting a report does not delete the underlying campaign data or any reports scheduled to run in the future.
To delete a report:
- On the Reports list, select the check box for each report to be deleted.
- Click Delete.