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Sub-campaign Reports

Sub-campaign Summary Reports

Summary report

This report presents a summary of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the included sub-campaigns. The data from all attempts is combined, and the best status is returned.

You can display the Summary report in either HTML or XLS format. The XLS version includes the summary of all the passes within the sub-campaign for the given timeframe.

Summary report - HTML version

The HTML version of the Summary report includes the following fields:

  • The name of the account.
  • The name of the campaign.
  • The time-frame of the report.
Field Name Description
Contacts Available The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:

value / Total Available (Total Available = Attempted + Filtered + Not Attempted)

  • Attempted—The total number of unique contacts who were attempted at least once.
  • Not Attempted—The number of unique contacts who were not attempted at all.
  • Filtered—The number of unique contacts who were filtered from the contact list due to filtering settings for the sub-campaign.
  • Total Available—The sum of the Attempted, Not Attempted, and Filtered values.
Best Contacts Penetration <rate> The Penetration rate is the percentage of contacts to whom a message was successfully delivered. The value is calculated as:

(Messages Delivered Subtotal / (Attempted + Not Attempted)) * 100

The values in this section include only the results of the Best Contact attempt for each contact in the list. If multiple attempts were made to contact a person, only the attempt with the best result is counted in these values.

The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:
value / Total Available (Total Available = Attempted + Not Attempted)

Results of Contacts Attempted [+] Messages Delivered
[+] Messages Not Delivered
[+] Direct Connect Results
All Attempts Penetration <rate> For the Penetration rate percentage, all contact attempts are counted. For example, if 3 attempts are made to contact one person, they are counted as 3 attempts, not 1. This value is calculated as:

Total / (Attempted + Not Attempted)
where Total is shown under the Messages Delivered/Messages Not Delivered section.

The values in this section include the results of all contact attempts made to all contacts in the list. If multiple attempts were made to contact a person, all of those attempts and the results of each attempt are counted in these values.

The percentages for each value in this section are calculated as:
value / Total

NOTE: These values are shown only on the HTML version of the Campaign Summary report.

[+] Messages Delivered
[+] Messages Not Delivered
[+] Direct Connect Results
[+] Usage Results
[+] Recipient Responses
[+] Right Party Verification
[+] Direct Connect Verified

Summary report - XLS version

The Excel version of the Summary report shows one additional column of data for each pass that was run under the sub-campaign. Note that this report can only be run for the entire time-frame of the sub-campaign.

The values in the Usage Results section of each sub-campaign column shows the All Attempts values for the sub-campaign. In this case, the Connected value is the total number of billable attempts that achieved a connected status. This includes all attempts that resulted in a Live Person, Answering Machine, Answering Machine Hangup, or Undelivered Machine status. For example, if there were three attempts to contact a person, and the results were two Answering Machine Hangups and one Live Person result, this is counted as 3 in the Connected value.

Dialer Compliance Summary

The Dialer Compliance Summary report provides a summary of abandon call percentages across all dialer passes. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.

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Sub-campaign Detail Reports

Best Contact

The Best Contact (campaign and sub-campaign) report includes a record representing the best result achieved for each contact attempted based on the ClientID field as the unique identifier. Only the best result within the date range of the report is shown, although it is possible that a better result exists outside of the date range of the report.

To determine which attempt to a particular device is best, the system ranks the various possible outcomes. For example, for a voice pass, a live recipient is considered better than an answering machine, and an answering machine is considered better than no answer. If there are multiple attempts with the same outcome, then the most recent attempt is considered the best.

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All Attempts v16 and All Contacts v16

The All Attempts v16 (campaign and sub-campaign) report is the same as the All Contacts v16 report except that it does not include filtered contacts.

All Attempts detail reports contain the following fields, presented in columns. For purposes of documenting this report, the fields (column names) are grouped logically, but note that the section names do not appear in the report itself.

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The Dialer (campaign and sub-campaign) detail report is similar to All Attempts, except that it does not provide a separate record for each contact attempt. This is similar to the format generated by some dialer products. The report lists multiple attempts within a single record, instead of providing a record for each attempt. There fields for the first attempt, last attempt, and up to 10 attempts prior to the last attempt.

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Contact Center

The Contact Center detail report (enterprise, account, campaign and sub-campaign) includes a record for every Direct Connect attempt within the reporting time frame. If multiple Direct Connect attempts are made in a single call, there is a record for each attempt. For example, if the system attempts to connect to the contact center but receives a Busy signal, then the system attempts again and successfully connects, both Direct Connect attempts are recorded in this report (only the final attempt is recorded in the other Detail reports).

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Client Recording and Client Recording Manifest

The Client Recording detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed information on every call recording. Clients may use this report as a tool to search for specific agent recordings, for calls that are coded with specific disposition codes, or to search recordings by date ranges. Also provided in this report is a URL that can be used to access or play back recordings via a web browser.

This report is identical to the Client Recording Manifest Detail report but also includes a zipped file that contains all of the individual .WAV files for an account, campaign, sub-campaign, or skill group, depending on the level from which the report was generated.

[+] Show report info.

Dialer Compliance Detail

The Dialer Compliance Detail report (account, campaign and sub-campaign) provides detailed compliance information on every call made during a dialer pass. Calls are marked with a ‘1’ for compliant or a ‘0’ for non-compliant based on the amount of time it takes them to be bridged to an available agent. This report should be used in conjunction with compliance pacing on a predictive pass.

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Session Transfer

The Session Transfer detail report allows clients to track the progress of calls transferred by their agents. The type of transfer, the originating and target agents, and call durations are examples of some of the data stored in this report.

[+] Show report info.

This page was last edited on February 27, 2018, at 13:00.
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