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ChannelSelector shares the configuration namespace '_genesys.widgets.channelselector'. ChannelSelector has UI options to enable/disable channels, hide channels, add new channels, and display Estimated Wait Time (EWT) details. All the channels are displayed based on the array of objects order defined in channels config. To hide a particular channel, simply remove the corresponding array object.

EWT can only be configured for WebChat, Callback, ClickToCall, and CallUs channels. It may not be applicable for other channels. If configured for Send Message channel, it will always be shown as available regardless of any EWT value.


window._genesys.widgets.channelselector = {

	ewtRefreshInterval: 10,

	channels: [{

		enable: true, 
		clickCommand: 'CallUs.open', 
		displayName: 'Call Us', 
		i18n: 'CallusTitle', 
		icon: 'call-outgoing', 
		html: '<img src='http://placehold.it/100x100'>', 
		ewt: {
			display: true, 
			queue: 'callus_ewt_test_eservices', 
			availabilityThresholdMin: 300, 
			availabilityThresholdMax: 480, 
			hideChannelWhenThresholdMax: false

		enable: true, 
		clickCommand: 'WebChat.open', 
		displayName: 'Web Chat', 
		i18n: 'ChatTitle', 
		icon: 'chat', 
		html: '', 
		ewt: {
			display: true, 
			queue: 'chat_ewt_test_eservices', 
			availabilityThresholdMin: 300, 
			availabilityThresholdMax: 480, 
			hideChannelWhenThresholdMax: false

		enable: true, 
		clickCommand: 'SendMessage.open', 
		displayName: 'Send Message', 
		i18n: 'EmailTitle', 
		icon: 'email', 
		html: ''

		enable: true, 
		clickCommand: 'Callback.open', 
		displayName: 'Receive a Call', 
		i18n: 'CallbackTitle', 
		icon: 'call-incoming', 
		html: '', 
		ewt: {
			display: true, 
			queue: 'callback_ewt_test_eservices', 
			availabilityThresholdMin: 300, 
			availabilityThresholdMax: 480, 
			hideChannelWhenThresholdMax: false

		enable: true, 
		name: 'CoBrowse', 
		clickCommand: 'CoBrowse.open', 
		displayName: 'Co-browse', 
		i18n: 'CobrowseTitle', 
		icon: 'cobrowse', 
		html: ''


Name Type Description Default Required
ewtRefreshInterval number EWT is updated for every time interval (seconds) defined here. 10 n/a
channels[].enable boolean Enable/disable a channel. true n/a
channels[].clickCommand string The CXBus command name for opening a particular widget when this channel is clicked on. none Always
channels[].displayName string A channel name to display on ChannelSelector Widget. none Always
channels[].i18n string To support localization of channel display name, this takes a key parameter of channelselector section in language pack file. Overrides above displayName. none n/a
channels[].icon string Select from one of the Genesys Widgets icons by specifying icon css class name. none Always
channels[].html string Overrides and replaces the icon section of a channel with the html (image tag) defined here. none n/a
channels[].ewt.display boolean To display EWT details. true n/a
channels[].ewt.queue string EWT service channel virtual queue. none Always
channels[].ewt.availabilityThresholdMin number (seconds) If EWT is greater than 0 min and less than this minimum threshold value (in minutes), then the EWT is shown with a yellow warning icon.

Note: Comparison is made after converting the threshold value in seconds to minutes.
300 n/a
channels[].ewt.availabilityThresholdMax number (seconds) If EWT is greater than this minimum threshold value (in minutes) and less than the maximum threshold value (in minutes), then the EWT is shown with a red alert icon.

Note: Comparison is made after converting the threshold value in seconds to minutes.
480 n/a
channels[].ewt.hideChannelWhenThresholdMax boolean Hides this channel when EWT is greater than the maximum threshold value. true n/a
This page was last edited on February 21, 2020, at 16:46.
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