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Interaction Lifecycle

Every Callback interaction has a sequence of events we describe as the 'Interaction Lifecycle'. This is a sequence of events that tracks progress and choices from the beginning of an interaction (opening Callback), to the end (closing Callback), and every step in between.

The following events are part of the Interaction Lifecycle:


Lifecycle Scenarios

An Interaction Lifecycle can vary based on each user's intent and experience with Callback. Here are several sequences of events in the lifecycle that correspond to different scenarios.

The user opened Callback but changed their mind and closed it without entering any information:

ready -> opened -> cancelled -> closed

The user started filling out the form but closed Callback without submitting the callback request:

ready -> opened -> started -> cancelled -> closed

The user started filling out the form and submitted it successfully:

ready -> opened -> started -> submitted -> completed -> closed
For a list of all Callback events, see API Events.


Each event in the Interaction Lifecycle includes the following block of metadata. By default, all values are set to false. As the user progresses through the lifecycle of a Callback interaction, these values will be updated.

The metadata block contains boolean state flags, counters, timestamps, and elapsed times. These values can be used to track and identify trends or issues with callback interactions. During run-time, the metadata can help you offer a smart and dynamic experience to your users.


Name Type Description Introduced / Updated
proactive boolean Indicates Callback was offered and accepted proactively.
prefilled boolean Indicates the form was prefilled with info automatically.
autoSubmitted boolean Indicates the form was submitted automatically, usually after being prefilled.
errors array/boolean An array of error codes encountered after submitting the form. If no errors, this value will be false.
form object An object containing the form parameters when the form is submitted.
opened integer (timestamp) Timestamp indicating when Callback was opened.
started integer (timestamp) Timestamp indicating when the user started entering information into the form.
cancelled integer (timestamp) Timestamp indicating when the callback request is cancelled. Cancelled refers to when a user abandoned the interaction by closing Callback before scheduling a callback.
completed integer (timestamp) Timestamp indicating when the callback request was sent successfully.
closed integer (timestamp) Timestamp indicating when Callback was closed.
elapsed integer (milliseconds) Total elapsed time in milliseconds from when the user started entering information to when the user cancelled or completed the interaction.

This page was last edited on September 26, 2018, at 19:59.
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