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Section: interaction-workspace
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: When the session is started or restarted.

Specifies if the voice channel should be forced to its former status when an agent marks the voice interaction as Done while the voice channel is in After Call Work status.

Web Services and Applications Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
09/25/19 Hot Fix X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release includes only resolved issues.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Workspace Web Edition

The following scenario no longer causes After Call Work to be cancelled:

  1. The value of the voice.cancel-after-call-work-on-done option was set to true.
  2. An Outbound campaign call has a planned Reschedule set, but the rescheduled time is incorrect (for example, it occurs in the past).
  3. An agent marks the Outbound campaign call as Done.

Now, After Call Work is not cancelled and the agent cannot mark the call as Done until the reschedule time is fixed. Previously, the After Call Work was incorrectly cancelled even if the Mark Done operation failed due to the invalid reschedule operation. (HTCC-30723)

The angle bracket characters, < and >, are now correctly sent from the Chat interaction view. Previously these characters were sent as their equivalent HTML characters: &lt; and &gt; (HTCC-30720)

When the From Address column is configured to be displayed in the My History, Contact History, and Interaction Search views, the email address is now displayed in the From Address field for related interactions as well. Previously, the related interaction fields were empty. (HTCC-30702)

Japanese characters can now be correctly entered into fields in the Contact Information view. (HTCC-30693)

Web Services API

The ConfigServer read timeout in platform configuration API requests is now configurable through application.yaml's platformConfigurationReadTimeout option. (HTCC-30719)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 15, 2023, at 23:09.
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