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The Privileges section displays a list of all privileges that are stored in Genesys Administrator Extension (GAX). It is sorted in a hierarchy by application and privilege grouping.

You can sort the items in the list by clicking a column head. Clicking a column head a second time reverses the sort order. You can add or remove columns by clicking the Select Columns button.

The Privileges section contains the following information:

  • Display Name—The name of the privilege
  • Since Version—The first version of the installation package that uses this privilege
  • Prerequisite—Any other privilege that might be required

Roles and their privileges define what you can do in a given application. In GAX, roles and their privileges are controlled by the use of Role objects, which are assigned to Users (including Agents) and Access Groups.

For a sectioning of role privileges for GAX, refer to the Genesys Administrator Extension Deployment Guide. For more information about role privileges specifically, and role-based access control in general, refer to the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.

Privileges are imported into GAX during the upload of an installation package (IP). All privileges defined in the metadata of the IP are imported into the GAX database. Privileges are defined as "task" elements in the metadata XML of the IP.

Click Browse to add privileges from the Privileges panel. To remove a privilege from the Assigned Privileges list, highlight the item, and click Remove.

This page was last edited on May 28, 2020, at 04:47.
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