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Knowledge Center Cluster Configuration Options


Option Name Description Value
Section: cross-origin
CORS Filter Configuration allowedOrigins A comma separated list of origins (for example, instrumented web sites) allowed to access the Knowledge Center. If an allowed origin contains one or more "*" characters (for example http://*.domain.com) then "*" characters are converted to ".*". Characters "." are converted to "\.". Thus obtained allowed origin can be interpreted as a regular expression. Default value: "*"

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Section: cms.cluster

Configuration of the Knowledge Center CMS Cluster.

Database connection URL dbConnectionUrl Database connection string for the selected persistent storage. Examples:
for Microsoft SQL: jdbc:sqlserver://[host of MS SQL server]:[port of MS SQL server; 1433 by default];databaseName=[CMS DB name]
for Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:[userName]/[password]@[host of Oracle DB]:[port of Oracle DB; 1521 by default]:[SID. for example ORCL] or jdbc:oracle:thin:@//[host of Oracle DB]:[port of Oracle DB; 1521 by default]/[Service Name]
for PostgreSQL: jdbc:postgresql://[host of PostreSQL server]:[port of PostreSQL server; 5432 by default]/[CMS DB name]
Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Database user password dbPassword Password for user for access JDBC database. Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Database user name dbUsername Name of user for access JDBC database. Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Storage type type Type of persistent storage provider used for Knowledge Center CMS repository. Default value: mssql

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:
[+] mssql
[+] oracle
[+] postgre
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Section: cms.general
Connection to CMS load balancer externalURL Public URL that is used to access the CMS directly or via load balancer (like http://<cms host>:<CMS default port>/gks-cms). This URL will be used to build the link on the attachments in knowledge documents. Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Approval flow default value approvalFlow.default (Introduced in 9.0.003)

Default value for approval flow in knowledge bases.

Default value: standard

Value Type: enumerated type
Valid Values: standard, simple

Changes Take Effect: at start/restart
Named entities synchronization delay ne.synchro.delay (Introduced in 9.0.004.xx)

Delay for named entities synchronization from CMS to GKS in minutes.

Default value: 30

Value Type: integer
Valid values: any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Section: translation
API key key Translation service API key. Key is provided by translation provider and required as part of request authentication to API. Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Translation service type Defines translation service provider used by Knowledge Center CMS. Default value: none

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:
[+] none
[+] google
[+] microsoft
[+] yandex
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Section: general
Time to live for session sessionTtl Specifies the length of time that the server will store session information while no activities are carried out. Default value: 8h

Value Type:regular expression [^[0-9]*(ms|m|h|d|w)]
Valid values: number + unit, for example, 1d or 3m. Supported units: d (days), m (minutes), h (hours), or w(weeks)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Folder name for knowledge bases knowledgebaseFolder Name for folder in \"Script\" in Tenant in Configuration for storing Knowledge Base definitions for particular Knowledge Center Cluster. Default value: knowledge

Value Type:regular expression [^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$]
Valid values: Any non-empty alpha-numeric string

Changes Take Effect: After restart
Section: index
Number of replicas in historical index historyNumberOfReplicas Number of copies of historical index. Copies of index help to improve read performance and tolerate lost data nodes. On the other hand they consume your disc space. Default value: 1

Value Type:integer

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Number of shards in historical index historyNumberOfShards Number of shard (parts) that each historical index is divided into. Please follow Elasticsearch recommendations and projected load to estimate number of shards required. Default value: 1

Value Type:integer
Valid values: Any integer greater than 1 and less than 10 inclusively. Takes effect for new indexes only, settings of existing historical indexes will not be changed.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Index namespace namespace Namespace constant used as the prefix in the name of Elasticsearch indexes to ensure no naming conflict will arise while using the same Elasticsearch cluster for other tasks (including 2 independent Knowledge Center clusters)", Default value: default

Value Type:regular expression [^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$]
Valid values: Any alpha-numeric string
Changes Take Effect: After restart

History segment format historySegmentFormat History segment format as Java date Default value: yyyy-MM

Value Type: string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Section: reporting
IP geo location mode geo Determine the precision of IP geo location algorithm. Default value: CITY

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:
[+] OFF
[+] CITY
[+] IP

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time to live ttl Specifies the length of time that records will be stored in the history. Default value: 365d

Value Type:regular expression [^[0-9]*(ms|m|h|d|w)]
Valid values: number + unit, for example, 1d or 3m. Supported units: d (days), m (minutes), h (hours), or w(weeks)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Kibana provisioning kibana.provision Enable Kibana provisioning with dashboards and visualization. Default value: true

Value Type: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Overwrite Pulse Templates pulse.provision Enable Pulse provisioning with predefined templates. Default value: true

Value Type: Boolean

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Section: search
Using NLP at analysis useNlp Enables/disables NLP processing against indexing data and search queries Default value: true

Value Type: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Number of documents in result numberOfAnswers Number of documents returned as the result of search operation (if other not specified directly in request) Default value: 6

Value Type:integer
Valid values: Any integer greater than 0
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Trending period trendingPeriod Number of the days from now that is document usage is analyzed for to show trending knowledge documents (the documents having most attention during the recent period). Default value: 10

Value Type:integer

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Access to public knowledge privilege.can-access-public Enables/disables access to public knowledge for agents (authorized user). If set to true, agents able to access both public and private knowledge bases. If set to false, all agents have access to private knowledge bases only unless agent is granted special privilege" Default value: true

Value Type:Boolean

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Words per minute rate wordsPerMin Default words per minute rate that is used as basis in reading time calculation. Default value: 160

Value Type:integer
Valid values: Any integer greater than 0

Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Section: configuration
Applying NED modifications interval reindexNedInterval (Introduced in 9.0.004.xx)

Defines time between operations of applying modifications of NED for improving search.

Default Value: 120s

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Feedback classification interval feedbackClassificationInterval (Introduced in 9.0.004.xx)

Defines time interval between operations of classifying feedback information.

Default Value: 1d

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Valid Values: any positive integer plus h, m, s or d to indicate hours, minutes, second or days
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Update document rating interval updateRatingInterval (Introduced in 9.0.004.xx)

Defines time interval for performing document rating update.

Default Value: 1h

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Valid Values: any positive integer plus h, m, s or d to indicate hours, minutes, second or days
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Agent refresh interval usersRefreshInterval Defines the time interval in which information about agents is cached in memory. The larger the interval, the fewer the requests sent to configuration server, but it will take more time (up to specified interval) to get recently updated information from Configuration Server. Default value: 120s

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Valid values: any positive integer plus h, m, s or d to indicate hours, minutes, second or days
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Business attributes refresh interval attributesRefreshInterval Defines time interval that information about business attributes (languages, media type) is cached in memory. The larger the interval, the fewer the requests sent to configuration server, but it will take more time (up to specified interval) to get recently updated information from Configuration Server. Default value: 120s

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Valid values: any positive integer plus h, m, s or d to indicate hours, minutes, second or days
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Skills refresh interval skillsRefreshInterval Defines time interval that information about skills is cached in memory. The larger the interval, the fewer the requests sent to configuration server, but it will take more time (up to specified interval) to get recently updated information from Configuration Server. Default value: 120s

Value Type: regular expression [^[0-9]*(s|m|h|d)]
Valid values: any positive integer plus h, m, s or d to indicate hours, minutes, second or days

Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Section: security
Authorization scheme auth-scheme Specifies the HTTP authentication scheme used to secure REST API requests to the Knowledge Server. With the Basic scheme, clients must be authenticated with a user ID and password.
Applies to: Genesys Knowledge Center Server
Default value: none

Value Type:enumerated type

Valid values:
[+] basic
[+] none

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Password password The user password used in authentication for the REST API.
Applies to: Genesys Knowledge Center Server.
Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

User ID user-id The user identifier (login) used in authentication for the REST API.
Applies to: Genesys Knowledge Center Server.
Default value: <empty>

Value Type:string

Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Section: kibana
Enable/disable Kibana enabled Configuration of Kibana component Default value: false

Value Type: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Path to kibana proxy base_path Path to mount Kibana for running it behind a proxy. It is important to enter exactly the value of "/gks-server/kibana" with no tailing slash. Exactly at this point knowledge server exposes its entry point for proxying kibana. Default value: ""

Value to enable proxy "/gks-server/kibana"
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Kibana protected (internal) host host Specifies the host to which GKS will redirect Kibana proxy calls. IP addresses and host names are both valid values. Default value:

Recommended value: Hostname or IP address of Kibana instanse
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Enable/disable connection to external Kibana external Enabling or disabling use of external Kibana for reporting. Default value: false

Value Type: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

Port of external Kibana instance. port Specifies the port to which GKS will redirect Kibana proxy calls. Default value: 5601

Recommended value: valid port of external Kibana instanse

Changes Take Effect: At start/restart
Section: agent-can-see
Access to the query history from the Knowledge Center WDE Plug-in. history Enables/disables access to conversation history. If set to true, agents are able to access the history from the Agent UI. Default value: true

Value Type: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: At start/restart

This page was last edited on May 27, 2021, at 16:11.
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