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Automatic Provisioning during installation

During the installation of Genesys Knowledge Center Server and Genesys Knowledge Center CMS from the Installation Package, the Installation Wizard will automatically apply some minimal necessary provisioning actions for Configuration Server objects.

Provisioning during installation

The provisioning tool will take care of the following configuration details:

  • Environment
    • create "selfservice" media type in Business Attributes
    • add language code to the English language
  • Server or CMS application
    • check if application connected with Application Cluster object
    • define default ports (if they are not defined)
    • copy tenants from the cluster object (if they are not configured explicitly)
    • ensure that internal options are properly initialized

Provisioning tool

The provisioning tool is found in the following location:

  • For Genesys Knowledge Center Server:
    <path to installation folder>\server\tools\provisioning
  • For Genesys Knowledge Center CMS:
    <path to installation folder>\tools\provisioning

In this folder you will find logs with provisioning results in file provisioning.log

If everything is correct, the following results will appear (below is an example from Genesys Knowledge Center Server):

Provisioning script is started with the following arguments: 
[--host, host, --port, 2020, --app, Knowledge_Center_Server, --user, user --password, pa, --all, --product, server]

Command-line arguments, used for the connection to Configurations server and provided by Installation Wizard.

[4503] Connected to ConfigServer 'confserv' at host 'host', port 2020

Connection to Configuration Server.

Starting configuration thread
Configuration thread started.
Starting configuring application
Configuration init successfully completed.

Information messages.

Application [Knowledge_Center_Cluster] is configured to work with [2] tenant

Tool get cluster's tenants

Start provisioning of application [Knowledge_Center_Server] on CfgServer [host:2020]
Process LANGUAGE target ...
English in tenant 1 already has language defined [en]
English in tenant 101 already has language defined [en]

Check if, at minimum, the English language (with code en) was created in configured Tenants. If not, languages will be auto-configured. For more information, see Configuring Languages.

Process MEDIATYPE target ...
MediaType [selfservice] already exists in tenant 1. Leave it.
MediaType [selfservice] already exists in tenant 101. Leave it.

Check if selfservice media exists in configured Tenants. If not, selfservice Media Type is auto-created.

Process APPLICATION target ...
Knowledge_Center_Server_902 has the same tenants as the Cluster application Knowledge_Center_Cluster_902

The tool then checks if the Cluster and Server applications have the same set of tenants.

Setting Knowledge_Center_Server_902/CFGKnowledgeCenter ports
[default] has been set already [5600]
[clustering] has been set already [9152]
[kibana] has been set already [5601]

Check if the necessary ports are configured in the application. If not, the port is auto-configured (in other words, a port is added and default values are set).

Provisioning script has finished work. Result: SUCCESS



In IP mode, provisioning cannot interact with the Installation Package in any other way than returning an error code. This means that in a case of configuration issues we can write a report in the local folder, but cannot communicate to the user any errors or warnings in any other way than "failed IP installation".

This page was last edited on November 2, 2018, at 18:37.
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