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Installing the Workspace Desktop Edition Plugin

Installing the Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition

Agents can use the Knowledge Center Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition (WDE) to access knowledge-related information right from their desktop. For example, if a customer asks a question using a chat widget and the corresponding interaction is routed to an agent, Knowledge Center can execute a pre-populated search based on data attached to the new interaction, as well as displaying the customer's search history and providing the agent with full access to the knowledge base access. And if the customer has not authorized during their search, the agent can link their session history to that customer's ID to access their full history while working with the interaction. To use this plugin complete the procedures below, in order.

Installing the Plugin for Workspace Desktop Edition


Workspace Desktop Edition must be installed and configured to work with voice or media interactions.


  1. In your installation package, locate and double-click the setup.exe file. The Install Shield opens the welcome screen.
    Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Install Shield Screen
  2. Click Next. The Select Installed Application screen appears.
  3. Select the installed Workspace Desktop Edition Application for which you want to install the plugin. The Application Properties area shows the Type, Host, Working Directory, Command Line executable, and Command Line Arguments information previously entered in the Server Info and Start Info tabs of the selected Application object.
    Select Installed Workspace Desktop Edition Application
  4. Click Next. The Ready to Install screen appears.
    Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Ready to Install
  5. Click Install. The Genesys Installation Wizard indicates it is performing the requested operation for Backend Server. When through, the Installation Complete screen appears.
    Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Installation Complete
  6. Click Finish to complete your installation.
  7. Inspect the directory tree of your system to make sure that the following files have been installed in the location that you intended:
  • GWEInstallationFolder\Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Knowledge.dll
  • GWEInstallationFolder\Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Knowledge.module-config
  • GWEInstallationFolder\Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Knowledge.pdb
  • GWEInstallationFolder\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • GWEInstallationFolder\RestSharp.dll
  • GWEInstallationFolder\System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll
  • GWEInstallationFolder\Language\Genesyslab.Desktop.Modules.Knowledge.en-US.xml


Configuring the WDE Application to work with the WDE Plugin

To run the WDE plugin correctly, the local storage must be enabled in Internet Explorer on the host with the WDE client application. To verify this, open Settings > Internet Options then click the Advanced tab > Security. Confirm that “Enable DOM-Storage” is checked. If it is not, click the check box and then save your updated settings.

Add the Knowledge Center Cluster to Your WDE Connections

  1. If your Workspace Desktop Edition application form is not open in Genesys Administrator, navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Applications. Select the application defined for the Workspace Desktop Edition and click Edit....
  2. In the Connections section of the Configuration tab, click Add. The Browse for applications panel opens. Select the Knowledge Center Cluster application, then click OK.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Browse for applications 1
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Browse for applications 2

Add Knowledge Center Options to Your WDE Application

To use the Knowledge Center Plugin for WDE, you need to add some options to your WDE application so that it can gather knowledge-related information from incoming interactions. You can add these options to the the interaction-workspace section of the WDE application.


  1. Import the template with the additional options:
    1. Open Genesys Administrator and navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Application Templates.
    2. In the Tasks panel, click Upload Template.
    3. In the Click 'Add' and choose application template (APD) file to import window, click Add.
    4. Choose the application template (APD) file from the import window and click Add.
    5. Browse to the Knowledge_Center_WDE_Plugin.apd file available in the templates directory of your installation CD. The New Application Template panel opens.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—New Application Template panel
    1. Click Save and Close
  1. Open the Options tab of the uploaded application and review the new options.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Options tab of uploaded application
  1. Navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Applications. Select the application defined for Workspace Desktop Edition and click Edit....
  2. Open the Options tab.
  3. Add the plugin options to the interaction-workspace section using the New button.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Add plugin options


The Knowledge Center Plugin for WDE uses the following additional options:

Section Option Default value Allowed values Description Takes effect
interaction-workspace gkc.question gks_question any valid user data key Interaction user data key that contains search query that will be pre-populated in Desktop Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.kbid gks_kbid any valid user data key Interaction user data key containing the knowledge base Id to search knowledge in Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.customer EmailAddress any valid user data key Interaction user data key that contains customer identification (for example email address of the customer) Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.session gks_session any valid user data key User data key that contains knowledge session Id associated with the interaction Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.language gks_lang, Language comma-separated list of valid user data keys Interaction user data key that contains language of interaction

This option can contain a comma-separated ordered list of keys. for example "gks_lang, Language"; in the case of several keys in the attached data, the first key in the list is used

Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.country Country any valid user data key Interaction user data key that contains a region of interaction (used for multi-regional languages, for example en_US, en_UK) Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.spellcheck false true


Enables or disables spell check correction of the searched query Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.send-document false true


Allows agents to push a link to the document into the chat session transcript by clicking the Send Document button Next agent session
interaction-workspace gkc.extended-filters-view false true


Allows you to display type labels for custom attributes in an applied filter

Introduced in:

Next agent session

Providing Knowledge Center Access to Agents

Genesys Knowledge Center supports the following privilege in order to restrict Agent access:

  • Knowledge.WORKER — Enables access to the Genesys Knowledge Center tab in WDE
  • Knowledge.AUTHOR — Enables ability to suggest new knowledge to knowledge bases.

To configure the appropriate role for an agent:


  1. Go to Provisioning > Environment > Application Templates.
  2. Select the application template defined for Workspace Desktop Edition and click Edit....
  3. Click Import Metadata.
  4. Click Add and select the Knowledge_Center_WDE_Plugin.xml file.
  5. Click Open.
  6. Information from the metadata file will be added to the template and the appropriate privilege will be added into the framework.
  7. Save and Close.
  8. Go to Provisioning > Accounts > Roles.
  9. In the taskbar click New to create a new object.
  10. Set the name of the role in the General section.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Set Role Names
  1. Go to the Role Privileges tab, and select the set of roles for Genesys Knowledge Center.
  2. Open the WDE Knowledge Center Plugin privileges list and select the Genesys Knowledge Center Privileges section.
  3. Create the appropriate privileges as allowed.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Create Privileges
  1. Go back to the Configuration tab.
  2. Add the appropriate Agent to the Members section by clicking the Add button.
Knowledge Center WDE Plugin—Members Section
  1. Save and Close.


This page was last edited on March 20, 2023, at 12:02.
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